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The Russia/Ukraine War Thread


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My opinion .. but ..

      They are attempting to Circle Moscow by the looks of it ??


im looking at the “bigger picture” ..

but What exists above MOSCOW for defences that haven’t possibly been re-deployed??




Russian defenses are crumbling on the Kursk front. The Forces of Justice have taken Martynivka and Hordiivka, tearing them from Russian control. This is just the beginning.

Our forces have crossed the border into Russia from multiple new directions. Battles are raging inside your territory. Your so-called “border” is shattered, and your troops are in disarray.

We’ve expanded our operations inside Russia to over 1,000 square kilometers. Russian soldiers are being captured in groups, their resistance crushed. Every night, more of your men surrender, knowing there’s no escape from what’s coming.

The map now shows where our forces are hitting you hardest. These aren’t just marks on a map—they’re signs of your imminent defeat. You can’t stop us. This is the end of your empire.




Edited by SilentSam
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Drone tries to disable the vehicle so contents can be salvaged..


on these rubber tires transports ..

just take out the steering tire.


Prehaps even follow with a drone equipped with a CO2 canister to stop / extinguish the OverBurn.

less bang /  bigger bucks 


dont have to eliminate everything your about to own.



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   Big Find ::  New Targets !!



Ukrainian Intelligence hit a gold mine on Russian Logistics in near real time! 

The capture of Sudzha may not seem grand on a map but the capture of the railway station may allow Ukrainian Intelligence direct access into Russian Railway Computer Systems, Schedules, Train Consists, and internal Russian Railway Communications from Dispatch to  Defect Detectors.

Sudzha station besides being part of the Lgov-Belgorod Line that I've highlighted previously is part of the Moscow Railway division, which must be causing panic in Russian High Command knowing that the enemy has real time capability to view your logistical movements.







Edited by SilentSam
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I think I mentioned yesterday, that if these guys are left with the task of defending what’s left..   they will run.


UKR will have a Victory Day on Red Square.



     Putin will go down in history as perhaps losing the biggest wealth in land mass and resources of a single country ..







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Times up eh?  Big Boy ..

Offer him exile,.  UKR will liberate and align that country in minutes ..


Belarus Army will meet and greet UKR at border crossings and new friendships will grow.




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1 hour ago, Boudrias said:

If Russia implodes I see the opposite. I can easily see Russia breaking into numerous small countries ruled by mafia or military juntas. It will take decades to change the ordinary Russian's mindset. Those areas closest to NATO borders will likely convert the fastest. As I mentioned earlier Moscow has to be thinking about the country as a whole and whether their treasure trove, Siberia, will be taken from them. Moscow has to be considering whether a deal can be made with Ukraine and whether if that happens can they retain power in what will be left of Russia? Right now there are likely hit squads patrolling Moscow ready to shot anyone who suggests some kind of withdrawal from Ukraine. Those who want a peace will have to have their own militias to defend themselves. Who do they trust? The big losers in what is going down is Putin's mafia but also his FSB service which has failed terribly. 

There was a slide from a CHinese intel brief (supposedly) that showed most of eastern Russia as China, pretty much from North of central Kazakstan, all the way to Kamchatka were part of China on the map shown. If Russia disintigrates, and we are being super speculative about a slim chance at one possible future here, then the bulk of the Asian landmass will become Chinese, for sure. 

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1 hour ago, SilentSam said:




OH man. 
I was on a course and the Sgt Major was in the Airborne Regiment before it was dismantled, ran every morning with the maroon sweater on with the winged parachute on the front, was very proud. He was in Somalia when the shit that ended the regiment went down, but that is another story. My buddy, a french canadian young man showed up to run 15k in the morning wearing a knockoff of that sweater. The sgt major sprinted out of his office, accross the parade square, left his feet, connected a flying elbow onto the young lads chin and as they rolled to the ground punched him in the gut to knock the wind out of him too. as the 'kid' lay there trying to breath the old man ripped the sweater off his back, held it up like a trophy and declared "you earn this, you don't buy this, no one gives it to you as a present...now fuck off, back at 8 and be ready for a running all morning."


Sad that Russia will toss theirs to anyone these days willing to die for a couple thousand bucks. 

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2 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

There was a slide from a CHinese intel brief (supposedly) that showed most of eastern Russia as China, pretty much from North of central Kazakstan, all the way to Kamchatka were part of China on the map shown. If Russia disintigrates, and we are being super speculative about a slim chance at one possible future here, then the bulk of the Asian landmass will become Chinese, for sure. 

makes a guy wonder if Xi realizes taking on more,  essentially means taking on more problems?


RuZ is an example of that ..  massive in sized,  but thin in operating to potential.


+ Xi may not be in good health.

(he seems to have stood down regarding Taiwan)


Lots of anecdotal stories ,  hold wise truths.


One summer, many years ago, a banker was vacationing in a small village on the coast. He saw a fisherman in a small boat by the pier with a handful of fish that he had just caught. The businessman asked him how long it took him to catch the fish, and the man said he was out on the water for only a couple of hours.

“So why didn’t you stay out there longer to catch more fish?” asked the businessman.

The fisherman said he catches just enough to feed his family every day, and then comes back.

“But it’s only 2 p.m.!” said the banker, “What do you do with the rest of your time?”

The fisherman smiled and said, “Well, I sleep late every day, then fish a little, go home, play with my children, take a nap in the afternoon, then stroll into the village each evening with my wife, relax, play the guitar with our friends, laugh and sing late into the night. I have a full and wonderful life.”

The banker scoffed at the young man, “Well, I’m a businessman from New York! Let me tell you what you should do instead of wasting your life like this! You should catch more fish to sell to others, and then buy a bigger boat with the money you make so you can catch even more fish!”

“And then what?” asked the fisherman.

The banker’s eyes got all big as he enthusiastically explained, “You can then buy a whole fleet of fishing boats, run a business, and make a ton of money!”

“And then what?” asked the fisherman again, and the banker threw his hands in the air and said, “You’d be worth a million! You can then leave this small town, move to the city, and manage your enterprise from there!”

“How long would all this take?” asked the fisherman. “Fifteen to twenty years!” replied the banker.

“And then what?”

The banker laughed and said, “That’s the best part. You can then sell your business, move to a small village, sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take naps in the afternoon, go for an evening stroll with your wife after dinner, relax, sing, and play the guitar with your friends. You would have a full and wonderful life!”

The fisherman smiled at the banker, quietly gathered his catch, and walked away.

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@Optimist Prime


..   makes a guy wonder IF Zelensky is able to bring about the respect of the People of Russia .


Could he not propose to create a Democracy, .

          NOT UNLIKE  that of the United States of America ?


             I’d say at the moment of time we are in,.  
              This possibility may be more probable .


          Regions becoming States,  divided by natural barriers ,  and resources to create regional and national wealth?


          Education is key .



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20 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:
an hour ago - 

President Zelensky convened new meeting of Ukrainian high military command, commander-in-chief Oleksander Syrsky reported on defensive operations at frontline and in Kursk region. Ukrainian forces control about 1000 km2 of Russian Federation


end of the world wow GIF



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