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13 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


I'm thinking about the Palahniuk book 'Doomed'. Great read, it's like the breakfast club in hell. Anyway, some of the chacters had been ripped apart by demons so many times that they had got used to it. They became a group of Karens that decided to march towards the center of hell to talk with the manager. 


Great book.

Edited by Ralph.
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10 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


No one has proved Scientology is fake. God could be named Ron. 

That’s not true. The Church of Scientology was convicted of fraud in 2009 by a French Court and the conviction was upheld by the Supreme Court. The founder of Scientology was also convicted of fraud and sentenced to 4 years in jail. 

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14 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

That’s not true. The Church of Scientology was convicted of fraud in 2009 by a French Court and the conviction was upheld by the Supreme Court. The founder of Scientology was also convicted of fraud and sentenced to 4 years in jail. 


but Christianity was also persecuted at various times. 


And btw, I'm not piling on or trying to provoke you. Just pointing out that the argument you are making for christianity can be made for any religion. 

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22 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


Is time the same in the afterlife?


I have always wondered about hell in that regard. If you torture a person long enough, I would think they would go crazy? Are they still suffering for eternity if they start to crack? which poses another question, can the soul.. lose mental functions?


I'm thinking about the Palahniuk book 'Damned'. Great read, it's like the breakfast club in hell. Anyway, some of the chacters had been ripped apart by demons so many times that they had got used to it. They became a group of Karens that decided to march towards the center of hell to talk with the manager. 

There is no time in the afterlife. It exists forever and in perpetuity. Heaven and Hell are just metaphors. There is only one afterlife. If you were naughty on earth then you just go to a different level. God spanks you and your soul suffers until you make amends and can reach a new level. 

If you believe in reincarnation then that would allow the soul to come back to earth to become a better person. To reach a higher level with God. 

My personal belief is that earth is the hell. This is the place where we come to suffer and to learn life lessons. Satan is everywhere on this earth. Temptations all around us.  God sends us here to experience what hell would be like. And we choose to do it to grow and learn. 

Can the soul lose mental functions?  Good question. I’ll ask God next time I talk to him. 😌

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2 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


but Christianity was also persecuted at various times. 


And btw, I'm not piling on or trying to provoke you. Just pointing out that the argument you are making for christianity can be made for any religion. 

Sure, this is true. But Christianity has stood the test of time. It’s been around for thousands of years with billions of followers and believers. 

The Church of Scientology is basically a cult, and has already been proven to be fraudulent. Anyone could start their own religion. The question is can it stand the test of time. 

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35 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


As for young women being reckless, that is a situation that happens when you lack knowledge, your environment that you grew up in, your parents, friends etc. There are many ways that can prevent a woman from getting pregnant. Condoms, birth control, the morning after pill. We are all taught to use “protection” to avoid diseases. So these women are also being reckless in that regard. Aren’t sexually transmitted diseases on the rise?  I could be wrong. 

I realize I'm not up on my Catholicism, but aren't all of those condemned by the Church?

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2 minutes ago, StrayDog said:

I realize I'm not up on my Catholicism, but aren't all of those condemned by the Church?


Sex prior to marriage is condemned by the church.  So yeah, those things would also be condemned.  But I'm guessing if it was a choice to use a condom or birth control or have an abortion and kill the fetus and the soul I'd go with the first option...

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15 hours ago, Foamys Ghost said:

So murderers kill people and killing people is evil but because a=b and b=c murderers aren't evil.  Nice try.  Instead of improperly applying a fallacy try to refute my point directly. If it is a fallacy you should be able to do that.

i missed this one ezpz...


your argument implies:

  1. If A, then B.
  2. B is true.(cancer is not evil i already explained this)
  3. Therefore, A must be true.

In the initial argument:

  1. If God exists, then God created cancer.
  2. Cancer is considered evil.
  3. Therefore, God must not exist.

This argument commits the fallacy of affirming the consequent because it assumes that if a certain consequence (cancer being evil) is true, then the initial condition (God exists) must also be true. However, this does not logically follow. (A = B and B = C) does not necessarily mean that A equals C.


Try not to use math too much when making arguments as the relationships between concepts can be intricate and not always straightforward. the problem of evil is a complex issue with various perspectives, and it's not as straightforward as equating murderers' actions with the nature of God.



ok it took me hours... and i needed help explaining




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18 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Sex prior to marriage is condemned by the church.  So yeah, those things would also be condemned.  But I'm guessing if it was a choice to use a condom or birth control or have an abortion and kill the fetus and the soul I'd go with the first option...

I like this answer, because it points to the fact we are all human and we all have choices to make, and many of them will be bad even if we are faithful... somehow people love to think because some people are religious we do not make mistakes like other humans do... that somehow we should be held above everybody else and if we make a poor decision we should be claimed fake or ingenuine

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I am in a religion that allows people to live how they want.  Without judging others.  It's called Humanitarianism.  It's only tenets of faith are


  • Don't be an A-Hole
  • Don't worry about how others live their life
  • Don't take more than you need
  • Help others when possible
  • Don't be an A-hole
  • Don't drive the speed limit in the passing lane

I want my tax free status now.  If Joel Osmont can have one I deserve one as well.  My god demands it.  My god also says if you want proof, he will wait in line behind the gods of all of the other major religions as they are already established and as such have the larger burden of proof to provide their worshippers and detractors before they show up on the witness stand

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56 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


No. It doesn't.


Yes it does, in the very first sentence.  (Genesis 1:1) "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth".  


If this statement were false then the Bible would be considered fake.  Nobody has ever proven the Bible to be fake, so therefore it is real and God exists.  

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Two archaeologists believed that the Bible was fake and full of made up stories. They decided to prove it by showing that the places mentioned in the Bible did not exist. What they found was site after site exactly where the Bible said they were. They converted and lived out their lives as believers.



For anyone interested in archaeology. The following is not directly related to my above anecdote.






Edited by RWMc1
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12 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Yes it does, in the very first sentence.  (Genesis 1:1) "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth".  


If this statement were false then the Bible would be considered fake.  Nobody has ever proven the Bible to be fake, so therefore it is real and God exists.  

There is, however, a large difference between false and fake. The Bible is a genuine book filled with history from its time, and filled with allegories of how to live a good life. So therefore the Bible is not fake. But that does not make it truth. Tolkien's Silmarillion starts much the same way as the Bible - does that make it true?

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21 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Yes it does, in the very first sentence.  (Genesis 1:1) "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth".  


If this statement were false then the Bible would be considered fake.  Nobody has ever proven the Bible to be fake, so therefore it is real and God exists.  

The very first sentence in the Silver Surfer Comic is


"Where soars the Silver Surfer, He must soar alone"


This suggests there are no credible witnesses and as such he can not be proven to not exist therefore it is real and the Silver Surfer exists.  By extension so does Galactus and the majority of the Marvel Universe.

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1 minute ago, StrayDog said:

There is, however, a large difference between false and fake. The Bible is a genuine book filled with history from its time, and filled with allegories of how to live a good life. So therefore the Bible is not fake. But that does not make it truth. Tolkien's Silmarillion starts much the same way as the Bible - does that make it true?

In this instance yes.  We all live on middle earth it is obvious

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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Sure, this is true. But Christianity has stood the test of time. It’s been around for thousands of years with billions of followers and believers. 


Buddhism is older. Same with Shintoism I believe. Some Canadian First Nations beliefs likely go back more than 10,000 years. 


1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:


The Church of Scientology is basically a cult, and has already been proven to be fraudulent. Anyone could start their own religion. The question is can it stand the test of time. 


well, lets look at some modern offshoots of christianity. Snake handlers in West Virginia. Modern highly political evangelicals. Will those last?

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7 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

The very first sentence in the Silver Surfer Comic is


"Where soars the Silver Surfer, He must soar alone"


This suggests there are no credible witnesses and as such he can not be proven to not exist therefore it is real and the Silver Surfer exists.  By extension so does Galactus and the majority of the Marvel Universe.


Isn't the Silver Surfer Comic book and the Marvel Comic book series categorized as "science fiction"? 


A science fiction graphic novel is a full-length book that uses images necessarily to depict a story of a fictional nature that explores different/future time lines, theoretical societies, technology and/or both.




literature in the form of prose that describes imaginary events and people.




creative writing


story telling

something that is invented or untrue:

"they were supposed to be keeping up the fiction that they were happily married"

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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Sex prior to marriage is condemned by the church.  So yeah, those things would also be condemned.  But I'm guessing if it was a choice to use a condom or birth control or have an abortion and kill the fetus and the soul I'd go with the first option...

But what of those married couples who use forms of birth control? Are they still condemned for it? The church still says using such things is a big no-no, married or not....

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