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The Russia/Ukraine War Thread


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1 hour ago, Canuck Surfer said:


This is a perfect sense of reality check everyone need to consider...


Russia is of course larger than Ukraine so needs support. If anyone believes in the inherent risk they pose? I mean..., they already attacked Georgia, Syria, are engaged (with Wagner and other paramilitary groups, alliances with Iran & it's 'axis of evil') in Africa & the Middle East in the deaths of millions actually eclipsing Ukraine, have threatened Japan, and made no secret of their desire to reinstate more than the power & reach of the USSR in places like the Baltics, Eastern Europe all past Ukraine.


This is already a second 'less than' cold war. Russia is making no secret of its intent to pursue its goals via war.


I'd say well done! If you had stopped there.



This ignores that same reality check completely.


1) Russia will not leave Ukraine voluntarily.

2) Ukraine, needs and deserves a security alliance; especially after having been attacked.


Why would Ukraine agree to be defenseless? 👻

The off the record warning to Russia will have to be that once settled any further attacks are considerd an act of war on nato. They can't say that publicly as Russia needs to save face. Russia would only agree to a stalemate and withdrawal if Putin wasn't in power.


I do concur that Russia will only stand down if Putin is gone or if there only option is nukes. The saner people in Russian military understand that after the first nuke is used the planet is gone .... They can only use the threat of nukes so long and Russia is not prepared to see themselves vaporized over Ukraine 

Putin is the problem as his bucket list has him wanting to reform the old USSR 

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1 minute ago, Sapper said:

The off the record warning to Russia will have to be that once settled any further attacks are considerd an act of war on nato. They can't say that publicly as Russia needs to save face. Russia would only agree to a stalemate and withdrawal if Putin wasn't in power.


I do concur that Russia will only stand down if Putin is gone or if there only option is nukes. The saner people in Russian military understand that after the first nuke is used the planet is gone .... They can only use the threat of nukes so long and Russia is not prepared to see themselves vaporized over Ukraine 

Putin is the problem as his bucket list has him wanting to reform the old USSR 

Russia needs to be given a timeline to either execute Putin or hand him over.  After that, it needs to be made clear that Moscow will be turned into a crater if he isn't exterminated.

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1 minute ago, King Heffy said:

Russia needs to be given a timeline to either execute Putin or hand him over.  After that, it needs to be made clear that Moscow will be turned into a crater if he isn't exterminated.

My fear is that Trump and PP will give Putin the unconditional surrender of Ukraine in trade for not taking more land during his term.


2028 will see the frame work for WW3 play out while Trump out of office can blame it on his successors because he had peace 


The ultimate kick the can down the road 


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Just now, Sapper said:

My fear is that Trump and PP will give Putin the unconditional surrender of Ukraine in trade for not taking more land during his term.


2028 will see the frame work for WW3 play out while Trump out of office can blame it on his successors because he had peace 


The ultimate kick the can down the road 


I wouldn't put it past Trump to try invading from the West.  Trump and Putin are the two biggest threats to humanity of our lifetime; Ukraine may need to take matters into their own hands and ensure that Trump does not succeed in his goal to Nazify the USA.

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1 hour ago, Canuck Surfer said:




Why would Ukraine agree to be defenseless? 👻

The first time they tried that, by giving up  their nukes, doesn't seem to have worked that well for them.


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6 minutes ago, Sapper said:
9 minutes ago, King Heffy said:


My fear is that Trump and PP will give Putin the unconditional surrender of Ukraine in trade


#1 This is not up to Trump.


#2 Is Trump trades for personal profit and power.  As did George Bush and his associates.  Its not idealistically based in the case of monolithics like himself. Nor his Dominatrix owner, Putin.  Then back to point one, Its not up to Trump anyway.


A loss of US support is, of course a potential major blow to Ukraine.  Which would in turn see MUCH more heavily allied EU countries embrace their own security by more heavily backing Zelensky. And distancing themselves from the US while Trump is in charge.    


Trump himself has his own affiliations to sort out.  He is tied at the hip, mortgaged to the hilt, to Saudi investors. The Middle East (and Sahel region Africa) is where he, as an omnipotent leader, can tag team as the official bitch for Vlad to make profits for him & his cronies. In direct conflict with all of Vlad's alliances, Iran specifically. Iran who, a story making rounds, apparently was irritated because this 20 year old Thomas Crooks kid got in the way of their own assasination attempt. Not to mention 80 years of American industries, the wealthy side of backers, having their business plans and profits tied to current American alliances. Project 2025 will have internal competition to stay afloat. More so than many within Project 2025 are thinking easy money & no legal ramifications are on their way. Look how poor the US economy did when Trump's cronyism was in charge post 2016? Its not that easy to simply change the course of strategic affiliation, even the US military swear an oath to the constitution, not President. 


Nor has Trump won any election yet.  



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If Trump, for example, stiffs Bin Salman. And starts playing with Putin for real?  Vlad will just as quickly dispose of him as he did Prigozhin. If he is not beat to it by Bin Salman or Khomeini's boys. Trump has made a political revolution by whipping such Ma & Pa Kettle Rednecks & other similar types demographics out to vote. Even they are apparently already out for him? You can only play people off against each other for profit so long...


It will sort itself out. 



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1 hour ago, Sapper said:

My fear is that Trump and PP will give Putin the unconditional surrender of Ukraine in trade for not taking more land during his term.


2028 will see the frame work for WW3 play out while Trump out of office can blame it on his successors because he had peace 


The ultimate kick the can down the road 



1 hour ago, King Heffy said:

I wouldn't put it past Trump to try invading from the West.  Trump and Putin are the two biggest threats to humanity of our lifetime; Ukraine may need to take matters into their own hands and ensure that Trump does not succeed in his goal to Nazify the USA.


1 hour ago, Gurn said:

The first time they tried that, by giving up  their nukes, doesn't seem to have worked that well for them.



1 hour ago, Canuck Surfer said:


#1 This is not up to Trump.


#2 Is Trump trades for personal profit and power.  As did George Bush and his associates.  Its not idealistically based in the case of monolithics like himself. Nor his Dominatrix owner, Putin.  Then back to point one, Its not up to Trump anyway.


A loss of US support is, of course a potential major blow to Ukraine.  Which would in turn see MUCH more heavily allied EU countries embrace their own security by more heavily backing Zelensky. And distancing themselves from the US while Trump is in charge.    


Trump himself has his own affiliations to sort out.  He is tied at the hip, mortgaged to the hilt, to Saudi investors. The Middle East (and Sahel region Africa) is where he, as an omnipotent leader, can tag team as the official bitch for Vlad to make profits for him & his cronies. In direct conflict with all of Vlad's alliances, Iran specifically. Iran who, a story making rounds, apparently was irritated because this 20 year old Thomas Crooks kid got in the way of their own assasination attempt. Not to mention 80 years of American industries, the wealthy side of backers, having their business plans and profits tied to current American alliances. Project 2025 will have internal competition to stay afloat. More so than many within Project 2025 are thinking easy money & no legal ramifications are on their way. Look how poor the US economy did when Trump's cronyism was in charge post 2016? Its not that easy to simply change the course of strategic affiliation, even the US military swear an oath to the constitution, not President. 


Nor has Trump won any election yet.  




it is interesting.


Hypothetically ,  Trump becomes president, 

Tells Zelensky to surrender.

Zelensky tells Trump to fuck himself ,

turns back to the EU and says ,

”my handcuffs are off”. The US is out of this conflict .


Europe proceeds to do what that are doing to support ,.   Or accelerate this into a European conflict .


RuZ is already depleted ..  and I don’t think there is a U.S. General, Commander, or Troop that would want to support Putin .


worth a discussion?



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9 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

Poland is upping their military spending to 5% of GDP next year. What is their intelligence telling leadership?

They've been occupied so many times in their history. Poland has no interest in being run over, then waiting months or years for NATO forces to kick the Soviets  uh I mean Russians out. We've seen how Russia does urban fighting, the major cities would be rubble and hundreds of thousands would die. 

Poland wants to be able to stop any attack in in tracks at the border, by building the largest army in Europe. They'll still rely on NATO to even up the disparity in the air and at sea, but Poland wants to be able to defend Poland with Polish soldiers and keep their major cities safe. 


But above all, Poland wants to be so well equipped that the prospect of invading is untenable for Russia and the attack never happens. 

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43 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

Poland is upping their military spending to 5% of GDP next year. What is their intelligence telling leadership?

That a power vacuum is occurring in central and eastern europe.  Germany is morally bankrupt and while a power is no longer the top tier voice it used to be with france and the UK.  Russia is on the ropes and a total joke militarily.


Poland has a clear path to supremacy in the EU with one of the strongest most well equipped armies in the world and their intelligence is probably echoing that.  With a power vacuum coming Poland can become as essential to the EU as France/UK and formerly Germany have been

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1 hour ago, Boudrias said:

Poland is upping their military spending to 5% of GDP next year. What is their intelligence telling leadership?

I think all of Europe is realizing they may lose the US support .. 

     I think many are about to follow suit and not allow UKR to lose this battle .

Further more ,  They recognize they need to finally Cripple Russia ,.  Even if it means starting another World War .


I doubt the U.S. would be involved , except for selling weapons ,  which is what they already do to UKR .

If Trump gets in ,  he’ll claim the USA was giving weapons to UKR for Free ,  but now he’s selling and creating an economic boom.


This is all on Putin ..   he is trying to get US out of the WAR scenario so that he can escalate.


Europe should be upping military productions to prepare to engage .


   Regardless of If or When.


Putin and RuZ needs to fall .. 

they destabilize to much ,.  Putin has been doing this for 30 years already.

This is why the US is in the Flux they are in elections.

Social media has allowed Propaganda and Fake news to expidite the exploitation of emotions and weak minds in the US ,. And Canada.

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                  I wonder what they will decide to do if Trump is elected.

    Perhaps they treat him like Orban ,. His vote will be bypassed.



this is recent :




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There it is ,.   Europes call to realize that the US may not be supporting the UKraine if Trump wins the election.


The handcuffs will come off UKraine and RuZ will be taken whilst weak,.

Putin will try to employ Trump for help .



In Britain, Zelenskyy calls to follow Churchill's example to protect Europe

"Will Europe remain a continent that will not give up in the face of tyrants? Will Europe be a continent of free nations and communities who are not afraid to fight? We all see how much the courage of previous generations helps us," Zelenskyy said.




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Add to the above :





10 years ,   He should be dead already ,.

he dosent have a grasp on his own mortality..  

that is not only mentally retarded, it is disease that spreads.


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