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The Russia/Ukraine War Thread


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if UKR can be trusted with Storm Shadows,.

then why not Taurus missiles ..


In Germany, political pressure is growing on Scholz with the demand to transfer Taurus to Ukraine

Politicians from coalition partner parties, the Greens and Free Democrats (VDP), as well as the opposition Christian Democratic Union (CDU), emphasized the need for Taurus and made serious accusations against Scholz.

"The most effective defense against Russian airstrikes is the shelling of targets on Russian territory and in the occupied territories in the east of Ukraine, from where Russia is launching its strikes," said Sarah Nanni, press secretary of the "Greens" in the Bundestag on defense issues.

She noted that Ukraine does not yet have the necessary equipment for this, not least because Berlin does not supply Taurus cruise missiles.

"This reluctance comes mostly from the federal chancellor and is not the general position of the German government," Nanni said.


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2 minutes ago, SilentSam said:


Star Wars .

Quantum computing has been around for around 30 years. 

‘Unhackable’ doesn’t exist. Computing power makes everything hackable. 

If the US and Europe want to hack something, they can and will. 

AI is one of the biggest big reasons. 

Everything we think of now has been thought of and tested in some way. Viability is just a means of time and money. 


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My question is how long could both sides keep holding out at this point? It seems no matter how much Ukraine destroys Russia just keeps throwing more. I understand that Russia is getting support from their allies as well but you would think eventually the well would run dry.

Edited by JC2
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On 1/6/2024 at 10:45 AM, D.B Cooper said:

Again, my only guff was about his guys comments.  
I’ve seen Zelenskyy do the same shit.


To be fair; Zelensky and Ukraine have extensively marked appreciation for support.  Yet supplies take time, arrive in 30% and 60% of quantities promised & budgeted. For example it took between 8 and 10 months to promise tanks. Then up 8 months to start delivering. Ukraine said, profusely, thanks!


In the meantime the Surovokin defense line was constructed.  500,000 plus Russians were conscripted. The line which would have been attacked became impossible for tanks to traverse. 100,000 Ukrainians died. An 80/20 advantage, in favour of Russia, in artillery was almost equalled with artillery supplies that did arrive? Made major interruptions in attacking supply routes using, for example, Himars. They received 16 Himars. Ukraine said thanks again! Then Ukraine started running out of regular artillery shells as less than 30% of promised quantities arrived. Ran out of Himars shells.  Were not allowed longer range ones that might take out trains, bridges and deeper supply lines. Delays have cost opportunity.


Z visits front lines, see slaughtered troops.  There are going to be moments when he, and others are demoralized.

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5 hours ago, Alflives said:

Ukraine quits and they lose their country. 
The west stops supporting Ukraine and the Axis of evil grows bolder and stronger. 
There can be only one end here, and that’s a complete withdrawal of Russia from Ukraine. 

This is true but I'd argue Russia has invested too much to simply withdraw. They have tanked their economy, international relations will be even more strained, decimated their military strength and have damaged their position as a super power. Putin needs to win or else he won't be able to Weasel out the damage he caused. Sooner or later something has to give and I fear international support seems to be waning which will only benefit Russia.

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40 minutes ago, JC2 said:

This is true but I'd argue Russia has invested too much to simply withdraw. They have tanked their economy, international relations will be even more strained, decimated their military strength and have damaged their position as a super power. Putin needs to win or else he won't be able to Weasel out the damage he caused. Sooner or later something has to give and I fear international support seems to be waning which will only benefit Russia.

Possible military threat is how Russia conducts foreign affairs. They spend a huge portion of their GDP on the military. Putin has to win because failure nullifies Russia's influence globally. If your influence rests on crude aggressiveness with many examples of genocide, indiscriminate killing, theft. graft and murder then losing in Ukraine is unacceptable. Loss in Ukraine means the status quo inside Russia must change. Such a change will not be simply political. Russian society at large will descend into turmoil and likely civil war. Many western supporters of Ukraine fear who might succeed Putin. 


Is a post war scenario inside Russia much different than 1989-91? Reagan had suggested an avenue for Russia to join NATO an possibly the EU. Gorbachev allowed the break up of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact. Ukraine got independence. Turbulent times with a major recession and a overlay of the Coomunist Party that was losing control. The Americans had to worry about Europe being overwhelmed by Russian influences if integration began. At the same time control over the nuclear arsenal was a major threat. How different than today if Russia is defeated in Ukraine?    


Not sure how badly support for Ukraine is dropping off. A lot of the negative press is likely planted by Russians. The GOP is playing hardball with Biden over Ukraine support so that they can get money and legislative changes on the Mexico border. I think Biden gives them something so that his aid bill passes. Biden has so much invested in Ukraine that he cannot campaign on anything less than a positive outcome. To many GOP candidates want a Russian defeat as well. 

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