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18 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

There is evidence in the Bible that Noah’s flood occurred during the last ice age. During the last ice age the sea level was 200-390 feet lower than it is today. That is low enough that Alaska and Eastern Siberia were connected by a land bridge as were Britain and France.


So when the Bible says there was only one continent that is just an interpretation. I would need to look up the verse in Genesis to see the actual writing. 

The people who wrote those stories had no concept of continents, so how could they mention continents? 

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 Another religion enters the chat;



The Raëlians©Provided 

Humans have always been fascinated by stories about UFOs and aliens. There are those who consider reports of sightings and encounters with creatures anecdotal. However, there are also those who truly believe in the existence not only of life outside Earth but also in its influence on ours. This is the case of the Raëlians.

The Raelian movement was founded in 1976, in France by the “prophet” Claude Vorilhon. He claimed to have met extraterrestrials, who made an important communication to him on December 13, 1973.


According to Claude Vorilhon, the message said that life on Earth had been created by beings very similar to men: the Elohim, or “those who came from the sky”, thanks to advanced genetic engineering techniques.

Therefore, the human beings would be the result of an ingenious experiment by advanced extraterrestrials, who used the DNA of the Elohim themselves. Furthermore, these beings named Vorilhon, as their Raël, or “messenger of the Elohim

Claude Vorilhon, journalist and former race car driver, later wrote two books on the subject: 'Le Livre Qui Dit la Vérité' ('The Book Which Tells the Truth'), in 1974, and 'Les Extra- terrestrial M'ont Emmené sur Leur Planète' (Extraterrestrials Took Me to Their Planet), in 1975. The latter was based on a hypothetical new encounter with the Elohim.


That's 5 short 'pages' of the 22 in the article.

I'm not copy pasting all of that.

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On 9/21/2023 at 7:02 PM, Alflives said:

As long as posters are nice to one another (respectful) this is educational and entertaining. Alf had to look up “mockery”. 🤣


We must respect the other fellow's religion, but only in the sense and to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and his children smart.

H.L. Mencken

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Just an FYI. The Kolbrin is not a christian book; nor is there a religion associated with it. (that I'm aware of)


The original was damaged by fire. It was reconstructed with undamaged bits and from the memories of the people who used it regularly. Later some was added from copies others had made by hand. So some of it is from oral tradition and some is from the original text and some is from interpretations of original text.


I'm pretty sure the Britain Book was added later.

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3 hours ago, RupertKBD said:

 Does it matter?

It does because you can’t say either one of these books does or doesn’t prove the existence of God without having read them. Arguing against without having read them undermines the credibility of any argument for or against. 


Edited by Doogie
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4 hours ago, Doogie said:

It does because you can’t say either one of these books does or doesn’t prove the existence of God without having read them. Arguing against without having read them undermines the credibility of any argument for or against.


Disagree. I know that Noah didn't live to be 950 years old, even though the bible says he did.


I also know that Evolution is real and Natural Selection is a thing...even though I've never read On the Origin of Species....

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6 hours ago, Doogie said:

It does because you can’t say either one of these books does or doesn’t prove the existence of God without having read them. Arguing against without having read them undermines the credibility of any argument for or against. 


By that argument you can't argue that Odin is real/ not real unless you've read the Edda.

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I hate to jump in (Not really!)


But I have a hard time believing anything a man would write

Men are deceitful and use words for their own gain

At the same time, men are sheep and will believe just about anything if repeated enough

Proven, by looking no further than Trump

Now, if enough people repeat something long enough, than it becomes gospel to those people

(How can 1.5 billion Chinese be wrong, or the 1.3 billion East Indians?) Because in their religions, Christianity is not how the universe unfolded!

This is basically proven by cults, and in a rudimentary way, by Putin and how he manipulates his people

Again, it all falls back to man is deceitful, and can not be trusted

It should be noted that in biblical times, most people were extremely uneducated, and that

scholars and the likes (philosophers), were very  much revered by the masses

This is again illustrated by cult behavior, who in some cases have followed their messiah to their own death.

Was there a man named Jesus, who has a story? well, there probably was..........

Did the occurrence told in the Bible actually happen? Not in the way it is told.

Are the ten commandments real? Well, of course they are, but are they the story of God making them for Moses?

It is a stretch.

In actual fact, the ten commandments are pretty much in the Quran, as well, and in many other religions

Their intent? I believe was to prevent disease and war to the masses.

Most of religion is a hoax, played on simpler peoples during simpler times........

That is not to say there is not truths in between the exaggerations, only that they may not have occurred

in exactly the same manner, as the reality they actually occurred in......


This is the word of JIAHN

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9 hours ago, Doogie said:

It does because you can’t say either one of these books does or doesn’t prove the existence of God without having read them. Arguing against without having read them undermines the credibility of any argument for or against. 



An ancient text, no matter what is states, does not prove the existence of such an extraordinary claim of a supernatural being.

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8 minutes ago, JIAHN said:

I hate to jump in (Not really!)


But I have a hard time believing anything a man would write

Men are deceitful and use words for their own gain

At the same time, men are sheep and will believe just about anything if repeated enough

Proven, by looking no further than Trump

Now, if enough people repeat something long enough, than it becomes gospel to those people

(How can 1.5 billion Chinese be wrong, or the 1.3 billion East Indians?) Because in their religions, Christianity is not how the universe unfolded!

This is basically proven by cults, and in a rudimentary way, by Putin and how he manipulates his people

Again, it all falls back to man is deceitful, and can not be trusted

It should be noted that in biblical times, most people were extremely uneducated, and that

scholars and the likes (philosophers), were very  much revered by the masses

This is again illustrated by cult behavior, who in some cases have followed their messiah to their own death.

Was there a man named Jesus, who has a story? well, there probably was..........

Did the occurrence told in the Bible actually happen? Not in the way it is told.

Are the ten commandments real? Well, of course they are, but are they the story of God making them for Moses?

It is a stretch.

In actual fact, the ten commandments are pretty much in the Quran, as well, and in many other religions

Their intent? I believe was to prevent disease and war to the masses.

Most of religion is a hoax, played on simpler peoples during simpler times........

That is not to say there is not truths in between the exaggerations, only that they may not have occurred

in exactly the same manner, as the reality they actually occurred in......


This is the word of JIAHN

So Mohammed is like Trump and Pootin? 

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4 minutes ago, JIAHN said:


According to who? 

Your post read like that. You mentioned Trump’s deceitful nature in association with man’s natural tendency to manipulate and connected that to historic religious writings. 
“ I have a hard time believing anything a man would write. Men are deceitful and use words for their own gain. At the same time, men are sheep and will believe just about anything if repeated enough. Proven, by looking no further than Trump.”

The Quran is the words of Mohammed. So you’re connecting the Manipulative nature of Man (and one of the worst in Trump) to these religious texts and their writers. 

“In actual fact, the ten commandments are pretty much in the Quran, as well, and in many other religions […] Most of religion is a hoax, played on simpler peoples during simpler times........”


So were men like Mohammed, Abraham, and others who created these historic religious texts like Trump? 



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53 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Your post read like that. You mentioned Trump’s deceitful nature in association with man’s natural tendency to manipulate and connected that to historic religious writings. 
“ I have a hard time believing anything a man would write. Men are deceitful and use words for their own gain. At the same time, men are sheep and will believe just about anything if repeated enough. Proven, by looking no further than Trump.”

The Quran is the words of Mohammed. So you’re connecting the Manipulative nature of Man (and one of the worst in Trump) to these religious texts and their writers. 

“In actual fact, the ten commandments are pretty much in the Quran, as well, and in many other religions […] Most of religion is a hoax, played on simpler peoples during simpler times........”


So were men like Mohammed, Abraham, and others who created these historic religious texts like Trump? 




I do not know.............but I do not think Trump is stupid, in the sense that he is without intellect. IMO, Trump knows pretty much what he is doing, and responds to reactions. IMO, whether is be Christ, Mohammed, Abraham, or who ever, if everyone would have just walked away, then they would have just went away.........much like Trump


Good or Evil, is not the question, nor the answer

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12 minutes ago, JIAHN said:


I do not know.............but I do not think Trump is stupid, in the sense that he is without intellect. IMO, Trump knows pretty much what he is doing, and responds to reactions. IMO, whether is be Christ, Mohammed, Abraham, or who ever, if everyone would have just walked away, then they would have just went away.........much like Trump


Good or Evil, is not the question, nor the answer

I understand. People will try to manipulate others whether for (in their view) good or bad. Hard to disagree with that concept. We do that as parents. And given a bigger platform (religion) people can do, and have done, a lot of harm: whether the original intentions were good or not. And all in the name of God, who really (IMHAO) doesn’t exist. 

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2 hours ago, JIAHN said:

I hate to jump in (Not really!)


But I have a hard time believing anything a man would write

Men are deceitful and use words for their own gain

At the same time, men are sheep and will believe just about anything if repeated enough

Proven, by looking no further than Trump

Now, if enough people repeat something long enough, than it becomes gospel to those people

(How can 1.5 billion Chinese be wrong, or the 1.3 billion East Indians?) Because in their religions, Christianity is not how the universe unfolded!

This is basically proven by cults, and in a rudimentary way, by Putin and how he manipulates his people

Again, it all falls back to man is deceitful, and can not be trusted

It should be noted that in biblical times, most people were extremely uneducated, and that

scholars and the likes (philosophers), were very  much revered by the masses

This is again illustrated by cult behavior, who in some cases have followed their messiah to their own death.

Was there a man named Jesus, who has a story? well, there probably was..........

Did the occurrence told in the Bible actually happen? Not in the way it is told.

Are the ten commandments real? Well, of course they are, but are they the story of God making them for Moses?

It is a stretch.

In actual fact, the ten commandments are pretty much in the Quran, as well, and in many other religions

Their intent? I believe was to prevent disease and war to the masses.

Most of religion is a hoax, played on simpler peoples during simpler times........

That is not to say there is not truths in between the exaggerations, only that they may not have occurred

in exactly the same manner, as the reality they actually occurred in......


This is the word of JIAHN


People seem to think the bible works like a pop-up book and God will appear if you read it.


God is within each of us and needs no mediation. This, together with the fact that every personality is unique, means that finding God is a purely subjective experience. This is why no two accounts agree. 


If you believe only the objective viewpoint is real then you're looking with just one eye. It takes two to see depth. 






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16 hours ago, Doogie said:

It does because you can’t say either one of these books does or doesn’t prove the existence of God without having read them. Arguing against without having read them undermines the credibility of any argument for or against. 


Sure you can. I've never read 'Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy' by Sir Isaac Newton, but I'm still sure it proves gravity is real and I'd be willing to argue that.

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2 hours ago, Inkidu said:


People seem to think the bible works like a pop-up book and God will appear if you read it.


God is within each of us and needs no mediation. This, together with the fact that every personality is unique, means that finding God is a purely subjective experience. This is why no two accounts agree. 


If you believe only the objective viewpoint is real then you're looking with just one eye. It takes two to see depth. 






‘God’ then seems to be a placeholder term. 

The Bible is clearly a book written by men, possibly added to by a woman, but nevertheless isn’t some book of truths handed down by some deity. 

The universe itself is inside all of us and simultaneously a subjective and objective experience. 

Subscription to any book that is clearly lacking in thought, forethought, hindsight, shouldn’t be something that one ought to subscribe to, with or without pop-ups. 

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