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The Russia/Ukraine War Thread


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28 minutes ago, Gnarcore said:

The overuse of Hitler and Nazi in comparisons annoys me to no end. Are there groups of people due to their race on trains and headed to death camps? No? Find another comparison. You can compare policies and actions to things done by Nazis but unless genocide is on the table no blanket statements. 

Putin is committing genocide as we speak!! 🤦‍♂️ 

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1 hour ago, Gnarcore said:

The overuse of Hitler and Nazi in comparisons annoys me to no end. Are there groups of people due to their race on trains and headed to death camps? No? Find another comparison. You can compare policies and actions to things done by Nazis but unless genocide is on the table no blanket statements. 


Perhaps you should talk to the residents of Bucha and Mariupol...

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7 hours ago, BlockerHigh said:

What would the USA do if China wanted missiles and bio research plants on the border of Texas/Mexico? I remember the Cuban Missile Crisis...The USA has shown how they would react.


Again, I am not supportive of Putin but you have to also consider actions and reactions. Life is not so simple as good guy bad guy. I am referring to the encroachment of NATO and the Minsk accords. As for the bio labs, no it is not conspiracy as MSM propaganda suggests. Victoria Nuland, the Under Secretary of State for the USA admitted it in a House Overview Hearing under oath (you can google it). So when you make an agreement with Russian not to encroach further, but do, then biolabs pop up....what do we expect?

According to RFK, an agreement was signed, Putin was pulling troops back in good faith, satellites showed this, and the USA and UK told Zelensky not to sign it. Is that true? Not sure, but I doubt RFK would say something that people "in the know" could easily verify.


Finally, I'm not suggesting this about you, but I see alot of emotional responses here, not discussing the points I made above that RFK mentioned (Minsk etc). I appreciate this is emotional for some (perhaps the people being emotional are Ukrainian), but it doesn't change the issues.


IMHO the only way to stop a war is a negotiation. Negotiations that WORK only work when both sides accept the reality that neither will get what they want. Believing groups will just give back territory in a war, is beyond naive, so pragmatists need to understand what you have to work with and negotiate from there. Expecting things to go back to how they were, won't solve anything and will only perpetuate the problem and create more death.


I don't want to see endless deaths and some of the arguments here don't seem to care about that. Because the reality is, you can say "Well putin can leave" but the REALITY is he won't. So what's the outcome? More death. Utopian expectations do not solve the problem. Reality and pragmatism do.


Fuck the parroting of russian propaganda about bad USA near their borders.




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9 minutes ago, RomanPer said:


**** *** and your parroting of russian propaganda about bad USA near their borders.


Please RomanP, this thread needs you to not get banned. You are far too valuable. 


Attack the idea, not the poster.

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5 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


Please RomanP, this thread needs you to not get banned. You are far too valuable. 


Attack the idea, not the poster.


Well, this site doesn't have the same draconian rules as the previous one. As long as I keep it in moderation, it should be fine 🙂

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1 minute ago, RomanPer said:


Well, this site doesn't have the same draconian rules as the previous one. As long as I keep it in moderation, it should be fine 🙂

Now that we're on a new site, maybe we can get a fundraiser going for the first game against Ovenchicken's Capitals in the GDT?

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4 hours ago, BlockerHigh said:

Ok now you’ve lost credibility with me


”Trump takes lessons from Hitler ” paraphrasing. We really need to move away from media driven hyperbole and deal with facts Vs emotions driven by dislike of a person. I will accept your dislike of Trump, what I can’t accept is something categorically false.


He was in power for 4 years. Please show my how he enacted fascist policy?


I see this comment often, I don’t think many even know what fascism is but rather want to use it as a slur.

Fascism is a form of authoritarianism, requiring strong central govt control, censorship/control of media, a lack of adherence to established rule of law, and the suppression of political opposition.


Trump is:


a constitutionalist- he wanted rule of law followed 


He relinquished more power to the states, lessening federal power. Power closer to the people. 


he wanted less regulation (again less federal govt interference)


He is pro free speech


His son is law is Jewish as is his grandchild. His son in law helped create one of the most important peace accords in the Middle East between Israel and a number of Muslim countries, the Abraham Accords. To me his is not Hitleresque, quite the contrary.  


Trump moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem to show his support for Israel


Biden on the other hand has been tramping the constitution (free speech, trying to extinguish student loans by fiat which he can’t legally, has send billions to Iran who has stated they want to remove Israel off the map, etc), and has consistently tried to aggregate more power at the federal level. He’s also worked with big tech to censor and weaponized his DOJ against political opponents. All of this is more fascist than anything Trump has done.

Anyways. It seems there’s a real bias on this site to views that come from the CNN’s of the world and until and unless people are open minded enough to seek out independent journalists, to educate themselves on information beyond what the CNN’s say, then consider it, a discussion from my perspective is pointless.

We have to honestly assess facts and not use emotional hyperbole to have honest, intellectual debates, and I am certainly not going to convince anyone to seek that info out, it’s something one has to get to on their own, through logic and questioning. 

But as I move back to hockey for good here’s an actual example for you re: biden and censorship/ fascism.








Biden is a strong leader, and he proves it every day in his leadership for the support of Ukraine against the evil invading and occupying Russian forces. 
Your views are 100% wrong and posted from ignorance. 

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The Muscovite plains are a trifecta of inefficiency in agricology, not rich in oil/minerals & lacking in native ports, strategic & defendable military barriers.   


The plains are cold with short growing seasons, lacking heavy humidity or rainfall and far from volcanic rich soils.  Even animal rich native hunting grounds are hundreds, often a thousand kilometers away.  It is not a bread basket capable of feeding large populations. Too far from anyplace to be a transport hub, or inexpensively supply itself via trade. So it has always expanded, in search of enslavable or taxable workforces, resources, goods, markets & food, natural barriers to protect them from invasion.. 


Russians have perennially drifted from the plains towards the Black & Caspian sea's.  Ten time zones away to Vladivostok in the 1600's. Only St Petersburg's port is open most of the year, if that is not a Slavic, or Viking home port to someone's sense of history. Simply to have access to shipping ports, trade.



Perhaps until they develop intellectual property that can command markets? Russia will always have to be an aggressor.  


Or @BlockerHigh we can just grant them these populations to enslave or slaughter at their behest, lands, businesses., resources, ports, markets and goods without cost. So they will offer us 'peace?'





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2 minutes ago, Yoshiyoshi said:

While i like the sentiment, i'm not too comfortable with how they refer to Prigozhin there. He was definitely not someone who should be celebrated, unless that celebration is by dancing on his grave. Oh well

I'm thinking it was meant more "we won't stop" rather than pro-prego

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1 hour ago, Yoshiyoshi said:

While i like the sentiment, i'm not too comfortable with how they refer to Prigozhin there. He was definitely not someone who should be celebrated, unless that celebration is by dancing on his grave. Oh well

I didn’t take it as celebrated, more he was a failure.. also his words are diplomatic enough that maybe they can recruit some folks that want to avenge his death?  

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