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The Russia/Ukraine War Thread


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The Courage of UKraine is taking control of this War .

The Nuclear Threat that RuZ has needs to be taken from them.  They can not be trusted with have such magnitude of power.

it is solely used to extort through war mongering, corruption, and theft from other Countries.




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From paragraph from the post below :



All in all, the last 4 weeks, but even more the last 8 months have shown us that even under best fighting conditions Russians perform abysmally low. They have the numbers, the shells, the air planes, their industry completely set for war and, most of all, the Ukrainian shell drought. Yet, despite this huge advantage, the results regarding territorial gains are extremely meager, at best. When nothing changes and when comparing those meager results with the huge resources Russians have allocated and eventually squandered, then we can easily call this a strategic Russian defeat. Seriously, Russians cannot even take Vovchans'k, a city merely 3 miles behind their own border. Just keep this in mind and try not to laugh.

Ukrainians severely degraded Russian manpower and resources. They performed exceptionally well, despite the harsh conditions and in the process exposed Russia's weakness over and over, again. It is latest episode for the fact that Russia can be defeated.



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Just an FYI:

   Really hope this weekend is the turning point in Hungary.

sadly may not come without destruction ,  but perhaps there are better minds and people in the military who can back the move of the people there.





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The Intel is being shared with all nations wanting to live in a democracy.

Life and love is winning .…. But the world , this beautiful planet we have the rare privilege of existing on ,

needs to be rid of Nuclear Power used to threaten all of our existence.


that’s the existential threat all of these “actors” operate with.




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