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Rick Tocchet's treatment of Kuzmenko is starting to get upsetting

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1 minute ago, tas said:

by trading him?


it's not like he's some toxic contract. 

Isn't that doing him a favor then? Sending him somewhere he will get to play hockey consistently; a sport he obviously loves? I'm by no means a psychologist, but this body language currently is not to the same happiness level it was last year. I'm sure he would be happy to go to another team where he would get a chance to play more.

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Just now, bishopshodan said:


I used to disagree with Stawns a lot, but what he does say that I agree with is everyone should be allowed to have an opinion.



Exactly.  It's what drives the content on here.  

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6 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


My rep to post ratio is better than yours.


So zip it back up and put the mouse back in the house. 

I didn't know we were measuring. should we take this to snapchat?

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11 minutes ago, BC_Hawk said:

Isn't that doing him a favor then? Sending him somewhere he will get to play hockey consistently; a sport he obviously loves? I'm by no means a psychologist, but this body language currently is not to the same happiness level it was last year. I'm sure he would be happy to go to another team where he would get a chance to play more.

no. because he would rather be here, the city and organization he chose over all the other offers he had, to play with his close friend mikheyev and a bunch of other countrymen, with a coaching staff and management that will take the time to help and nurture him along to be his best self, where he can rely on a guy like sergei gonchar, where his agent clearly has an excellent, collaborative relationship with the organization.


even if it means sitting in the pressbox sometimes during the learning process. that's why his agent came out and said in plain English so all the thick skulled people in this market could hopefully understand that THERE IS NO DISCONNECT AND EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OK.

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20 minutes ago, spook007 said:

Just a quick note here...

Before we speak about coaches who are great, good or dog shit, can we just agree, that the ultimate measuring stick is winning the Stanley Cup?


I feel there are bad vibes send towards coach Tocchet, just because he make decisions we may/may not agree with, in this case Kuzmenko.


Nobody here has a freaking clue, why Tocchet sits Kuzmenko in the press box. It could be for tactical reasons, for punishment, fitness issues, a lifted finger to anyone not starting the season in pristine condition, or it could be something entirely different none of us knows about.


This is one of the best, if not the best start start to a season in the history of the Canucks, and as soon as he makes decisions that can be baffling, we are starting to question his ability.


Now I may be in the minority here, but if Tocchet leads Canucks to the championship, I could care less, how he gets his players to perform, as long as its neither immoral or illegal... 


Its starting to sound as if the treatment of Kuzmenko is more important, than getting the team to play a system, which the coach is trying to implement.

Kuz scored 39 goals during last season mainly under Bruce Boudreau's pond hockey... at the time it was reported regularly, that Kuzmenko was scoring at an unsustainably shooting %, but it was great to see...


What wasn't great to see was the team sinking like a rock yet again in the standings until Tocchet took over in the spring 2023.


JR was adamant that Tocchet was his preferred choice as coach, so he must believe in, what Tocchet is trying to. achieve, and the way he goes about his business... so far, he has done good. Maybe better than most expected at the start of the season, so JRs trust seems justified.


Now a few changes were made, which made the team better, but the team still had to be adjusted, so it would win games regularly. 

I suggest Tocchet has done that, and more...


Now, if the coach preaches something to his team and one of these issues are accountability, he might find it extremely annoying/disappointing were some of his players not playing accordingly...  

You may find room to individuals, if those are big time players, but in general the coach may lose the room, if players start to do as they please...  

Now I don't know if this is the case, but Kuz's play remind me a lot of Boesers the last few seasons, which wanted people to see the back of him.


Kuzmenko is a fabulous player and likeable into the extreme with his winning smile... 39 goal Kuz will be an asset to any team, but 39 goals + defensive responsibility will be a far bigger asset, and maybe that is, what Tocchet is trying to achieve.


If for any reason it's a clash of personalities, or Tocchet can get to grips with Kuz, Kuz will be traded, as nobody wins by having $5M in the press box. Nevertheless, I think they believe the can improve Kuz, as otherwise he would have been traded last summer.

I agree 100%...but the final bolded point is critical to this team.

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4 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


That is honestly the first time in my life anyone has asked me that.


My point was that I have a good rep. In more threads than passionate GDT's where upvotes flow like water.

That good rep comes from my sound advice, it being appreciated. You should listen to me just a bit.


i like your drive, you just gotta tweak a few things. Learn to backcheck etc...

Bench him!! 😂

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1 minute ago, BC_Hawk said:

I agree 100%...but the final bolded point is critical to this team.

Agree, but think we should wait and see, if it really is as bad, as we worry about.

If Kuz comes back in and is more defensively responsible than before or maybe shows a little more spirit along the boards, we could be on to a massive winner. Time will tell...

Think it was @Hammertime that showed the amount of hits by Peteys wingers.... Kuz has 3, while Petey has 41... maybe that is one of the issues?

Maybe they want him to see how hard a skilled player like Petey works?


I'm not sure, why Tocchet is sitting Kuz, but he will know as well as anyone, that Kuz has the ability to fire the puck...

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6 hours ago, BC_Hawk said:

Phil Kessel is a great analogy of Kuzmenko. Work with Kuz to remove the poor decision making from his game (give always at centre ice and above the hashmarks), but accept he will never be a true 200' player. If that is unacceptable, trade him for an asset that would be worth the 5.5m on a cap strapped team.

Good comparison...

Think Tocchet has worked with Phil Kessel before, thus he probably knows, how to handle a player like that...

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5 minutes ago, spook007 said:

Agree, but think we should wait and see, if it really is as bad, as we worry about.

If Kuz comes back in and is more defensively responsible than before or maybe shows a little more spirit along the boards, we could be on to a massive winner. Time will tell...

Think it was @Hammertime that showed the amount of hits by Peteys wingers.... Kuz has 3, while Petey has 41... maybe that is one of the issues?

Maybe they want him to see how hard a skilled player like Petey works?


I'm not sure, why Tocchet is sitting Kuz, but he will know as well as anyone, that Kuz has the ability to fire the puck...

True, but my concern is based around him already being sat for 5 games, not 1 or 2. In addition, it appears to me he has been more defensibility sound, in terms of limiting high risk plays.


In terms of hits, that is simply not Kuz's game...he is more of Garland type in that regard (though a goal scorer, not setup guy). I actually think the Petey's hits were more frustration related when dealing with whatever alignment he struggled with in November and December. As his play has picked up the last few weeks, the big hits have declined.

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5 hours ago, King Heffy said:

And usually, it is the coach that is the problem.  You're trying to claim that Green playing Megna was acceptable?  Tocchet needs to either start acting like a professional or be replaced by someone who is willing to do so.  Sabotaging the team because he doesn't like one of our most talented players shouldn't be tolerated.

They are first inn their division... What is the coach supposed to do? 

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15 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


That is honestly the first time in my life anyone has asked me that.


My point was that I have a good rep. In more threads than passionate GDT's where upvotes flow like water.

That good rep comes from my sound advice, it being appreciated. You should listen to me just a bit.


i like your drive, you just gotta tweak a few things. Learn to backcheck etc...

I'm good.  I think over the last, eh, 18 years or so I've figured out how I want to navigate the canucks fan forums. 


I've chosen my path, feel free to choose yours. 

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This is actually all on Alvin anyway.

He re-signed him, and apparently Kuze just isn't going to get "it".

could/should have traded him before last seasons deadline.

Oh well.

Kuze   $5,500,000 replaced by

Linus       883,750

difference of  $4,616,250 of currently dead cap- add 146,667 for OEL and the team is playing $4,630,917  or 5.546% unused cap space.

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57 minutes ago, tas said:

I'm good.  I think over the last, eh, 18 years or so I've figured out how I want to navigate the canucks fan forums. 


I've chosen my path, feel free to choose yours. 


Navigating the forums is easy. Nice layout, I am glad Ribs cloned cdc.


My only path is learning and trying to grow. So, if I see the world in your light one day, maybe I will understand why you feel condescension and brutality of fellow Canuck fans as a good thing. 





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1 minute ago, Strawbone said:

off-topic garbage

follow this thread. 


edit: I recognize that phrasing is confusing on a forum. I meant in the context of pulling at a thread, not follow this thread we're posting in.  

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55 minutes ago, tas said:

less enjoyable for the people who deserve less enjoyment because all they do is steep in negativity. 


I'm trying to make it more enjoyable for supporters of the team by getting the other clowns to pipe down. 



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56 minutes ago, tas said:

nhl executives don't use the public data, they devise their own metrics. 


edit: lmao at this guy thinking stevie y is basing his decisions on some twitter clown's war chart. 


Was gonna keep out of this one but this comment will make me jump in. Of course NHL execs, coaches etc don't use publicly displayed metrics...they have their own systems etc. BUT...they are pretty generic and numbers are numbers no matter how you spin them. Using simple +/- used to be a standard for advanced metrics...back when Tetris was the most complicated video game. The more we learn what certain numbers mean (ie/ player combos and tendencies), the more coaches etc trend towards those advanced stats...and we are deep into understanding it. Afterall, it's really all they've got. They pour over video and get gut feels from game day skates, but at the end of the day they have to deep dive into those stats. Have you ever noticed, when you play yourself, that you tend to play better with certain linemates, in certain situations? Like there always seems to be that one goalie that gets the better of you? That's the data they use to give the team the best shot to win. And the more you can fine tune that data the more precise you can be with your game plan. What's that old saying about plans? Even the best plan goes out the window once the bullets start flying. So in order to shift tactics on the fly as it were, you need the advanced data to make the best decisions.


I would say based on your comment that you do get this (as you mentioned them not using the public data). But again, the public data is somewhat based off of the same metrics. The coaches will see and know things about Kuzzy's game that we are not privy to, and just maybe the advanced stats are showing some tendencies that RT is trying to correct in Kuz. Gotta trust the process...coaches are human too. We seem to have a pretty cohesive leadership team...everyone is pulling in the same direction. So it's up to them to keep that rolling, and correct anyone who is not quite pulling in the desired direction. Don't forget too that coaches have to manage situations on multiple levels (game to game, week to week and month to month). We are literally about to fall into the dog-days of the schedule so how does a coach keep his players on point? Trust the overall process...

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3 minutes ago, tas said:

follow this thread. 


edit: I recognize that phrasing is confusing on a forum. I meant in the context of pulling at a thread, not follow this thread we're posting in.  


I didn't mean to imply that everything you post is garbage, just that off-topic posts and unofficial forum policing in general is garbage in the sense that it litters the discussion with noise and makes it harder to read and enjoy. By my count, over half of your posts in this thread have nothing to do with the topic. And I'm going to leave it there, since... well, my post is off-topic and I don't want to add any more to the noise!

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Crazy situation. It is so hard to tell what the plan is. I get that management want to hold their cards close, but it can confuse fans when they dont trust how your handling a talented player. If they wanted to trade him, I think they would have by now, I cant imagine he would be that hard to trade. So, I do believe there is something theyre trying to work on with Kuz.


I have seen the conditioning issues brought up a lot. If that is the case then its not a bad time to take him out of the line up.

The playoff race is always tight, but the Canucks arent desperate for points right now. If a player needs to work on his conditioning, then its a decent time to do it. Conditioning especially is important come playoff time, if Tocc doesnt think that Kuzy has the gas tank for NHL playoff hockey then he is right to have him work on it. The NHL playoffs may be the toughest post season grind in pro sports, you NEED to be ready to play a lot of hard hitting hockey with a lot of travel. with little time to rest (depending on your performance).

All the talent in the world wont help you in game 7, double OT if you are completely gassed. 


If Tocc isnt playing him because of issues with how he plays, or some funk that Kuz is in, then I think is starting to drag on a little long. We couldve used some more offence in St.Louis. Let a guy play and figure things out. 


Ulimately, we have to trust Tocc and management that they know what theyre are doing and this is best for all parties involved. They have made some decisions that we havent all liked, but you cant argue with results. Despite some of our poorer games and lack of consistency, this is the most exciting Canucks hockey has been for a while and this team does feel different than the past few versions. 


I just hope this gets settled soon and we can get back to seeing Kuzy putting pucks in the back of the net or helping to do so.

We may be in a good spot now, but there is still a long way to go. This team will need its best players and everyone at the top of their game.

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