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The Russia/Ukraine War Thread


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Love Men who speak the truth ..


The former commander of the US army in Europe, Ben Hodges, said that the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valery Zaluzhny, did not receive what he asked from the West."He accurately identified the challenges and needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This is exactly the kind of analysis that you want to get from the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. A very professional analysis, without emotion. This is a very good list for Ukraine and all of us, which is worth studying," the American general said.
However, Hodges added that the West had not responded to the list of needs.
"This has not happened at the government level. It is a shame for our Congress that they have abdicated their responsibility," he said.
According to the general, if the US government and Congress renounce their responsibility, it will be a gift to the Kremlin.The general stressed that the West would "lose big" if it did not help Kiev win the war. He also drew attention to the fact that the West's inability to prevent Russian attacks on Ukraine's civilian infrastructure emboldens Iran, North Korea and China.
"Our failure in Ukraine will have global consequences," Hodges concluded.




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Orc Kia numbers are rising again ,  my thoughts are the majority of Troops are returning from a break ,  and returning are fresh and seasoned troops.

Hopefully with updated arsenals that arrived before Christmas.




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In 2023, Ukraine tripled the production of weapons, equipment and artillery shells, 42 times - mortar mines, - the head of the committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on national security.

Ukraine also used its own long-range weapons, hitting an enemy target at a distance of 700 km.

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5 hours ago, SilentSam said:


In 2023, Ukraine tripled the production of weapons, equipment and artillery shells, 42 times - mortar mines, - the head of the committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on national security.

Ukraine also used its own long-range weapons, hitting an enemy target at a distance of 700 km.

I haven't seen any updated stats on NATO increased military budgets by country Sam. The level of military supplies being shipped to Ukraine has increased. The ability to produce munitions has increased. There are timelines involved for increasing production. The Americans are dealing with internal politics as the GOP tries for Mexican border concessions in exchange for increased financial support for Ukraine and Israel. Many Americans also thought that Europe should increase their support as well. It appears they are doing that. My hope is that a deal is made and that American resupply increases by the end of January. 


The $300 billion of Russian assets held by the west is a story that has kinda disappeared. These funds were to be turned over to Ukraine. Even if the actual transfer takes time my hope was that Ukraine would be able to borrow against those assets.  

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4 hours ago, Boudrias said:

I haven't seen any updated stats on NATO increased military budgets by country Sam. The level of military supplies being shipped to Ukraine has increased. The ability to produce munitions has increased. There are timelines involved for increasing production. The Americans are dealing with internal politics as the GOP tries for Mexican border concessions in exchange for increased financial support for Ukraine and Israel. Many Americans also thought that Europe should increase their support as well. It appears they are doing that. My hope is that a deal is made and that American resupply increases by the end of January. 


The $300 billion of Russian assets held by the west is a story that has kinda disappeared. These funds were to be turned over to Ukraine. Even if the actual transfer takes time my hope was that Ukraine would be able to borrow against those assets.  

the Russian assets are being held for the UKraine rebuild and economic rise..  its being talked about in the EU.


I think there is a deal in place (dems / republicans) for new border funding and the Director of Homeland Security may be changed soon ( hype about impeaching him).


On that decision I’ve read talk of a $60 billion flood of arms and money to help the front line in UKraine.


it’s just stuff I’ve read ,  and yes,  that should be announced soon.

Realizing Bidens State of the Union address happens soon,  I wouldn’t be surprised if he has timed the announcement of the Dem/Rep deal on the border and UKraine times out with his speech.


Politics in the way of the living , causing death,.  Is just deplorable.

But they all do it .



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Like the Nazis who pasted the star of Jerusalem on homes and Buissness’s in Germany..


Subway and others in the Western World and EUR, should get a Swastika for their lack of moral support of bailing out of RuZ.




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It’s quiet today so far ,.  I realize the subzero temps are effecting,   but there is a major opportunity in that with the right equipment..

Having said that ,  perhaps it’s a calm before a UKR “Storm” ..


Leopards and Abrams Battalions have been reported as seen recently.



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