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RIP Ryp - team dog passes away

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6 hours ago, Canuck You said:

RIP Ryp.


I just said goodbye to my dog today for the last time.


RIP Bosco.

I know that feeling all too well. Had to go through it 3 times. It never gets any easier. I'm gonna raise one for both Ryp and Bosco!!!!!! We will see all of you on the other side😥

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25 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

Sorry. I know the feeling. 

I never had another dog after my ‘Shadow’. 


I can understand that. I've known many people who didn't get another dog. When we had our last German Shepherd put down, Bailey was only 6, but it was a spinal cord problem, and no guarantee surgery would do anything. We made that call. My stepdad, my mom, and went out and got our current Shepherd, Roxy, the next day. It was hard to do, but a great distraction. 

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11 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

Mine was also a German Shepherd. 

I rescued him from an abusive family. 


I didn’t want a dog. My friend from College knew my affinity for Shepherds. She pulled on my heart strings. 

To assuage her and get her off my back, I said, “Fine, I’ll see him”. Just shut up and leave me alone. 

I saw the squalor Shadow lived in. I took him right away. Those assholes never even gave me his food, collar or leash. They were the worst people. 

I quickly wrote up a contract between them and myself and made sure that they didn’t have any ‘rights’ to him. 

I took Shadow home that evening and nothing prepared for him at home. 


He was a scared gentleman. I put him in the backseat and he came on the front passenger seat and then laid his head on my hand and arm the whole way home and fell asleep. I was driving a Manual sports car at the time. I didn’t want to disturb him and I fell in love with him instantly so shifted carefully. 

‘Shadow’ was the love of my life. He died in my arms after I put the injection in him to end his life, at the vet. 

I took him everywhere and made sure his life was the best dog life because he had such a shit puppy life. 

Just using your post as a conduit to tell my story about Shadow. 


This was my boy 12 years later. Ears down because he was having a good day before his kidneys failed. 


I get it. I really do. Our first shepherd, Katie, made it to 12. But it was her hips that went. 

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7 hours ago, Slegr said:

Honestly, I've never heard of the Canucks team dog. I'm a dog lover myself, but when I come to an NHL message board, in the Canucks talk section, it's more about the hockey for me. I understand now that the Canucks sponsored some dog, and in doing so, it is the 'team dog.' And now it passed away. The Canucks also have a foundation, Canucks for Kids Fund, which supports charities to help children's health and wellness. I love humans too, but wouldn't really want to see postings of the children who pass away just because Canucks sponsored them in some way too. I get it that people love dogs, but to me, there should be some separation between dogs and professional hockey teams. Canucks have gone a bit too dog crazy in recent years, allowing them into suites for games, putting them on the annual Canucks calendar rather than players (which ultimately killed sales and stopped the publication of the calendar), and now the whole 'team dog' thing. It's just a bit too odd for me.  Call me cold hearted I guess, but on this forum, I'm more interested in news about the Canucks and their goal of winning a cup, and not so much about the team pets.


I wouldn't call you cold hearted. I'd just call you a person who doesn't seem to know how to manage their feelings. Not everything on the internet is meant to be directly related to your personal interests. It's okay to just ignore things that don't interest you personally. 

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1 minute ago, Down By the River said:

I wouldn't call you cold hearted. I'd just call you a person who doesn't seem to know how to manage their feelings. Not everything on the internet is meant to be directly related to your personal interests. It's okay to just ignore things that don't interest you personally. 

You’re totally right. Not everyone gets it. 

And that’s fine too. 


I can’t, as a Moderator, ding someone who hasn’t been there and doesn’t get it. 

They simply lived a life without the experience that many of us had/have. 

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16 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

Shepherds are the most amazing creatures. 

Simultaneously your best friend and the one that protects your family. 

It’s been years but I always choke up thinking about him. 

I love Shepherds. Take a Shepherd for a walk, and nobody will THINK of fucking with you. And they become the best friend you'll ever have. One thing I love, is when I get home from work, and I've had a shit day, Roxy comes running to see me, and the tail isn't wagging, it's going around the world. Just makes that shit day feeling go away.

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Losing Shadow changed me. Losing Rypper changed the Nucks fans. Losing Ryp is another stab at the heart for many. 

But, the memories endure. The Legacy is safe and secure with us. 

We know who we loved. 

Don’t let grief take hold. Remembrance and discussing their lives and importance is what keeps them all alive. 

Celebrate life. No point in arguing about their deaths and what came from it. 

Fondly remember. Stay unified. 

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4 minutes ago, gwarrior said:

I love Shepherds. Take a Shepherd for a walk, and nobody will THINK of fucking with you. And they become the best friend you'll ever have. One thing I love, is when I get home from work, and I've had a shit day, Roxy comes running to see me, and the tail isn't wagging, it's going around the world. Just makes that shit day feeling go away.

Same. I lost jobs, girlfriends and family members. Came home belligerently drunk and in moods. 

Shadow was always there. No judgement, no question and no hesitation. 


Reminds me of a certain player that we had called the ‘Giant Slayer’. We knew he’d always be there for us. 

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16 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

Losing Shadow changed me. Losing Rypper changed the Nucks fans. Losing Ryp is another stab at the heart for many. 

But, the memories endure. The Legacy is safe and secure with us. 

We know who we loved. 

Don’t let grief take hold. Remembrance and discussing their lives and importance is what keeps them all alive. 

Celebrate life. No point in arguing about their deaths and what came from it. 

Fondly remember. Stay unified. 

I used to cry telling this story. Now I kind of laugh. When we had to have Bailey put down, I couldn't go, neither could my mom. So my stepdad took her. He was gone for a long time. Finally came home and said "she's gone. It took 4 shots to knock her out, before they could put her down". She always tried to attack the vet, no matter what. And all I said was "that's my girl. Fighting it till the very end".

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2 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


Brother one of the dogs that owned my mum and me was called Blackie, she looked like a mostly Rotwieler cross.


It was roughly 30 odd years ago when I use to visit a friend in Cranbourne after the Ski- season and before he went to whistler for their season.

Their family had a quarry up the back of Cranny.

When I got there after work he told me he saw this dog on the side of the road as he was driving up the road to work, and then when he drove home.


So we drove up and checked her out.

She looked really fucked up, but she had sat there all day waiting for that human #$##* that had dumped her there.


I opened my back door and encouraged her to jump in.

She did.

We went up to grocery store and got a can of PAL, dog food, and went back to Pauley's home.

I have never seen a dog eat that much food that quickly.

She then jumped into the back of my car.

I hung out at my friends house for a while and when I went to go home she was still in the back so I took her home.


After spending a lot of money on vet bills, she kinda got better however what had happened to her had a lasting effect, both physically and mentally.


She had four years on the farm here with us, was a friend to Tusk, my beautiful girl, dog that already owned me.

She used to follow mum around the farm, joined to her like a magnet. 

At least we were able to give her some love and a good life for part of hers.


A few of the dogs we have had over the years were dumped by people.

Being up here in the hills, people used to drive up here and dump their animals.

Our first dog Percy, we found her under our house. 


Sigh....I can't understand how people can treat any animal that way, let alone one that gives you unconditional love once you have earned it.


Thanks Dave. Much in common. 

I hope Rypper and Ryp are remembered as fondly. 

If not for them, this thread wouldn’t exist. 


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8 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


Brother one of the dogs that owned my mum and me was called Blackie, she looked like a mostly Rotwieler cross.


It was roughly 30 odd years ago when I use to visit a friend in Cranbourne after the Ski- season and before he went to whistler for their season.

Their family had a quarry up the back of Cranny.

When I got there after work he told me he saw this dog on the side of the road as he was driving up the road to work, and then when he drove home.


So we drove up and checked her out.

She looked really fucked up, but she had sat there all day waiting for that human #$##* that had dumped her there.


I opened my back door and encouraged her to jump in.

She did.

We went up to grocery store and got a can of PAL, dog food, and went back to Pauley's home.

I have never seen a dog eat that much food that quickly.

She then jumped into the back of my car.

I hung out at my friends house for a while and when I went to go home she was still in the back so I took her home.


After spending a lot of money on vet bills, she kinda got better however what had happened to her had a lasting effect, both physically and mentally.


She had four years on the farm here with us, was a friend to Tusk, my beautiful girl, dog that already owned me.

She used to follow mum around the farm, joined to her like a magnet. 

At least we were able to give her some love and a good life for part of hers.


A few of the dogs we have had over the years were dumped by people.

Being up here in the hills, people used to drive up here and dump their animals.

Our first dog Percy, we found her under our house. 


Sigh....I can't understand how people can treat any animal that way, let alone one that gives you unconditional love once you have earned it.


I wish all humans cared.


I was walking my dog when it got dark/late and as I put her in the back of the jeep, all of a sudden there was another dog standing there! A black lab/shep cross? I waited to see if maybe someone was behind in the walk but there were no other cars in the lot (it was down by the river). I encouraged the dog and, sure enough, he hopped in too.


My dog wasn't impressed but my aunt agreed to take this guy in. Her kids named him Bowser...he was a bit of a handful. He was an escape artist and she had to pick him up at the pound twice. She said three strikes and he was out.


As it would turn out, on the last trip to the pound they'd had a call from an owner. A fisherman who lived on his boat in Steveston ... turns out Bowswer was his dog, who'd been allowed to roam the beach on his own but usually came back. This time he'd gone too far and that was when I stumbled across him. 


He went "home" with some new tags and a promise from the owner to do better.

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44 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

Same. I lost jobs, girlfriends and family members. Came home belligerently drunk and in moods. 

Shadow was always there. No judgement, no question and no hesitation. 


Reminds me of a certain player that we had called the ‘Giant Slayer’. We knew he’d always be there for us. 


Unconditional love is such an awesome thing.


Think about how many people actually give you this during your lifetime. 


Like my father taught me, if you are lucky you can count them on one hand.


Actually I have been a bit luckier than that.

I wonder if that's because once I love you, I always will.

Might not always see eye to eye, but I will always be there you for.

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17 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


Unconditional love is such an awesome thing.


Think about how many people actually give you this during your lifetime. 


Like my father taught me, if you are lucky you can count them on one hand.


Actually I have been a bit luckier than that.

I wonder if that's because once I love you, I always will.

Might not always see eye to eye, but I will always be there you for.

It's actually quite something when we take the time to get to "know" animals and their unique personalities.


I mean, some people think a bunny is something to stick in a cage with a carrot. An animal that just sits all day, but they only react to the situation they're placed in.


They're SO awesome and unique. I've had 4 buns and each one was completely different. They're seen as different than cats and dogs but are awesome pets if people do it right. Animals stuck at the end of a rope all day or in cage without interaction will wilt. It's disgusting...don't get animals if that's all they'll ever know.


All animals deserve to be "heard"/loved.


Ryp was a lovely guy....bursting with energy but also so tuned in in a crowd. I'll really miss him.

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