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[Mafia: The Game] The Mysterious Disappearance of Tupac Shakur - Game Over - Mafia Win


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On 2/29/2024 at 11:00 PM, SV. said:

Disgraceful R1.

Unless you've received a red check on the falcon45cas and SVs of the game, you don't start votes on these types of players.  You always focus on players with less credit in the bank/historical utility to the town, or the slankers, to be ultra safe.

Now, unless Sharpshooter is the sheriff, there's no reason not to get rid of him this round.  With the doctor being shot and having no shield against night kills, there's no point letting Sharpshooter get killed by the host while we also risk voting out town.  It's best to guarantee that only two people die this round than three people.

And if nobody's on board with this, the pool for this round is luckylager, ilunga, Blue Jay 22, and KZA.

Vote Sharpshooter

Is it normal to sniff out a mafia in the first round, is that why you felt it was a bad first round?


Also can you explain red check? I feel like this is a mafia term I haven't heard yet.


Also, by pool do you mean who you think we should be watching closely? If so, why did you vote sharpshooter? Maybe this is obvious but I'm honestly shocked with how much lingo I'm not full understanding, even contextually.

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On 3/1/2024 at 5:21 AM, Ilunga said:


Respect noted and much appreciated my friend.


However as I stated I am Ellen March, a tp.


I don't understand why my fellow townies won't come out and tell the rest of us their names. 




Vincent Damphousse in the house! I can show you the cup ring, if you'd like?

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15 hours ago, Ilunga said:

Me and a couple of friends I went down to the fight with left as soon as it was finished.

We were so bummed.


Apparently the judges realised they had made a mistake and had forgot to deduct the point.

They reversed the decision 10 minutes later, declaring the Steph the winner.


Stephanie now has won 3 belts in 6 fights.




This article give you an insight into the hurdles Steph has had to overcome.






Way to go Steph!! I don't know who this is but I'm really happy for her!

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1 hour ago, MeanSeanBean said:

Is it normal to sniff out a mafia in the first round, is that why you felt it was a bad first round?


Also can you explain red check? I feel like this is a mafia term I haven't heard yet.


Also, by pool do you mean who you think we should be watching closely? If so, why did you vote sharpshooter? Maybe this is obvious but I'm honestly shocked with how much lingo I'm not full understanding, even contextually.

Mafia are red, town are green. Red check = confirmed mafia


yes, pool = shortlist (thats a universal term tho to be fair lol)

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To confirm.. we think SS Might be town, so we are voting him out so he doesn’t get GK’d? How does playing it safe benefit the town? What info does that even give us? What?

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1 hour ago, MeanSeanBean said:

Is it normal to sniff out a mafia in the first round, is that why you felt it was a bad first round?


Also can you explain red check? I feel like this is a mafia term I haven't heard yet.


Also, by pool do you mean who you think we should be watching closely? If so, why did you vote sharpshooter? Maybe this is obvious but I'm honestly shocked with how much lingo I'm not full understanding, even contextually.

It's about minimizing the risk from a town perspective.  It's one thing to have suspicions about players but a whole different thing to act on them, especially in the opening round.  Ideally, voting requires as much certainty as possible in that what you're about to do is a positive play for the town.  In this case, there was no chance that anybody had anything concrete to be certain about any players, which is why the fact that myself and falcon45ca became the leading votes was baffling.  

Players like falcon45ca and myself, at the very least, are experienced and have a track record of being useful to the town, which means you need to be damn sure that we're mafia before voting us out so early.  Same sort of idea for other experienced players like Blue Jay 22, KZA, luckylager, etc.  Choosing to vote out experienced and active players needs to considered carefully if the town is going down that route in R1.

A red-check is just a term used to describe a sheriff investigation that's found a mafia member.  It goes hand in hand with what I said about being certain.  If you have a red check, you have the absolute most amount of certainty to vote somebody out.  Conversely, a green-check just means the sheriff has found a town member.

Pool is a group of people to keep an eye on/consider for the vote.  It's highly malleable to change at any moment.

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15 minutes ago, Lewitelli said:

To confirm.. we think SS Might be town, so we are voting him out so he doesn’t get GK’d? How does playing it safe benefit the town? What info does that even give us? What?

Not quite.

We don't know Sharpshooter's alignment.  He could be mafia or he could be town.  What we do know is that he's slated to be killed off at the conclusion of this round for his inactivity.

Therefore, rather than voting a different player who might also be town, it's better to vote out Sharpshooter since he's supposed to be dying, anyway.  At best, he's mafia and we've done well.  At worst, he's town but we've not gotten rid of an active town player.

It's better to ensure this round only has 2 players dying (Vote/Mafia Kill) rather than 3 players dying (Vote/Mafia Kill/God Kill).

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1 hour ago, SV. said:

It's about minimizing the risk from a town perspective.  It's one thing to have suspicions about players but a whole different thing to act on them, especially in the opening round.  Ideally, voting requires as much certainty as possible in that what you're about to do is a positive play for the town.  In this case, there was no chance that anybody had anything concrete to be certain about any players, which is why the fact that myself and falcon45ca became the leading votes was baffling.  

Players like falcon45ca and myself, at the very least, are experienced and have a track record of being useful to the town, which means you need to be damn sure that we're mafia before voting us out so early.  Same sort of idea for other experienced players like Blue Jay 22, KZA, luckylager, etc.  Choosing to vote out experienced and active players needs to considered carefully if the town is going down that route in R1.

A red-check is just a term used to describe a sheriff investigation that's found a mafia member.  It goes hand in hand with what I said about being certain.  If you have a red check, you have the absolute most amount of certainty to vote somebody out.  Conversely, a green-check just means the sheriff has found a town member.

Pool is a group of people to keep an eye on/consider for the vote.  It's highly malleable to change at any moment.

I have so much to learn... I voted Falcon, based strictly off the fact he was slanking. I could have done sharpshooter as well, it was 50/50. I just picked who was first to post, therefore slanking the longest.


I guess my biggest question probably can't be answer. Why was voting for someone who isn't being active a bad play from our end. Isn't it far more likely we'll figure out who the Mafia is based off something they say? If someone is not saying anything it's, in theory, impossible to get a read on them. 


Clearly in practice that didn't work, because falcon was not mafia so we blundered that one up. But I guess I'm just having a tough time figuring out why that was inherently a bad play. I feel the easiest, and correct response is, the game just takes experience and you learn more about good strategy and people's tendencies as you play the game more. 

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5 hours ago, MeanSeanBean said:

I have so much to learn... I voted Falcon, based strictly off the fact he was slanking. I could have done sharpshooter as well, it was 50/50. I just picked who was first to post, therefore slanking the longest.


I guess my biggest question probably can't be answer. Why was voting for someone who isn't being active a bad play from our end. Isn't it far more likely we'll figure out who the Mafia is based off something they say? If someone is not saying anything it's, in theory, impossible to get a read on them. 


Clearly in practice that didn't work, because falcon was not mafia so we blundered that one up. But I guess I'm just having a tough time figuring out why that was inherently a bad play. I feel the easiest, and correct response is, the game just takes experience and you learn more about good strategy and people's tendencies as you play the game more. 

falcon45ca was on the lower end of the activity spectrum, but nothing he said or did was inherently scummy, IMO.  That's just how I personally saw it, but I guess others saw it differently.

And it's not that I would say it's inherently a bad play, but rather, "bad" to have targeted him specifically.  That's not really on you at all; I'm pointing the fingers at the more experienced players that let the vote build on him.  

I should say that there really isn't any sort of rule or way to go about voting, but I just think that the town generally needs to be smarter with who they target.

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9 minutes ago, SV. said:

falcon45ca was on the lower end of the activity spectrum, but nothing he said or did was inherently scummy, IMO.  That's just how I personally saw it, but I guess others saw it differently.

And it's not that I would say it's inherently a bad play, but rather, "bad" to have targeted him specifically.  That's not really on you at all; I'm pointing the fingers at the more experienced players that let the vote build on him.  

I should say that there really isn't any sort of rule or way to go about voting, but I just think that the town generally needs to be smarter with who they target.

I feel like being a new player, I just don't know what's scummy and what's not. To me, trying to keep your head low seemed scummy. I'll also admit my reasoning behind voting was pretty simple, I just picked the person who hadn't posted in the longest amount of time. I'm gonna have to rely on you guys heavily to carry us in the start until I start picking up tendencies on how different player act and react.


I have currently voted for sharp, again based on slankyness, but I'm all ears if we can come up with a better play to try to suss out the mafias.

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1 minute ago, MeanSeanBean said:

I feel like being a new player, I just don't know what's scummy and what's not. To me, trying to keep your head low seemed scummy. I'll also admit my reasoning behind voting was pretty simple, I just picked the person who hadn't posted in the longest amount of time. I'm gonna have to rely on you guys heavily to carry us in the start until I start picking up tendencies on how different player act and react.


I have currently voted for sharp, again based on slankyness, but I'm all ears if we can come up with a better play to try to suss out the mafias.

I don't plan to move off Sharpshooter.  I would rather vote him out then botch a vote on a different player and lose Sharpshooter, anyway.

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Apologies for the non-existence. 

I’m more able to put in some effort going forward as I have a week off. 

I’ll admit that I don’t the foggiest what’s been said or what’s going. 

Happy to sheep for the moment until I get somewhat caught up. 


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8 hours ago, SV. said:

It's better to ensure this round only has 2 players dying (Vote/Mafia Kill) rather than 3 players dying (Vote/Mafia Kill/God Kill).

or we take out two mafias for the price of one

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18 hours ago, Ilunga said:


So, Sharpie or Lucky, who do you believe is the best choice out of those 2 ? 


And the more I think about SV's statement about not losing three people this round, if Sharpie doesn't show up and is god killed, isn't good for the town of all three people we lose are tp.

That's supposing Sharpie is tp and who we vote for is tp and the scum take out one of us. 


So if/ until we hear from Sharpie


VOTE Sharpshooter 


I’m here Dave, and I have a town role. 

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7 hours ago, MeanSeanBean said:

I guess my biggest question probably can't be answer. Why was voting for someone who isn't being active a bad play from our end. Isn't it far more likely we'll figure out who the Mafia is based off something they say? If someone is not saying anything it's, in theory, impossible to get a read on them

In my opinion you’ve answered your own question. You’re absolutely right, if someone says nothing it’s impossible to get a read on them. It’s a complete stab in the dark. However the mafia will slip up along the way and I feel if we play properly we can figure out the scum without having to take that stab in the dark. 

different people have different opinions tho 

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2 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

I’m here Dave, and I have a town role. 


Didn't want to " have " to vote for you for just slanking or the risk of losing 3tp, just because you might have been god killed.




I am hoping we get some more input in the next few hours. 



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In attempt to get the convo flowing a bit… we should get some read lists going. For MSB, basically that’s creating a list of players from most towny to least towny 

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