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The Russia/Ukraine War Thread


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This is interesting ,


because I had something come up on my feed that said Kaliber missiles were recently launched from across the Black Sea out of RuZ. 10-20 mins later ,  the launch points were targeted and destroyed.


F16’s ??         I’m trying to find what I read.

stay tuned.

.. but perhaps ,  they are in play already.





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Knock this guy all they want ,  

but he knows how to bleed someone out.


President Joe Biden has signed a decree authorizing the exclusion of foreign banks from the US financial system if found assisting the Russian Federation in purchasing military goods or technology.

The official document, accessible on the White House website, outlines that sanctions will be enforced by the US Treasury in consultation with the Secretary of State and, if deemed necessary, the Secretary of Commerce.

Sanctions encompass prohibitions on opening accounts in the US or imposing limitations on their utilization, along with property freezes. To prevent asset concealment, these restrictions may be imposed without prior notice.

Financial institutions such as the Austrian Raiffeisen Bank, Hungarian OTP Bank, and Italian UniCredit, operating within Russia, are at risk of facing sanctions. Additionally, the 'Industrial and Commercial Bank of China,' the Chinese 'Agricultural Bank,' and the Bank of China, which have notably expanded their presence in Russia and provided substantial financing for military-related operations, might also be affected.

According to Wally Adeyemo, the US Deputy Treasury Secretary, banks in Türkiye and the UAE may also come under sanction scrutiny.



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