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Rick Tocchet's treatment of Kuzmenko is starting to get upsetting

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When I watch Kuz play he seems a bit snakebit but I don’t think he is playing bad per se. Last game his possession metrics were dominant. I hope he turns it around, probably the most exciting forward we have and has a high ceiling. 


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2 hours ago, BC_Hawk said:

Suter has played great. I actually like the idea of a Mik-Suter-Kuz line playing against lesser opponents. The problem is that it leaves a hole at 4th Line C. Aman just looked horrendous there on saturday night. He is more a depth 4th line winger in my opinion. Is it worth giving Raty a try at some point??

I think it is Raty next year.  And we pick up a rental center and a rental RHD on the way from here to the deadline.  Then rework the team a little younger next year.  

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On 1/5/2024 at 10:36 AM, Jeremy Hronek said:

Before I get into this post, I'll pre-face it by stating that I'm a huge fan of Tocchet's coaching and the work he has done in Vancouver.


The guy has implemented a very structured system that mandates two-way hockey and holds players accountable.


However - perhaps one can make the following argument:


1) Poor-to-Mediocre coaches have their heads in their own sphincters with their tongues hanging out (i.e. Willie Desjardins, Tom Renney, Rick Ley, etc.)


2) Average to "very good" coaches know how to implement systems and get most of their players to buy in (i.e. Tocchet).  [players need to adjust to the system]


3) The greatest coaches in the league know how to implement and tailor systems that cater to individual strengths (i.e.  Pat Quinn, Scotty Bowman, Joel Quennville, etc.). [systems are implemented to maximize player strengths].


Which leads me to our current Tocchet/Kuzmenko situation.  For the life of me, I don't understand what the hell Tocchet is doing with Kuzmenko here. Sure, Kuzmenko has significant warts in his game but he also has significant strengths........strengths that we could use right now (i.e. putting the puck in the net].  Instead of trying to fit square pegs into round holes, Tocchet needs to allow a bit of flexibility as far as Kuz goes.  By continuously making him a healthy scratch and/or playing him on the 4th line, all you're doing is hurting the guy's confidence...........and if Tocchet isn't careful, this could start making others in the locker room upset. Kuzmenko is a popular and well-liked teammate that has a lot to offer this team.  Play the guy, give him some rope, and let him play his way out of his funk.  If this isn't an option for Tocchet, then just move the guy ASAP and get rid of the potentially burgeoning elephant in the room.  


EDIT:  Something interesting that I found:  

The 2022/2023 season stats seems to indicate that Kuzmenko's "dip" in play this season might have more to do with the following:


-Unsustainably high shooting percentage

-Not being in shape


As opposed to Kuzmenko not being a good fit for Tocchet's system.  Based on Kuzmenko's performance last season under Tocchet, there was no dip whatsoever in AK's performance. In fact, he might have actually played even better.  


Kuzmenko's 2022-2023 season output:   39G + 35A = 74P (81 games)

Kuzmenko's production when Tocchet took over last season:   20G + 13A = 33P (36 games)


Go CRY about it! 

In Rick I TRUST!

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I agree that from the outside looking in it looks kind of sus.


I had the same fears that Tocc was overplaying his hand.  Draining the joy for the game out of Kuz. Making things worse because he was gripping the stick too much and overthinking his responsibility to play in The System. Which turned into a vicious cycle.


Also thought maybe those decisions were the product of a coaching technique especially with old school coaches, who would sometimes take one player out of the mix to be the whipping boy whether he deserved it or not (or at least all of it). That way he could put all the blame for any losses, or even just team laziness, on one player, make him pay for everyone else, as an example.  That way he didn't have to sit more than one player.  That example did the job for the others to sober up. 


But usually that guy is expendable. Kuz had almost 40 goals last season. I'm sure that Tocchet knows how valuable he is  to the team. So I do find it unusual he was benched, especially the last time when I thought the benching lesson was over. I'm still up in the air about it.  I'll trust Tocchet for now just based on his record with other players, like Joshua and Boeser. But I do wonder if its simply a personality clash. They seem like totally opposite personalities in their attitude in how they approach a game.  ie. Kuz is, or was, loose and happy and joking. Tocchet was always a serious player and now a serious coach. 


I think Bruce thereitis Boudreau was the perfect coach to make him happy to sign here. (even though it was right after Tocc got here I believe) Pond hockey. He got the impression that he could go on being the offensive star he was in Russia, pot as many goals as he could, not worry about the backcheck or getting in first on the forecheck. That was for the grunts to take care of. Rick let him play out the season that way but was taking notes for this season. I think he was also disappointed that Kuz did not stay in NA and work out here so he could keep tabs and sure enough, Kuz did not come into camp in optimum shape, at least based on how he looked on the ice.


I'll give Tocchet the benefit of the doubt for now.  But if Kuz is benched again for multiple games.....I think its over with Kuz.  Which would be a big loss.  I have to trust Rick knows what he's doing.

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