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  1. 1. Who you taking?

    • 2024
    • 1994
    • 2011

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25 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


True.  He went overseas but Quinn didn't bother to bring him back.  That was the whole point.  He went to San Jose instead to play with Makarov versus coming back and playing with Bure...

He didn't bring him back because they no longer retained his NHL rights (I'm guessing you only have a limited number of players you can protect & they didn't know when Larionov when/if ever would return to the NHL).  So the Sharks 'claimed' him in the waiver thingy (I *think*).  Quinn apparently did try to reacquire the Professor (as the Sharks stunk at the time) but couldn't work out the right package (team didn't exactly have a deep farm to work out a deal).

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if this 2024 team makes the finals ill pick 24. Until then its 94 all the way for me.  They could play any way you wanted.  They would have mauled the 2011 Bruins team at their own game.  Love the Sedins but Bure would not let that rat weasel punch him endlessly.

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16 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:



Hughes is the difference maker for me…

I still think the 2011 team is our current best team of all-time.  That team dominated every single statistical category and was the clear cut favorite in the league amongst hockey pundits.


While our current team is very very good, I think they are more 2012ish than 2011, in that, many hockey pundits probably wouldn’t consider them to be the cup favorites despite having the current best record in the league (The 2012 team underachieved while we are overachieving a little imo).


With the 2011 team, any one injury to any one player wouldn’t have sunk the team whereas with our current team, I think a long term injury to Hughes would badly fuck us (to the point where we’d immediately become a 10-13 calibre team if we lost QH).  

So for me, our 2011 team was our GOAT, closely followed by our current team and 2012 team.  


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16 minutes ago, Hairy Kneel said:

But Sedin's in the modern era, with less goons. Could be more room for them today.


Yeah, in some way, they thrived in the late 2000s and 2010s by being able to endure so much physical play, yet I do feel like their skill game would've flourished in today's game. Still, it's hard to compare since their very style was in some sense the progenitor of today's possession-based game.

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The 2011 team was a WAGON. From top to bottom, it was deep with talent. 

This 2024 team is buzzing and Hughes is a difference maker. If we can add at least 1 more guy to the top 6 and maybe insulate with some more toughness, this team could be special. 

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11 hours ago, grumpyone said:

Demko/DeSmith WAY better than any previous goalie combo we've had.

sorry Danny and Hank.... but Petey + JT + Boeser are better.

Defence? ... we've never had a D that can score and clear the front and hit and run the offence like we have now.

PLUS Hughes is the closest to Bobby Orr 



Luongo and Schneider tandem won the Jennings award (least goals against as a duo for the entire season). 2010-2013, we had the best 1 and 2 goalie tandem in the league, pretty much 2 star goalies on the same team. As much as I like Demko and DeSmith, Luongo and Schneider were the better tandem handsdown.


Forward (Top 6):

Danny and Hank may not be as good as Petey + JT + Boeser but that's 2 players against 3. For a fair comparison, it should've been Sedins + Kesler vs. Petey + JT + Brock. Kesler in 2011 was a 2-way monster of a player, who scored 41 goals while shutting down the opposing teams top players. He won the Selke that season. Also, this is different era, I don't think directly comparing the Sedins points totals to JT and Petey is a fair comparison without it be era adjusted.


In terms of the top 6, I would give an edge to the 2011 team because outside of the Sedins + Kesler, they still had Burrows and Samuelsson who are a threat to score. Kuzmenko & Mikheyev right now aren't as good and effective as Burrows and Samuelsson. As good as Suter has been the last couple of games since he got bumped up to top 6, I think he is still better suited as an effective bottm 6 player. Now if JR and PA makes a trade and brings in another top 6 forward (Lindholm, Guentzel, Mittlestad etc.), we will revaluate. But right now as of this time, 2011 top 6 is better than 2024 top 6.


As for Defence:

Quinn Hughes is definitely a better D man than any of our top 6 D in 2011 hands down.


As a defensive unit though, anyone of Hamhuis, Bieksa, Edler, Salo, Erhoff we could argue that they can be #2 on our current team; I would like to see Hronek vs. Erhoff because I think there are a lot of similarities between the 2; both are good puck movers with a bomb of a shot as a RHD. I wouldn't say our current D is much better or worse than the 2011 group. I still think depth wise, 2011 D was more well-rounded, but 2024 group definitely have the better high-end defenseman for Quinn Hughes.


Here are 2 areas that I would say our current team is better than 2011 team:

  • The Bottom 6, especially the 4th line. 2011 team has a stacked top 9 that is a pain to play against, but the 4th line was unfortunately not much of a threat made up of guys like Tanner Glass, Victor Oreskovich and a lot of no namers that who rotate in and out of the line up. Unfortunately, with Malholtra's injury, we never had the luxury of a healthy Malholtra + Lappirre as 3C and 4C. Lappierre whom we acquired as a 4C ended up having to play 3C due to the unfortunately injuries. I would say the Joshua-Blueger-Garland line is as effective as the Hansen-Malholtra-Torres line, but I will take our current 4th line over the 2011 4th line any day of the week. The 2011 4th line was a bit of our weak link, as we spent all the cap space for the top 9 and we just use the 4th line as more of a fill in and they don't play that many minutes.
  • Overall Team Physicality: If we are fortunate and make it as far as the Finals this season and we play the Bruins again, I guranteed you this group will not allow Marchand to punch Petey repeatedly in the face like he did to Daniel back in 2011. Zadorov, Soucy, Cole, Myers, Juulsen are all capable of throwing their weight around; our bottom 6 aren't push overs, Joshua can fight anyone in the league; despite his size, Hog is actually very effective forechecker and can be a pain to deal with the way he forechecks. This mentality is more effective for a team going for a deep playoff run.
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21 hours ago, IBatch said:

Our third line has mostly been our second line for two months now.    They generate a lot of chances, hem the other team in, and rarely get scored on, and when they do, usually get a couple back.   EP for sure is a question mark.   Last playoffs,  Vegas was a lot bigger so at least we can breath a little easier.    More star power, but no more Tuch and Patches.    Love it if we can add Marroon and jettison Aman or one guy from our fourth line.    Or a Foligno etc.    Blake Wheeler.   A big bodied wily vet.   EDM adding Perry...well yikes man.    We need Anderson.   That's the missing ingredient.   EDM is going to be dirtier than ever.   Hope Vegas can take them out and come out limping to face us in the second round.    IF have a re-match final against NYR, fully except Trouba to go headhunting too.   We need someone there, to match up with that.   Starting with the Skate in the playoffs, would be a solid step too.    Aman would be so much better, if he was a nasty piece of work.   Maybe Tocchet should be showing some video of himself lol. 



Couldn't hurt.  Tocchet was like Smyl on human growth hormone.

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15 hours ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

I'm just really bummed its been almost 30 years since the 1994 run.

Free the skate.   Give Linden a job that's worthy of a name on the cup, and let Tochett and co work their magic.   

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4 hours ago, Jeremy Hronek said:

I was being breast fed by my father in 1982 when we played the Isles.

I was 9-10ish when we played the Isles, and wouldn't even consider saying much about the series, other than the school was buzzing.    Kids aren't a very good judge of how well a team is built, or why it was playing that way...the rest comes from my elders and the history books.    Elders that were big fans (watched or even listened to a lot of games), usually are good resources. 

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7 hours ago, Jeremy Hronek said:

I think many people are severely overlooking the fact that we were severely injured against a (moderately) injured Bruins team in 2011.


But whatever - to each their own.

That's part of a team though.   Durability.   It tests a teams depth too.   Glynn had to replace Murzyn, and did a pretty decent job.    


Also not sure why anyone would bring up "era adjusting" lol.   That's a crock.   All the Hatchers and Ludwig's were sent to pasture for half a decade by then, the league was a lot tamer then pre-lockout.    The Sedins broke out as a result of that.    They couldn't handle the WCE era level of clutching and grabbing, which was around in 1994 too.    That started when OTT and SJ were added, and got worse with each new team (Florida).    Anyone who remembers Dave Babych, he'd grab ahold of players (especially the threatening ones) with one hand by the sleeve, and move them to where he'd want, and usually hold one until it was time to let go, moving his feet too...that was in the early 90's.     Most of his penalties, we're holding.    Hated fighting, like Howe's Dad, was worried he'd kill someone, and when he did (to protect himself),  left the other guy a bleeding mess. 


In 2011,  some teams still had the odd enforcer (and not 2-3) , or a guy who could fight (Boston had Scott Thornton, who was the top enforcer in the entire league then, but wasn't even the top enforcer on his own team when he won a cup on ANA a few years prior)  and Chara broke into the league as one, although he never cracked the top 20 then (they used to be ranked)  ... what does that say about the early 2000's?),  Glass actually became one of the better fighters in the league, so that's about the only thing that's different now.    It wasn't effecting the scoring, that's on the supply of talent more than anything, it's gone up, so scoring goes up with it.   These guys don't have to literally fight their way into the league anymore.   For decades most 4th lines, whomever was on it, was willing able.    Not by 2011 though, that's why all we had was Glass, who for sure couldn't match up with Boston.   It's also why AV coached to get power plays and not give their team a boost by winning a fight.   


On fighting. 


Fighting is basically gone now, both in numbers and quality of bouts.   In 2019, there were 450 fights.   Pre-lockout there were 1562, with how many less teams?.    Now the refs step in right away now, where as back then they'd let guys go.    Fighting is slightly "up" this year,  if it continues at the same rate, 345.  With 32 teams, 11 more than last year.   Gretzky was right. "what fighting?  ... kids aren't fighting at 15 anymore, it's out of the sport".    1970-lockout.  Was a completely different animal in that regard, it for sure was around a lot more in 2011 though.   But not the same as the WCE era either. 

By 2011, there weren't many monsters left.  McGratton?   But there were still a lot of players who'd drop them and could play the game.  McQauid, Chara on Boston,  Bieksa on our team.    Just one old school power  forward, and the heir apparent, Iginla and Benn.   The last of their kind really.   Used to be tons of power forwards who were good enough to take on anyone, Neely, Clark, Steven's, Corson, Robert's (watch a 41 year old Robert's take a prime Ben Eager, all 235lbs of him to task - same guy who TKO'd Bieksa), Shanny, Messier, Lindros, Tochett etc etc.


Kesler was a power forward for his era, the same way JT Miller is one today.   That's a big difference.  Shanny fought Brashear late in his career, almost done as a Ranger.    Kesler wouldn't do that, had a dandy against Iginla early on though.     It just is what it is, aside from enforcers basically gone, don't see any difference between 2011 and today's game.   They still let them play in the post season, the intensity goes up.    And fighting is kaput.   One punch gets through, and the refs come in.    When's the last time, there has been a fight, that lasts 30 seconds once the first is thrown, let alone 1-2 minutes? 


If it makes you feel better,  not all people who watched both teams (94 and 2011), which kind of does include a little before and after, given the same rosters almost, think the 94 one was better.    And THN a at one point, a few years ago, said the 2011 Canucks team might be the best team all-time not to win a cup.  


For me, at 21, the 1994 team was part of a great year.    The same way, i'm sure folks around that age enjoyed the 2011 team.   The 94 team, follow up, was so much better.   And it seemed like, we had time on our hands, like this team too.     Sedins just had a tough time in the post season.   They had a few good series.   Every series, Linden made an impact, even when he came back, he was part of the reason why Luongo beat Turco, and AV wouldn't put him on the PP.      Most players have a harder time in the post season...The Linden led one's, they didn't.   Those teams, were better the second season.   To me that gives 94 the edge.   Nobody is wrong though.   


Also voted for the 2024 team, simply because they are the only team, that can still win a cup!

Edited by IBatch
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6 hours ago, farinush said:

The 2011 team was a WAGON. From top to bottom, it was deep with talent. 

This 2024 team is buzzing and Hughes is a difference maker. If we can add at least 1 more guy to the top 6 and maybe insulate with some more toughness, this team could be special. 

That's what they need for sure.    Too bad Kuzmenko hasn't worked out (so far).   But we do need one more, and we do need a banger that can back it up.  

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10 hours ago, Jeremy Hronek said:

So the 2011 run is not legitimate in your eyes?  👀 


Where did he say that? He only said he was bummed by 1994 being 30 years ago. lol

Edited by The Lock
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5 hours ago, The Lock said:


Where did he say that? He only said he was bummed by 1994 being 30 years ago. lol

true - I guess my point being that 2011, which had as many memorable moments as 1994 (Burrows OT goals, Bieksa’s OT goal, Kesler’s last second goal), was only 13 years ago.  

To me, it seemed like a subtle jab at the 2011 team and experience but maybe I read too far into it.

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