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You're GM -do you make any more "Signficant Moves" before the deadline?

You're the GM - Do you make any more "Significant" trades before the Dealine?  

82 members have voted

  1. 1. To Trade or Not to Trade

    • Yes
    • No
    • Minor Trades only that don't affect our key prospects / Only Picks and B or C prospects

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Barring any major injury I think the team should stay as is.


the lindholm trade really addressed the weak spot being the second line.


all the other areas are succeeding and to make a change is arrogance and shows a lack of loyalty and trust. How would replacing effective guys on the 4th line look in the locker room? Or same thing for the D pairings. If we brought in Tanev then who or the very capable d sit out?


Trading Kuzmenko made sense. He was the piece that didnt fit. This was good for both the team and the player

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1 RW (middle 6 winger not too costly)




-defensively responsible


1 RHD 

-top pk 

-shot blocker

-decent speed 

-decent puckmoving 


1. Adam Larrson would be great just not sure if Seattle will consider.


2. Tanev also fits that only issue I have with Tanev is his durability.

Edited by Madskillz
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in my fantasy world I'd see chris tanev, brandon tanev, and frank vatrano come in and ilya mikheyev out with pieces involved including most likely a 2nd round pick and maybe pettersson (d) and podkolzin as likely prospect capital. 


don't know how to make the numbers work, don't care, it's my fantasy. 

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5 minutes ago, Johnny said:

Barring any major injury I think the team should stay as is.


the lindholm trade really addressed the weak spot being the second line.


all the other areas are succeeding and to make a change is arrogance and shows a lack of loyalty and trust. How would replacing effective guys on the 4th line look in the locker room? Or same thing for the D pairings. If we brought in Tanev then who or the very capable d sit out?


Trading Kuzmenko made sense. He was the piece that didnt fit. This was good for both the team and the player

Bottom 6 is good we still need 1 more strong winger for the top 6, but can be a middle 6 winger who is an upgrade.

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22 minutes ago, Bardown said:

First post, Canucks fan out east coming to you live from Montreal!


Question, do you think Alvin should make any more "significant moves" before the deadline? By significant I mean high cost. Someone that would cost us a key prospect (one of the three Swedes, Podz, hogz etc). Obviously, the who coming back matters, but I am being realistic, so no need to say "Well I'd trade Willander for Crosby or McDavid!"....we are talking a Lindholm level trade that will cost us something key to our future.


Personally, I think the Canucks are in a good spot. We have depth all the way through, and giving up some of the key young players who we will NEED to extend our window is foolish. Our top end prospects will need to be developed and be in the lineup once we start paying out guys like Petey, Hronek, re-signing Quinn and Demko etc. Basically, going all in now keeps our window very short. Teams always need young cheap talent coming in due to cap constraints.


I think our team as is can win. But as we all know, it takes some luck, staying healthy, and getting hot at the right time. One player is not going to change our fortunes now. If Alvin can tinker at the margins to bring in some size for the bottom 6 and a depth dman, I think we should roll the dice with what we have now. Personally, I don't like the idea of giving up any of the 3 Swedes, Podz or Hogz for one shot / one year. Those players are key to having many more shots (assuming we develop them properly).


Tanev would be nice but I see Toronto and others outbidding us. The only prospect I would consider giving up is Raty. From what I have heard, he seems to be more of a winger and as such, if he's not a future C for us, he doesn't have the value for us we'd hoped for.


Curious to hear other's thoughts. Go Canucks Go!

At 21 it is way to early to move Raty. A lot of UFA and RFA to resign. If the playoff run is deep many will want bigger opportunity and bigger salary hits. 

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Toronto is very limited on thier trade capital.  They don't have a 2nd for the next 3 years abd thier 1st from next year is called for. They also don't have much that would interest Calgary in the way of prospects. So unless this years 1st is on the table for him I don't see them outbidfibg any team for Tanev 

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If there's a smaller piece or 2 that doesn't cost much that could help put us even more over the top, I say we take those trades.


That's not to say I think we have to do trades, just in the event that we see another possible upgrade, I think it would be foolish not to at least look into that.

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If we could get a young (23-26) RHD with term then I would be willing to trade one of our winger prospects.


We do need to free up cap space for this move.  The only logical piece is Mikheyev (4.75M for 3years). He is under performing and has a significant cap hit.


So the deal is a young RHD with term for winger prospect, Mikheyev and a mid round pick.


Something like a John Marino (RHD) (26y/o making $4.4M for 4 years) for Podkolzin ($925k and an RFA), Mikheyev ($4.75M for 3 years) and a 2025 4th round pick. It frees some cap space for us. We have a cap dump of an under performing winger. We get to promote a winger from Abby to the big club (Hoggy will take the spot on the 2nd line and the new guy to go on the 4th line). New Jersey has cap space. We get a good young cost controlled defenseman in an area of need while losing an underperforming winger.


The question is... why would New Jersey want a bunch of wingers? When they have an abundance of it. 


I know people will say "who will take over Mikheyev's spot?" We can put Hoggy in his spot and promote from Abby.


This only works for a young RHD with term. If we get a rental then I am opposed to removing anyone from the roster. Having said that, I don't see any other rental that I would give up a player for. Let our present guys take this home. 

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The nice thing about Rutherford's "strike early" strat is that we still have time to guage the team's performance before the deadline. Ideally we'd be able to land a top/middle 6 forward with some grit and a RD, although I'm comfortable with the team we have right now.

  • Huggy Bear 1
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3 minutes ago, Dom said:

I don't understand why people want to trade Mikheyev. Sure, his contract is bad and offensively he is underperforming, but he is elite defensively. Defense wins championships. 


I think if we could move out Mikeyev and replace him in the lineup with Vatrano, the forward group would be as good and deep as any team in the league.







Vatrano makes 1.1M less than Mikeyev as well which would allow us to add another depth forward or defenseman. 

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33 minutes ago, Dom said:

I don't understand why people want to trade Mikheyev. Sure, his contract is bad and offensively he is underperforming, but he is elite defensively. Defense wins championships. 


Hi Dom, I want to say that I do not want to move Mikheyev for the sake of doing so. In this exercise, "do you make any more significant moves," my answer is to get a young RHD with term. The only way to do that is to move a contract and Mikheyev is the most logical one.

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I would only go big if we can buy low on Josh Anderson or Tom Wilson sending Mik + the other way. 


I don't think we need to do anything big. Juulson and Friedman have been fine depth and we know Wolainen can play. Up front we could probably add a gritty bottom 6 role player a Sam Carrick, Beck Malenstyn, Nic Dowd, if STL drops Sundqvist type.


I think less is more  


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I think the Sabres and Jokiharju are jiving. He would be a target to play RD minutes and as a pending RFA someone who can cone back and establish a role here in Vancouver.


His prorated cap can work with retention as well as a roster addition should futures be enough to acquire him.


Otherwise finding a veteran depth defenseman is where I would add.


There is always injuries and rotating a couple defensemen in and out of the lineup if all healthy only creates internal competition so not a negative.

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In terms of big moves, I think we should target Bjugstad out of Arizona. Signed this season and next season at AAV of $2.1m.


He's the ultimate depth piece, 6'6", right handed C/W, can play anywhere in the lineup (top or bottom 6), 50% on faceoffs.


Would be willing to trade Raty to Arizona to get him. Makes sense for Arizona as Bjug is 31 and Raty is 21 and a better fit with the age of their core.


Would also try and get a team like Chicago to retain 50% on Bjugstad for a 4th round pick so that we have more cap flexibility.


Since we currently have $1.86m in cap space adding Bjugstad for $1.05m still leaves $0.81m in cap space. Would like to target Bogosian out of MIN as a depth RD ($0.8m) for our playoff run. Should be worth a late round pick or B prospect.


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