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The Russia/Ukraine War Thread


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Seems there has been a sting of RuZ convoys taken out by UKR forces overnight,.

all in diffrent areas along the frontline battles.


Perhaps RuZ thought that UKR was depleted of weapons and or thinned out for defensives enough to advance upon ?


Just seems like another plan of attack failing in RuZ faces.


Just my opinion.


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Russian serviceman "Severny veter" went to defend Murz and stated that Avdiivka was simply given up to Russia to avoid losses, while future progress west will be complicated. He also complains about losses and the fact that those responsible for them will be awarded and promoted. From his words, Ukraine has 2nd and 3rd lines of defence beyond Avdiivka while russian supply lines are no built to continue moving forward.


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1 minute ago, SilentSam said:



to add:



Prisoners report “mysterious commotion” in the IK-3 Polar Wolf prison the night before Navalny died.

“It all started when they really sped up our evening search. This usually happens on holidays when the guards are in a hurry to go and celebrate, but yesterday wasn’t a holiday. 

Then they locked us up, forbade any movement between barracks, and tightened security. We heard cars drive onto the prison grounds late at night but couldn’t see through our cell windows what they were doing.

Guards conducted an in-depth search of the prisoners’ cells first thing the next morning, seizing phones, decks of cards, and even coil heaters which they had previously turned a blind eye to. The guards made it sound like there was an outside inspection coming up.

“Usually both the administration and the inmates find out about such inspections about a month in advance and prepare for them because neither the guards nor the prisoners want the inspectors to find any violations. And so we were expecting an inspection out of the blue! Something must have happened.”

“The punishment cell area that [Navalny] had been placed in is located somewhat to the side of the barracks, but we would have seen an ambulance drive up to it. But there was no ambulance in the colony that morning — it only appeared after the news of Navalny’s death became known. So I think he died a lot earlier than was stated officially — the night before, most likely. Why else would they completely lock us up and search us so thoroughly?”

“In the afternoon, several cars drove up to the administration unit. One was from the IK-18 prison, one from Salekhard, and a few others from Labytnangi, apparently. I think they wanted to coordinate their stories before the inspectors arrived.”

The inmates were informed that inspectors from the central office of the Federal Penitentiary Service were coming to IK-3 at about the same time as they found out about Navalny’s death.

It means that Navalny died much earlier than the authorities claim.

Source: Novaya Europa

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3 minutes ago, Whorvat said:

If someone went solely off of this threads updates, you'd think Ukraine was blowing Russia off the face of the planet


they are wearing them away like cheese in a cheese greater,.

410,000 RuZ troops KIA over this 2year period alone explains it .


The fight is in UKraine , on UKraine soil, there is no obligation or need to extend it into RuZ..

although that may change if the US sends the new package and long range missiles .


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This needs to be investigated and acted upon accordingly..   



Anna Kuznetsova, deputy chairman of the Russian State Duma, stated there are proven facts of Kyiv conducting experiments on children in psychiatric wards.

"Mobile groups of bioengineers were working in the cities, using mobile operating thermal containers, and they were constantly accompanied by foreign PMCs. We also receive information about experiments on children in psychiatric wards in a number of liberated cities of Donbas," she said.

Biolab mosquitoes have apparently evolved.



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Germany , recent :



The tense situation between the coalition parties of the German government in reference to the TAURUS missile has escalated into an open conflict. Member of the parliament and defense committee chair, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann of the FDP, announced that she will vote together with the CDU/CSU opposition for the motion of a TAURUS delivery.

This comes only after a day when the government coalition announced to bring in a motion containing the delivery of “long-range weapons” to Ukraine, without mentioning the TAURUS. Apparently, that was not enough and some won’t have it any more what Scholz and his small circle confidants are doing. 

The exact outcome of this power struggle is open but I’m almost certain that if Scholz defies this instance then this government ends.


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