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[Mafia: The Game] The Mysterious Disappearance of Tupac Shakur - Game Over - Mafia Win


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8 minutes ago, Blue Jay 22 said:

@Ilunga what do you think of this read on you?


Totally nailing my character as you, and Sharpie especially well know.


Lucky actually warned me a game or two ago about bringing my personal life into the game.


I can't help it.

I open up to the people I consider to be my friends.

Even " internet" friends.  





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2 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


Totally nailing my character as you, and Sharpie especially well know.


Lucky actually warned me a game or two ago about bringing my personal life into the game.


I can't help it.

I open up to the people I consider to be my friends.

Even " internet" friends.  






It's all good, that's mafia. Better than actual cheating than I've seen from some.

  • Huggy Bear 1
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10 minutes ago, Blue Jay 22 said:

Also weird comment. I don’t think I could get SS to vote you even if I bribed him. I respect you Dave, but this is mafia. Appeals to emotion won’t work on me as everything is love and war in mafia. You know this, I know this. Not personal at all, just trying to solve.


Thanks BJ, your respect means lot.


I am keeping my shit together today, no outbursts.  


Don't know what else to say.


I know it's reaching for straws however there was Lewts comment about me " being a sweetheart " back in round 1. 

I was gratified by his character assessment however it could also indicate he not only thought highly of me, he had investigated me and was trying to tell people I am tp, in very roundabout way.



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I have isolated KZA's posts from Page 7 onwards. They will be backwards starting with R3 but here it is for everyone to see:


21 hours ago, KZA said:

What am I supposed to "push back" against? Can't exactly do anything about LOL META 


In R3 in response to SS

21 hours ago, KZA said:

Meh hard to give a shit when we theres 11 players and a quarter of them don't even post  


In R3 in response to SS

22 hours ago, KZA said:

WcDonalds sauce


On 3/1/2024 at 11:14 AM, KZA said:






On 3/1/2024 at 11:14 AM, KZA said:

also what if SS is mafia

Back to SS in R2.

On 3/1/2024 at 11:15 AM, KZA said:

the game is about glory


On 3/1/2024 at 11:16 AM, KZA said:

why so hung up on flavour names


In response to Ilunga

On 3/1/2024 at 11:16 AM, KZA said:

My character is Sally Pinkerton or something




Could also consider this in response to Ilunga.

On 3/1/2024 at 11:19 AM, KZA said:

seems people didnt want to get an SS vote over last night


On 3/1/2024 at 11:19 AM, KZA said:

oh BJ already said that


On 2/29/2024 at 9:59 PM, KZA said:


Last Post of R1.

On 2/29/2024 at 9:59 PM, KZA said:

"It's a bloody mess" - Paul van der Hoek


On 2/29/2024 at 9:58 PM, KZA said:

unvote vote SS


Right before R1 Nightfall and right after me.

On 2/29/2024 at 9:57 PM, KZA said:



On 2/29/2024 at 9:56 PM, KZA said:


He's been more of a gruff old man lately which is what I demand from lucky

In response to me about lucky.


On 2/29/2024 at 9:54 PM, KZA said:

SV is pretty null for me to be honest but I'm shite at reading him


kill slankers pls?

This was closer to N1 Nightfall.


On 2/29/2024 at 9:53 PM, KZA said:

I like him better lately I would say


I'm not doing Lewt or NIK they've had certain posts that pinged me as towny


In response to me about lucky.

On 2/29/2024 at 9:46 PM, KZA said:

kind of leaning in to the death to slankers idea


mostly because it's a small game and town always loses when we have a bunch of people barely playing when the game gets tighter

I would say SS falls into this category and you can see he's kind of pushing that way.


On 2/29/2024 at 9:44 PM, KZA said:


we could kill him

This is About SS in response to me.

On 2/29/2024 at 9:42 PM, KZA said:

holy shit CDC just tried to ban me and made me complete a bunch of bot tests


On 2/29/2024 at 9:18 PM, KZA said:

Canucks having a bad sim set



On 2/29/2024 at 9:26 PM, KZA said:

unvote vote Falcon45ca


first with the head, then with the heart


On 2/29/2024 at 9:28 PM, KZA said:

whos here



On 2/29/2024 at 9:28 PM, KZA said:

okay BJ is here


On 2/29/2024 at 9:28 PM, KZA said:


what do you think of Falcon's silent vote on SV


On 2/29/2024 at 5:32 PM, KZA said:

is Demko actually Virt



On 2/29/2024 at 12:20 PM, KZA said:

I wouldn't go Lewt at all today I think he sounds pretty genuine


Lot of Fluff in R1. Should have gone after him harder in hindsight.


On 2/29/2024 at 8:54 AM, KZA said:



In response to Falcon.


On 2/29/2024 at 10:40 AM, KZA said:


yes be very careful of Ilunga he's very good at blending as either faction, not worried about him yet though

I really want more from Demko87, I thought it was towny that he was willing to call you out so quickly but he sort of faded after that


This is in response to Mean Street Bean. Would he make this comment to a potential teammate (MSB) or about a potential teammate (Ilunga)?


On 2/29/2024 at 10:41 AM, KZA said:


Lucky needs to drop an :iceman: post otherwise he might be wolfing


In Response to me.


KZA Summary:


Lot of Fluff in R1. When he pushed, he pushed for slankers and SS.

More Fluff in R2. Once again kind of pushed for SS.

R3. Basically gave up.

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On 3/3/2024 at 1:06 PM, SV. said:



Lightly pushes the vote slankers idea when luckylager is one of the leading candidates for the vote

Once it becomes clear that falcon45ca/Sharpshooter/me are going to be voted out instead of luckylager, he just moves into off-topic and spammy posts.  Keep in mind, this is happening when other votes from other players are moving around frantically.


This would also point against an SS/KZA tandem.

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On 3/2/2024 at 11:37 PM, SV. said:

Opening post

This in response to me speaking about KZA.

Mafia voting for town.

Placing suspicion on Sharpshooter

As I said back then, he was being way too hyperbolic and now we know why.


Blue Jay 22 and the sheriff are called out.

Banter with ilunga.

Town, maybe mafia, and the doctor.

Throwing shade my way and at Blue Jay 22 (for "the whole snake doctor thing")

Yet again more evidence of shade against me from the mafia.

What was SV cooking?  That real good stuff.

My vote was definitely not bad.

Once more, I was spot on.

Shade on Sharpshooter.

Yet again, more shade on me.

This was said in response to luckylager.  Either luckylager pulled a fast one on ilunga or this was teammates coming together to try and vote me out.

He tried this before moving on to falcon45ca.  Ultimately, damage was done at that point and the votes were tied.


Encourage everyone to read this ISO of Luckylager by SV as well on page 18.

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5 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


Thanks BJ, your respect means lot.


I am keeping my shit together today, no outbursts.  


Don't know what else to say.


I know it's reaching for straws however there was Lewts comment about me " being a sweetheart " back in round 1. 

I was gratified by his character assessment however it could also indicate he not only thought highly of me, he had investigated me and was trying to tell people I am tp, in very roundabout way.




Can you quote that Lewt post? Must have missed it.

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37 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


And this will be proven true at the end of this round. 


Knowing me, do you believe I would lie, like this to win a game ?


As much as I want to win, I would not go to these lengths in regards to lying.

I have zero doubt you are Town. 

  • Huggy Bear 1
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On 2/28/2024 at 12:24 PM, Lewitelli said:

You forgot to mention Illunga is an absolute sweetheart 


2 minutes ago, Blue Jay 22 said:


Can you quote that Lewt post? Must have missed it.


For full disclosure it was in response to a post of mine.


The post I am referring, Lewts quoting me, is on page 4

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4 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

I have zero doubt you are Town. 


Thank you my friend.


Your trust in me will be vindicated.


Nothing, especially winning a game, is more important to me than that.

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8 minutes ago, Blue Jay 22 said:

I read lucky's ISO and he never once mentions MeanStreetBean. Neither does KZA except in playful responses.


Unvote vote MeanSeanBean


This is good enough for me to follow your lead.

I don't have anything else to go on. 


VOTE MeanSeanBean

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Oh shit that came out of left field, that's a shame! Lucky is gonna steal a win from beyond the grave. Dunno what to say really, you shouldn't vote for me but looks like y'all have already decided. Maybe lucky didn't mention me because at that point I was just voting slankers and getting the lay of the land? Guess we'll find out in a few hours who the scum really is

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8 minutes ago, MeanSeanBean said:

Oh shit that came out of left field, that's a shame! Lucky is gonna steal a win from beyond the grave. Dunno what to say really, you shouldn't vote for me but looks like y'all have already decided. Maybe lucky didn't mention me because at that point I was just voting slankers and getting the lay of the land? Guess we'll find out in a few hours who the scum really is


I know I am not.


I do not believe BJ would put in all this effort, this round, into solving this game if he was scum. 


I am virtually certain he is tp. 


He is also a very experienced player.

He is very good at reading the game.


As I have stated apart from the information BJ has provided, I have no real idea ? 


Also why would it only be Lucky who is going to steal the game ?


KZA is scum to.



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16 minutes ago, MeanSeanBean said:

Oh shit that came out of left field, that's a shame! Lucky is gonna steal a win from beyond the grave. Dunno what to say really, you shouldn't vote for me but looks like y'all have already decided. Maybe lucky didn't mention me because at that point I was just voting slankers and getting the lay of the land? Guess we'll find out in a few hours who the scum really is

Game is still not over. If you are TP, don’t give up.

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I mean, I haven't given up. But I have no idea who to even vote for. I thought you were on the level, but now I'm wondering if the whole lucky thing was a smart play to point at me. My gut was telling me sharpshooter was my vote this round even though I didn't have a solid read on anyone, but now I'm essentially banking on sharpshooter having some evidence that it's you are llunga for us to actually win the game. Is that irony? That feels like irony.

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10 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


I know I am not.


I do not believe BJ would put in all this effort, this round, into solving this game if he was scum. 


I am virtually certain he is tp. 


He is also a very experienced player.

He is very good at reading the game.


As I have stated apart from the information BJ has provided, I have no real idea ? 


Also why would it only be Lucky who is going to steal the game ?


KZA is scum to.



From what I can tell the main evidence that points at me is lucky not talking about me? I could be wrong, but I think I voted to kill KZA at one point.

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8 minutes ago, MeanSeanBean said:

I mean, I haven't given up. But I have no idea who to even vote for. I thought you were on the level, but now I'm wondering if the whole lucky thing was a smart play to point at me. My gut was telling me sharpshooter was my vote this round even though I didn't have a solid read on anyone, but now I'm essentially banking on sharpshooter having some evidence that it's you are llunga for us to actually win the game. Is that irony? That feels like irony.

I’m open to voting for BJ, if you can point me to something, if you are Town. 


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20 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


I know I am not.


I do not believe BJ would put in all this effort, this round, into solving this game if he was scum. 


I am virtually certain he is tp. 


He is also a very experienced player.

He is very good at reading the game.


As I have stated apart from the information BJ has provided, I have no real idea ? 


Also why would it only be Lucky who is going to steal the game ?


KZA is scum to.



Could be the efforts of the last scum member trying to pull a win across the finish line. 

BJ can be simultaneously cunning as maf and genuinely engaged as town. 

Like I said earlier. A difficult decision. 

  • ThereItIs 1
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10 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

I’m open to voting for BJ, if you can point me to something, if you are Town. 


I have nothing prior to this last play. I already stated I thought Jay was solid, so I have nothing outside of the possibility that the lucky thing leading to me was a super good play to take heat off them. Outside that, I thought it was you or llunga

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5 minutes ago, Blue Jay 22 said:

How are you feeling about that SS town read @Ilunga


I trust your read on this take BJ.

It kinda makes sense.


I know this is kinda weak however I don't have much else to go on.


We should all be suspicious of each other. 


I have come around on you for the reason I gave. 


Again, in all honesty, I hate losing.

If the town loses, I lose.

Also there is the motivation of breaking the scums run of wins.

Which all the rest of the remaining players, apart from MSB, have all been a part of. 


Bottom line, while I want to win, I want this game to end so the remaining people in it know I have been true to myself.


Being honest. 


Can't wait to read the DPS.






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12 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

Could be the efforts of the last scum member trying to pull a win across the finish line. 

BJ can be simultaneously cunning as maf and genuinely engaged as town. 

Like I said earlier. A difficult decision. 


This is the hardest decision, final nightfall I have ever been involved in. 


Just don't know.


It doesn't help that we don't have much " history", confirmed scum interactions, with the us, the remaining players.

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@Ilunga I believe you are TP. I was testing all remaining players including yourself. 

It’s between MSB or SS for me. I know who I’m thinking but I’m going to wait for votes because the final scum is clearly waiting for others to vote and react. You followed me on MSB unlike the other two.

  • Huggy Bear 1
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