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The Russia/Ukraine War Thread


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So this morning, I am focused on China


I ask myself, what does China gain by aiding Russia


Some say raw resources, which would be true


But then the question comes, what will they do with those raw resources?


If in fact Russia was to win, and continue their expansion


Then the west, would have to respond. By doing so, the west goes into war mode


and purchases of Chinese goods goes down. This all at a time, China is experiencing their own form of depression


I see no benefit to China, short term or long term.


However, If the west wins and Russia becomes weaker, then China benefits, with cheaper resources, and access to the west,


who, because of Russia's quicker loss, has not lost their ability to purchase Chinese goods.


My secondary question is exactly how many goods can the Russian people buy from China in the short and long term, in their present economic state?



My question to you all is...........which is more important to the Chinese? Economics with the West or the Political relationship with Russia?



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10 minutes ago, SilentSam said:

Beautiful !




Welcome onto the fold, Serbia! If they are ready to move to become more European alligned, I hope we welcome them with open arms. I know there is a lot of (recent) bloody history between us, but the war crimes trails have concluded. If Serbia wants to make a new chapter in their history, good on them.


I know this is heavily influence by selection bias (the only Serbs I know are those who wanted no part in the wars and fled to Canada in the 90s) but they all wish for better Serbian/European (and Canadian) relations to more easily visit family. 


This was years ago but a family friend was arrested returning to Serbia to visit his aunts and Uncles because he dodged the draft in the 90s to come to Canada. Fortunately he was released shortly afterwards and was able to return to Canada. It would be wondeful for people like him to travel freely.

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2 hours ago, JIAHN said:

So this morning, I am focused on China


I ask myself, what does China gain by aiding Russia


Some say raw resources, which would be true


But then the question comes, what will they do with those raw resources?


If in fact Russia was to win, and continue their expansion


Then the west, would have to respond. By doing so, the west goes into war mode


and purchases of Chinese goods goes down. This all at a time, China is experiencing their own form of depression


I see no benefit to China, short term or long term.


However, If the west wins and Russia becomes weaker, then China benefits, with cheaper resources, and access to the west,


who, because of Russia's quicker loss, has not lost their ability to purchase Chinese goods.


My secondary question is exactly how many goods can the Russian people buy from China in the short and long term, in their present economic state?



My question to you all is...........which is more important to the Chinese? Economics with the West or the Political relationship with Russia?




If Russia wins it means several things


  •  Wars of territorial aggression are now on the menu (Taiwan), as it is proven that Western democracies do not have the will or stomach for long term conflict.


  • I don't see a way for Russia to win militarily in Ukraine, for me a victory for Russia implies a political victory for Putin in the Western Democracies, which means most likely a Trump presidency. As we saw with the last presidency, Trump's tariff wars gave China inroads into expanding their commercial and trading influence in south-east Asia without materially harming their economy. China will look to this as an advantage as America pulls back from international commitments and plans that seeked to contain China, I can expect future growth and expansion into Africa via the Road and Belt initiative, which will extend extensively into Siberia and Russia/Eurasia as the dependency of Russia on China to deliver on logistics increases, this gives China access to those territories with minimal effort.


  • A Trump presidency also means that more US secrets are on the menu, possibly in exchange between Russia/China's alliance. China would most particularly be interested in any key information relating to US deployments / weapons in the Pacific


  • Trump's economic policies of slapping Tariffs on Chinese goods gives them the opportunity to open trade/manufacturing alliances with its neighbors (i.e construct 95% of a product in China, ship it to Vietnam and finish it, then sell to US) 


  • China gains by having Russia exist as an entity in geopolitics, it divides America's attention and say what you will about Russia, but their misinformation campaigns are top notch in this new era of hybrid warfare. The more chaos and division sown in the West, the better it is for China to consolidate. Get a bunch of isolationist 'America/Europe first' hard right parties elected in NA and EU? Suddenly there's less political will to support peripheral issues like Taiwan and the Uyghurs. Keeping Russia in the war by all means is very productive for China, not to mention the longer and deeper into the war Russia goes, the more dependent the relationship is for them. China can essentially exert influence across the whole of Eurasia with Russia in its back pocket.


  • The war also gives Chinese strategists free battlefield data on the performance of Western NATO equipment on Russian armies and may give them insight into their own forces capabilities and how to improve, especially in this era of drone warfare.


  • China and Russia's ultimate end goal is to deconstruct all the post-WW2 geopolitical order where America is top dog, in a multi-polar world they envision, you need actors like Russia to exist as a counter weight.


  • It gives China political and diplomatic soft power and leverage if it is seen as the sane party in this Sino-Russian arrangement. "We got this dictator threatening to nuke everyone everyday? I'll reign him in, but it won't be for free."
Edited by DSVII
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3 hours ago, JIAHN said:

So this morning, I am focused on China


I ask myself, what does China gain by aiding Russia


Some say raw resources, which would be true


But then the question comes, what will they do with those raw resources?


If in fact Russia was to win, and continue their expansion


Then the west, would have to respond. By doing so, the west goes into war mode


and purchases of Chinese goods goes down. This all at a time, China is experiencing their own form of depression


I see no benefit to China, short term or long term.


However, If the west wins and Russia becomes weaker, then China benefits, with cheaper resources, and access to the west,


who, because of Russia's quicker loss, has not lost their ability to purchase Chinese goods.


My secondary question is exactly how many goods can the Russian people buy from China in the short and long term, in their present economic state?



My question to you all is...........which is more important to the Chinese? Economics with the West or the Political relationship with Russia?



unless China wants the task of trying to rebuild RuZ after this War ,  they value their economic viability with the West more.


Something they need to thoroughly think about.


Sanctions would also effect them for 5-10 years.

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