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RIP Ryp - team dog passes away

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41 minutes ago, -dlc- said:

Wow, please read the room.


You said you don't come here for this but you sure are sticking around.


Maybe hit up another of the numerous threads in Canucks Talk rather than poke and prod in here. It's so inappropriate (as is mini modding).


This dog was part of the team whether you approved it or not. 


On one hand, you don't want to read about pets in Canucks talk and it doesn't belong here but on the other you're quite happy to hang in here and use Canucks Talk to debate pets. That's quite a double standard.


And in looking back, I see a mod was already monitoring things. It's time to move along if you're only here to argue a point. If you don't get it, that's ok but it's now a matter of opting out rather than standing in here swinging. Just inappropriate in a discussion about loss and sadness.


Well said. I stopped trying with that guy.

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1 minute ago, -dlc- said:

It's actually quite something when we take the time to get to "know" animals and their unique personalities.


I mean, some people think a bunny is something to stick in a cage with a carrot. But they're SO awesome and unique. I've had 4 buns and each one was completely different. They're seen as different than cats and dogs but are awesome pets if people do it right.


All animals deserve to be "heard"/loved.


For full disclosure Deb, I gotta be honest with you.


My parents were the kindest, most gentle people I have ever known.


When mum quit her job, way back when not many women had professional jobs like hers, to start the farm, twice, the plants that my parents planted were destroyed.

First by Frost, and then by rabbits.

My dad had to stay at work to earn money at the time to support us, so he didn't have the time to fence the property at that time, so he bought a gun and shot some of them.

I don't know he didn't enjoy this, he didn't like killing anything, morals they passed on to me.

However he felt he had no choice.


Neighbours have destroyed the fences that my dad and I constructed around the farm and now I have a different problem with them.

The bushes are established so they don't eat them however they disturb the soil at the bottom of the Bushes.

This is a no- no with Proteas, you can't even pull weeds.

They are prone to root diseases and have fine hair roots and doing this makes them more exposed to those root diseases.


However I refuse to kill them.

As I taught my son, nature is like a motor, you break one part of the motor, well that part is connected to another and another and so on.

Eventually the motor will start breaking down.


I believe that it is pretty obvious that is what is currently happening.

Check out the current extinction rate.

It is unprecedented.


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I've done this with all my Shepherds, haven't done it in awhile, but I've got this mini hockey stick, ive had it forever. But I'll sit on the floor with Roxy, and flip tennis balls to her. She catches em and spits em back. I gotta get back into it.

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10 hours ago, Slegr said:

Honestly, I've never heard of the Canucks team dog. I'm a dog lover myself, but when I come to an NHL message board, in the Canucks talk section, it's more about the hockey for me. I understand now that the Canucks sponsored some dog, and in doing so, it is the 'team dog.' And now it passed away. The Canucks also have a foundation, Canucks for Kids Fund, which supports charities to help children's health and wellness. I love humans too, but wouldn't really want to see postings of the children who pass away just because Canucks sponsored them in some way too. I get it that people love dogs, but to me, there should be some separation between dogs and professional hockey teams. Canucks have gone a bit too dog crazy in recent years, allowing them into suites for games, putting them on the annual Canucks calendar rather than players (which ultimately killed sales and stopped the publication of the calendar), and now the whole 'team dog' thing. It's just a bit too odd for me.  Call me cold hearted I guess, but on this forum, I'm more interested in news about the Canucks and their goal of winning a cup, and not so much about the team pets.


So scroll past the title of the thread without clicking it?

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43 minutes ago, Roger Neilsons Towel said:

So scroll past the title of the thread without clicking it?

Love this. Don't like it, don't read it. Everybody is entitled to their opinion, but not everybody needs to hear it.

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15 hours ago, Slegr said:

Your confrontational approach just makes others want to respond to you more. I'll say this - those Canucks players who we know are easy to grieve for - I certainly did. 

But we're talking about a dog that was sponsored by the Canucks organization only because of the Pet Valu sponsorship of the Canucks. That link I posted earlier states "the sponsorship agreement will connect devoted pet lovers and sports fans through engaging content, entertaining game presentation integration, prizing as well as impactful promotional assets including broadcast visible signage. It also will allow Pet Valu to spotlight its "Companions for Change™" Program, including adoption events throughout the year and support key Pet Valu community initiatives."

So no, this isn't on the same level of losing former Vancouver Canuck Rick Rypien to most fans. In fact, this thread wouldn't exist right now if there wasn't a Pet Value sponsorship with the Canucks, which ultimately led to the Canucks sponsoring a dog and calling it the team's dog. Most fans honestly had no idea there was a 'team dog'. 

And I'll come on to the Canucks talk forum and share my thoughts on any thread, whether you agree with them or not. Deal with that.

we'll "deal with it" by just viewing you as a clown. congrats. 

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21 hours ago, Slegr said:

Honestly, I've never heard of the Canucks team dog. I'm a dog lover myself, but when I come to an NHL message board, in the Canucks talk section, it's more about the hockey for me. I understand now that the Canucks sponsored some dog, and in doing so, it is the 'team dog.' And now it passed away. The Canucks also have a foundation, Canucks for Kids Fund, which supports charities to help children's health and wellness. I love humans too, but wouldn't really want to see postings of the children who pass away just because Canucks sponsored them in some way too. I get it that people love dogs, but to me, there should be some separation between dogs and professional hockey teams. Canucks have gone a bit too dog crazy in recent years, allowing them into suites for games, putting them on the annual Canucks calendar rather than players (which ultimately killed sales and stopped the publication of the calendar), and now the whole 'team dog' thing. It's just a bit too odd for me.  Call me cold hearted I guess, but on this forum, I'm more interested in news about the Canucks and their goal of winning a cup, and not so much about the team pets.


Thank you for posting this. And sorry for any bullying you received as a result.


Not everyone chooses to get upset about an animal they have never met, let alone never knew existed. If that happens to a person, then I hope they would stop clicking on stuff like this and causing themselves misery.

And not everyone thinks a “team dog” should be a thing.

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2 hours ago, tas said:

we'll "deal with it" by just viewing you as a clown. congrats. 

Classy, but honestly, I’d rather be considered a clown than get weepy eyed over a Pet Valu promotion gone sideways. This thread has little to do with some team dog (except for Deb who actually met it) and more a memory lane of people’s own dog experiences, which I would say has nothing to do with Canucks talk. And every time I try to ignore chat, I keep getting notifications that I’m being quoted and insulted, despite the moderator’s request to keep this thread on topic. I think some of you want me to keep responding because without that, this thread would have expired moments after it started.

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12 minutes ago, Slegr said:

Classy, but honestly, I’d rather be considered a clown than get weepy eyed over a Pet Valu promotion gone sideways. This thread has little to do with some team dog (except for Deb who actually met it) and more a memory lane of people’s own dog experiences, which I would say has nothing to do with Canucks talk. And every time I try to ignore chat, I keep getting notifications that I’m being quoted and insulted, despite the moderator’s request to keep this thread on topic. I think some of you want me to keep responding because without that, this thread would have expired moments after it started.

…At the same time, there’s no sense adding fuel to the fire. You’ve already stated your side. People are free to feel differently. Making fun of them for how they feel doesn’t help anyone.

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7 minutes ago, D-Money said:

…At the same time, there’s no sense adding fuel to the fire. You’ve already stated your side. People are free to feel differently. Making fun of them for how they feel doesn’t help anyone.

Slegr has repeatedly stated an interest in dropping the topic. He's doing the opposite of fueling the fire. If I'm being quoted several times in the same thread by different people all talking down to me and using insults such as 'clown,' I'm probably going to respond. This thread can go back on topic as soon as people let Slegr do what he's requesting and ignore his posts. I think at the end of the day I disagree with Slegr on his point that this doesn't deserve its own topic, but I can tolerate the 'whys' and other details that inform his opinion, and I don't feel the need to engage with him as much as other posters do. Let it rest imo.

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9 minutes ago, 112 said:

Yes, that was harsh. Ryp was a living creature with high intelligence and complex emotions, and he certainly deserved a longer life. It's a normal response to shed some tears over news like this.


I think there's an element in this news where people associate Ryp with corporatism and the drive for profit; people look at Ryp as a mascot more than a sentient creature, or they're off-put that an organization like the Canucks would sponsor a dog because they see ulterior motives in the whole situation. Corporations can't "do good."


Personally I think it was a good thing for the team to do, but there are always going to be types who just don't like capital.


Anyway, continuing, this is a really sad event and I hope Ryp's caregiver and others who were close to him are doing as well as possible given the news. RIP to a good dog.

Thing is, the Guide Dogs is a very worthy recipient of the attention and awareness that Ryp helped generate through the team. So it's a two way street here. My friend is very involved with the BC Guide Dogs program and any light shone on it is a good thing. So it's a bit of a jaded take to only associate this with a corporate agenda of no value outside of that.


FTR, I've had the pleasure of having (at least in part...my ex's dog) a prospective guide dog. Even though it didn't work out, he was an incredible friend. "Chuck"


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14 hours ago, Ilunga said:


Brother one of the dogs that owned my mum and me was called Blackie, she looked like a mostly Rotwieler cross.


It was roughly 30 odd years ago when I use to visit a friend in Cranbourne after the Ski- season and before he went to whistler for their season.

Their family had a quarry up the back of Cranny.

When I got there after work he told me he saw this dog on the side of the road as he was driving up the road to work, and then when he drove home.


So we drove up and checked her out.

She looked really fucked up, but she had sat there all day waiting for that human #$##* that had dumped her there.


I opened my back door and encouraged her to jump in.

She did.

We went up to grocery store and got a can of PAL, dog food, and went back to Pauley's home.

I have never seen a dog eat that much food that quickly.

She then jumped into the back of my car.

I hung out at my friends house for a while and when I went to go home she was still in the back so I took her home.


After spending a lot of money on vet bills, she kinda got better however what had happened to her had a lasting effect, both physically and mentally.


She had four years on the farm here with us, was a friend to Tusk, my beautiful girl, dog that already owned me.

She used to follow mum around the farm, joined to her like a magnet. 

At least we were able to give her some love and a good life for part of hers.


A few of the dogs we have had over the years were dumped by people.

Being up here in the hills, people used to drive up here and dump their animals.

Our first dog Percy, we found her under our house. 


Sigh....I can't understand how people can treat any animal that way, let alone one that gives you unconditional love once you have earned it.


So that great people like you find those dogs. And give them all the love and support they deserve. But, you are right it's bad enough you see owners treating their pets like crap. But to just abandon them is just cowardice. It doesn't take much to ask for someone to give a pet a new home. But if humans weren't so messed up, we wouldn't need groups like the SPCA.


I'm still not understanding Slegr's attitude. Ryp was to support Guide Dogs. Guide Dog's, much like Police Dogs require training. And help give blind people additional mobility, and confidence in day to day activities. If it was sponsored by a pet company. Who care's? Everyone wins, the pet company gets good publicity, the Canucks show they are doing their part in the community. And if it helps raise funds for guide dogs so much the better.


If it's a topic you aren't interested in. Maybe as Deb says. Just don't respond to it. I've seen some doozy proposals that I thought were completely stupid.

And instead of saying so and "chiming in". I just stayed away from that thread.

Edited by Ghostsof1915
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5 minutes ago, -dlc- said:

Thing is, the Guide Dogs is a very worthy recipient of the attention and awareness that Ryp helped generate through the team. So it's a two way street here. My friend is very involved with the BC Guide Dogs program and any light shone on it is a good thing. So it's a bit of a jaded take to only associate this with a corporate agenda of no value outside of that.


FTR, I've had the pleasure of having (at least in part...my ex's dog) a prospective guide dog. Even though it didn't work out, he was an incredible friend. "Chuck"


Absolutely it's a worthy initiative. I don't see people complaining about the Canucks For Kids Fund or the Canucks Autism Network. There are a lot of good things the Canucks do for the community and province, and the Guide Dog program is one of them. I see it as good charity.

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1 hour ago, Slegr said:

Classy, but honestly, I’d rather be considered a clown than get weepy eyed over a Pet Valu promotion gone sideways. This thread has little to do with some team dog (except for Deb who actually met it) and more a memory lane of people’s own dog experiences, which I would say has nothing to do with Canucks talk. And every time I try to ignore chat, I keep getting notifications that I’m being quoted and insulted, despite the moderator’s request to keep this thread on topic. I think some of you want me to keep responding because without that, this thread would have expired moments after it started.


The Vancouver Canucks are a product.  You can choose to consume as much or as little of it as you want.  You want to just watch the hockey?  Fine.  They're happy to take your business.  And if you want to watch the off-ice videos (ie. Pride Night, Lunar New Year), that's fine too.  Why are you trying to come in here and tell others how to be Canucks fans?


Yeah.  This promo did not go the way they intended.  But a young dog died.  That's all we are sad about here.  You have completely derailed the thread by saying something that was completely out of line, with or eithout context.

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