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[PGT] San Jose Sharks at Vancouver Canucks // December 23, 2023


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45 minutes ago, Sativika said:


This team most certainly could use a star goal breaker power forward.  As mentioned of our cap space or lack thereof; it does prevents us from acquiring such. Hypothetically speaking if we could though, who do y'all think would fit the bill? 


I agree about Pods possibly being that guy though. Pods has shown in the past that the north/south game is what he's about. It's great that he gets the opportunity in Abby to work out the kinks in his game. The ice time he's getting there is gonna do him a world of good; build his confidence and fine tune things. As far as anyone in our prospect/project group that can be that player, in my mind, Pods is it!



Yea. He's a very likeable dude to be sure. 


I don't think many NHL players have a negative attitude per se. There are some whiners and complainers, ( I think we touched on a few in the past and recently!) but all in all, I think most buy into the concept of hope.


I mentioned this earlier in another thread but boy, Kuzy's English is indeed BAD. Not so much his English speaking skills, more so his grasp and poor understanding of what's being communicated to him in English as evident in that interview. Direct to the point with economy of words; just like RT, "He's gotta forecheck!"


Was great and humourous to hear Kuzy admit his shortcomings regarding the English language and how bad his is!


Yea. I like Kuz. I really hope we keep him around.




I dunno, man. Petey is exceptional. He's a keeper to be sure. But he does seem to be struggling somewhat lately compared to the start he had. 


Okay, lately he does seem to fall a lot. Not a bit. A lot! I wouldn't know as to why. However I do know there's no secret anymore of the kind of impact player he is for us. That part of the Canuck attack can be squashed somewhat by keying in on Petey; clutching, grabbing, double teamed, physical play, and whatever else opposing teams do to wear out your top player.


Dude could be nursing a minor, nagging physical ailment, but Petey seems not the type to indulge any of that info to the media or the general public at large. He soldiers on like a good professional. I also surmise that he's not the type to take maintenance days. Cuz' quite simply, dude wants to play! 


Hmmmm........maintenance days. I know coaches call a day off from practise as a maintenance day. But aren't they actually game days off? I mean it wouldn't look good to fans, media to say this guy or that guy is just taking a day off for rest. No sir! Perhaps that's what, "taking time off for personal reasons," really means. 


Hmmmmm.................Petey needs to take time off for personal reasons. And Huggy, Hronek to follow!🤪

All that said. He could have had a 5-6 point night with a little luck. He had a great offensive game and not an ideal defensive game. It happens. 

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2 hours ago, stawns said:


Which Benning trades are you referring to where he did that?

Im talking more so about signings. 

We were talking about what the cost for signing Petey would be and how PA would know at what point to walk away and entertain offers.. 


For example, a lot of us wanted Miller traded when rumors were floating around he was looking for 10.5+. He then signed for 8 and a lot of us who were on the trade Miller train was fine with him staying. 

Same thing for Petey. I'm sure PA will sign him for what is right or trade him if he can't

Edited by CanucksJay
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4 hours ago, Barnstorm said:

I love Tyler on our team. Sure, he has moments but they just stand out more because of his size. lol. 

Him and Garland will be worth their weight in Christmas pudding come the playoffs. You watch , they will rise up to the occasion.



another team myers... 😍

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4 hours ago, arsenalian said:

I think it’s mostly fatigue. It’s a long season and lots of stars start to dip before Christmas and again before the all-star break. Also, he doesn’t have to be playing at superstar status as the wins are coming and the team is in a great position. If we lost two games in a row, suddenly you’ll see the leaders step their game back up, out of necessity. At the moment it’s not necessary and good to pace for a long season and get ready for (hopefully, don’t want to jinx it) playoff hockey.

his hands are too connected to his brain right now... if he can figure out how to creatively dangle and just let his juices flow he would be the best player in the game,its the only thing holding him back IMO... you often dont see him make huge cuts or power moves to the outside, we need him to train with zegras and bedard in the offseason

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2 hours ago, CanucksJay said:


All of PAs moves have been well calculated and deliberated upon.

One of Benning's flaws is that when he wants a player, he gets him whatever the cost may be. Like a kid in the candy store. 


I used to think Benning knowing what he wants and getting it was a good thing but am soon realizing that along with a lean eye for talent, discipline is required in order to construct a team in a cap era world

This is very true. 
I will add, a bit of luck is needed as well. 
There were definitely a few times, where Benning didn't have the luck required. 
Flat cap from covid being one of them...

I mention this, as I can see some folks already calculating with severely rising cap for salaries to players. While that is very likely, we never know, what is around the corner. We can easily be caught out, and we do not want to be over paying players. 
Petey is unique in many ways, but we have two players, who can both center a top line. 
If we have to find a 2C inorder to stay cap prudent, so be it... there are way too many unknowns and possibilities to blow the entire budget on one player. 
JR has been around the block a few times, and I am sure, he knows exactly how much he has available for each line. 

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1 hour ago, Hairy Kneel said:

Can't remember 

But it almost started a scrap lol

He hit Zetterlund in the mid rib section and can't remember, who it was at the end of the game. But he looked well up for it...

Yes we finally have a D, that the opponent will 'feel' during and after the game. 

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4 hours ago, WHL rocks said:

I put them on my ignore list.


You can go to your account setting and add the name to your ignore list. Then you don't see anything they post.  


Click on the 3 vertical lnes top right corner of your home page > Account > Ignored Users > add the users name you want to ignore (username) > click all the options you wish to ignore from user ie posts, messages, mentions etc. > Add User


Voila, Fini les messages ennuyeux !!!




thats what people do with me Ha ha.

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1 hour ago, John.Tallhouse said:


this is actually very impressive photoshop with connor... thats not ez to do... of course i am not an artist, but i do have to edit alot of chatGPT's photo's using adobe and i spend roughly an hour creating one image.... some less some more... the burning gingerbread man was like 6 images combined into one using layers, and i had to create the violence myself, because they dont do that kind of stuff... I was actually banned for trying to trick chatgpt into creating R rated images, but they just randomly unbanned me likely because I create so much content with them and i give them free advertising...

I actually screwed it up and should have added the christmas story Lamp... i think ill fix it...


I fixed it.

Edited by MidKnight Ego
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