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8 minutes ago, Playoff Beered said:

Yes, divorce and abortion is fine, all you have to do is repent and you're good to go. However saying you believe in reincarnation or you believe it's OK to have an abortion or counsel someone to have one, you are out.

But don't you see that's the beauty of Catholicism.

You f#ck up, say you're sorry and it's all good.

Plus you get a matchbox car from your parents after confession. 

We didn't have many toys.


Seriously I while I don't believe in rituals, I acknowledge that we make mistakes.

We have to own our mistakes, that is the first step on the path to not making the same mistakes again. 


Confession is just a religious persons version of this. 


I do like Alexander Pope as a satirist and Poet. 


His quote 

" To err is human, to forgive is divine " 


When the meaning of the word divine is as an informal adjective,

Very pleasing, delightful 

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38 minutes ago, Foamys Ghost said:

It sounds like you believe in something akin to "the God of Spinoza" as Einstein put it:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baruch_Spinoza#:~:text=Spinoza's metaphysics consists of one,"%2C or "Nature".

earlier i mentioned the big bang and how i didnt like how it misrepresents time the way its worded, so i believe how that the cree tell their story how when walking in the clouds they see some lush ground through a tiny dark spec (this is what i interpret as the tear in the wall of the 4th dimension) and as they "slowly walk " (time would be very slow) the lush land gets larger and larger before they finally arrive... i believe the majority of what is taught about spirituality and how we are in charge of our own destinations and responsible for our actions... and that we must find our own way, (trust in yourself) and its best to lead by our own exemplary actions... that we must help people when they are in need or when we have much to share (which is why im upset at billionaires how they choose to take and share only to avoid being admonished)


this is not the story i heard as the cree im friends with are from, northern alberta and i believe would be considered a part of the woodland cree... but this is similar


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36 minutes ago, Playoff Beered said:

Yes, divorce and abortion is fine, all you have to do is repent,😉,and you're good to go. However saying you believe in reincarnation or you believe it's OK to have an abortion or counsel someone to have one, you are out.

My mom was a devout Roman Catholic who made sure that her children always attended church on Sundays and catechism on many Saturdays. After having 6 children followed by two miscarriages her doctor warned her that another pregnancy could kill her. She went to her priest to ask his “permission” to go on birth control and was denied. She realized that popping out little catholic children was more important to the church than her life and left, never to return.


Birth control was a sin. Abortion would have got you excommunicated.


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27 minutes ago, 4petesake said:

My mom was a devout Roman Catholic who made sure that her children always attended church on Sundays and catechism on many Saturdays. After having 6 children followed by two miscarriages her doctor warned her that another pregnancy could kill her. She went to her priest to ask his “permission” to go on birth control and was denied. She realized that popping out little catholic children was more important to the church than her life and left, never to return.


Birth control was a sin. Abortion would have got you excommunicated.


Excommunicated just means censured, I think you can be re-communicated?




Under current Catholic canon law, excommunicates remain bound by ecclesiastical obligations such as attending Mass, even though they are barred from receiving the Eucharist and from taking an active part in the liturgy (reading, bringing the offerings, etc.). "Excommunicates lose rights, such as the right to the sacraments, but they are still bound to the obligations of the law; their rights are restored when they are reconciled through the remission of the penalty."[37]

These are the only effects for those who have incurred a latae sententiae excommunication. For instance, a priest may not refuse Communion publicly to those who are under an automatic excommunication, as long as it has not been officially declared to have been incurred by them, even if the priest knows that they have incurred it.[38] On the other hand, if the priest knows that excommunication has been imposed on someone or that an automatic excommunication has been declared (and is no longer merely an undeclared automatic excommunication), he is forbidden to administer Holy Communion to that person[39] (see canon 915).

In the Catholic Church, excommunication is normally resolved by a declaration of repentance, profession of the Creed (if the offense involved heresy) and an Act of Faith, or renewal of obedience (if that was a relevant part of the offending act, i.e., an act of schism) by the excommunicated person and the lifting of the censure (absolution) by a priest or bishop empowered to do this. "The absolution can be in the internal (private) forum only, or also in the external (public) forum, depending on whether scandal would be given if a person were privately absolved and yet publicly considered unrepentant."[40]




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excommunication_in_the_Catholic_Church#:~:text=Those under major excommunication are,them is null and void.


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Just now, Playoff Beered said:

Yes you can, they really want you back in the church. This was back in the 60’s though so it was much more difficult than reciting a few Hail Marys while rubbing your rosary beads.

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1 hour ago, Playoff Beered said:


You were born Roman Catholic and the other ones you speak of were also born RC, or maybe converted, but if you don't follow the religion as the RC Church wants you to, then according to the RC Church, yes you are disqualified from being an RC. Going against their doctrine you might even get excommunicated. They don't allow you to just believe stuff you want to incorporate into the religion, like reincarnation or abortion.


As for the judging, you are right, I should not have written that, apologies.

No worries my friend. I have family members who are very active in the Catholic Church. My brother in law’s brother is a priest. My aunt worked for the Catholic Church for decades.  She used to invite the priests over for dinner all the time.  I had many conversations with these priests. Including about abortion, reincarnation, sex before marriage, divorce, etc. 


Not once has a priest ever told me that if you didn’t follow the Bible and the scriptures verbatim that you would get kicked out of the church. That simply isn’t true. The Catholic Church is more open now than it ever has been. 

The biggest example of this is homosexuality. The Roman Catholic Church has always forbidden homosexuality. No way any openly gay person could have ever been a part of the Church previously. Never mind anyone in the LBGTQ+ community.  It has always been this way from the beginning. 

Well, now as time has passed things have changed. 



Same with women in the Catholic Church. 



The Pope now welcomes everyone into the Catholic Church, even members of the LGBTQ+ community. He also says women can now work in the church and has changed the laws for this.  He is also more accepting of people who are divorced and remarried. 


In a document on family life, Francis urges priests to be more accepting of divorced or remarried Catholics and to welcome single parents and LGBT people.


I can guarantee you that if a woman had an abortion she would not get kicked out of the Catholic Church. 

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2 hours ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

If Noah only took 1400 "kinds" of animals then how do we account for the estimated 6.5 million species of land animals that exist today? 

The Bible says that God told Noah to take on the Ark two of every kind of animal, and seven pairs of the clean animals and flying creatures.


Was every species on the Ark? No. Species is a term used in the modern classification system. The Bible uses the term “kind.” The created kind was a much broader category than the modern term of classification, species.


A good rule of thumb is that if two things can breed together, then they are of the same created kind. 

There can be a tremendous amount of variation within a created kind. For example, various types of dogs, such as wolves, dingoes, coyotes, jackals, and domestic dogs, can often breed with one another. When dogs breed together, you get dogs; so there is a dog kind.

Recent studies estimate the total number of living and extinct kinds of land animals and flying creatures to be 1,398. With our “worst-case” scenario approach to calculating the number of animals on the Ark, this would mean that Noah cared for 6,744 animals.

Edited by Elias Pettersson
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47 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Not once has a priest ever told me that if you didn’t follow the Bible and the scriptures verbatim that you would get kicked out of the church. That simply isn’t true. The Catholic Church is more open now than it ever has been. 

The biggest example of this is homosexuality. The Roman Catholic Church has always forbidden homosexuality. No way any openly gay person could have ever been a part of the Church previously. Never mind anyone in the LBGTQ+ community.  It has always been this way from the beginning. 


I can guarantee you that if a woman had an abortion she would not get kicked out of the Catholic Church. 

I never suggested that anyone would be expected to do that, but now that you mention it, that would land allot of people in jail really fast if you do what some of the scriptures say. But seriously that's not what I meant or believe at all.


You might be wrong about the bolded, the early Greek and Roman christians?...


The Christian tradition has generally prohibited all sexual activities outside of sexual intercourse.[34] This includes activities engaged in by couples or individuals of either the same or different sexes.[34] The Catholic Church's position specifically on homosexuality developed from the teachings of the Church Fathers, which was in stark contrast to Greek and Roman attitudes towards same-sex relations, including pederasty.[35][36][37]





Of course she won't get kicked out, she just needs to confess, repent et voila, all good again.

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33 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

The Bible says that God told Noah to take on the Ark two of every kind of animal, and seven pairs of the clean animals and flying creatures.

Recent studies estimate the total number of living and extinct kinds of land animals and flying creatures to be 1,398. With our “worst-case” scenario approach to calculating the number of animals on the Ark, this would mean that Noah cared for 6,744 animals.




Animals on the Ark


Recent studies have estimated that Noah may have cared for 1,398 kinds of land-dwelling animals and flying creatures. This includes all living and known extinct animals. Using a “worst-case scenario” approach in our calculations, there would have been 6,744 land animals and flying creatures on the Ark. 


Seriously dude this is all info from a highway attraction in Kentucky...


https://arkencounter.com/animals/how-they-fit/#:~:text=Recent studies have estimated that,flying creatures on the Ark.





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18 minutes ago, Playoff Beered said:

I never suggested that anyone would be expected to do that, but now that you mention it, that would land allot of people in jail really fast if you do what some of the scriptures say. But seriously that's not what I meant or believe at all.


You might be wrong about the bolded, the early Greek and Roman christians?...





Of course she won't get kicked out, she just needs to confess, repent et voila, all good again.


Haha, yes of course, if you ever f*ck up in the Catholic Church then you can just confess your sins away.  Which is why I said they would never kick you out of the church.  


The homosexuality part I confess I do not know the exact timelines so I would believe what is being said there.  And yes, if I followed the Bible verbatim I'd be doing life in prison right now...   😐

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13 minutes ago, Playoff Beered said:


Ark Encounter are probably the biggest experts on Noah's Ark.  They even have a life-sized Ark you can go on.  That Ark is sized according to the measurements in the Bible, so you could definitely fit 7,000 land animals in there...

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23 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Ark Encounter are probably the biggest experts on Noah's Ark.  They even have a life-sized Ark you can go on.  That Ark is sized according to the measurements in the Bible, so you could definitely fit 7,000 land animals in there...

Especially if it were just DNA samples for cloning at a later date... 

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5 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Ark Encounter are probably the biggest experts on Noah's Ark.  They even have a life-sized Ark you can go on.  That Ark is sized according to the measurements in the Bible, so you could definitely fit 7,000 land animals in there...


whats the cost to enter?

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6 hours ago, 6YPE said:

Especially if it were just DNA samples for cloning at a later date... 


That adds a cool twist.


If we were more advanced than mainstream history teaches us, then a lot of these stories could be considered. 

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I know, he gets punched in the head for a living but still, this is what some athletes with a platform have to say...

Midnight Mania! Enraged Bryce Mitchell goes to war with gravity, evolution: ‘A lie from Satan!’



Aside from his rock solid beliefs and reasons, I bet you can guess what his political opinions are...

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7 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Ark Encounter are probably the biggest experts on Noah's Ark.  They even have a life-sized Ark you can go on.  That Ark is sized according to the measurements in the Bible, so you could definitely fit 7,000 land animals in there...

How’d the animals from Australia make it over?


The Polar bears? Emperor Penguins? 

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4 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

I know, he gets punched in the head for a living but still, this is what some athletes with a platform have to say...

Midnight Mania! Enraged Bryce Mitchell goes to war with gravity, evolution: ‘A lie from Satan!’



Aside from his rock solid beliefs and reasons, I bet you can guess what his political opinions are...


"density" :picard:

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2 hours ago, Bob Long said:


whats the cost to enter?


It's $100 to go on the Ark and see the museum.  The Ark is life sized.  It is 510 feet long, 51 feet high and 85 feet wide with 3 decks.  Once you see the real sized Ark you will understand that you can fit 7,000 land animals on there easily.  Here is a Youtube video of Noah's Ark...



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44 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

How’d the animals from Australia make it over?


The Polar bears? Emperor Penguins? 


Two of every kind.  We don't know if a Polar Bear was even on the Ark.  Also, did Australia exist at the time?  According the Bible, there was only one continent at the time of the flood.  Also, according to the Bible, the animals came to Noah, not the other way around.  It's all in the book of Genesis...

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