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The Russia/Ukraine War Thread


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40 minutes ago, 6foot5andJackedAF said:

1) My whole argument is the men of Ukraine have a right to flee.


2 )If they are stupid enough to die for their country (a country is a governing body strong enough to enslave and force people born within it's land to follow rules) then they can do it.


3) But the people who don't want to fight shouldn't be forced to fight. They have lives to live. The old rich war leaders should be forced to fight, literally. They're old so less valuable than someone younger.

1) Fair enough.  That's your argument and you have a right to it.  I have a right to discount it, to consider it a pipe dream, and to think that's not how countries work - like it or not.


2) Stupid enough?  Perhaps they love their country and wish to remain the owners of it.  'a country is a governing body strong enough to enslave and force people born within it's land to follow rules'?  Forgive me, I'm going to call you out on that one and I'll have to bring up youth to do so.  That's a pretty high school sounding sentence.   A bit trite and doesn't really say much of substance.  No law against attempted clever though.


3) Sending the old to fight in place of the young is not a new idea.   I've been hearing of it since the Vietnam days.  Nice thought but again a pipe dream.   Having mentioned I was around in the Vietnam days, you can likely tell I am older.  Older, and pissed at anyone who suggests I no longer have value.   All I can say is keep living my friend.  If you are lucky, you will be old.   It sounds like you believe you will then only have value if some younger person decides that you do.   I suspect you will feel otherwise once the time comes.


You have some unconventional ideas.  When you voice them here, you are likely to be disagreed with.   C'est la vie.

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1 hour ago, 6foot5andJackedAF said:

My whole argument is the men of Ukraine have a right to flee.


If they are stupid enough to die for their country (a country is a governing body strong enough to enslave and force people born within it's land to follow rules) then they can do it.


But the people who don't want to fight shouldn't be forced to fight. They have lives to live. The old rich war leaders should be forced to fight, literally. They're old so less valuable than someone younger.

Your argument is seriously flawed. Ignore.

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2 hours ago, 6foot5andJackedAF said:

My whole argument is the men of Ukraine have a right to flee.

If they are stupid enough to die for their country (a country is a governing body strong enough to enslave and force people born within it's land to follow rules) then they can do it.



I sincerely hope you never get put in a position to be "stupid enough" to fight for the freedom and safety of yourself or your family. Especially when you feel the "smart" thing to do would be to run. Maybe someday you'll grow into a real person who understands that sometimes it's necessary to fight (and die) for what is truly important.

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a thought that has crossed many minds :

This idiot is the biggest threat to Freedom and Democracy in the entire world where it exists,.   He is an Allie to Terrorism Globally,.… and should be held accountable for the decision and undertaking of the sudden and misaligned withdrawal from Afghanistan which left US troops perilous.


it was an order from himself that initiated it.



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21 hours ago, 6foot5andJackedAF said:

My whole argument is the men of Ukraine have a right to flee.


If they are stupid enough to die for their country (a country is a governing body strong enough to enslave and force people born within it's land to follow rules) then they can do it.


But the people who don't want to fight shouldn't be forced to fight. They have lives to live. The old rich war leaders should be forced to fight, literally. They're old so less valuable than someone younger.


So, I have a question for you.


If the men of Ukraine flee, then when Ukraine wins are they entitled to come back in live in Ukraine?


and if not


Would they fight for their new found mother land? And why would that country actually want their new found citizen, who will not fight for their country.


Imagine the Second World War, where Hitler basically owned Europe. If the men fled, there would have been no one in Europe


Imagine another 1/2 a billion in Canada and the USA....would you want them here? Would you agree to support them? Forever?


Extrapolate the question, so that it comes to Canada, I suspect you would have fault with the answer. 


There is a cost to freedom. And in some cases, the cost is dear. 


IMO, your stance says alot about you.


In my case, I would rather have the skin peeled from my body, then to not protect my fellow Canadian.


To protect my family and friends..........there is no need to ask, because I would already be there! And if I was too old to join the military, I would be in the underground.


To run disgusts me.

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6 hours ago, SilentSam said:

Impact of sanctions, war mongering, and terrorism..






Back to the good old days for the average person in RuZ. Food shortages, lineups and exorbitant prices. Hopefully the western corporations that refused to obey sanctions suffer a slow and painful death. Karma is a bitch.

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3 hours ago, SilentSam said:

a thought that has crossed many minds :

This idiot is the biggest threat to Freedom and Democracy in the entire world where it exists,.   He is an Allie to Terrorism Globally,.… and should be held accountable for the decision and undertaking of the sudden and misaligned withdrawal from Afghanistan which left US troops perilous.


it was an order from himself that initiated it.



I’d hire 58 year old Viacheslav Kovalskyi to draw a bead on agent orange. Destabilizing problem solved. 

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1 hour ago, PistolPete13 said:

Back to the good old days for the average person in RuZ. Food shortages, lineups and exorbitant prices. Hopefully the western corporations that refused to obey sanctions suffer a slow and painful death. Karma is a bitch.

after the Cold War RuZ had every opportunity to fairly contribute and be part of the Global market .


They have only continued to extort , steal , and terrorize others into gaining what they want on their terms.


This is the only way they know how to survive.


It’s a country in need of a massive uprising within itself to weed out all and everything that’s wrong with how that country operates.

       Let cannibals eat their own kind


Turn them into a third world country they themselves would extort.


Treat them as though they do not exist.


                  Let them drink Oil 



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1 hour ago, JIAHN said:


So, I have a question for you.


If the men of Ukraine flee, then when Ukraine wins are they entitled to come back in live in Ukraine?


and if not


Would they fight for their new found mother land? And why would that country actually want their new found citizen, who will not fight for their country.


Imagine the Second World War, where Hitler basically owned Europe. If the men fled, there would have been no one in Europe


Imagine another 1/2 a billion in Canada and the USA....would you want them here? Would you agree to support them? Forever?


Extrapolate the question, so that it comes to Canada, I suspect you would have fault with the answer. 


There is a cost to freedom. And in some cases, the cost is dear. 


IMO, your stance says alot about you.


In my case, I would rather have the skin peeled from my body, then to not protect my fellow Canadian.


To protect my family and friends..........there is no need to ask, because I would already be there! And if I was too old to join the military, I would be in the underground.


To run disgusts me.

Why would they not be entitled to come back to their homeland?


If they want to come back and support their "homeland" (i also don't believe in the idea of homelands btw) that's their prerogative. If they were smart enough to flee and not die for a government that taxes and exploits them even in the best of times, I would want them back in my country.

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2 minutes ago, 6foot5andJackedAF said:

Why would they not be entitled to come back to their homeland?


If they want to come back and support their "homeland" (i also don't believe in the idea of homelands btw) that's their prerogative. If they were smart enough to flee and not die for a government that taxes and exploits them even in the best of times, I would want them back in my country.


I am sorry, but your stance on this entire thread lacks understanding


Your comments imply Ukraine's old people are the cause of this war, which is just not true


Russia started this war, Russia entered Ukraine illegally and killed, raped and torchured Ukrainian people


Why would anyone think Ukrainian old people brought this on? The premise is asinine!


As everyone in the world, except you understands this, I find it ridiculous to respond further


But I can not, but wonder why Ukrainians that are fighting for the safety of their countrymen/countrywoman, who voluntarily stayed, want to welcome back those that did not want to put their life on the line for their country?


Why would they risk their lives for those that flee, and want to come back? Why would they welcome back cowards that are protecting the cowards family, when the cowards will not do the same for their own families?

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