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RIP Ryp - team dog passes away

Miss Korea

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43 minutes ago, Slegr said:

Honestly, I've never heard of the Canucks team dog. I'm a dog lover myself, but when I come to an NHL message board, in the Canucks talk section, it's more about the hockey for me. I understand now that the Canucks sponsored some dog, and in doing so, it is the 'team dog.' And now it passed away. The Canucks also have a foundation, Canucks for Kids Fund, which supports charities to help children's health and wellness. I love humans too, but wouldn't really want to see postings of the children who pass away just because Canucks sponsored them in some way too. I get it that people love dogs, but to me, there should be some separation between dogs and professional hockey teams. Canucks have gone a bit too dog crazy in recent years, allowing them into suites for games, putting them on the annual Canucks calendar rather than players (which ultimately killed sales and stopped the publication of the calendar), and now the whole 'team dog' thing. It's just a bit too odd for me.  Call me cold hearted I guess, but on this forum, I'm more interested in news about the Canucks and their goal of winning a cup, and not so much about the team pets.


Oh come on man nobody wants to hear that crap


Don't click the thread

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14 hours ago, Slegr said:

I don’t even understand how a team has a dog. Who takes it out to poop every morning? The janitor? Maybe that’s why it died so young, if nobody actually looks after it. The whole team is off during the all star break. Who was looking after the frigging dog??


This just seems like an ignorant comment to me more than anything. Of course people would be taking care of the dog. Think about some small businesses where the owner's dog is brought into work each day. It's not like the dog lives at work at night. Someone's taking care of the dog. And early deaths can happen even with the dog being taken care of.


I just don't understand the disrespect you're providing here. You're even kind of being rude.

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44 minutes ago, The Lock said:


This just seems like an ignorant comment to me more than anything. Of course people would be taking care of the dog. Think about some small businesses where the owner's dog is brought into work each day. It's not like the dog lives at work at night. Someone's taking care of the dog. And early deaths can happen even with the dog being taken care of.


I just don't understand the disrespect you're providing here. You're even kind of being rude.

In Sydney B.C. at Tanner's bookstore lived Clarence the cat. You could find him sprawled out, just about anywhere in the store.

He started out as a stray, but quickly became the store, and to an extent the town's, cat.

Friendly and laid back, open to head rubs, and brief back scratches.

Twas a sad few days when he passed on.

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12 minutes ago, -dlc- said:

So maybe just Google to find out more before you jump in with your thoughts on something you've admittedly never heard of? Or stay out of a thread that doesn't interest you because it's not like you've been forced in here? There are plenty of threads that deal with the hockey end of things so it seems maybe you're wasting time in here? What you're interested in is fine, but others are interested in this. And maybe you're only about the hockey but kids are also part of the team following and they love the "team pets" stuff. So it's not just about adults and hockey...it's a family affair.


The Canucks partnered with BC Guide Dogs in a very worthwhile sponsorship involving a litter of puppies. Ryp being one of them (and a great ambassador for both the team and Guide Dogs).


We need more light shed on organizations that help others and I, for one, am proud my team is involved in acts of this nature. They're not JUST a hockey team, they have a platform that also is used for many great things (including Canucks for Kids). The comment about kids passing away is kind of unnecessary too.


I just don't like the disregard for a dog...a living creature...who brought joy to others in his short time here and raised some awareness (and possibly some donation). Maybe show a little respect for those who do care even if you don't.





Apologies if my comments came off as offensive, especially for those who actually met this dog. I honestly had no idea the team has some team-dog. And yeah, maybe my initial comments were partly in jest, but partly not knowing anything about it. Sure, I could have googled. 
I do still think there needs to be more separation between this franchise and the pet craziness. While I love dogs, I know not everyone does. My wife is very allergic to them. So why do the Canucks push pets on us so much in recent years? I think it’s all about money. Sponsorship, just like the gambling ads that we get hit with. 


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My dog is my best friend.


More important to me than most humans I know. You hurt her and I would end up in prison. 

I mean I know the place well as I work there, but I would be on the other side of the bars in this case.


RIP Ryp.

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1 hour ago, Miss Korea said:


This is really not the place, dude.  And yes, fans do care about things other than pure hockey results.  We were upset when Stecher's dad died.  We were upset when Boeser's dad died.  Hell - we were really upset when Rick Rypien died!  He wasn't even on our team anymore.


Why are you coming here and telling others not to grieve?  Leave us alone

Your confrontational approach just makes others want to respond to you more. I'll say this - those Canucks players who we know are easy to grieve for - I certainly did. 

But we're talking about a dog that was sponsored by the Canucks organization only because of the Pet Valu sponsorship of the Canucks. That link I posted earlier states "the sponsorship agreement will connect devoted pet lovers and sports fans through engaging content, entertaining game presentation integration, prizing as well as impactful promotional assets including broadcast visible signage. It also will allow Pet Valu to spotlight its "Companions for Change™" Program, including adoption events throughout the year and support key Pet Valu community initiatives."

So no, this isn't on the same level of losing former Vancouver Canuck Rick Rypien to most fans. In fact, this thread wouldn't exist right now if there wasn't a Pet Value sponsorship with the Canucks, which ultimately led to the Canucks sponsoring a dog and calling it the team's dog. Most fans honestly had no idea there was a 'team dog'. 

And I'll come on to the Canucks talk forum and share my thoughts on any thread, whether you agree with them or not. Deal with that.

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1 hour ago, Slegr said:

You would have punched who? Me? That's very keyboard warriorish of you, buddy. Keep the physical threats going as well as your misplaced anger.

Not you. Please read the thread before chiming in...it's just not a place to do this.


Whatever the reason for the partnership, the guide dogs are very instrumental in making the lives of people who need them better. And again, maybe just head to a thread where you can talk hockey if this isn't for you.

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1 hour ago, Slegr said:

Some bs that they should delete.



Dogs love unconditionally, as long as they aren't mistreated by heartless people they are a big plus to anyone who passes their way. I am sad when any beloved pet passes as it means someone is hurting. 


Ryp was a lovely dog, i'm sure he encouraged at least one person to have a dog join their family. That added to the good in the world while all you're doing here is detracting. You should edit your posts and move on.






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4 hours ago, SerenityNow said:

Oh my gosh!  It was supposed to be a "sad"!  I have been sad all morning since reading that!  


I'm glad you mentioned something, I would have hated for that to continue showing up.  I have changed to it "sad".  

I was questioning how serene you really are ha ha!  Good stuff...

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20 hours ago, Slegr said:

I don’t even understand how a team has a dog. Who takes it out to poop every morning? The janitor? Maybe that’s why it died so young, if nobody actually looks after it. The whole team is off during the all star break. Who was looking after the frigging dog??


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@OldFaithfulcap your post has me quoted with something I didn’t say. Not sure what that’s about?

@-dlc- good advice - I was finished in here until Miss Korea drew me back.  And good catch on the that’s a small body’s comments. They were responding to Miss Korea’s post that was addressed to me initially, but I can see the comment was towards the manager.

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2 hours ago, Slegr said:

Your confrontational approach just makes others want to respond to you more. I'll say this - those Canucks players who we know are easy to grieve for - I certainly did. 

But we're talking about a dog that was sponsored by the Canucks organization only because of the Pet Valu sponsorship of the Canucks. That link I posted earlier states "the sponsorship agreement will connect devoted pet lovers and sports fans through engaging content, entertaining game presentation integration, prizing as well as impactful promotional assets including broadcast visible signage. It also will allow Pet Valu to spotlight its "Companions for Change™" Program, including adoption events throughout the year and support key Pet Valu community initiatives."

So no, this isn't on the same level of losing former Vancouver Canuck Rick Rypien to most fans. In fact, this thread wouldn't exist right now if there wasn't a Pet Value sponsorship with the Canucks, which ultimately led to the Canucks sponsoring a dog and calling it the team's dog. Most fans honestly had no idea there was a 'team dog'. 

And I'll come on to the Canucks talk forum and share my thoughts on any thread, whether you agree with them or not. Deal with that.


Dude, please stop. There's a time and place for sharing thoughts and saying "you'll share thoughts on any thread"... so you don't care about others feelings. Is that it? Because that's what you've just said. I get that not everyone's good with social interactions, but I hope you learn from this that there's a time and place for stating your thoughts and being bull-headed about your thoughts here only makes you look bad.

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1 minute ago, The Lock said:


Dude, please stop. There's a time and place for sharing thoughts and saying "you'll share thoughts on any thread"... so you don't care about others feelings. Is that it? Because that's what you've just said. I get that not everyone's good with social interactions, but I hope you learn from this that there's a time and place for stating your thoughts and being bull-headed about your thoughts here only makes you look bad.

If folks keep quoting me and commenting at me, I’m happy to respond. This is a chat forum where debates and differing opinions are allowed. That’s too bad that you have issues with mine. 
That’s totally fine for you to come to this thread to grieve. It’s also a Canuck chat thread. Maybe if it’s really about a dog that has some loose connections to the Canucks, and more-so to the mega company that sponsored it and owns Bosleys, etc, perhaps this thread is in the wrong place and should be in the ‘off topic’ section. 

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