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18 minutes ago, Dankmemes187 said:

i have already explained my reasoning for things, but they are not inclusive of all i might believe...another one is that maybe god if they are human form, just designed earth with basic life but had no intentions for the mutations, or maybe gods son was playing with his design and the reason he was sent to earth because he must experience the turmoil he created... do i believe any of this no... but i believe it more than god isnt real cause evil things exist...


But that wasn't the question.


If he is real, why does he allow something like this to happen to an innocent child?

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9 hours ago, Foamys Ghost said:

We're pretty sure they weren't written by their eponymous apostles because the apostles didn't speak or write Koine Greek, which is the original language in which the gospels were written.  There are entire books written by historians on this subject if you'd like to know more.

You are indeed correct in stating that the gospels, the four that were chosen, Mark written sometime between AD 66 - 70 

Matthew and Luke AD 85 - 90 

John AD 90 - 110, were indeed written in Greek.

Koine Greek was the language in a Jewish Christian community in the territory occupied by Roman forces that we now call Syria.



Most historians agree they were not written by eyewitness. 


And these were the gospels that were chosen at the Council of Nicea AD 325, and later confirmed at the council of Carthage AD 397. 


Many were discarded.


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42 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


But that wasn't the question.


If he is real, why does he allow something like this to happen to an innocent child?


Whether a god exists or not I ask myself these questions about the suffering of children.


Just F#cking why 


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2 hours ago, Foamys Ghost said:

I'm a scientist.  To me, nothing is absolute.  I keep an open mind that we might find more data to improve our knowledge of the history of the Bible.  Here are some other things I'm pretty sure of:

- the earth orbits the sun (or more precisely, the earth and sun orbit a common point somewhere within the sun itself).

- we landed on the moon

- the earth is an oblate spheroid, not a disc.


That the gospels were written as I stated is the accepted answer as far as biblical historians can tell.


Which branch of science do you specialise in, if you don't mind me asking ?

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55 minutes ago, Ilunga said:

You are indeed correct in stating that the gospels, the four that were chosen, Mark written sometime between AD 66 - 70 

Matthew and Luke AD 85 - 90 

John AD 90 - 110, were indeed written in Greek.

Koine Greek was the language in a Jewish Christian community in the territory occupied by Roman forces that we now call Syria.



Most historians agree they were not written by eyewitness. 


And these were the gospels that were chosen at the Council of Nicea AD 325, and later confirmed at the council of Carthage AD 397. 


Many were discarded.



The only gospel that didn't have direct input from one or other of the apostles was Luke, who instead interviewed scores of eyewitnesses. 

By the way, Mark was the lad who wriggled out of his cloak to escape the clutch of the Roman soldier at Gethsemane. 

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3 minutes ago, Inkidu said:


The only gospet that didn't have direct input from one or other of the apostles was Luke, who instead interviewed scores of eyewitnesses. 

By the wayt, Mark was the lad who wriggled out of his cloak to escape the clutch of the Roman soldier at Gethsemane. 


Most historians/ scholars state the gospels were not eyewitness accounts, written by eyewitness.


Having studied comparative religion for over 40 years, I am willing to accept their conclusion.

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15 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


Most historians/ scholars state the gospels were not eyewitness accounts, written by eyewitness.


Having studied comparative religion for over 40 years, I am willing to accept their conclusion.


Averaging out the conclusions of men rarely, if ever, yields truth. 

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2 hours ago, Playoff Beered said:


You said previously souls chose their life, so yes you are supposed to be OK with that. Last I checked the Roman Catholic Church does no believe in reincarnation, so you are no Roman Catholic. All you are doing is grabbing whatever you like and discarding what you don't, and then judging others under the banner of the Roman Catholic Church. 

Actually you are wrong. A lot of Roman Catholics I know believe in reincarnation. A lot of Roman Catholics I know are okay with abortion as well. Just because they choose to be different in their thought process over a couple of issues doesn’t disqualify them from the religion. I have lots of friends that are divorced. They still go to church. Just because they are divorced which is against the religion doesn’t mean they are disqualified from being a Roman Catholic. 

And who exactly am I judging?  I personally don’t care what people do. I only pointed out what I believe is right and what I believe is wrong. That’s not judging. 

Edited by Elias Pettersson
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5 hours ago, Warhippy said:

You're splitting hairs here mate.


You know full well that the bible is an amalgamation of historically remembered stories going back almost 6000 years to before the time of gilgamesh.


This is the issue with your argument.  You're adamant and unwavering insistence on it being factual yet the picking and choosing of what is or is not factual within it leaves you open to endless amounts of questions about the validity of the book itself.  This is depending on which issue we're talking about.  Then we have to understand the numerous re-writings and adaptations in the dark and middle ages in which the church was the source of supreme and unwavering power and many re-writings were written to keep the peasants in line with the threat of eternal damnation and a respect for their betters.


For you to sit smugly and presume to insist that a book full of historical stories remembered and retold going back over 6000 years is true and accurate is about as believable and factual as Trumps insistence there is evidence he lost the election and is in fact as tall and fit as he says he is.


It doesn't wash mate.


The fundamental issue in all of this is how it highlights how easily mislead or fooled people are in to anything that conforms to their beliefs. 


ie; adam and eve were the first because it had to start somewhere


When the actual scientific proof is that if adam and eve were the titular first humans we'd all be so interbred as to be babbling puddles of goo covered in our own waste licking slime off of rocks for sustenance never understanding why the webs in our feet had migrated to our eyelids 17 generations daddy nephsons ago.




Genesis 4:17 And Cain Knew His Wife, except the only woman on earth was Eve at that point in time.  His own mother.


The thing is.  Using regimented religion as a way of living is a serious flaw and directly against the teaching of the most original of tellings of the bible.  Yet here we sit with an individual insisting that the regimented version of fairy tales told over 6000 is the right one yet somehow still discounting that scientology, pastafarianism or even my stated and created religion a page or two ago is not.


All while holding the highest levels of hypocrisy with an abject level of idolotry by naming his avatar after a sports star in a feat of basic worship.


It just doesn't wash mate.  If that book in all its tellings are real I am ever so glad that I know I will never starve with the full understanding someone will believe I can translate the word of god while staring in to a hat in a cabin near Utah


Did you actually type that out yourself or did you use AI for it?  🤣


The only person I worship is my God. Don’t ever forget that mate…

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4 hours ago, Dankmemes187 said:

i cant really respond to this although i disagree with some of what you say and agree with alot of it... but the major thing is im not convinced that "God" is human form and when i experienced god or a spirit in my life it was through intense and sudden emotion changes and clarity of mind while alone and pleading for help.l.. but i have bi-polar so it could just be a mood change caused by parts of my brain misfiring due to chemical imbalance from the stress i was under... which is why i think god as many people experience is a part of our built in instincts, that kick in when needed most... it fits my narrative and helps me believe the things i realized in the moment hold meaning


You touch on an important hypothesis (and I hope no one takes this the wrong way): religious thinking is a defense mechanism for mental health issues - one of many, I might add, as addiction is another coping mechanism.


Having said this, coping mechanisms are not proof that God exists. They are merely evidence of ways our species has evolved to cope with environmental and genetic stressors/traumas in life. 

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2 hours ago, Ilunga said:


Whether a god exists or not I ask myself these questions about the suffering of children.


Just F#cking why 



Have you given any thought to the theory of reincarnation and karma?


If I understand the concepts correctly, a person will suffer consequences in a subsequent life for crimes/sins he/she committed in a previous life.


If, for instance, Adolph Hitler was reincarnated as a child with a deadly, painful disease, is it cruel or is it a just punishment?

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8 minutes ago, UnkNuk said:


Have you given any thought to the theory of reincarnation and karma?


If I understand the concepts correctly, a person will suffer consequences in a subsequent life for crimes/sins he/she committed in a previous life.


If, for instance, Adolph Hitler was reincarnated as a child with a deadly, painful disease, is it cruel or is it a just punishment?


As I have stated, I have studied comparative religion/s for over forty years and this encompasses spiritual beliefs such as reincarnation and Karma.


When I was younger Buddhism kinda appealed to me, especially the idea of Karma.

However as I have grown older, the idea of Karma in this particular incarnation is a crock.

Bad Sh!t happens to good people, good things happen to bad people. 


I used to believe that bad Sh!t happened less to those who I define as good.

The experiences of the last decade of my life has diasbused me of this belief. 


As for reincarnation, is there a suitable punishment for a person like Hitler regarding reincarnation ?

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6 hours ago, Dankmemes187 said:

i cant really respond to this although i disagree with some of what you say and agree with alot of it... but the major thing is im not convinced that "God" is human form and when i experienced god or a spirit in my life it was through intense and sudden emotion changes and clarity of mind while alone and pleading for help.l.. but i have bi-polar so it could just be a mood change caused by parts of my brain misfiring due to chemical imbalance from the stress i was under... which is why i think god as many people experience is a part of our built in instincts, that kick in when needed most... it fits my narrative and helps me believe the things i realized in the moment hold meaning

It sounds like you believe in something akin to "the God of Spinoza" as Einstein put it:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baruch_Spinoza#:~:text=Spinoza's metaphysics consists of one,"%2C or "Nature".

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7 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

The Bible doesn’t say Noah took two animals of every species. It says he took two animals of every “kind” when translated. That makes a huge difference. Also, he didn’t need to take any sea creatures or other animals that would have survived the flood. 

The Bible states that Noah’s cargo was limited to land-dwelling animals, in which was the breath of life (Genesis 7:15). 


Recent historical data shows that there are roughly 1,400 kinds of current and extinct land dwelling animals, which means that Noah cared for roughly 6,800 animals in total. 

According to the Bible, the Ark was measured 300x50x50 cubits, which is a volume of 1.88 million cubic feet. All of the animals, food, storage and supplies would have fit comfortably on the Ark. 


According to the Bible, Noah’s Ark was a safe haven for representatives of all kinds of air breathing land animals and flying creatures. During the year long Flood, Noah and his family of 7 other people took care of feeding, watering and cleaning up after thousands of animals. 

If Noah only took 1400 "kinds" of animals then how do we account for the estimated 6.5 million species of land animals that exist today? 

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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Actually you are wrong. A lot of Roman Catholics I know believe in reincarnation. A lot of Roman Catholics I know are okay with abortion as well. Just because they choose to be different in their thought process over a couple of issues doesn’t disqualify them from the religion. I have lots of friends that are divorced. They still go to church. Just because they are divorced which is against the religion doesn’t mean they are disqualified from being a Roman Catholic. 

And who exactly am I judging?  I personally don’t care what people do. I only pointed out what I believe is right and what I believe is wrong. That’s not judging. 


You were born Roman Catholic and the other ones you speak of were also born RC, or maybe converted, but if you don't follow the religion as the RC Church wants you to, then according to the RC Church, yes you are disqualified from being an RC. Going against their doctrine you might even get excommunicated. They don't allow you to just believe stuff you want to incorporate into the religion, like reincarnation or abortion.


As for the judging, you are right, I should not have written that, apologies.

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3 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


This is my Ex's sister 




We used to have some great discussions.

Sounds promising.  Not a lot of detail in the news release.  I'll have to read the paper in Nature Communications to see the details.  Really just being published there is an accomplishment.

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7 minutes ago, Playoff Beered said:


You were born Roman Catholic and the other ones you speak of were also born RC, or maybe converted, but if you don't follow the religion as the RC Church wants you to, then according to the RC Church, yes you are disqualified from being an RC. Going against their doctrine you might even get excommunicated. They don't allow you to just believe stuff you want to incorporate into the religion, like reincarnation or abortion.


As for the judging, you are right, I should not have written that, apologies.


First off takes a honest person to apologise, and do it publicly, big time respect.


As for the rest, my mother's congregation has divorcees as members.

One girl had an abortion according to my mother when she was alive.

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29 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


First off takes a honest person to apologise, and do it publicly, big time respect.


As for the rest, my mother's congregation has divorcees as members.

One girl had an abortion according to my mother when she was alive.

Yes, divorce and abortion is fine, all you have to do is repent,😉,and you're good to go. However saying you believe in reincarnation or you believe it's OK to have an abortion or counsel someone to have one, you are out.

Edited by Playoff Beered
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