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The Russia/Ukraine War Thread


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I'd suggest that Poland, that had Russian rockets/drones/missiles, sent over their territory are able to respond, without involving the rest of NATO.



A Russian cruise missile flew over NATO territory for 39 seconds overnight triggering a major alert amid fears over an escalation of the war in Ukraine.

Allied war planes scrambled to 'ensure the security' of Polish airspace after the incursion at 4.23am local time. 

The Polish armed forces confirmed the incident in a statement on X, saying: 'There was a violation of Polish airspace by one of the cruise missiles launched overnight by long-range aviation of the Russian Federation.

'The object entered Polish space near the town of Oserdow (Lublin Voivodeship) and stayed there for 39 seconds. During the entire flight, it was observed by military radar systems.'

The military said the missile travelled about 1.2miles into Polish territory and that Polish and allied aircraft had been activated, but that the airspace over Poland was now safe.


many pics and more words at the link.

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1 hour ago, SilentSam said:

On  another issue :







Do you have any other sources to confirm this?


Does not make a lot of sense IMO. Poland is a very staunch supporter of Ukraine and it is in their best interest to do everything in their power to ensure Ukraine wins this war. I am thinking this is a false flag post by this individual.

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4 minutes ago, MattJVD said:

It amazes me when people roll their eyes at MSNBC or use 'CNN' as a derogitory phrase, but then quote OANN correspondants hahaha

Has to be some real good stuff in that Koolaid they're all a drinking for them to believe whatever they read from some no name wanna be news source.

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30 minutes ago, Kootenay Gold said:

Do you have any other sources to confirm this?


Does not make a lot of sense IMO. Poland is a very staunch supporter of Ukraine and it is in their best interest to do everything in their power to ensure Ukraine wins this war. I am thinking this is a false flag post by this individual.

there were a couple Koots ,  but nothing shedding more light ,   Then I saw that NATO seems to be bolstered inside Poland,.??

I don’t know to make of it yet.



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@Kootenay Gold




Chances are it may have been done to “light up “  Polish / NATO defensive positions..

but I don’t think RuZ has capable monitors.  With most A 50’s seemingly out if action ,  possible satellite survey ??


Edited by SilentSam
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10 hours ago, WHL rocks said:

Hopefully this is a genuine question without disparaging me because you don't like certain truths. 


One can also ask the question what does Ukraine have to lose at this point. They need to do something to change the course of war..  They're at a point where they're losing badly. They're losing ground all across the 1000km + wide front line.  Russian army is headed to the Dnieper river and there's not much to stop them unless some drastic event happens to help them. 


I think the world of politics is a dirty, mean, evil, place. There are no good guys or bad guys in this space. There are interests. Countries have interests and that's how decisions are carried out..


As to your question I did try answer it at length in an earlier post. But it's very difficult to know exactly who what why etc.


But when ISIS K immediately takes responsibility from my knowledge of geo politics I know its a foreign intelligence agency attack. When you know who they are and at who's behest they have been doing terrorist attacks its clear they took responsibility on cue.


.. 99.99% of people in the west have never heard of ISIS K or any of the other ISIS outfits from North Africa to Pakistan. They immediately think of ISIS as the original terror outfit we all saw on our TVs beheading people and trying to take over Syria and Iraq. 


I'm assuming in Ukraine you're talking about the leadership of UKR.  

I don't think Zelenski or Syrskyi ordered this. Syrskyi is the guy who took over from Zaluhnyi as the commander in cheif of armed forces last month..


I think this is at the intelligence agency level. And it's impossible for us to know the exact reason. 


It could very well be a big provocation seeking massive response from Russia with mass mobilization and full scale offensive attack on Ukraine. This in turn would bring NATO forces into western Ukraine all the way upto the Dnieper river... That in turn frees up 100s of thousands UKR troops to leave western UKR and the border with Belarus to mobilize on the eastern front where the war is.. NATO forces entering western Ukraine changes the whole equation..


Right now Russia is gaining ground everyday. They took Avdivka last month which was the most fortified city in Europe prior to last month. This was a huge loss for UKR. Now the Ukraine forces are struggling badly. 


Ukraine needs something big to happen to be able to keep fighting. They desperately need help in any way or form. NATO troops entering Ukraine would change the dynamic of the war. 


This could also have Mossad involved to help GRU to carry it out..They have links with ISIS . This is not a secret. Just last month a Mossad meeting with senior ISIS  leaders was attacked by Iranian missiles in iraqi Kurdistan in revenge for the terror attack in Tehran the month prior. Mossad agents and a senior ISIS  leader were liquidated. Israel knows Russia had a hand via iran in the Oct 7 attack by Hamas. They want revenge for that and if history tells us something it's that Israel always takes revenge.


Russia is in a massive proxy war with France in Western Africa.  France is losing their colonies in the Sahel region. They are literally losing their colonies on which their wealth is dependant. The CFA Franc has added 100s of bilions into french coffers on the backs of these poorest of countries in the world..


Mali Niger Chad Burkina Faso  ++  Russians have been "liberating" them. There are massive amounts of natural resources that the French exploited for decades but they're losing these colonies to Russia. ISIS GS and and several factions of AL Quaeda  now known as JNIM  is very active in the region. 


The French have specialists in Ukraine. They want to send in NATO troops to defeat Russia.. last month a building housing 80 French specialists masquerading as mercenaries were bombed in Ukraine. 60 were killed 20 injured by Russia. Maybe France is involved in helping the GRU with this operation.


With these type of things it's so complicated we'll never know the full story..


Even if Russia does find out at the end of the day it's most likely they'll drop it as an ISIS attack because when you start untangling the web a lot of problems appear that are best left secret to avoid direct wars. 


Personally I find the Russia vs France proxy war in the Sahel region way more interesting than the Ukraine war. It's hard not to root for these super poor countries trying to get out from French colonialism. 


Back to this attack mostly terror attacks on this scale carried out by one nation against another are meant to shake confidence in the government to devastate the economy as ppl stop going out and to cause terror in a population and to make a country look weak on the world stage for not being able to protect its citizens. So this could also be the reason. 


Someone keeps saying why would they kill civilians like this when they could do it another way and they haven't done it in the past.. they think the goal is just to kill people. Thats so simple minded i didn't respond. 


For one this has deniabilty built in. Second terror attacks are meant for all the reasons listed above. Civilian deaths are just collateral damage. The goal is to cause terror in the whole country not to specifically just kill citizens. This type of attack has a completely different affect on a population.  We all remember how 9/11 or 26/11 affected people emotionally.  That's the goal of an attacks like this..


The 26/11 attack on Mumbai was done by Lashkar e Taiba. Or better known as LeT. It's a terror outfit controlled by Pakistan's ISI.


An ISI agent with rank of colonel was in charge of the group that carried out the attack. The terrorists phone calls to Pakistan were all recorded by Indian intelligence.  The terrorists  were given directions on the phone during the attack..now the question is did Pakistan order the attack? Did Pakistan's PM or Chief of Defense Staff order this attack? No. They didn't know it was going to happen. This ISI colonel knew and organized and helped carry it out. 


That's how countries do these attacks. The intelligence agency decides what when where why. 


Just to add the goal of an intelligence agency can be different from that of politicians. GRU would not care less iif Russia responded by taking out Zelenski for this attack. Another leader will step in and take over. Their goal is much bigger which in this case could be for Putin to over react and that helps bring NATO army into Ukraine. 


Zelenski is expendable and they'd be willing to make him a martyr and build a statue of him if it saves UKR by bringing in NATO.


So with this attack Russia is weakened. Their economy will suffer. The populace will be on edge and have less faith in Putin. If this attack leads to an over reaction by Putin NATO comes into Ukraine which is definitely not good for Russia. Only Ukraine wins in that scenario as neither NATO nor Russia want to be in a position where they are in a direct war against each other.. 


You might say NATO is already in Ukraine and that is true but that's only in an advisory role and to help direct high value missions and to operate high tech equipment which Ukrainian soldiers are not capable of operating.. so only NATO specialists and special forces are in Ukraine helping fight this war..


But if GRU can get 10s of thousands of mobilized NATO soldiers to roll into Ukraine in tanks they accomplish a far bigger goal.. 


They have nothing to lose at this point. It's only a matter of time Russia is on the Dnieper unless something big happens and this might be the way to make that something big actually happen. 


Normally I would also suspect Putin and FSB of a white flag attack. BUT in that case ISIS K would not be taking credit. They're not a Russian controlled outfit. There an outfit controlled by Russia's enemies. 



So to clarify.  You actually have no answer for my question.  Just went on a long winded rant that in now way shape or form explains why Ukraine would waste essential money materials and time hiring individuals to shoot up a theater with no strategic value.


But somehow you mention Ukraine being desperate to have NATO come to their aid with troops etc.


So another question.  Since Ukraine did not in fact target or slaughter civilians yet at any appreciable point in time of this conflict.  Why the ever loving hell would they target random individuals in Russia to drum up support or assistance from NATO?  Why wouldn't they kill their own?  Maybe a nice defenseless orphanage?  Further to that point.  Even if they DID attack their own people looking for sympathy.  Why would NATO respond now when they haven't stepped in yet at all after Russia attacked innocent children and slaughtered tens if not hundreds of thousands in places like Mariupol?


Your thought process doesn't track with what is reality my dude.

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2 hours ago, SilentSam said:

Interesting that in less than 48 hrs a song is written by a popular RuZ entertainer,

… about mobilizing a RuZ Army.   ??




less than 48 hours with a backing track AND video

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UKR Ingenuity !!

Nails the distillery tower ,.  Pin point !!


Its those structures that are key to refining ,  and Apparently does not have many of the components to replace them.






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Parts are essential for maintaining these..


UKR isn’t getting them.

Lucky not to lose life in this,.  
but it’s the total loss of a platform that could have been avoided if not for this whole US dilemma.


Easier to see now how RuZ MUST be influencing US politics,.  And why.





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 ISIS K has attacked Russian, Iranian, Pakistani assets in the last year.  Also a suicide attack in Qatar. Now Moscow? Their goal is controlling interest in Afghanistan.


Speaks to the complexity of conflict in the ME. 


CC Hamas thread...



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