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11 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

The Bible doesn’t say Noah took two animals of every species. It says he took two animals of every “kind” when translated. That makes a huge difference. Also, he didn’t need to take any sea creatures or other animals that would have survived the flood. 

The Bible states that Noah’s cargo was limited to land-dwelling animals, in which was the breath of life (Genesis 7:15). 


Recent historical data shows that there are roughly 1,400 kinds of current and extinct land dwelling animals, which means that Noah cared for roughly 6,800 animals in total. 

According to the Bible, the Ark was measured 300x50x50 cubits, which is a volume of 1.88 million cubic feet. All of the animals, food, storage and supplies would have fit comfortably on the Ark. 


According to the Bible, Noah’s Ark was a safe haven for representatives of all kinds of air breathing land animals and flying creatures. During the year long Flood, Noah and his family of 7 other people took care of feeding, watering and cleaning up after thousands of animals. 

That is a rough volume of 356 cubic miles, larger than some small cities. And 8 people total took care of 6800 individual animals. Modern farms and zoos can't do that kind of work with such a small amount of people....

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1 hour ago, RupertKBD said:


The bible is fiction.


Do you honestly believe Noah wrangled two of every species of animal we see today onto a 500 ft boat?


Did he make a pilgrimage to Australia to pick up Kangaroos, Wallabys and Emus? What about Penguins? Yaks? Snow Leopards.


How did he keep the lions and tigers from eating all the herbivores?

how many translations has the bible had? ever translate something three different times while playing the game telephone... some area may have been misinterpreted poorly...

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16 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

I have no idea. I haven’t read this book. Was Trump the 45th President of the United Stars, or is that not true? 

You're splitting hairs here mate.


You know full well that the bible is an amalgamation of historically remembered stories going back almost 6000 years to before the time of gilgamesh.


This is the issue with your argument.  You're adamant and unwavering insistence on it being factual yet the picking and choosing of what is or is not factual within it leaves you open to endless amounts of questions about the validity of the book itself.  This is depending on which issue we're talking about.  Then we have to understand the numerous re-writings and adaptations in the dark and middle ages in which the church was the source of supreme and unwavering power and many re-writings were written to keep the peasants in line with the threat of eternal damnation and a respect for their betters.


For you to sit smugly and presume to insist that a book full of historical stories remembered and retold going back over 6000 years is true and accurate is about as believable and factual as Trumps insistence there is evidence he lost the election and is in fact as tall and fit as he says he is.


It doesn't wash mate.


The fundamental issue in all of this is how it highlights how easily mislead or fooled people are in to anything that conforms to their beliefs. 


ie; adam and eve were the first because it had to start somewhere


When the actual scientific proof is that if adam and eve were the titular first humans we'd all be so interbred as to be babbling puddles of goo covered in our own waste licking slime off of rocks for sustenance never understanding why the webs in our feet had migrated to our eyelids 17 generations daddy nephsons ago.




Genesis 4:17 And Cain Knew His Wife, except the only woman on earth was Eve at that point in time.  His own mother.


The thing is.  Using regimented religion as a way of living is a serious flaw and directly against the teaching of the most original of tellings of the bible.  Yet here we sit with an individual insisting that the regimented version of fairy tales told over 6000 is the right one yet somehow still discounting that scientology, pastafarianism or even my stated and created religion a page or two ago is not.


All while holding the highest levels of hypocrisy with an abject level of idolotry by naming his avatar after a sports star in a feat of basic worship.


It just doesn't wash mate.  If that book in all its tellings are real I am ever so glad that I know I will never starve with the full understanding someone will believe I can translate the word of god while staring in to a hat in a cabin near Utah

Edited by Warhippy
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6 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Yes of course. Didn’t it all start with Adam and Eve?  I mean I guess you had to start with one man and one woman and go from there right? 

So no other species of humanity? No Neanderthal, etc? Humanity literally just popped up out of the dirt one day, and started inbreeding? Where did the wives of Cain and Abel come from?

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15 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

The Bible doesn’t say Noah took two animals of every species. It says he took two animals of every “kind” when translated. That makes a huge difference. Also, he didn’t need to take any sea creatures or other animals that would have survived the flood. 

The Bible states that Noah’s cargo was limited to land-dwelling animals, in which was the breath of life (Genesis 7:15). 


Recent historical data shows that there are roughly 1,400 kinds of current and extinct land dwelling animals, which means that Noah cared for roughly 6,800 animals in total. 

According to the Bible, the Ark was measured 300x50x50 cubits, which is a volume of 1.88 million cubic feet. All of the animals, food, storage and supplies would have fit comfortably on the Ark. 


According to the Bible, Noah’s Ark was a safe haven for representatives of all kinds of air breathing land animals and flying creatures. During the year long Flood, Noah and his family of 7 other people took care of feeding, watering and cleaning up after thousands of animals. 


And where did he get the kangaroos? Amazon?


Also, maybe you could explain the difference between species and "kind" of animal. I am unfamiliar with that taxonomic designation.

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i dont know... if EP is deserving of all this attention... this is the God Thread, not the bible thread, not the church thread not the religion thread... and certainly not the ask EP anything about his views on his religion thread... quickly turning into torch and pitchforks... im not even religious but feel the need to defend against the needless questions of his choice to believe a  personal modified version of how he interprets the book and hot to apply the message in 2023

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12 minutes ago, Jester13 said:


That's not an answer. How does the bible prove God exists with evidence?

The thing is you haven’t provided anything contrary to what I am stating. So instead of being the one asking all the questions and trying to make me the one who has to prove something that 5 billion other people also believe to be true, I need you to start doing some research and providing me with actual factual evidence that the Bible is a fake book full of fiction and that God doesn’t exist. 

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1 minute ago, Dankmemes187 said:

i dont know... if EP is deserving of all this attention... this is the God Thread, not the bible thread, not the church thread not the religion thread... and certainly not the ask EP anything about his views on his religion thread... quickly turning into torch and pitchforks... im not even religious but feel the need to defend against the needless questions of his choice to believe a  personal modified version of how he interprets the book and hot to apply the message in 2023


Such an important distinction....


Thing is, EP is claiming that the existence of the bible "proves" the existence of God. When you make a statement like that, you can expect to be challenged on it.

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2 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

The thing is you haven’t provided anything contrary to what I am stating. So instead of being the one asking all the questions and trying to make me the one who has to prove something that 5 billion other people also believe to be true, I need you to start doing some research and providing me with actual factual evidence that the Bible is a fake book full of fiction and that God doesn’t exist. 


Just because something hasn't been proven false, it doesn't mean that it is proven true.....

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16 minutes ago, Dankmemes187 said:

how many translations has the bible had? ever translate something three different times while playing the game telephone... some area may have been misinterpreted poorly...


There's no doubt about it...


Ergo, it is loaded with fiction.

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2 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


Such an important distinction....


Thing is, EP is claiming that the existence of the bible "proves" the existence of God. When you make a statement like that, you can expect to be challenged on it.

but you can choose to to not engage, are you trying to change his mind? because he has asked many times for people to provide evidence to do so... if your goal is to change their mind i think you should play by their rules... if you have motives to prove you are right i think its just piling on needlessly... so try another way

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4 minutes ago, Dankmemes187 said:

i dont know... if EP is deserving of all this attention... this is the God Thread, not the bible thread, not the church thread not the religion thread... and certainly not the ask EP anything about his views on his religion thread... quickly turning into torch and pitchforks... im not even religious but feel the need to defend against the needless questions of his choice to believe a  personal modified version of how he interprets the book and hot to apply the message in 2023

I think I triggered around 10 non believers, so in typical CDC fashion they come after you like flies on shit.  At the end of the day, some things never change. We even got our token Trump post in this thread. It’s all complete now. All we need is for a few of us to get banned and the mission will be accomplished.  🤣


In all seriousness, I don’t mind debating with my friends here. Problem is when it’s 10 on 1 it’s gets difficult to continue the debate.  Maybe some other God believers would like to jump in. If not, I think I’ve said my piece and I’m done for awhile. 

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2 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

I think I triggered around 10 non believers, so in typical CDC fashion they come after you like flies on shit. 


17 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Hasn't the most fundamental tenet of organized religion been about attention seeking?

I mean....

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Just now, Elias Pettersson said:

I think I triggered around 10 non believers, so in typical CDC fashion they come after you like flies on shit.  At the end of the day, some things never change. We even got our token Trump post in this thread. It’s all complete now. All we need is for a few of us to get banned and the mission will be accomplished.  🤣


In all seriousness, I don’t mind debating with my friends here. Problem is when it’s 10 on 1 it’s gets difficult to continue the debate.  Maybe some other God believers would like to jump in. If not, I think I’ve said my piece and I’m done for awhile. 

My friend, I'll say again I have a great respect for your belief in your god and your ability to weather this storm. We share almost zero beliefs, and yes I will challenge yours when I feel they're beyond my ability to believe - I would honestly expect you to do the same with mine. Good on you, sir, for standing fast

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10 minutes ago, Dankmemes187 said:

but you can choose to to not engage, are you trying to change his mind? because he has asked many times for people to provide evidence to do so... if your goal is to change their mind i think you should play by their rules... if you have motives to prove you are right i think its just piling on needlessly... so try another way


It's virtually impossible to prove something doesn't exist.


I can't "prove" that centaurs don't exist, but the absence of such proof doesn't "prove" that they do exist. This is what he has been claiming. He has also been claiming the number of people that believe in God is further proof of his existence. Another incorrect assertion.


I get the desire to defend your brother in arms, as it were, but if the two of you were just saying that you believe despite the lack of proof, then we'd not be having this discussion and Petey and I would not be having our debate.


But this is a discussion forum. When someone makes a claim that is blatantly false....and considering the claim infers that my status as a non-believer makes me "wrong", then I will usually engage. I'm sorry if it looks like the two of you are being ganged up on, but that's what happens when your opinion is not shared by the majority. I experienced the same thing last season at the Trade Deadline, when I wanted to tank and get a shot a Bedard.

Edited by RupertKBD
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10 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

The thing is you haven’t provided anything contrary to what I am stating. So instead of being the one asking all the questions and trying to make me the one who has to prove something that 5 billion other people also believe to be true, I need you to start doing some research and providing me with actual factual evidence that the Bible is a fake book full of fiction and that God doesn’t exist. 


I guess you're not actually willing to learn why the logic you use is faulty then? 


When someone makes a positive claim, such as the bible proves God exists, it's up to that person to prove it with evidence, not the other way around. Otherwise, I could say to you that my dog can do complex math equations with a pen and paper, but I don't have to prove she can but rather you need to prove that she can't.

Can you see why this is unreasonable?

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i want to he

Just now, Elias Pettersson said:

I think I triggered around 10 non believers, so in typical CDC fashion they come after you like flies on shit.  At the end of the day, some things never change. We even got our token Trump post in this thread. It’s all complete now. All we need is for a few of us to get banned and the mission will be accomplished.  🤣


In all seriousness, I don’t mind debating with my friends here. Problem is when it’s 10 on 1 it’s gets difficult to continue the debate.  Maybe some other God believers would like to jump in. If not, I think I’ve said my piece and I’m done for awhile. 

i want to help, but it seems disengenous i believe... all i can speak is to my belief everything else is just maybe a poorly displayed fashion of interpretation.

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3 minutes ago, Jester13 said:


I guess you're not actually willing to learn why the logic you use is faulty then? 


When someone makes a positive claim, such as the bible proves God exists, it's up to that person to prove it with evidence, not the other way around. Otherwise, I could say to you that my dog can do complex math equations with a pen and paper, but I don't have to prove she can but rather you need to prove that she can't.

Can you see why this is unreasonable?


It's absolutely mind boggling to me the amount of times that I've seen this obvious fact have to be explained....

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2 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


Uh, Petey.....if we're the flies, what does that make you....:classic_unsure:

You see, this is why I hate debating you Rupert. Because I know eventually you are going to come back with a post like this that will make me eat my words and walk away like a wounded f*cking animal. 🥺


I will walk away in shame but return to fight another day. I promise. 😊

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3 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


It's absolutely mind boggling to me the amount of times that I've seen this obvious fact have to be explained....


It's certainly unfortunate, but it does show the exact moment when an illogical mind pivots and runs away - if only free will was real and they could choose otherwise and rebel against their indoctrinated mind and practice logic. 

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