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The God Thread


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3 minutes ago, Dankmemes187 said:

god is an idea a theory... since there is no 100% proof of his existence no one can prove he/they/it exists to you... however many people have felt or experienced god or at least thats how they justify it in their mind, in this way it exists 100% percent in these peoples minds... you can dismiss everything that these people experienced becuse its also not proof, but i assure you they do not see it this way...

Frome what I have seen in life thats a name people usr to something wr all have and I do not need to prive that or that the first word "God" means alien as that has been proven.

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Some good questions about religion...


If a hundred different religions have to be wrong for yours to be right, does this show that people from all over the world like to invent gods that don’t exist?


If your parents had belonged to a different religion, do you think you would belong to that religion too?


If people from the five major religions are told conflicting information by their respective gods, should any of them be believed?


Why are Churches filled with riches when Jesus asked his followers to give their wealth away?



Should an instruction to convert to your religion upon the threat of eternal torture in hell be met with anything other than hostility?


Can a mass murderer go to heaven for accepting your religion, while a kind doctor goes to hell for not?


Did the mass murdering Crusaders and Inquisitors make it into the Christian heaven?




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12 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


The onus is on you to prove Tinkerbell doesn't exist.  You are outnumbered by 4 to 1.  You know the 72% that believe Tinkerbell exists.  You are in the minority and may have vision problems too...


Here in Canada you are outnumbered 54% to 46%. It gets much worse for you in Sweden at 82% to 18%!

So at least in these two countries it’s on you to prove that Tink is real by this logic.

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Just now, Playoff Beered said:

Some good questions about religion...


If a hundred different religions have to be wrong for yours to be right, does this show that people from all over the world like to invent gods that don’t exist?


If your parents had belonged to a different religion, do you think you would belong to that religion too?


If people from the five major religions are told conflicting information by their respective gods, should any of them be believed?


Why are Churches filled with riches when Jesus asked his followers to give their wealth away?



Should an instruction to convert to your religion upon the threat of eternal torture in hell be met with anything other than hostility?


Can a mass murderer go to heaven for accepting your religion, while a kind doctor goes to hell for not?


Did the mass murdering Crusaders and Inquisitors make it into the Christian heaven?




The so called Devil was first know as the savior of man.


So why if he saved mankind why is he evil?

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3 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


The onus is on you to prove Tinkerbell doesn't exist.  You are outnumbered by 4 to 1.  You know the 72% that believe Tinkerbell exists.  You are in the minority and may have vision problems too...


This is called an "argumentum ad populum" fallacy, also known as the "appeal to popularity" or "bandwagon fallacy." This fallacy occurs when someone argues that a belief or claim is true or valid solely because a large number of people believe it or because it's popular. To argue that the minority position must prove the non-existence of something simply because they are outnumbered is unreasonable. The burden of proof should be on the people making the positive claim. If you disagree, can you explain why you disagree?

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Yah , the pursuit of god.... has done so much good....


MISSION — An investigation into Indigenous children who never came home from residential schools by B.C.’s Stó:lō Nation has revealed at least 158 deaths, most of them at a hospital.



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1 minute ago, Playoff Beered said:

While religion has caused much suffering and much death, that statement is not factual.

Actually it is.


Go back to WW2 and before that.Every war was religious as they got the people on their side with religious beliefs.


The biggest slaughtering in history was all religious based.

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4 minutes ago, Jester13 said:


This is called an "argumentum ad populum" fallacy, also known as the "appeal to popularity" or "bandwagon fallacy." This fallacy occurs when someone argues that a belief or claim is true or valid solely because a large number of people believe it or because it's popular. To argue that the minority position must prove the non-existence of something simply because they are outnumbered is unreasonable. The burden of proof should be on the people making the positive claim. If you disagree, can you explain why you disagree?

jester is right this is true... but i didnt mention it because it seems some people are having outside motives to have this discussion... and are trying to create a mockery of some

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9 minutes ago, cripplereh said:

Why in the world has there been more deaths by religion then all else combined???

where did you get that? is this true? i find that really hard to believe... anyways as i mentioned earlier 


When you break it down, religions are essentially sets of beliefs, right? It's the people who follow them who make choices. People join religions because they already share the same beliefs. So, if it wasn't religion, it might be something else that brings like-minded people together.

Sure, we hear about conflicts where religion seems to be the main reason. But sometimes, religion is just used as a rallying point. The core issue often lies in our instinctual mistrust of outsiders – something hardwired into us.

It's not about blaming religion; it's about understanding human behavior. Even if religion disappeared, people might still form groups based on their beliefs. So, it's not religions causing wars, but humans finding reasons to fight, whether it's religion or something else. It's just a theory, but it's intriguing to consider how we humans work."

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1 minute ago, cripplereh said:

Actually it is.


Go back to WW2 and before that.Every war was religious as they got the people on their side with religious beliefs.


The biggest slaughtering in history was all religious based.


I'll repost this for you...


According to the Encyclopedia of Wars, out of all 1,763 known/recorded historical conflicts, 121, or 6.87%, had religion as their primary cause.[6] Matthew White's The Great Big Book of Horrible Things gives religion as the primary cause of 11 of the world's 100 deadliest atrocities.[7][8]



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1 minute ago, Playoff Beered said:


I'll repost this for you...



According to the Encyclopedia of Wars, out of all 1,763 known/recorded historical conflicts, 121, or 6.87%, had religion as their primary cause.[6] Matthew White's The Great Big Book of Horrible Things gives religion as the primary cause of 11 of the world's 100 deadliest atrocities.[7][8]



I still say more were because of religion but seems they don't think so so will say that still that's a huge number.

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17 hours ago, StrayDog said:

But then when we did wouldn't we just "return" to God? Yes, we are all unique in our own ways but there has to be a point when all those returning memories/ experiences of horrific trauma would impact the whole of him and make him think "That was terrible and I don't was to happen to me again". But then he does it again? That means he's a toddler who can't be taught to not touch a hot stove.



Clearly God has incarnated Itself as you in order to experience what it is like to be a skeptic.  :classic_ninja:


Actually, I have no idea whether this theory is true or not.  One advantage that it has, though, is that it explains the problem of evil:  it's just God doing it to Itself.


One other thing:  if there actually is a God, aren't we being a bit arrogant in expecting that we could ever understand Its nature?

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10 minutes ago, moosehead said:

Yah , the pursuit of god.... has done so much good....


MISSION — An investigation into Indigenous children who never came home from residential schools by B.C.’s Stó:lō Nation has revealed at least 158 deaths, most of them at a hospital.



hits close to home... yes and even in bc... but religion didnt kill these children, man did and their belief they could change people to bend to their will,,, this was around the same time mental hospitals were open and as many patients were also murdered... it just was a time when psychology was new and "geniuses" were testing new idea's... im pretty sure the bible or the man in the shy had anything to do with them...

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2 minutes ago, Dankmemes187 said:

hits close to home... yes and even in bc... but religion didnt kill these children, man did and their belief they could change people to bend to their will,,, this was around the same time mental hospitals were open and as many patients were also murdered... it just was a time when psychology was new and "geniuses" were testing new idea's... im pretty sure the bible or the man in the shy had anything to do with them...

Yeah just a coincidence the schools were run by the church.

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14 hours ago, MeanSeanBean said:

I already addressed the book. I know they say 6 percent are based off religion. They also say over 50 percent are fueled by colonialism. If someone wants to live in a world where they don't believe relegion plays a major part in colonialism, that's fine. I don't live in that sort of blissful ignorance myself.


Personally I don't really care for his background. I'm not going to read through a wall of text when they guys only reference is wiki. I skimmed it, that's all it deserved. If someone wants their paper to be taken seriously, they can provide their reference. If they don't, I'm just reading some technology engineers opinion on god (which he states relegion isn't even real).


"Relegion" doesn't make people do anything is one of the biggest loads of crap I've read in a while. If the Catholic church steals generations of kids and tortures then in the name of God, they did it for relegion, not for their affinity of abusing First Nations children. When people protest human rights outside a Pride parade, they are doing it in the name of God. Unless your argument is relegion gives bad people the vessel to do bad things, which if that's the case... that seems just as bad.


You are right, there is good and bad people in relegion. Sounds like you had a good upbringing, good on you. You can believe whatever you want. But saying relegion doesn't make people do anything is entirely 100% false in my eyes, and telling my your Mom was a good lady isn't going to change my mind.


I am one of those stolen children you are talking about.

It wasn't just religious people who frowned on young unmarried teenage girls having babies, it was the societal norm.

And guess what times have changed, people have evolved.


Ever heard of Primae Noctis ?

That was nothing to do with religion, that was one nation, the English - king Edward - trying to breed out the Scots, for control/ political reasons.


I am not trying to change your mind, I am having a discussion with you.


I can see there really is no point as you have a closed mind on this subject.



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1 hour ago, Dankmemes187 said:

for further talk on that... i cant see a fart but i can smell it... i cant see or smell high extremes of H2s gas but i assure you it exists

Hmmm,, You got me thinking

I pay for electricity and yet I can't see it

Maybe I should tell Hydro I don't believe in electricity and they will cut off all wonders to power my house, until I see the "light"

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53 minutes ago, Playoff Beered said:

Some good questions about religion...


If a hundred different religions have to be wrong for yours to be right, does this show that people from all over the world like to invent gods that don’t exist?


If your parents had belonged to a different religion, do you think you would belong to that religion too?


If people from the five major religions are told conflicting information by their respective gods, should any of them be believed?


Why are Churches filled with riches when Jesus asked his followers to give their wealth away?



Should an instruction to convert to your religion upon the threat of eternal torture in hell be met with anything other than hostility?


Can a mass murderer go to heaven for accepting your religion, while a kind doctor goes to hell for not?


Did the mass murdering Crusaders and Inquisitors make it into the Christian heaven?




alot of religions suck maybe most... but not all churches/places of worship do and not all members do... do you think all blindly members agree with everything the churches do or the religion preaches? i can assure you they do not... just like any other group of people in the existence of time

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14 hours ago, RupertKBD said:


As was I. Sometimes, as we grow older, we question (and sometimes change) our beliefs.


I believe the point that Matt was making is that the majority of people who are believers into adulthood, were raised to be believers by their parents. I think he's entirely correct in that assumption.

As you know I basically questioned from the get go.

And looking back I pushed to hard.

I don't like authority figures especially ones that didn't allow me to question their ideas.

However there were both good and bad priests and nuns. 


I certainly didn't deserve to get beaten however I was a smart arse, prodding away at them. 


I had a couple of great teachers, Sister Cabrini and Father Latucca were wonderful kind people who put up with my " truculence"


Father Murray on the other hand was a hard assed Irish priest that had a better backswing than Bradman.

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2 minutes ago, Ballisticsports said:

Hmmm,, You got me thinking

I pay for electricity and yet I can't see it

Maybe I should tell Hydro I don't believe in electricity and they will cut off all wonders to power my house, until I see the "light"

easier to just get areal long extension cord and some black tape...😜

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5 minutes ago, Dankmemes187 said:

alot of religions suck maybe most... but not all churches/places of worship do and not all members do... do you think all blindly members agree with everything the churches do or the religion preaches? i can assure you they do not... just like any other group of people in the existence of time

I don't think this at all, like not even a little bit.

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14 hours ago, Bob Long said:



kind of similar to me. Also a recovering catholic, and my brother went full evangelical. I don't recognize him now, tbh and really can't hold a conversation with him and haven't for years. He preaches to my mom on sykpe for about 2 hours per week, I'm not sure how she can stand it. 


He will always be her son.

That's the thing about being a parent, you will always love your child no matter what.


I never fully realised how much I could love someone until my son was born. 

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35 minutes ago, Playoff Beered said:

Yeah just a coincidence the schools were run by the church.

it was the government that stole these children, the church was just tasked with the prison/school ... many who would have been in their position would have likely abused them in some form of manner... i hate to say it but people of power who held people against their will in a prison like area all abuse their captors... this is true of jails, mental instituitions, old folks homes and these old "conversion schools/jails " all of them hold them against their will in some way of form and many people are murdered no matter if they are religious or not...

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