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On 9/29/2023 at 2:02 AM, bishopshodan said:

Nah, conflict is soo human. 


plus it's imo the only option because none ya'll can prove shite either way


Everyone is missing the answer to biggest mystery of all.....





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On 9/28/2023 at 9:52 AM, smithers joe said:

at the end of the day, what does this topic prove one way or the other? it won't change my mind or anybodies elses. you either believe or not. i've been on both sides of the question. i was 60 before a series of events over two years that i couldn't explain changed my opinion. i've never pushed my views on anyone. i firmly believe i'll see my wife and family again someday. it doesn't matter if i will or won't but i'll believe that till my dying breath.

I’ve also had experiences in my life that have pushed me even closer to God and to believing in a higher being and an afterlife. I know lots of people who are in the same boat as me. 

At the end of the day, nobody here is going to change anyone’s opinion on where they stand. People keep

asking me for proof that God exists and when the question gets turned around it’s up to the 5.5 billion people who believe in a higher being to have the burden of proof. The Bible and the Quran are a work of fiction according to people who haven’t even read the books. 

The only time you are really going to find out the truth about whether God exists or not is when you are dead. Maybe there will come a time when the dead can talk and let us know the real truth. 

Edited by Elias Pettersson
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1 hour ago, The Colt 45s said:

Christian salvation is a result of God's grace and a good witness.  Let's learn how to love our neighbors.


Jury is out on the first sentence, but I completely agree with the second.


Another serious question, though (and I'm not baiting you. I genuinely interested)....Does the word "neighbors" include members of the LGTBQ community?

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8 hours ago, RupertKBD said:


Jury is out on the first sentence, but I completely agree with the second.


Another serious question, though (and I'm not baiting you. I genuinely interested)....Does the word "neighbors" include members of the LGTBQ community?

I am still shocked at how bad the LGTBQ community is discriminated against openly by people in public. Racists at least try to be sneaky now, but people seem to still be okay with publicly discriminating LGTBQ people. It pisses me off, as I have friends and family who are LGTBQ. People need to get over themselves with the hate (and this isn’t towards you at all Rupert, just commenting on my observations of society).

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9 hours ago, RupertKBD said:


Jury is out on the first sentence, but I completely agree with the second.


Another serious question, though (and I'm not baiting you. I genuinely interested)....Does the word "neighbors" include members of the LGTBQ community?



Got a problem with lesbians ?


Tell it to one of my oldest friends daughters, Stephanie.







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Just now, RupertKBD said:


Me? :classic_huh: No.


Of course you don't.


It was an opening for those that do to take it up with Steph.


Gong down to see her fight again in a few weeks.

She is a machine.

I was with her dad on grand final day,last Saturday.

He told me she told him on his birthday that all she ever wanted, was to be like him, play footy and fight.

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10 hours ago, Ilunga said:


Of course you don't.


It was an opening for those that do to take it up with Steph.


Gong down to see her fight again in a few weeks.

She is a machine.

I was with her dad on grand final day,last Saturday.

He told me she told him on his birthday that all she ever wanted, was to be like him, play footy and fight.


Tell her coach bishop wants her to keep that righ elbow tucked a little more, kinda chicken wings a bit when she throws. 

But speaking of the right hand, the short little inside uppercut is money for her...keep throwing that, bit of dirty boxing on the inside when clinching.


She's a good pressure fighter. I like that she doesn't load her punches and knows to throw straight combos when the other girl started to fade. 

Have fun at her fight bud.

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i use to have a real problem with them, but when i worked at the high school, a fellow ran into the room i was in  followed by boys intent on beating him up. they stopped when they saw me. the kid was terrified. i talked to him for some time. other than having a different mind set than me, he seemed to be a pretty decent lad. i changed my views after that. i still don't like the same sex relationships, but i don't place myself above them either.

we all have hang ups of some kind, is this simply judging the size of our hang ups?

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Many of the gay and lesbian persons I know in the community or work with are themselves getting sick of the far left fringe trans militant movement.


Even some LGB are voicing their anger that militant trans movement is setting back their challenges by decades by LGB being even mentioned when the militant fringe go out marching and attacking everyone they see. I am even told they are getting angry with the out of control fringe left.

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1 hour ago, Mac said:

Many of the gay and lesbian persons I know in the community or work with are themselves getting sick of the far left fringe trans militant movement.


Even some LGB are voicing their anger that militant trans movement is setting back their challenges by decades by LGB being even mentioned when the militant fringe go out marching and attacking everyone they see. I am even told they are getting angry with the out of control fringe left.

Where do you live/work?


How much support do your friends and co-workers wish for?

Would they do away with gay pride parades, inclusion nights, etc...?

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This may amount to nothing much or it could lead to a schism in the Catholic Church.  Something to keep an eye on:


Vatican Assembly Puts the Church’s Most Sensitive Issues on the Table


Pope Francis’ calls for open-minded discussion will be tested this week as bishops meet with lay people, including women, to debate topics such as married priests and the blessing of gay couples.


Throughout his decade as leader of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis has allowed debates on previously taboo topics and set in motion subtle shifts toward liberalizing changes that have enraged conservatives for going too far and frustrated progressives for not going far enough.


This month, starting on Wednesday, Francis’ desire for the church to discuss the concerns of its faithful, even the most sensitive topics, will culminate at the Vatican in an assembly of bishops from around the world that will allow, for the first time, lay people, including women, to attend and vote.


The issues under discussion will include priestly celibacy, married priests, the blessing of gay couples, the extension of sacraments to the divorced and the ordination of female deacons.


Detractors are wary of the very nature of the assembly, known as a synod, and have criticized it as a bureaucratic talkathon or as an insidious Trojan horse for progressives to erode the church’s traditions under the cloak of collegiality.


More at:



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17 hours ago, Sharpshooter said:

Just give me some discernible evidence of a diety. 

Any one will do. There are so many to choose from. 

Pick one. It’s what most do. 


Things exist.

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