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The Russia/Ukraine War Thread


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20 hours ago, Canuck Surfer said:



NATO scrambles warplanes after Putin’s nuclear bombers spotted north of UK


Vladimir Putin’s nuclear bombers – nicknamed ‘Bears’ – today flew over north of Britain in the Norwegian Sea. Footage from the Russian defence ministry shows the aircraft the Tu-95MS during war game drills. Nato air forces scrambled warplanes to monitor the flights which lasted five hours (Picture: east2west news)

NATO scrambles warplanes after Putin’s nuclear bombers spotted north of UK


Happened all the time for my short stint on the bombers desk near Ottawa. I was on shift when this happened: picked up the paper on the way home and this was on the cover after a long shift tracking them over the pole. 
The US gave Russia 60 days to comply with INF treaty — or else - Vox

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5 hours ago, I.Am.Ironman said:

What I don't understand is why is US giving 14B to Israel? They are wiping the floor with Hamas. I don't see them needing any significant help?


Don't shoot the messenger; the answer is not amongst my wishes;


Parts of S Lebanon will also be secured after Gaza.

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Discouraging uTube by George Friedman, a geopolitics commenter and author, I recently watched. The gist of which the USA, Putin and even Ukraine all want a peace. Putin wants some kind of victory in Ukraine to justify the cost to Russia and to save face. Friedman suggests there are ongoing talks behind closed doors. I don't know how Zelensky could accept any occupied Ukrainian territory staying with the Russians. Pre 2022 lines? No matter what agreement how can Ukraine trust their allies to defend them unless NATO and EU membership is the guarantee?  

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20 hours ago, Honky Cat said:

I dont this bill is going to pass..What a pathetic world some Republican lawmakers live in.



the “flip” of a seat in NY State has house speaker Johnson just about powerless with bipartisanship votes .

Johnson has asked to have a meeting with Biden ,.  Obviously to make it “look” like Johnson is a good guy and easy to get along with .  Lol 

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Really hope this New General has a trap in mind for this area ,   Orc’s move blindly ..

but the objective is to deplete arms and ammunition in this area so that there is a RuZ breakthrough..

hopeful to see or here of F16’s soon !




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