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Epstein Court Documents


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11 hours ago, AatuD2 said:


1) I'd argue that Donald Trump has been held to a lower threshold then anyone else in the last year. He's been the number one target of the people on the far left that have lost their collective mind. How can you decide to throw someone off the ballots for something they have never been not only been found guilty of, but he's never even been charged with insurrection.  


2) Here we will find out that Bill Clinton has probably visited the island with underage girls multiple times and I don't think anybody will do a damn thing about it. 


3) If Trump was on those flight records, he'd be already serving time. 


Interesting sidenote: Trump's only brushup with Epstein happened when he threw him out of his nightclub because Epstein was hitting on someone's daughter. 

1)  There is nothing in the amendment that says you have to be convicted of the crimes listed in said amendment.  It was created to prevent Confederate leaders from seeking office after the Civil War.  And TRUMP hasn't been held to a lower standard.  He's a liar.  A fraud.  He cannot be trusted with national secrets.  He is guilty of crimes.  He's finally facing justice that he should have faced for various things years ago.


2)  Show us the testimony that Bill actually partook in nefarious activities.  That's what is missing and that's why he won't face any real consequences.  Much like the lot of them.  Evidence.  That is the key word here.  Not defending Bill.  IF he did anything nefarious, he can rot in hell.  Just like ole Jeff is.


3)  Except TRUMP does appear on flight records.  As does JFK Jr.  The ONLY 2 guys who are currently running for POTUS.

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12 hours ago, AatuD2 said:


I'd argue that Donald Trump has been held to a lower threshold then anyone else in the last year. He's been the number one target of the people on the far left that have lost their collective mind. How can you decide to throw someone off the ballots for something they have never been not only been found guilty of, but he's never even been charged with insurrection.  


Here we will find out that Bill Clinton has probably visited the island with underage girls multiple times and I don't think anybody will do a damn thing about it. 


If Trump was on those flight records, he'd be already serving time. 


Interesting sidenote: Trump's only brushup with Epstein happened when he threw him out of his nightclub because Epstein was hitting on someone's daughter. 

Argue all you want.  That's what we are here for.   Charges have been made against Trump and the courts will figure things out.  That's what they are there for.


No one is denying Clinton was on planes with Epstein.  No one has proven he was ever on Epstein's island. (Yet you call it probable?) At one time Epstein was a respected self made millionaire involved in philanthropic causes and others involved in philanthropic causes, like Clinton,  met and travelled with him.  Then the truth about Epstein started coming out and Clinton, like Trump and many others, dropped him like a hot potato. 


Clinton is a narcissistic womanizer.  Trump is too.   I do not believe either one spent time at Little Saint James Island.  Of the two of them though only one sought to overturn a federal election and aided and abetted a violent incursion on the Capitol building.


Now, if you are going to say the election was actually stolen please just provide the proof that we have been promised so many times over the last few years. 



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12 hours ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

1)  There is nothing in the amendment that says you have to be convicted of the crimes listed in said amendment.  It was created to prevent Confederate leaders from seeking office after the Civil War.  And TRUMP hasn't been held to a lower standard.  He's a liar.  A fraud.  He cannot be trusted with national secrets.  He is guilty of crimes.  He's finally facing justice that he should have faced for various things years ago.


2)  Show us the testimony that Bill actually partook in nefarious activities.  That's what is missing and that's why he won't face any real consequences.  Much like the lot of them.  Evidence.  That is the key word here.  Not defending Bill.  IF he did anything nefarious, he can rot in hell.  Just like ole Jeff is.


3)  Except TRUMP does appear on flight records.  As does JFK Jr.  The ONLY 2 guys who are currently running for POTUS.


Holy fuck, you mean it’s true, he’s alive?  🤯

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