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The Russia/Ukraine War Thread


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You know, it's interesting that Russia started accumulating Troops close to the Ukraine for this invasion, right about the time that Trump announced that the US were withdrawing 12,000 troops from Germany....



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Vladimir Putin 'body double' exposed in North Korea as key details revealed

Rumours of a Vladimir Putin body double are swirling once again as internet sleuths say it definitely wasn't the Russian President who turned up in North Korea.


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46 minutes ago, VegasCanuck said:

You know, it's interesting that Russia started accumulating Troops close to the Ukraine for this invasion, right about the time that Trump announced that the US were withdrawing 12,000 troops from Germany....



Withdrawal orders from Putin?

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1 minute ago, Yoshiyoshi said:

I dont think Trump would take orders from him or anyone, but i can definitely see him being manipulated by Putin to do so.

There's enough Russian money holding Trumps strings and there's a reason why he wouldn't let a translator sit in on his meetings with Putin. 

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7 hours ago, VegasCanuck said:

You know, it's interesting that Russia started accumulating Troops close to the Ukraine for this invasion, right about the time that Trump announced that the US were withdrawing 12,000 troops from Germany....



one might also suggest that the U.S withdrawal of troops  (ordered by trump) was a precursor for something that would make him look brilliant (with Putin help),


..Or if Biden won , leaving him with a withdrawal already in progress that could not be stopped because of asset and support systems already exited .

 (Again an opportunity for Putin to help with)


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Very interesting piece:


Russia is running out of air defense systems: the last S-300s for the protection of Crimea were brought from the Kuril Islands

Former company commander of the Aidar battalion, military expert Evgeniy Dikiy said that Russia no longer has enough resources to guard Crimea, while the Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to attack the peninsula.

“Let me remind you that just last month we destroyed 15 Russian anti-aircraft missile systems on the Crimean Peninsula. Moreover, these are not some “Shells”, but we are talking about the S-300 and S-400 air defense systems. Just last week, two S-300 air defense systems and one S-400 were destroyed in Crimea. This is not at all accidental, this is an absolutely thoughtful strategy that is very effective and produces results.
To bring new air defense there, they take them anywhere. We have already seen how the last S-300s were taken from the Kuril Islands. This is something that in Soviet times was even impossible to imagine - that the Far East would not be left “covered”. We have already seen how complexes were taken from the Arctic. In fact, the Russians do not have enough air defense,” said Yevgeny Dikiy.



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16 minutes ago, SilentSam said:


  Put a good man in your heart today .





He paid the ultimate price while politicians bitch that properly supporting Ukraine is too expensive.  

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17 minutes ago, SilentSam said:

Already realized ,.  But the map is helpful to understand the effectiveness of the permissions..




America:  Here's weapons to defend yourself. BUT you can ONLY use them IF Russia is attacking, the moon is in Aquarius and the chaff falls off the wheat to the north.


Also Americans:  it's your protected right to own as many guns for your protection if you want, and so what if you just shot up a school, that's the price of freedom

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