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The Russia/Ukraine War Thread


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3 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

This is the same Russian army where they have blown themselves up with hand grenades or a pistol to the head. They are told that the Ukrainians are doing terrible stuff and they believe it. Such atrocities have to be revenged and the people doing it prosecuted. I am amazed that the AFU have been as restrained as they are. At least that is what we are told.  

Such revenge will occur after the war, similar to the aftermath of Munich in 1972.  I am sure the senior officers are doing their best to ensure the humane treatment of prisoners despite the obvious human desire for revenge.  I suspect a lot of the Russian freedom fighters were POWs who switched sides due to the Ukrainians treating them better than their own superiors.

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Just now, NewbieCanuckFan said:

I think most navies unfortunately recruited like that during the "Age of Sail".  Not sure when that practice ended.

When they could get to certain nations easier and didn't have to bring young children as concubin....errr sailing help

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3 hours ago, King Heffy said:

I dunno, even in hockey look at a guy like Rick Westhead and what he's done for the culture of the sport.


I agree with your sports journalism example, but as much as I enjoy sports journalism and the fact that's it's stayed fairly consistent throughout the years, I would give it up if the regular news could become more like it.

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10 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:


The WSJ is only marginally right leaning and that's mostly in the editorials.  My best guess is that a couple of mediocre journalists wanted to write an attention getting article.  In the old days, big stories used to go through a whole department.  I'll bet these days it goes to one overworked editor who also has to be concerned as much about eyeballs and clicks as much as he does about getting a story correct.


True journalism is all but dead.  We can thank greedy corporations with an agenda, greedy politicians with an agenda, and a lazy electorate for that.


Even marginally right leaning could mean some right wing articles happen. Remember that media bias is going to be an overall judgement of each outlet and not exact for every article they post. This means it's just the average they're looking at which means there is a chance of outliers.

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3 hours ago, Boudrias said:

Hard to be idealistic when your business plan is imploding. Newspapers aren't being read by the vast majority of people. Just as mainstream TV is also dying. Who sets the tone for such things the corporations, politicians or the people? I suggest it is the people. Did Dan Rather set the tone? I liked Brokaw and Cronkite so there you go.  


In this subject, I'm an idealist rather than a realist. 


If I were a journalist, I'd go down with the ship while staying true to my principles and prepare myself for the beginning phase of my next career.


I mean real journalism and not the "news actors" on TV that we have now.  The news actors are paid millions to shovel their sh*t to the public daily.

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Just now, The Lock said:


Even marginally right leaning could mean some right wing articles happen.


Absolutely.  Like I said, just look at the editorials as proof of that. 



Remember that media bias is going to be an overall judgement of each outlet and not exact for every article they post. This means it's just the average they're looking at which means there is a chance of outliers.


If this were 20 years ago, I'd argue that point, but with all of the industry newsroom layoffs, fewer eyeballs see articles before they go to print so outliers will slip through newspapers more often than they used to.

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7 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:


Absolutely.  Like I said, just look at the editorials as proof of that. 



If this were 20 years ago, I'd argue that point, but with all of the industry newsroom layoffs, fewer eyeballs see articles before they go to print so outliers will slip through newspapers more often than they used to.


Even without thinking of the layoffs, just look at how technology has made it easier to publish everything. Convenience can come at a cost of laziness at times.

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12 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


In this subject, I'm an idealist rather than a realist. 


If I were a journalist, I'd go down with the ship while staying true to my principles and prepare myself for the beginning phase of my next career.


I mean real journalism and not the "news actors" on TV that we have now.  The news actors are paid millions to shovel their sh*t to the public daily.

"Good night & Good Luck" 😉

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2 hours ago, Warhippy said:

Would like to point out that with the first one being able to enter the site and get a few dozen posts off.  You can expect a number more.  These "farms" work in the same manner.  One is sent out and tests the water on dozens of sites.  When successful they have a preprogrammed number of posts or interactions that is designated as a successful saturation, enough to allow the algorithm to change enough that it can be visible.  They then send more in to further increase the reach of the algorithm to real people as specific keywords or searches of a popular nature can be found after said saturation by normal people.


In essence, expect a few more or even dozens in the near future to further the reach of specific searches on the algorithmic levels.


Amazingly, for all of the cries from people of specific political leanings, these bots.  Once they do this or are found to be doing this.  ALWAYS do this on behalf of one specific side of the political divide.  One has to ask why they are endlessly pushing the narrative to one side of the spectrum in support of one side of the aisle.

totally bang on. The why is easy though: the enemies of the west would rather a government in office in western countries that they will have an easier time with. 
Trump for instance is friendly with Putin, Iran, North Korea...he is retarded so he thinks that will keep wars away: he likes not having wars on his watch, which is admirable, but the sub 100 IQ shines through when he is willing to placate the aggressive dictator in order to avoid the wars. It is stupid on a level that makes me use the R word. Sorry for those with intellectual disabilities, I would never call you retarded, you are not anywhere near as low on the scale as Trump. 

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8 hours ago, King Heffy said:

Such revenge will occur after the war, similar to the aftermath of Munich in 1972.  I am sure the senior officers are doing their best to ensure the humane treatment of prisoners despite the obvious human desire for revenge.  I suspect a lot of the Russian freedom fighters were POWs who switched sides due to the Ukrainians treating them better than their own superiors.


Do some research.


While the real story will never be truly known, the Isrealis response to the massacre of 11  their Athletes at the Munich games was not so much about revenge, more about targeting Palestinian terrorists who the Isrealis were reasonably certain  would carry out further terror attacks against Isreal/Israeli citizens. 


Some of these targets had nothing to do with the Munich massacre. 


This was a watershed moment for the Isrealis, actually taking the front foot, not reacting to a terror attack, massacre, but trying to prevent them.

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1 hour ago, Ilunga said:


Do some research.


While the real story will never be truly known, the Isrealis response to the massacre of 11  their Athletes at the Munich games was not so much about revenge, more about targeting Palestinian terrorists who the Isrealis were reasonably certain  would carry out further terror attacks against Isreal/Israeli citizens. 


Some of these targets had nothing to do with the Munich massacre. 


This was a watershed moment for the Isrealis, actually taking the front foot, not reacting to a terror attack, massacre, but trying to prevent them.


Oh, boy, here we go again. Another “know it all”, “do some research” moment. The only correct thing in what you wrote is that some targets had nothing to do with the Munich massacre and some were actual mistakes. But first of foremost goal of the operation was absolutely revenge. All the other benefits were secondary.


Essentially what I’m saying - you could have written everything that you did but without the condescending “Do some research” to open your speech - and the reaction would have been completely different…

Edited by RomanPer
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59 minutes ago, RomanPer said:


Oh, boy, here we go again. Another “know it all”, “do some research” moment. The only correct thing in what you wrote is that some targets had nothing to do with the Munich massacre and some were actual mistakes. But first of foremost goal of the operation was absolutely revenge. All the other benefits were secondary.


Essentially what I’m saying - you could have written everything that you did but without the condescending “Do some research” to open your speech - and the reaction would have been completely different…


I am sorry if you were offended by my do some research comment.


All the research I have done on operation Wrath of God, leads me to believe that Israel wanted to be proactive, not reactive to terror attacks.

They not only targeted terrorists involved in the Munich massacre, they suspected them if committing further acts of terrorism.

They targeted other terrorists that they were reasonably certain were going to commit further acts of terror.

As I stated, this was a watershed moment for Isreal.


If you can provide some links to more information about operation Wrath of God, I am interested in reading it. 




And read my post again roman.

I never stated they made mistakes, even though they did kill a few people that weren't involved, and paid out compensation.

I deliberately left that out, as I don't want you to accuse me of being " biased ".

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Here you go @RomanPer 


" We can only trust ourselves 

Wrath of God in perspective " 




" This article contextualises the 1972 Munich massacre as an important factor in the advent of state counter terrorism strategy aimed at foreclosing the next terrorist outrage. "


As you can see roman, operation wrath of God was about being pro- active rather than being reactive, to terrorist acts against Isreal/Isreali citizens.


Sorry @SilentSam and others for the brief deviation from the topic of the thread.

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21 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


Here you go @RomanPer 


" We can only trust ourselves 

Wrath of God in perspective " 




" This article contextualises the 1972 Munich massacre as an important factor in the advent of state counter terrorism strategy aimed at foreclosing the next terrorist outrage. "


As you can see roman, operation wrath of God was about being pro- active rather than being reactive, to terrorist acts against Isreal/Isreali citizens.


Sorry @SilentSam and others for the brief deviation from the topic of the thread.

The operation started as revenge. What you are bringing up is what it later evolved into. All of Israel remembers Golda Meir’s words “Send the boys”.

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1 minute ago, RomanPer said:

The operation started as revenge. What you are bringing up is what it later evolved into. All of Israel remembers Golda Meir’s words “Send the boys”.



I have provided information from an Israeli source, that operation Wrath of God was far more than revenge.


I don't want to derail this thread any further.

Please post any relevant information in the Gaza war thread. 



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And to add to this " revenge " theme.


I certainly want any Russian that is alive at the end of this conflict, that committed any sort of war crime/crime against humanity to be held accountable for their actions. 

Preferably in a very public setting, similar to the Nuremberg war trials. 


The irony, for want of a better word, is that the chief prosecutor at those trials, Ben Ferenc was the driving force behind the formation of the International Criminal Court. 

The same court that America and Russia does not recognise.


In regards to Russia itself, we should learn the lessons that WW2 taught us. 


The Americans rebuilding Germany as part of the Marshall plan, and their efforts in rebuilding Japan after WW2 contributed in a huge way to both nations integrating into our society, and developing into democratic nations. 


Look at the success of both those nations in the decades after the war.

I have always stated, they lost the war, but won the peace.

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