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The Russia/Ukraine War Thread


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8 hours ago, WHL rocks said:


You listen to this shit? Up until now I figured your opinions were as a good hearted Canucks fan. Not so much it seems...so sad:(

Edited by Catman
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3 minutes ago, SilentSam said:


On the one hand 'GOOD, about time', but on the other hand, how many are ethnic Kurds with no Daesh affiliation, but Turkish citizenship/homes who are now just conveniently disappeared?

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11 minutes ago, SilentSam said:



I wouldn't trust this entirely: we have all been to hockey games or concerts with security, I could get a C-8 (fires up to 950 rounds per minutes) into a Royals game if i wanted to, but i don't at all, ever, and I trust my other royals fans don't want to either. We had three different dogs with us on a UN posting I had: a drug dog, an explosives dog and for lack of a better term, a holstered assault dog. I don't think I ever saw the explosives dog signal on a rifle. 


edit: the drug dog though signaled on some local day workers almost every day as they would often reek of hash, lol. 

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6 hours ago, SilentSam said:


This is interesting though:



IMPORTANT: Please share far & wide.
Summary of claims made by Russian defector, GRU Military Intelligence Colonel Igor Salikov, in his affidavit to the International Criminal Court. You can access the entire English translation at the link below.

• Igor Salikov wishes to surrender to the ICC and face justice, as it appears he committed war crimes in Ukraine.

2014 Russian invasion of Ukraine
• Worked with Dmitry ‘Wagner’ Utkin even before the formation of Wagner PMC, including at Redut PMC.
• Participated in Russia's military coup of government in eastern Ukraine in 2014, ordered by Putin’s Presidential Administration.
• Witnessed the mechanisms of the fraudulent ‘referendum’ in occupied Donetsk in 2014, leading to the formation of ‘Donetsk People’s Republic.’
• Commanded an FSB special forces unit in occupied Donbas under the guise of ‘Ukrainian separatists.’
• In 2015, witnessed false-flag operations of Russian forces shelling Ukrainian civilians in Donbas which were blamed on the Ukrainian Armed Forces, with the specific purpose of disrupting the ‘Minsk-2’ peace agreement between Ukraine and Russia.
• Witnessed the Russian forces mining the streets and paths in occupied Donbas in the spring of 2015 with the specific intent to murder Ukrainian civilians and blame the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Many Ukrainian civilians died including children.
• Witnessed torture and executions of civilians in Ukraine & Syria.
• Witnessed a mass purge of field commanders by Wagner PMC in 2014-2015 in occupied Donbas.

2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine
• Was head of Russian military intelligence detachment tasked with capturing the SBU headquarters in Kyiv and assassinating key SBU employees at the onset of the Feb 2022 invasion. Entered Ukraine through Chernobyl. Three Ukrainian security service traitors from the Yanukovich era were attached to his unit.
• Witnessed torture and executions of Ukrainian prisoners of war.
• At the end of March 2022, was tasked with the execution of 5 Ukrainian civilians in Bucha. However, Salikov disobeyed the order and instead released the hostages. Russian military opened a criminal case against him for this act, but Salikov was able to flee and has been in hiding ever since, until arriving in the Netherlands to turn himself in to the ICC on December 18th 2023.

• Already provided extensive testimony of Russian war crimes to Ukraine's Prosecutor General [confirmed]
• Worked with Human rights defender Vladimir Osechkin for over 1 year after fleeing Russia to prepare & organize testimony to the ICC [confirmed]


What a prick Salikov?


Seriously happy he's off the streets / curious why he is an outkast from his Russian controllers?


It's too bad he has so much information; therefore unfortunately worth offsetting his execution... 



His intelligence better be perfect & very forthcoming!


''Tasked with capturing the SBU headquarters in Kyiv and assassinating key SBU employees?'' Was that Zelensky?

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My view is Macron is intelligent enough to survive politically.  Not enough to be this leader Macron portrays himself to be...


The gift Donald Trump is giving the world? Even Macron is espousing the EU be independent militarily & politically from the US. Trump hawks feel welcome to believe its planned. Trump is not hard to see through IMO. Desperate. Willing to steal, lie, ply allegiances for personal profit. I guess I am giving Macron credit after all...  😞 



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The many enemies / adversaries of Putin are all taking advantage of the weaknesses Putin/ RuZ have at this time ..

Seems the Rat is about to be cornered ..


Would be perfect timing if Belarus would throw out Lukochenko and sever ties with Putin.




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It seems people have been reminding Johnson how his hero Ronald Reagan felt about Russian empire building.


Vowing the U.S. Will ‘Do Our Job,’ Johnson Searches for a Path on Ukraine

The Republican speaker, with his job on the line, has privately told people he will make sure the House moves to assist Ukraine, a step that many members of his party oppose.

Mr. Johnson has faced mounting international pressure to allow a vote on aid to Ukraine, fielding almost weekly visits and calls from NATO allies and pro-Ukraine activists both at his offices in Washington and Louisiana. When Prime Minister Donald Tusk of Poland visited Washington earlier this month, he had a sharp public message for the speaker.

“This is not some political skirmish that only matters here in America,” Mr. Tusk told reporters. “The absence of this positive decision of Mr. Johnson will really cost thousands of lives there — children, women. He must be aware of his personal responsibility.”

Meeting privately with Mr. Johnson in his office in the Capitol, President Andrzej Duda of Poland appealed to the Louisiana Republican’s respect for President Ronald Reagan, whose portrait hung beside the speaker during the meeting. Mr. Duda quoted Mr. Reagan extensively and praised his willingness to call out good versus evil during the Cold War, according to a person familiar with the comments who requested anonymity to describe them.

Some skeptical Ukraine backers, both on and off Capitol Hill, have fretted that Mr. Johnson’s agreeable comments have simply reflected his penchant for telling people what they want to hear. Early in Mr. Johnson’s tenure as speaker, lawmakers noticed that he had a habit of leaving listeners from warring factions with the impression he agreed with each of them.

Yet at the fund-raiser in New Jersey last month, he was fairly candid about his calculations.  Mr. Johnson told the audience that he was “working to figure out the best route forward,” 


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