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Disciplinary Action

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Clearly shows that for the past 7 years the Canucks have not been picked on by rulings for suspensions. Per this chart the Canucks have received less suspensions than any other Canadian team and more than only 10 teams in the entire league.

I think those who like to pretend that the Canucks are picked on by the league should swallow hard and admit well maybe this shows that take is flawed.

It's not really about who has had the most suspensions but rather who has had more or less than DESERVED or longer or shorter than DESERVED.

Edited by mozzeye
missed the quote
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23 minutes ago, fanfor42 said:

Clearly shows that for the past 7 years the Canucks have not been picked on by rulings for suspensions. Per this chart the Canucks have received less suspensions than any other Canadian team and more than only 10 teams in the entire league.


I think those who like to pretend that the Canucks are picked on by the league should swallow hard and admit well maybe this shows that take is flawed.


Maybe it just shows that the team has cleaned things up since Parros joined DOPS.


The decade before, I expect we were far higher on the list

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1 hour ago, fanfor42 said:

Clearly shows that for the past 7 years the Canucks have not been picked on by rulings for suspensions. Per this chart the Canucks have received less suspensions than any other Canadian team and more than only 10 teams in the entire league.


I think those who like to pretend that the Canucks are picked on by the league should swallow hard and admit well maybe this shows that take is flawed.


Not really. At face value it may look that way, but the chart doesn't break down how many games were played.


For instance.....Bruins were in the playoffs during the period that chart covers for 81 games. Canucks, same period = 15 games. So factor in 66 more games to assess those penalties in. I won't look beyond that, I'm sure you get the idea of why your take is flawed.


We get some extremely soft penalties and other teams get away with stuff that this team does not. Garland takes a walloping yet Myers get penalized if he looks sideways at players.


We also haven't give reason for suspensions so....there's that. I mean, our players aren't dirty Marchands.

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22 minutes ago, -dlc- said:

I disagree with every single bit of this.

I’d give him 4 games, partly because injury seems to be a factor in their decisions and quite frankly it didn’t seem that bad, more unfortunate that it hit him in the head.


Having said that, I don’t mind the slap shot, it stirs things up and adds character to the game but I don’t mind a retaliation either for the same reason, just need to keep it away from the head.

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1 hour ago, Kragar said:

Maybe it just shows that the team has cleaned things up since Parros joined DOPS.


The decade before, I expect we were far higher on the list

I think after the 2011 playoffs they were forced to explain how that all happened and on review they realized the BIAS and how their actions could change everything.

They decided to be more careful about the canucks, but now that seems to have worn off, with Zadorov getting two for knocking helmets in detroit.

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2 hours ago, Curmudgeon said:


Imagine, if you will, a world wherein Elias Pettersson slapped a puck into an empty Edmonton net and Darnell Nurse crosschecked him in the head/neck against the boards. So you'd be okay with it because Pettersson deserved his punishment for a bush league move? If you are at all consistent, you would be blaming Petey for his own misfortune. See how goofy that sounds?



If Pettersson did that on an empty net with the 2 points already in the bag (which I don't think he ever would) then yes, he would absolutely deserve that kind of treatment! I'd hope as a Canucks fan it wouldn't Nurse that's first on scene but it is what it is.. It genuinely doesn't seem goofy to me at all. There's a code to adhere too! This is The National League we're talking about here.. no room for winding up taking a slapshot from that close out on an empty net.. It's showing your opponent up. Just flick the puck in the net.. Win with class. That's all I'm saying. 

To me, what Grieg did was similar to shooting the puck in the net after a whistle & that always draws a crowd! 

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3 hours ago, Don Brodka Jr said:

It's a 2 possibly 3 game suspension for Morgan Reilly MAX! Ridly Grieg isn't hurt. He's not going to miss anytime & had Reilly just dropped his stick & punched Grieg with his glove/fist we wouldn't even be talking here. Grieg 100% deserved a beating for that bush league move.. It's the fact Reilly used his stick to the shoulder/head.. Can't let that go.. 2 Games, 3 at most. Nothing to see here, move along! 

I remember someone crying that it was against the rules for a slapper on the goalie from too close? I mean, where do these stupid ideas come from.

If you got an empty net you should be able to piss of the other team you just beat any way you can. Especially if its Toronto

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52 minutes ago, -dlc- said:

I disagree with every single bit of this.


Well, that's unfortunate we don't see eye to eye.. However.. One of the greatest things we got left in this country (well some of us anyways)

We can disagree wholeheartedly and yet still move on with our days! 

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1 minute ago, Don Brodka Jr said:


Well, that's unfortunate we don't see eye to eye.. However.. One of the greatest things we got left in this country (well some of us anyways)

We can disagree wholeheartedly and yet still move on with our days! 

by (some of us) you mean Toronto fans? I guess you might be "diverse and inclusive" so you include Boston fans?

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20 minutes ago, VintageActualCanuckfan said:

by (some of us) you mean Toronto fans? I guess you might be "diverse and inclusive" so you include Boston fans?


By (some of us) I meant closed-minded NDPLibtards that live in this Country who have zero ability to understand any point of view other than there own. You can disagree with me that I thought Ridly Grieg deserved a beat down.. All is good. It's an opinion.  I can understand your point of view that's It's just a game.. If Grieg wanted to slide down to his knees take his dick out use that to shoot the puck in the net so be it.. I get it.. It's like baseball player flipping their bat after a HR.. Old school guys hate it.. others love seeing the personality side of the player.. Neither is wrong. That's all I'm saying. 

There just seems to be a lot of Toronto hate on this topic. I'd be curious to see how much hate would be here or if anyone would care at all if it wasn't The Maple Leafs involved.

I suppose I'm one of those Canuck fans that doesn't pay attention to any other team.. I don't hate Toronto, I don't hate Boston.  I don't give any other team much of thought really.

Edited by Don Brodka Jr
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2 hours ago, Curmudgeon said:

Quick note: On TSN's web page today there are 37 stories about the Leafs. 37. Is it any wonder the rest of Canada detests the Toronto sports media?


And here's one of them. :classic_smile:




No, Toronto, you're just dirty as fuck.

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1 hour ago, LionofJudah said:

Isn't it minimum 5 games for all in person hearings or is it 3? Probably gets something between 5-8 games.


I find it odd that our guy was suspended on the same day but Reilly's still hasn't been handed out?

Our guy did a phone interview and we played the next game so they had to get it done quick, Reilley’s is in person and they don’t pay til tomorrow. It’s safe to say he’s getting suspended so no harm taking a couple days determining how long.



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28 minutes ago, LionofJudah said:

Isn't it minimum 5 games for all in person hearings or is it 3? Probably gets something between 5-8 games.


I find it odd that our guy was suspended on the same day but Reilly's still hasn't been handed out?

If the infraction might require a suspension of six games or more, the offending player is offered the opportunity to an in-person hearing. In this case, the player remains suspended until the hearing takes place.

Seems there is no minimum, that’s how I read it.

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50 minutes ago, Don Brodka Jr said:

By (some of us) I meant closed-minded NDPLibtards that live in this Country


You know, as soon as you pull out this divisive, political bull**** you lose all credibility. And by implication you are saying everyone who isn't an NDP libtard agrees with you. That isn't true, either. But keep going, you are on a roll. And it is probably a good thing we'll never meet, because I'd probably cross check you in the head because disagreeing with a close-minded NDP libtard is against my Code and my Code says It's bad form to embarrass NDP Libtards, so I'd be justified in delivering my own kind of justice. Would you support that? Didn't think so, because unwritten codes aren't written and are just as often stupid.

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The Leafs have been spamming the news with article after article how it's not discipline worthy Beyond a fine , and settled the NHL up for blow back if there is anything further applied .... Apparently Riellys hit was innocent and not a big deal. Heck their coach is all over the news supporting the hit saying it was fully justified 


Let's.be clear . . If this was the Canucks the team would be fined to the stoneage for the coach calling it justified and the player looking at 20 plus games


And we would see very one sided officiating for some time for challenging the NHL ....


The sens player deserved to be challenged for his Punk move , but for the love of god as they are not man.enough to face the time ..... They shouldn't have donr the crime 

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30 minutes ago, Sapper said:

The Leafs have been spamming the news with article after article how it's not discipline worthy Beyond a fine , and settled the NHL up for blow back if there is anything further applied .... Apparently Riellys hit was innocent and not a big deal. Heck their coach is all over the news supporting the hit saying it was fully justified 


Let's.be clear . . If this was the Canucks the team would be fined to the stoneage for the coach calling it justified and the player looking at 20 plus games


And we would see very one sided officiating for some time for challenging the NHL ....


The sens player deserved to be challenged for his Punk move , but for the love of god as they are not man.enough to face the time ..... They shouldn't have donr the crime 

Yep. Don't care what team did this, even us, IMO should be 10 games, perhaps slight reduction for lack of history (I have no idea in Rielly's history).


Edit: meant to include my reasoning for the 10... it's due to the outright heated retaliation after a goal.  The player is basically defenseless preparing to celebrate with his team. Total BS move by Rielly. At least if it was in retaliation for significant violence, that might be something. This is clearly not the time.

Edited by Kragar
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1 hour ago, LionofJudah said:

I find it odd that our guy was suspended on the same day but Reilly's still hasn't been handed out?


Zadorov was penalized Saturday and suspended the same day because the Canucks next game was Sunday, so there was some urgency in dealing with the issue. The Leafs don't play again until Tuesday night so there was no urgency in dealing with Rielly's suspension. I don't mind there being a two day delay in disciplining Rielly, but it has given the Toronto media nothing else to obsess about for over 48 hours. Seriously, the Toronto broadcasters and writers are worse than ever.

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2 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Reilly gets six games. Leafs might lose all six. 

I'd like to see the team get nailed for a fine for going public the way they did and calling that hit justified ...... Justified or not you don't get to call a major match penalty type hit a good thing in the news and not expect to have the book thrown at you



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