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The God Thread


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1 minute ago, Alflives said:

Sure. But to those who have this kind of faith they likely would find the “fairy tales” comment insulting. But, yes, same as the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy. Or the Invisible Man. Or Kermit the Frog. The not real stuff.

Don't you be saying Kermit ain't real. Them's fightin' words

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1 minute ago, Foamys Ghost said:

So if something bad happens, like terminal childhood bone cancer, you are saying blame the victim because they chose to go that way.  If they died without accepting the Christian God they are not only dead, but choosing eternal damnation on purpose.  Sorry, I'm not buying it.


Next you say you are opposed to abortion because a soul arrives at conception.  But didn't the soul that arrives at conception already choose that death before conception?  You said they choose their fate.


I don't think you are drunk, just having to work far too hard to justify a God for which there is no empirical evidence and for whom the theoretical existence is extremely dubious.


The child that has terminal bone cancer is not the victim.  It is the life they chose before they entered this earth.  The soul chose to come to earth and to experience bone cancer and the suffering it would cause to grow the soul and to make it stronger once it returns to its real home, which is the afterlife with God.  Again, you are confusing pain and suffering on this earth with a soul that has already made its choices before its arrival to earth.  What happens on earth doesn't matter in the afterlife, it is only lessons to grow the soul.  When that child dies, it is only the human flesh that has died, the soul is fully intact without any pain and returns to the afterlife with God as a more complete and fulfilled soul with lessons learned.


I am opposed to abortion because abortion disrupts the soul from entering this earth, the soul is fully alive at conception, as soon as you see and feel the heartbeat.  This is what a Roman Catholic believes, I am not expecting you to believe it.  I am not working hard at all to justify my God, I have had this type of conversation with many people throughout my whole life.  You think this is the first time I have had this discussion?

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4 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


I am opposed to abortion because abortion disrupts the soul from entering this earth, the soul is fully alive at conception, as soon as you see and feel the heartbeat.  This is what a Roman Catholic believes, I am not expecting you to believe it.  I am not working hard at all to justify my God, I have had this type of conversation with many people throughout my whole life.  You think this is the first time I have had this discussion?

But conception is pretty well before there's a heartbeat.

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7 minutes ago, StrayDog said:

Hang on a second. The soul predetermined how it's life will play out? But it's wrong to have an abortion because it is killing the soul? I thought souls couldn't die. And what it that soul chose to die by abortion? It wouldn't be any different than that soul choosing to die by miscarriage.


The soul itself does not die.  A soul can never die.  The human body dies that is attached to the soul.  What happens is the abortion blocks the soul from entering the earth, so doesn't give it a chance to actually live a life and learn the lessons it needed to learn before it goes back to the afterlife. 


A soul wouldn't choose to leave the earth by abortion because it would not even have had a chance to enter the earth and live its predetermined life...

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Just now, Elias Pettersson said:


The soul itself does not die.  A soul can never die.  The human body dies that is attached to the soul.  What happens is the abortion blocks the soul from entering the earth, so doesn't give it a chance to actually live a life and learn the lessons it needed to learn before it goes back to the afterlife. 


A soul wouldn't choose to leave the earth by abortion because it would not even have had a chance to enter the earth and live its predetermined life...

That doesn't explain all the souls that chose to die in the womb aside from abortion though.

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8 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


The child that has terminal bone cancer is not the victim.  It is the life they chose before they entered this earth.  The soul chose to come to earth and to experience bone cancer and the suffering it would cause to grow the soul and to make it stronger once it returns to its real home, which is the afterlife with God.  Again, you are confusing pain and suffering on this earth with a soul that has already made its choices before its arrival to earth.  What happens on earth doesn't matter in the afterlife, it is only lessons to grow the soul.  When that child dies, it is only the human flesh that has died, the soul is fully intact without any pain and returns to the afterlife with God as a more complete and fulfilled soul with lessons learned.


I am opposed to abortion because abortion disrupts the soul from entering this earth, the soul is fully alive at conception, as soon as you see and feel the heartbeat.  This is what a Roman Catholic believes, I am not expecting you to believe it.  I am not working hard at all to justify my God, I have had this type of conversation with many people throughout my whole life.  You think this is the first time I have had this discussion?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you seem to be implying that you don't have to be a Christian to go to heaven.  Just learn lessons in your life.

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25 minutes ago, Foamys Ghost said:

If your God is all powerful and all loving cancer wouldn't exist.

who said god was all loving all the time? do you just regurgitate what ever is the hot anti god sentiment without doing your own study? to make your points true?


The term omnibenevolence refers to the idea that God is an all-loving being1234. According to Christian teaching, God proved his all-loving nature by sacrificing his only son, Jesus, to make up for humankind’s sins2. The Bible describes God as a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness1. God's loving nature is not merely an attribute, but part of his very makeup3. god admitted to his flaws by sacrificing his only son to teach the ways... so are you an expert on Christianity or do you have another explanation for this? even if the bible was built and religion made to control the population it still doesnt mean god doesnt exist... god didnt mail down the first issue it was written by man however some apparnetly were touched by god in a divine way... i dont know bout you but once i had some mushrooms and im pretty sure i talked to god too... and another time much more personal to me... anyways whats your motive behind spreading the word for god doesnt exist and why do you keep bringing up other religions when you do? are their religions valid? is it just christianity that is invalid?

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2 minutes ago, StrayDog said:

That doesn't explain all the souls that chose to die in the womb aside from abortion though.


This is true, and that is probably the one thing that I struggle with.  Not everything is perfect and I already mentioned in this thread that I am open to listening to the other side.  This is one example that you brought up that doesn't make sense to me.  Why did the baby die before the baby was born and the soul could not enter this earth to learn its lessons...


The only explanation I have is that it chose that route for some reason, even though it wasn't able to live on earth and learn its lessons, which of course doesn't make sense to me, but I am only one person and don't have all of the answers...

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5 minutes ago, Foamys Ghost said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you seem to be implying that you don't have to be a Christian to go to heaven.  Just learn lessons in your life.


Correct.  The afterlife is for everyone, even someone who is an atheist, or someone who commits murder.  There is only one God and one afterlife where we all return to, the religions on earth are just a way for people to differentiate themselves.  God, Allah, they are all one and the same being...

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1 minute ago, Elias Pettersson said:


This is true, and that is probably the one thing that I struggle with.  Not everything is perfect and I already mentioned in this thread that I am open to listening to the other side.  This is one example that you brought up that doesn't make sense to me.  Why did the baby die before the baby was born and the soul could not enter this earth to learn its lessons...


The only explanation I have is that it chose that route for some reason, even though it wasn't able to live on earth and learn its lessons, which of course doesn't make sense to me, but I am only one person and don't have all of the answers...

But if a soul can choose to die in the womb - by any other fashion - why is it only abortion that you claim the soul wouldn't choose? I'm not trying to disrespect, I just truly don't understand why that is the one that is the wrong choice for the soul to make. 


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Just now, Dankmemes187 said:

who said god was all loving all the time? do you just regurgitate what ever is the hot anti god sentiment without doing your own study? to make your points true?


The term omnibenevolence refers to the idea that God is an all-loving being1234. According to Christian teaching, God proved his all-loving nature by sacrificing his only son, Jesus, to make up for humankind’s sins2. The Bible describes God as a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness1. God's loving nature is not merely an attribute, but part of his very makeup3. god admitted to his flaws by sacrificing his only son to teach the ways... so are you an expert on Christianity or do you have another explanation for this? even if the bible was built and religion made to control the population it still doesnt mean god doesnt exist... god didnt mail down the first issue it was written by man however some apparnetly were touched by god in a divine way... i dont know bout you but once i had some mushrooms and im pretty sure i talked to god too... and another time much more personal to me... anyways whats your motive behind spreading the word for god doesnt exist and why do you keep bringing up other religions when you do? are their religions valid? is it just christianity that is invalid?

I disagree with your interpretation of the quote you provided.  It says "God proved his all-loving nature by sacrificing his only son, Jesus, to make up for humankind's sins".  It does not say he "addmitted to his flaws by sacrificing his only son".

You are correct that even if the bible and religion were built to control the masses it does not mean God doesn't exist.  It does, however mean that the bible can't be relied upon to be the word of God and that's all we have to go by in terms of what God (should he exist) wants of us.

As to my motive, honestly I'm searching for someone who can convince me rationally or empirically that God exists.  I would be very happy for someone to prove to me that God exists and there's an afterlife.  No luck yet, but I'll keep at it.  In the meantime, I'm going to point out what I see as lacking in the arguments of those who can't convince me.  I bring up other religions because there have been thousands of Gods imagined by mankind and there's no reason to think one exists when the others are imaginary nor is there any proof that any single one of the thousands exists.  I speak mostly about Christianity because that was what we in Canada were raised with.  I don't want to convince you that your God doesn't exist, as long as it brings you happiness and doesn't result in you trying to tell the rest of us how to live our lives.


As far as I can tell, no one religion is any more real than any of the others, be it Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Scientology or the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

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5 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Correct.  The afterlife is for everyone, even someone who is an atheist, or someone who commits murder.  There is only one God and one afterlife where we all return to, the religions on earth are just a way for people to differentiate themselves.  God, Allah, they are all one and the same being...

Sounds nice and quite different from all of the threats of wailing and gnashing of teeth I keep hearing about from other people.

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It was an ark.it was an ARK!😂... i believe in god and i do not not want to believe in heaven or hell, because im certainly going to the bad place... i do not understand god like christians do and its much more like how the cree believe in their creator... but im just making shit up like them and everyone else... something created this world this universe might as well call them god everyone else does...

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