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[Mafia: The Game] The Mysterious Disappearance of Tupac Shakur - Game Over - Mafia Win


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Here's the setup I'm going to run unless this seems unbalanced to anyone:


Mafia Watcher

Mafia Goon

Mafia Goon

Town Sheriff

Town Doctor

6x Vanilla Townies

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Everything has been randomized; I just need to send out the PMs now. Everyone will get a PM along with a special flavour character name for that roleplaying.


Here are the PM templates for the Town roles:


You are [name], a Townsperson without any special role or abilities. Your goal is to eliminate the Mafia from the game. You win when all members of the Mafia have perished.



You are [name], the Town's Sheriff. You have the ability to investigate a player of your choosing each round. You will get the results immediately (as soon as I check the PM). Your goal is to eliminate the Mafia from the game. You win when all members of the Mafia have perished.



You are [name], the Town's Doctor. You have the ability to save one poster each round from the Mafia kill. If the player you choose to target is the same player the Mafia choose to eliminate, you will save that player from death. You may not target the same player on consecutive nightfalls and may only save yourself once throughout the game. Your goal is to eliminate the Mafia from the game. You win when all members of the Mafia have perished.

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  • 112 locked this topic
  • 112 unlocked this topic

PMs have been sent and the game is now on. The first nightfall will be at 9PM Pacific Time on Thursday, February 29.


If you did not receive a PM from me, please send me one.


Good luck, and may the music be with you.

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  • 112 changed the title to [Mafia: The Game] The Mysterious Disappearance of Tupac Shakur - Game On

It was their first time meeting in person, all 11 of them.  Many had flown in from all over the continent.  They were going to find Shakur.  All of them brought PowerPoint presentations to display to one another--these containing clues, sightings, conjectures, and so on concerning Tupac's disappearance.  Many of them had been working on the case for years, but who had the best theory?  Tupac was spotted in hospital before his disappearance, but after that, nobody seems to know his exact whereabouts.  Eventually, they agreed on where to first look.  They were going to Cuba.

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