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The God Thread


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4 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Be careful about using his name in vain. I wouldn’t want anything to happen up in Prince Rupert this weekend. It’s such a nice place to visit really.  😌


The old "Santa is watching you, you better be good" ploy.?

32 minutes ago, The Social Hermit said:

2 of every species of animal on the earth loaded onto a boat for 40 days …. Sounds plausible to me

300 cubits long

50 wide

30 high


"he cubit is an ancient unit of length based on the distance from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger. It was primarily associated with the Sumerians, Egyptians, and Israelites. The term… See more


about 18 inches or a foot and a half.


So all those animals, that couldn't swim, or fly, fit onto a ship approx 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 foot in height.

Edited by Gurn
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34 minutes ago, Inkidu said:

Yes, from a worldly perspective that's true. It's different if you know death is like walking through a door to a better world.


This right here is why people that think this way should never be anywhere near government making decisions for us in the now. They think this life is immaterial, because a better one is coming for them after because they "believe"

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Just now, Dankmemes187 said:

It was an ark.it was an ARK!😂... i believe in god and i do not not want to believe in heaven or hell, because im certainly going to the bad place... i do not understand god like christians do and its much more like how the cree believe in their creator... but im just making shit up like them and everyone else... something created this world this universe might as well call them god everyone else does...

Why does there need to be some kind of initial creator? We are here. Then we end. That’s it. Nothing more. 

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Just now, Alflives said:

For sure? Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John lived with Jesus the Christ, no? 

This is alleged to be true.  However, they did not write the gospels named after them.  They were written decades later:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gospel#:~:text=The Gospel of Mark probably,none were written by eyewitnesses.

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7 minutes ago, StrayDog said:

But if a soul can choose to die in the womb - by any other fashion - why is it only abortion that you claim the soul wouldn't choose? I'm not trying to disrespect, I just truly don't understand why that is the one that is the wrong choice for the soul to make. 



Like I said, I don't actually have the answer to that question, and it is something that I also struggle with.  To me, every soul should be born into the world and live the life it chose before it arrived.  It's predetermined life.  Why some souls choose to die in the womb I don't really know and don't have an answer to.  In terms of abortion, that is forced upon the soul to die, the soul did not make the choice for itself.  But why it "chooses" to in other scenarios, i.e. a miscarriage, I'm not entirely sure. 


Also, some babies die as soon as they are born and enter this earth.  My mother's first two children died right after they were born, one on the same day and one 10 days later.  Why did my brothers choose to die so soon?  I don't have the answer to that question.  But I wished they would have lived and I could have experienced this life with them...   😢

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3 minutes ago, Foamys Ghost said:

This is alleged to be true.  However, they did not write the gospels named after them.  They were written decades later:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gospel#:~:text=The Gospel of Mark probably,none were written by eyewitnesses.

Or maybe they did write those words and we don’t know for sure? It seems like it’s up in the air, no? 
If these are first hand accounts that (IMHAO) doesn’t support there is a God. It’s just good stories. 

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1 minute ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Like I said, I don't actually have the answer to that question, and it is something that I also struggle with.  To me, every soul should be born into the world and live the life it chose before it arrived.  It's predetermined life.  Why some souls choose to die in the womb I don't really know and don't have an answer to.  In terms of abortion, that is forced upon the soul to die, the soul did not make the choice for itself.  But why it "chooses" to in other scenarios, i.e. a miscarriage, I'm not entirely sure. 


Also, some babies die as soon as they are born and enter this earth.  My mother's first two children died right after they were born, one on the same day and one 10 days later.  Why did my brothers choose to die so soon?  I don't have the answer to that question.  But I wished they would have lived and I could have experienced this life with them...   😢

But why are you sure the soul didn't choose abortion? How is it being forced any more than dying in utero in a car wreck? Both of those deaths are forced upon the fetus

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29 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


The child that has terminal bone cancer is not the victim.  It is the life they chose before they entered this earth.  The soul chose to come to earth and to experience bone cancer and the suffering it would cause to grow the soul and to make it stronger once it returns to its real home, which is the afterlife with God.  Again, you are confusing pain and suffering on this earth with a soul that has already made its choices before its arrival to earth.  What happens on earth doesn't matter in the afterlife, it is only lessons to grow the soul.  When that child dies, it is only the human flesh that has died, the soul is fully intact without any pain and returns to the afterlife with God as a more complete and fulfilled soul with lessons learned.


I am opposed to abortion because abortion disrupts the soul from entering this earth, the soul is fully alive at conception, as soon as you see and feel the heartbeat.  This is what a Roman Catholic believes, I am not expecting you to believe it.  I am not working hard at all to justify my God, I have had this type of conversation with many people throughout my whole life.  You think this is the first time I have had this discussion?


Please point out the bible passage that says this.

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3 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Like I said, I don't actually have the answer to that question, and it is something that I also struggle with.  To me, every soul should be born into the world and live the life it chose before it arrived.  It's predetermined life.  Why some souls choose to die in the womb I don't really know and don't have an answer to.  In terms of abortion, that is forced upon the soul to die, the soul did not make the choice for itself.  But why it "chooses" to in other scenarios, i.e. a miscarriage, I'm not entirely sure. 


Also, some babies die as soon as they are born and enter this earth.  My mother's first two children died right after they were born, one on the same day and one 10 days later.  Why did my brothers choose to die so soon?  I don't have the answer to that question.  But I wished they would have lived and I could have experienced this life with them...   😢

And my sympathies for the loss of your brothers. I was supposed to have an older brother that never came to term

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11 minutes ago, Foamys Ghost said:

Sounds nice and quite different from all of the threats of wailing and gnashing of teeth I keep hearing about from other people.


Religion does that to people.  It divides and not unifies people.  Some take religion too literally and read the bible word for word as if every word needs to be followed.  Remember, the bible that we read now has probably been translated over several hundred times.  So what we read now is probably not the way it was written originally.  Also, alot of the passages and gospels in the bible are metaphors.  I mean did all those animals really get onto that Ark with Noah?  

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1 hour ago, Foamys Ghost said:

Why?  If God made it and it is bad/evil does not that imply God is not good/loving?  If God created the universe and is omniscient then He created childhood bone cancer, thus dooming that child to a painful death.  Some of those children were not Christian, thus they are doomed for eternity.  This sounds like an evil act to me.  Please explain how it isn't.

You can love something despite not being loving towards it at all times.


Besides, there could be no good without evil. No joy without tragedy.


Without evil, life would be full of apathy. Life would be... lifeless.

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 This I might be able to believe...

9 minutes ago, Foamys Ghost said:

I disagree with your interpretation of the quote you provided.  It says "God proved his all-loving nature by sacrificing his only son, Jesus, to make up for humankind's sins".  It does not say he "addmitted to his flaws by sacrificing his only son".

You are correct that even if the bible and religion were built to control the masses it does not mean God doesn't exist.  It does, however mean that the bible can't be relied upon to be the word of God and that's all we have to go by in terms of what God (should he exist) wants of us.

As to my motive, honestly I'm searching for someone who can convince me rationally or empirically that God exists.  I would be very happy for someone to prove to me that God exists and there's an afterlife.  No luck yet, but I'll keep at it.  In the meantime, I'm going to point out what I see as lacking in the arguments of those who can't convince me.  I bring up other religions because there have been thousands of Gods imagined by mankind and there's no reason to think one exists when the others are imaginary nor is there any proof that any single one of the thousands exists.  I speak mostly about Christianity because that was what we in Canada were raised with.  I don't want to convince you that your God doesn't exist, as long as it brings you happiness and doesn't result in you trying to tell the rest of us how to live our lives.


As far as I can tell, no one religion is any more real than any of the others, be it Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Scientology or the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

well i like what you said, and if you just said that from the beginning instead of going on and on how you can prove god doesnt exist by making up some idea based on your opinion i would have just said cool... i respect people who don't believe in god all the same... it was my feeling that you were acting from a place of malevolence, but i retract that sentiment... i mostly feel that the bible was used in a way to control the masses, there is a long standing history of the government and religious working together... but i dont believe that the governments made up religions and god... they have been here im assuming nearly since we could think and communicate amongst ourselves with self awareness... at first it was the sun we worshipped, but after god took many forms it just depends who tells the story... but what if not god created this universe? something created it. but how and why?

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2 minutes ago, Playoff Beered said:

That’s an opinion. It’s open to interpretation. IMHAO the Gospels are first hand accounts of Jesus the Christ’s life. But that doesn’t mean there is a God. All that means to me is there are some good stories (laced with hyperbole) from that era. 

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20 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Why does there need to be some kind of initial creator? We are here. Then we end. That’s it. Nothing more. 

Something cannot exist from nothing. That's why. Things just don't. Decide to happen. The world hasn't always been here. It too was spawned. But by what, I don't know. A lot of scientists like to call it The Big Bang. Which is nice I guess, but to me that doesn't mean very much because. What caused The Big Bang?

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9 minutes ago, StrayDog said:

But why are you sure the soul didn't choose abortion? How is it being forced any more than dying in utero in a car wreck? Both of those deaths are forced upon the fetus


I think you already asked about this question, and I did state that this is one thing that I don't really have the answer to.  Why does the soul choose to die in the womb?  I don't know the answer to that question which would obviously lead to the question you are asking about abortion...

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Just now, Dankmemes187 said:

Something cannot exist from nothing. That's why. Things just don't. Decide to happen. The world hasn't always been here. It too was spawned. But by what, I don't know. A lot of scientists like to call it The Big Bang. Which is nice I guess, but to me that doesn't mean very much because. What caused The Big Bang?

But then we're back to "What created God?"

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1 minute ago, Dankmemes187 said:

Something cannot exist from nothing. That's why. Things just don't. Decide to happen. The world hasn't always been here. It too was spawned. But by what, I don't know. A lot of scientists like to call it The Big Bang. Which is nice I guess, but to me that doesn't mean very much because. What caused The Big Bang?

Why can’t things exist from no start or nothing? The fact is we don’t know do it’s a personal choice. We can quote all the science we want but it’s all craperolla. We don’t know. It’s just like God. It’s a personal belief whether God exists or not. Can’t be proved. And IMHAO God can’t be disproved. 
Do I need to see a tree fall to accept it makes a noise? 
I just don’t get why some posters are so entrenched in their beliefs they can’t listen to what others are saying. 

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Just now, Elias Pettersson said:


I think you already asked about this question, and I did state that this is one thing that I don't really have the answer to.  Why does the soul choose to die in the womb?  I don't know the answer to that question which would obviously lead to the question you are asking about abortion...

 I did ask if before. Because I still want to know why only abortion is the wrong choice. Please understand I am trying to get my head around that one thing - your belief that a soul would choose to die in utero but it is "forced" upon the soul through abortion. I think it's really those two beliefs don't sync up for me and I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it. 

But I do want to thank you for expressing your belief, even if I can't easily agree with it.

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