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The Medically Assisted Dying/End of Life Thread.


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Medical assistance in dying (MAID) is a process that allows someone who is found eligible to be able to receive assistance from a medical practitioner in ending their life. The federal Criminal Code of Canada permits this to take place only under very specific circumstances and rules. Anyone requesting this service must meet specific eligibility criteria to receive medical assistance in dying. Any medical practitioner who administers an assisted death to someone must satisfy certain safeguards first.

Only medical practitioners are permitted to conduct assessments and to provide medical assistance in dying. This can be a physician or a nurse practitioner, where provinces and territories allow.

There are 2 methods of medical assistance in dying available in Canada.

Method 1: a physician or nurse practitioner directly administers a substance that causes death, such as an injection of a drug. This is sometimes called clinician-administered medical assistance in dying.

Method 2: a physician or nurse practitioner provides or prescribes a drug that the eligible person takes themselves, in order to bring about their own death. This is sometimes called self-administered medical assistance in dying.

Clinical guidelines and practices outline which drugs to use, and are established by:

  • provinces and territories
  • organizations that regulate the practice of medicine

Many of the drugs commonly used for this procedure are already available in Canada. Health care providers usually prescribe them at lower dosages for common purposes, such as:

  • nausea
  • pain control
  • anaesthesia

As the regulator of drug products, Health Canada is working with partners to help support access to drugs for medical assistance in dying.

To be eligible for medical assistance in dying, you must meet all the following criteria. You must:

  • be eligible for health services funded by a province or territory, or the federal government
    • You may also be eligible if you meet your province or territory's minimum period of residence or waiting period.
  • be at least 18 years old and mentally competent
    • This means being capable of making health care decisions for yourself.
  • have a grievous and irremediable medical condition
  • make a voluntary request for medical assistance in dying
    • The request cannot be the result of outside pressure or influence.
  • give informed consent to receive medical assistance in dying
  • To be considered as having a grievous and irremediable medical condition, you must meet all of the following criteria. You must:

  • have a serious illness, disease or disability
  • be in an advanced state of decline that cannot be reversed
  • experience unbearable physical or mental suffering from your illness, disease, disability or state of decline that cannot be relieved under conditions that you consider acceptable
  • You do not need to have a fatal or terminal condition to be eligible for medical assistance in dying.

    If your only medical condition is a mental illness, you are not currently eligible for medical assistance in dying.

    If you have a mental illness along with other medical conditions, you may be eligible for medical assistance in dying.

    Eligibility is always assessed on an individual basis and takes all relevant circumstances into account. However, you must meet all the criteria to be eligible.

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"Important: On February 1, 2024, the Government of Canada introduced legislation that proposes an extension, until March 17, 2027, to the temporary exclusion of eligibility in circumstances where a person's sole underlying medical condition is a mental illness. The proposed legislation is now before Parliament.

Unless this Bill is passed by Parliament and receives Royal Assent, the temporary exclusion will be repealed on March 17, 2024."


The government has been dragging its heels on this for too long. They've already been granted years of extensions for this and now want to kick the issue down the road to 2027. Pathetic.

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My uncle choose this last year as well, he wanted to go out on his own terms and be remembered more for who he was than how he ended up. Tough situation all around and thoughts for you and yours.


The issues I've seen have been more related to it becoming a suggestion by professionals to people whom don't have these terminal cases, but rather a manageable disability if they can get financial assistance.

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I have been involved with a few of these on the family medicine side and know a NP who does this full time pretty well. 
Obviously I can’t discuss any of them. 
Personally I don’t think I could be the person administering this but I am glad for those who are as I do feel it is a reasonable services that respects personal choice, but no physician really wants to provide, similar to medical abortions. 

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3 minutes ago, DrJockitch said:

I have been involved with a few of these on the family medicine side and know a NP who does this full time pretty well. 
Obviously I can’t discuss any of them. 
Personally I don’t think I could be the person administering this but I am glad for those who are as I do feel it is a reasonable services that respects personal choice, but no physician really wants to provide, similar to medical abortions. 

Sorry but Doctors have no problems with medical abortions unless they are pro life.

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48 minutes ago, Gurn said:

Many months ago, my Mom began the process of applying for this program.

Several meetings with both her own,  and a Dr. involved in the program resulted in her acceptance.

As Mom's illness went into remission-or was she just toughing it out? she got an extension to the time limit.

The last couple of months became harder and harder on her, as her illness progressed. When her memory and attention span began to go she set a date for the doctor to come and administer the medication to end her life. I truly think she might haver stuck around for awhile longer if it was 'just' the physical issues related to her illness, but losing her mental faculties was too much for her.

That date was this morning.


A nurse showed up, around 8:20  a.m. to insert a pair of i.v.s- one in each arm.-while they only needed one, they try to get 2 in, as it can be awkward to try and get to a certain arm, depending on the positioning of the patient.

At 9 am the doctor arrived, finished the paper work, by reading aloud the consent/agreement clause and had my Mom sign off.

Mom picked her favourite chair to sit in, and the medical pros worked around her.

The Doc. administered multiple shots, of which she said the last couple are kind of redundant, but they want no surprises-I guess some folk need more to put them under- so they just give them the whole batch.

The first shot made her sleepy, and by the time the 3rd one was mostly done with; Mom was gone, at 9:23 am.


It was extremely calm, and a dignified way to go out.

doctor and nurse were very good, I'd say they have done a few of these.


I have no problem recommending those in need to check out this option.

It isn't what everyone would want, but should be available, for those that meet the eligibility requirements, and make that choice.


I'm missing her already- small lady with a large heart and courage.


Sorry for your loss.  It is the way I want to leave this world also.  My sister recently went to one where everyone had a drink and said goodbye.

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21 minutes ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

Sorry but Doctors have no problems with medical abortions unless they are pro life.

First I am telling you that is not true as a doctor. 
I have done low risk OB for years and know a lot of Ob/Gyn’s and I can tell you none of them want to perform the procedure but do out of a sense of obligation. 
I am VERY pro choice and would never perform an abortion either medical or chemical because that is my personal, non-religious belief. 
Now the abortionist trope that conservative politicians use is convenient and apparently believable to many with no personal knowledge or experience but is a complete straw man argument.


going to stop there to not deflect this thread into a debate about something else as this subject does deserve it’s own discussion. 

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@Gurn I think we first had this discussion on the old site in the Adults Table club.  At the time, my wife's relative had just had a bad fall, breaking their leg, and in such a way as to be unable to be set properly (plus they were at a very advanced age).  When the paramedics arrived at the care facility, all that her relative would say (in broken English) was, "please help me die, please let me die".


The doctors took that to mean that the relative wanted to seek out MAID, and started the process to do so as the first doctor providing the acknowledgement of the request.  Unfortunately, because of the medications/pain killers needed to keep the relative feeling somewhat less pain (hydromorphine), they weren't able to provide a second confirmation (due to lack of clarity of mind), but it hardly mattered at that point because they slipped into a coma at around day 3 and passed away.


It really wasn't a dignified way to go, given the way the relative was fighting for a couple of days to pull off the IV and the oxygen mask while they were still relatively conscious, but at least it didn't take longer than it did.


In a way, @Gurn, I'm sad to hear of your loss, and I know you mentioned just how dearly you treasured her.  On the other hand, it's good to hear that she went on her own terms, in a dignified way, without struggling or being combatative against those trying to provide care.  It's still not easy losing someone you love, and I hope you'll find solace in the fact that this was perhaps the outcome that she preferred out of all the options remaining to her.


Take care.

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15 minutes ago, DrJockitch said:

First I am telling you that is not true as a doctor. 
I have done low risk OB for years and know a lot of Ob/Gyn’s and I can tell you none of them want to perform the procedure but do out of a sense of obligation. 
I am VERY pro choice and would never perform an abortion either medical or chemical because that is my personal, non-religious belief. 
Now the abortionist trope that conservative politicians use is convenient and apparently believable to many with no personal knowledge or experience but is a complete straw man argument.


going to stop there to not deflect this thread into a debate about something else as this subject does deserve it’s own discussion. 

One of my best friends is a Doctor so I am going by what he told me. .  I respect your opinion.

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It's an interesting program, but the ethics and legalities surrounding it are admittedly intimidating for those working in professional caring/helping capacities. There is some guidance for social workers for example, and there are legal bits to peruse, but given it's only been legal in Canada for about eight years there's still a lot to be navigated regarding MAID. 

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2 hours ago, Gurn said:

I'm missing her already- small lady with a large heart and courage.



Tough to take, Gurn. We only ever get one mom, and when she's gone it leaves a huge hole. I hope you can find some comfort at such a difficult time.

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5 hours ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

This is the Maid Program I want.




Makes me miss our old friend who used to post videos of this band all the time on the old board.


It's frustrating the cognitive decline I am experiencing due to all the concussions I have experienced.

I just can't remember that posters user name.

It's on the tip of my tongue.

He was a very regular contributor to the watcha listening to thread.




I just remembered his username



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‘Don’t take your health for granted,’ Vancouver Island 26-year-old says preparing for medically assisted death

Lana is sharing her story as she prepares for her medically assisted death. (Supplied)
Lana is sharing her story as she prepares for her medically assisted death. (Supplied)

Posted February 16, 2024 6:50 am.

Last Updated February 16, 2024 8:23 am.


If you had unbearable, untreatable pain – where would you end up?


This is the question a 26-year-old Vancouver Island woman has had to grapple with, realizing that for her, the answer is a medically assisted death.


Lana – who is not sharing her last name to protect her family’s privacy – is preparing to leave the world on her terms, sharing her story before she’s gone as a gift to those who may be facing a similar situation.


"Maybe there are two or three people in B.C. who have something I do or experience the world like me, and they can see this and think maybe they’re not alone,” Lana told CityNews.


Unlike the majority of people in Canada who pursue Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) because of cancer, Lana is pursuing an assisted death because of increasing, unrelenting, and untreatable pain, in part, from a malfunctioning immune system.




“I really encourage everyone to not take their health for granted. This started when I was 19 and it’s progressed. There have been beautiful moments in that time but I lost a lot of my life to illness.”


Becoming legal in Canada in 2016, MAID is only permitted to be conducted by medical practitioners after meeting a slate of specific eligibility criteria. Part of the requirements include having a “grievous and irremediable medical condition” that cannot be reversed.


Lana is sharing her story as she prepares for her medically assisted death. (Supplied)
Lana is sharing her story as she prepares for her medically assisted death. (Supplied)
Lana is sharing her story as she prepares for her medically assisted death. (Supplied)
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Last fall, Lana says the years of pain peaked along with no foreseeable treatment to alleviate it.

“I felt so lonely for some years with all these symptoms and this progressive dysfunction that no one could address, no one could answer.”

She says she remembers clearly the day she realized it had to end with a medically assisted death.

“… And from that point just … this is what needs to happen. This isn’t a decision. I can’t take this. It’s unbearable. It’s just gotten worse, and worse, and worse, and it needs to happen.”


During the assessment process to receive approval for MAID, Lana says she found an affirmation of her suffering that she hadn’t felt before. 


“That piece of validation can be so important, [after] having spent so much time trying to advocate for yourself in a system that feels like you are on a treadmill with the highest incline.”

It has been years, she says, of people doubting her pain.

“A big part of the reason I [am sharing my story], is the loneliness I felt and I do want to include that part — I want people to know if they are struggling in similar ways, or god forbid the same way, I see them.”

And Lana says if someone tells you they are experiencing pain, believe them.


“To the people who say: ‘Why doesn’t she just hang on’ or ‘try  X or Y,’ my answer is, believe me, I’ve tried it.”


Now, she is doing the work to prepare for the end of her life.


“I am in the process of figuring out how to live with the awareness of my own death, and I will be until the last moment I think.”


There are a lot of tears, she says. The good-byes; everything to do with dying. But Lana says she is not having second thoughts, nor has she since she applied for MAID.


The required 90-day waiting period for those with non-terminal illnesses ended for Lana at the beginning of February. At the request of her family, she’s agreed to stay until after her 27th birthday at the end of the month.


“I am unbelievably grateful I have this option because there’s one other outcome if MAID weren’t available for me, and that’s for me to take this into my own hands and do this alone,” she explained.

Lana is arranging to have her ashes pressed into vinyl records which will play some of her favourite songs to those she loves.

“Through MAID I’ve been able to direct my own death, have time with loved ones, to feel validated in my suffering by the assessors.”

The vision she had for how and where her final goodbye was going to be has changed since she learned she could leave one last gift as she leaves this earth — donating her organs. This requires her to be in hospital.


“It’s one of the most beautiful gifts I was given, to know that I could save however many lives with what’s to come.


“I never got to go to university and I would happily keep kicking if I could,” she said. “Ultimately, if you have unbearable pain that can’t be treated, where do you end up? Here. and I’m at peace with that.”



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41 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

Perhaps we can rename this Thread to something more encompassing?


Right to Death?, ‘Life’ Choices, Assisted Right To An End? 

It’s a complex issue that certainly deserves a place for discussion. 


The current title is fine, it encompasses all of the suggestions you've made.  Plus it's the official name of the program/legislation - Medical Assistance in Dying.

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3 minutes ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:


The current title is fine, it encompasses all of the suggestions you've made.  Plus it's the official name of the program/legislation - Medical Assistance in Dying.

Perhaps not using the acronym but the entire name would be a better title. 

I’d like to suggest The Medically Assisted Dying/End of Life Thread. 


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5 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

Perhaps not using the acronym but the entire name would be a better title. 

I’d like to suggest The Medically Assisted Dying/End of Life Thread. 



I think MAID is fine for those who know what it stands for but using the full name may draw more discussion. 



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21 minutes ago, 4petesake said:


I think MAID is fine for those who know what it stands for but using the full name may draw more discussion. 



The program is called Voluntary Assisted Dying here in Victoria Australia.


We were the first state to introduce this Law in Aus, back in 2019.





What little I know about it is in relation to my oldest friend looking into this, when one of our friends was dying of cancer.


What I do know is you want to plan, start the process, at least 6 months in advance according to my friend.

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  • Gurn changed the title to The Medically Assisted Dying/End of Life Thread.
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  • 4 months later...

A few days old, but I completely forgot this thread existed until today.



Assisted dying law faces constitutional challenge over exception for mental disorders

Liberal government has delayed a planned expansion of the assisted-dying regime to 2027

The Canadian Press · Posted: Aug 19, 2024 1:48 PM PDT | Last Updated: August 19
John Scully, one of the plaintiffs in a court challenge that argues that it is discriminatory to bar people with mental disorders from being eligible for medical assistance in dying, poses for a portrait in his Toronto home, Monday, Aug. 19, 2024.
John Scully poses for a portrait in his Toronto home on Monday, Aug. 19, 2024. (Cole Burston/Canadian Press)


A man who says he suffers from chronic and worsening mental health issues is among those pursuing a court challenge of the assisted dying law, which excludes people suffering solely from a mental disorder.


An application filed by Dying with Dignity in Ontario Superior Court on Monday argues that it is discriminatory for the federal government to bar people with mental disorders from eligibility for assisted death when it is available to people who suffer physically.


The organization is asking the court to immediately quash the mental-health exclusion.


Plaintiff John Scully said going to court is his last hope.


The former war correspondent said no medication, treatment or therapy has eased the post-traumatic stress disorder he suffers from, along with depression and anxiety. All are made worse by sleep deprivation, he added.


"In the last 36 hours, I've had four hours [of] sleep," he said in a recent interview. "And the sleep is polluted with nasty, vicious nightmares."


At 83, Scully said his condition is worsening by the day, both mentally and physically.

"I feel it's incumbent on me to rattle whatever cage I can, to say not, 'Look at me,' but 'Look at us,'" he said. "For God's sake, do something about it."


The Liberal government announced in February it would delay a planned expansion to the assisted-dying regime that would have allowed people with mental disorders to be considered starting in March. The expansion has been delayed until 2027.


The government cited some provinces' concerns about readiness and outstanding questions from psychiatrists about how clinicians could determine whether someone's mental illness could be cured.

Mental-health exclusion violates Charter: plaintiffs

Dying with Dignity, Scully and a third plaintiff, Claire Elyse Brosseau, argue the mental-health exclusion violates Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which says people have the right to life, liberty and security.


"There is no constitutional justification for the prolongation of the enduring and intolerable suffering of those Canadians who are eligible for MAID but for the mental-illness exclusion," documents filed by the plaintiffs state.


The filing argues people with severe and incurable mental disorders have been deprived of their security and liberty, and forced to endure prolonged suffering.


The mental-health exclusion also violates the right to equality under the law, Dying with Dignity argues.


The Liberal government passed its assisted-dying law in 2016 and updated it after a 2019 Quebec lower court ruling found it was unconstitutional to require that a person's death be reasonably foreseeable to make them eligible.


In 2021, the government passed another updated law that included a Senate amendment to remove the exclusion for those who suffer solely from a mental disorder. Senators behind the amendment had argued the exclusion was discriminatory.


People with intolerable mental disorders initially were supposed to be allowed to be assessed for an assisted death beginning in March 2023. Months before the change was to take effect, the government announced it would legislate a one-year delay to give clinicians more time to be trained.


Health Minister Mark Holland arrives to a cabinet meeting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Tuesday, May 28, 2024.
Health Minister Mark Holland arrives to a cabinet meeting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Tuesday, May 28, 2024. (Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press)


As the March 2024 deadline approached, a joint parliamentary committee of senators and members of Parliament held hearings on the scheduled expansion, which exposed deep divisions on the issue across legal and medical lines. The committee recommended another postponement.


Ultimately, the government legislated a three-year delay, which Health Minister Mark Holland and Justice Minister Arif Virani said was necessary to address the provinces' concerns and to provide additional time for training.


Proponents of the expansion argued against the delay, saying that training materials had been developed and clinicians who already assess patients for assisted dying said they were ready.

At the time, Holland reiterated the government's position that mental suffering is equivalent to physical suffering and said he expects the provinces to get ready.


Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre has pledged to scrap the expansion altogether if his party forms government in the next election.


Helen Long, the CEO of Dying with Dignity Canada, said it's disappointing to have to turn to the courts to force the government to enact its own legislation.


She believes the delays are rooted in a lack of "political will."


Holland and Virani's offices did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Scully says he lives in fear

Long said her organization has heard from people and families about the hardship caused by the repeated delays.


"The fact that they have been forced to wait and then given a promise and given a promise and given a promise — that's what makes it so difficult for them to continue to soldier on and wait for an assessment," she said.


"They're owed that ability to apply."


Scully said the sleep deprivation he suffers from is pushing his mental condition and other ailments over the edge, causing him to live in constant fear that he will commit suicide. He has attempted to take his own life twice before.


"Every day it gets a little closer," Scully said. "I don't want to, because I know the horror and the grief it causes the survivors. Death by suicide is awful, just awful, for the ones left behind."


Long anticipates the court process will be lengthy, but said advancing it opens the door for people like Scully to be assessed once it is heard.


Scully said he was interviewed by two clinicians who assess patients for assisted dying and he would be eligible if the expansion had already been in place.


"It's really sobering. It's for real. It kind of takes your breath away."



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