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2023-24 Training Camp Thread


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24 minutes ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

You know what I love about this new coaching staff. Something this team has been crying for, for years. STRUCTURE. Attention to details. What to do, what not to do. Working on actually getting to be better players. And working as a unit.


I would love to see the team surprise everyone and start out the gate with a great start against tough teams.


Yeah I'm a big fan of structure out there. I love to see when the other team breaks out we have all their players marked. When we don't have good odds, we dump it in and forecheck with speed and commitment, or change. Less high risk plays and more high percentage plays where players are in positions each other expect. Stuff like that. I can accept when a guy simply gets beat in a footrace but knows where he's supposed be and is trying 100% to get there. What kills me is the plays where they get odd man rushes and you see someone skating 80% not picking up anyone and have their open man get a give me on a broken play. Once you have structure then you have guys like Petey, Kuz, and Hughes doing the unexpected, which would make us hard to beat.


Really hoping we put together a solid road trip out of the gate too. It does feel like we're actually going to get 100% effort and execution this year. Last year they all said the right things but it was evident shortly into the season that they were hollow words. Let's Go Canucks! 🏒

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5 minutes ago, Gawdzukes said:


Yeah I'm a big fan of structure out there. I love to see when the other team breaks out we have all their players marked. When we don't have good odds, we dump it in and forecheck with speed and commitment, or change. Less high risk plays and more high percentage plays where players are in positions each other expect. Stuff like that. I can accept when a guy simply gets beat in a footrace but knows where he's supposed be and is trying 100% to get there. What kills me is the plays where they get odd man rushes and you see someone skating 80% not picking up anyone and have their open man get a give me on a broken play. Once you have structure then you have guys like Petey, Kuz, and Hughes doing the unexpected, which would make us hard to beat.


Really hoping we put together a solid road trip out of the gate too. It does feel like we're actually going to get 100% effort and execution this year. Last year they all said the right things but it was evident shortly into the season that they were hollow words. Let's Go Canucks! 🏒

Great post. The coach has to keep pushing on this all year. Even if the score is 4 - 0 against us, doesn't matter. Thing is; I think this group will be really good with their 

structure and have a coach that knows all of them pretty much now. Should be good.

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34 minutes ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

Come on man. He's not DiPeitro. Jeez. He's just not Demko, or a decent starter at the NHL level.


For me if a back up gets forced into action he has to be better than Martin was. Simply to the point he doesn't really belong in the NHL except as a fill in for a game or two. I mean he's decent at the AHL level but in my opinion there must be 32 better options out there, and we were wise to find one. I feel he had his chance and that was it. He's 28, he's got a career .885 average. I just don't see any upside myself and I would rather fill that position on someone with better potential. Nothing against Martin but he just didn't cut it.

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2 minutes ago, RWMc1 said:

Martin had some good games for us. He got overplayed and lost his confidence. I think that a confident Martin could be a decent backup, especially on a team with a solid defensive system already in place.

Plus there was a tire fire in front of him most nights. 

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1 minute ago, Rip The Mesh said:

Well were off to blow the gates off the Flames place Sunday. Rick knows to say "Watch it guys, some of these flame dudes will be fighting for a job, so keep your heads up.

I still want to blow their doors off... 😜

the flems can’t match us skill for skill so we should expect them to be dirty, it’s their nature. It happened during the rookie tourney too. I hope we humiliate them every game we play this season.

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42 minutes ago, SISMIM said:


I read that Studnicka had added 10 lbs of muscle and that he was training for pretty much the entire off-season, right from locker clean-out day through to this current training camp.

He apparently stuck around Vancouver for a bit and trained with some teammates, and then he moved over to Michigan for the summer to train at the USNTDP facilities, alongside Quinn Hughes and other notables.


I hadn’t heard that he’d scored tops on the training camp fitness testing, but that would be a great result. If he’s both been able to add 10 lbs of muscle (which has been reported in some recent articles), and also improved his fitness, that would be a really impressive off-season of training.


One of the quotes I read said that Studnicka felt he was quicker and more explosive now, after the hard work he’d put in over the summer. If that’s true, and he’s also gotten significantly bigger and stronger, he could prove to be a much improved overall player, and one with a real shot at grabbing an NHL lineup spot.

If Brock has worked on his skating all summer, this could be a fun season.

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Ooooh Garland and Joshua as close as it gets to an actual fight. Garland very feisty this camp, just pushed Joshua hard enough to pop his helmet off, both shoving each other quite aggressively and play stopped so that coaches could settle it down. Good to see.

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