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Conscription - Could Canada even successfully do it now?


If Conscription in Canada happened today  

35 members have voted

  1. 1. Could the Federal government successfully conscript Canadians today if a new major war necessitated it?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. If Canadians were to be conscripted in a new war, should females be required to be conscripted?

    • Yes
    • No

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5 minutes ago, Gurn said:

How about Vatican City, its population is only 510 people; and most of those think they are going to a better place when they die, anyways?

Good enough for me. 
510 people?? 
Should be called Small town Vatican.

Let alone city or country. 

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6 hours ago, RomanPer said:

I answered "No" to the first question and wanted to expand on it. Conscription goes way beyond ability to convince the citizens to abide by the conscription law. This is normally a huge logistical operation (have sufficient uniforms for all the conscripts, which in Canadian climate includes both light summer and heavy winter clothing; sufficient protection equipment; sufficient number of firearms; sufficient number of sergeant and officers to lead the conscripts; means of transportation of the conscripts; provision of adequate training, etc.). This is where, I believe, the federal government will fail.

Those are probably some of the easiest bits to solve. We have large training facilities, we make our small arms and uniforms domestically with simple inputs that can be scaled up easily. It would take a bit of time; we halt all current tasks and re-assign a huge portion of our NCOs and junior officers to the schools. We'd turn current Corporals and privates who have a bit of experience into new NCOs then have them training the fresh recruits. Our reserve system exists to be able to train out dozens of infantry brigages in ~1 years time if the need arises. Our geography blesses us with that opportunity; only sharing a land border with our closest ally.


The challenge would be the higher-end kit. We could make light infantry units in a hurry, but air defense, tanks, artillery, aircraft, warships etc just can't be scaled up that fast.

Edited by MattJVD
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32 minutes ago, D.B Cooper said:

Thats a pretty awesome question because either way you answer, you are a horrible person.  Hahahaha

My kid is a 7 year old girl and I just couldn’t send her off.  
But nuking a whole country…… can it be Australia?

Ahh.. well I was trying to get someone mad at me for false dilemma.

Either way, I'm a horrible person.


War is bad

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3 hours ago, Crabcakes said:

Apparently, in the US they're offering immigration for military service.  They're not getting enough entitled American born kids enlisting these days and they question orders.  FWIW this isn't that new.

Emphasis on the bolded. The US has offered citizenship in exchange for military service since 1862. 

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19 minutes ago, D.B Cooper said:

It’s just a little nuke.  Tiny. More of a Nu

Even tiniest nuke ever produced in the U.S W54 generated blast 5 times as powerful as OKC bombing.

Not to mention radiation wafting around.

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1 minute ago, Mando27 said:

Propaganda is a powerful thing, even back in WW1/WW2 they used it. All they would have to do is romanticize war again and the people would have little issue with it.

Quebec had quite a large issue with it though.

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3 minutes ago, luckylager said:

Abd get out of jail free cards

I'm much less familiar with the history of that one, but yes the US has had military service as a sentencing option for some crimes at some points. I don't think it is currently practiced (could be wrong on that).

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7 hours ago, AAA said:

Maybe I am in the minority, but I don't think young people would necessarily willingly choose to fight in a war.


Man-made lines designate what a country is... And "fearless leaders" get rich off of wars while protecting their families and their interests.


They wouldn't willingly, but the government would have their propaganda machines on all day long 24/7, in order to brain wash every kid to believe they have a duty to go fight for the country.  The mainstream media would make war fun and sexy again...

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1 hour ago, CBH1926 said:

Since Vatican is in Rome, what are we going to do with almost 3 million people that live in Rome?

I'd hazard a guess that most of them think they're going to a better place, too.


But nukes don't have to be huge, iirc some are attachable to artillery shells.

Fortunately for me, as a guy with no kids, I'd never have to make the call of nuke, or not.

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3 hours ago, Sharpshooter said:


War is hell. Being subjected to the world order of a Dictator or foreign entity’s is worse than hell. 





Yes, the for the people who live in a dictatorship, life is hell.


However if you are a supporter of the west and have shitloads of oil, well then, you not only get a pass, the west will help you overthrow a democratically elected government to get back into power. 




" The Shah was a pro western dictator. In the early 1950's there was a struggle for power between him and Mohammad Mosaddegh a fervent nationalist.

When the Shah was forced to flee the country the British and American financed a coup to overthrow Mosaddegh and put their man back in power. 

The Shah ran a brutally repressive regime, enforced by the notorious Savak secret police. He was backed all the way by the British and American governments. "


And he's not the only one




" He may be an SOB, but he's our SOB "



I do like that articles final statement.


" We can afford to hold MBS accountable. He is one SOB we don't have to live with. "

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14 hours ago, D.B Cooper said:

There is a theory that the government is doing that for a reason.  
If the government was going to turn on its people and use the army against them, American born soldiers would be too patriotic to do it.  
An army of immigrants who don’t have any ties to the American people…… who knows. 
I don’t believe it really, but it could make sense

That is also the reason for the 2nd Amendment in the US, the right to keep and bear arms.  It goes back to before confederation when the government of the day (British) fought against the common man (backed by the French).

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42 minutes ago, Crabcakes said:

That is also the reason for the 2nd Amendment in the US, the right to keep and bear arms.  It goes back to before confederation when the government of the day (British) fought against the common man (backed by the French).

The same folks who are trying to load the army with immigrants are the same folks who are trying to take away everyones guns. 
That sounds like fun in the future…….

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In this day and age is all about equality so yea women would have to be conscripted too.  Can't leave them out when equality and fairness and women can do that men can do is a thing, would be like Israel where both men and women have to be trained in military, they don’t judge based on sex at all.


Would I ever be conscripted? No, screw that.  Would I fight and protect my family, friends, and home, hell yes.  But I aint going to some other country that I don't give 2 hoots about. 

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1 hour ago, Russ said:

In this day and age is all about equality so yea women would have to be conscripted too.  Can't leave them out when equality and fairness and women can do that men can do is a thing, would be like Israel where both men and women have to be trained in military, they don’t judge based on sex at all.


Would I ever be conscripted? No, screw that.  Would I fight and protect my family, friends, and home, hell yes.  But I aint going to some other country that I don't give 2 hoots about. 


You don't get a choice if you are conscripted or not.

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1 hour ago, Bob Long said:


You don't get a choice if you are conscripted or not.


Technically you can refuse to be shipped out, just risking penalty.

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21 hours ago, Bob Long said:


You don't get a choice if you are conscripted or not.

I meant to say "Would I ever want to be conscripted"


I am all for defending myself but going to other countries to fight wars like they did back in the day, I have no interest. 

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On 2/18/2024 at 1:03 PM, Ghostsof1915 said:

1) We need to get the right equipment, and decide what type of actions Canada can afford to take. We should be looking to nations like Sweden who have an effective

   military, and their own defence industries and they only buy outside for equipment they can't make themselves. Or do a lot of joint projects to help with jobs. Once again

   don't just throw money away for the most expensive and newest tech. Find the best bang for the buck.

2) We need to determine strategies for 21st century defence. Ukraine is doing very well with drones, artillery, and ground troops. And adjust accordingly. There should also be lots of equipment and training for natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, drought, blizzards. Even to be able to have military hospitals to assist with day to day to the public so that it can handle the minor injuries, and take the load off of our hospitals.


3) You can have one year of public service. Choose military or peace corps type programs when you're 19. Learn skills, trades, you don't have to be in the military. You can do construction, build homes, fix up homes, medical aid, childcare, social programs, help community projects. Get paid one year with bonuses that can be either in cash, bonds, or even post secondary credits and tuition credits.


4) If there's a serious war, do what Canada usually does. Volunteers first. If that isn't enough. Vote in the house on conscription.


We actually produce good equipment. Hell the US for awhile used our guns for special forces or at least patented them. The issue is we sell it off and don't supply our own with enough of it...


I am too old so bring on conscription. Some of these kids need toughing up! But if it was the war here? I am going full Red Dawn guerilla if need be. No kids. Fuck it...I'll plant IEDs. 

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