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[PGT] Vancouver at Seattle


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6 minutes ago, Coconuts said:


I've said it before, but I'm not seriously willing to engage in contention talk until they make the playoffs two or three seasons in a row


Cinderella runs are rare, particularly for teams who've missed the playoffs as much as we have over the past decade or so


More than likely we go out in the first or second round imo, if you look at the cup winners over the last 10+ years most championship teams have had to beat their heads against the playoff wall before breaking through, I don't expect we'll be any different 

My big concern is that we know that next year a few players will be leaving and we could actually regress and we gave up assets to get Lindholm who might not stay. I am trying to stay in the moment but I would be lying if I wasn’t thinking about next year and how we might have some issues. I guess the hope is that young players can step in and fill some roles left by other players. Cross that bridge when they get to it. 

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1 minute ago, Canuckfanforlife82 said:

My big concern is that we know that next year a few players will be leaving and we could actually regress and we gave up assets to get Lindholm who might not stay. I am trying to stay in the moment but I would be lying if I wasn’t thinking about next year and how we might have some issues. I guess the hope is that young players can step in and fill some roles left by other players. Cross that bridge when they get to it. 


They'll have to fill some shoes internally, we may also see some regression from top players


It's not farfetched to believe the Canucks may regress next season, it's just a matter of how much, they could regress and still comfortably make the playoffs as a 2-3 divisional seed


It's hard to be a top team year in and year out, a lot of things have to go right 

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13 minutes ago, Coconuts said:


I've said it before, but I'm not seriously willing to engage in contention talk until they make the playoffs two or three seasons in a row


Cinderella runs are rare, particularly for teams who've missed the playoffs as much as we have over the past decade or so


More than likely we go out in the first or second round imo, if you look at the cup winners over the last 10+ years most championship teams have had to beat their heads against the playoff wall before breaking through, I don't expect we'll be any different 

I feel like if a canadian team does it it will be a cinderella run like MTL had. 

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11 hours ago, NHL Tyranny said:

Yup. I'm trying to stay positive. Hoping for some additional might via trade. 

A trade doesn't fix this. The team has to reset a little and get back to how they know they can play. It might mean a rest, or just getting their feet back as they play more home games, but the commitment level/effort of the whole team is sub par right now. They're capable, so I hope they sort it out soon.

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6 minutes ago, elvis15 said:

A trade doesn't fix this. The team has to reset a little and get back to how they know they can play. It might mean a rest, or just getting their feet back as they play more home games, but the commitment level/effort of the whole team is sub par right now. They're capable, so I hope they sort it out soon.

It was a crazy schedule. Two game homestand is just stupid. The amount of games in a small amount of time is stupid. I am sure lack of energy is playing g a big part but it doesn’t solve the lack of top 6 forwards we don’t have. Not only that but we don’t have enough forwards who provide something different on the top 6. In the top 6, other than Miller can anyone tell me how our other five forwards are different from each other in terms of their play. All very passive and don’t provide any physical element.

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2 minutes ago, Hammertime said:

I feel like if a canadian team does it it will be a cinderella run like MTL had. 


Maybe, but I don't think it has to be


Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, and Toronto should all continue to be playoff teams


I figure it's only a matter of time before Ottawa claws their way in as well


Montreal will be a while, Calgary is a bit of a wildcard depending on how their rebuild/retool goes

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Stars just lost to OTT to extend their losing streak to 4 games. 




It happens to all contenders. 


Also, I haven't researched it, but I'm willing to bet this happens a lot towards the latter part of a season when contenders have solid leads in the standings while other teams are fighting hard for playoff spots.


The 2010-11 Canucks went through a stretch of .500 hockey from early Feb to early March as well.

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1 hour ago, Canuckfanforlife82 said:

Nobody in the comments has said the season is over. It’s funny how people blow what people say way out of proportion and then make fun of people for blowing things out of proportion while doing the same thing back to them.

People are allowed to be worried especially since Tochett himself has said these are pressure games and he wants to see how they react. So far they haven’t reacted very well. Doesn’t mean they can’t turn it around but there are legitimate concerns like the their top two lines not having chemistry at this point in the season and their pp in the toilet right now. Their ability to meet pressure with pressure is concerning because of the teams they just faced and the fact they haven’t shown they can. So far.  The teams were desperate teams. We don’t look desperate right now likely because we had such a big points lead.


The next game against Boston is a huge show me game because of Tochett calling out his players but I haven’t heard anyone say the season is over. Even Tochett has said if they play this way in the playoffs it will be over. So let’s stop saying the people who are negative are giving up. They aren’t at all but I can see how people can use what they say to twist to make it sound like they have given up and are fake fans. They aren’t. That’s just crap. The idea that you are only a fan if you speak 

mostly positive words about the team is people’s issue. It’s weird how people

feel they have a right to decide who is a fan and who isn’t.  What gives anyone that right?

Before the game against Kraken there were a few saying, this is must win game... they didn't and life goes on...

Now some are saying Boston is a must win game, but I guarentee you, if they don't, life goes on...

The team is in a funk, and you don't just turn a switch and then you are out of these...

They have lost their mojo. Whether its physically or mentally (probably both) is anyones guess, but there is NOT one single game that is more important than any other just now. 
What is important is breaking the circle, be it agains Boston, Kraken, Blackhawks or whom ever...


The reason, its possible to be relaxed about this, is, the team has been so damn good throughout the season. 

I don't know, but I doubt Bruins fans are ready to call their team out of the play offs chances, because they've lost to Avs or Vegas or should they lose to us on Saturday. 

Can we all agree that this team is in uncharted territory now and has been for most of the year. 
They are learning that being a good team means teams are up for games against you. And up until this funk, the team showed an amazing resilience in bouncing back. 

I think the team is tired physically and mentally. The first thing to go is structure, when you are tired. You make boneheaded decision, I know, I've made a few, when I've been really tired and under pressure. Its how you deal with pressure, when you are tired. 

The team hardly has any time to recoup before the Bruins game, Tocchet alluded to that, when asked about they would get some practice in, when they got home. To which he answered, practice? With a 4pm game v Bruins Saturday?

He knows the team is tired, but he calling them out so they don't have time to feel sorry for themselves... 

He's been there, done that, and knows how it feels, when it doesn't work. He is making them dig deep to find another 5-10%, so they can compete and perhaps even win again. 

Its charracter building, and its the only way you improve. 
The team is used to losing over the years, hard luck stories and what have you... Now they need to learn to push through. There is a reason it normally takes teams a few years to get a cup winning team. 

This team has earned the right to get a bumpy ride, but of course they (and we) want to see them turn it around instantly. 

Regardless, what I think or don't think, and whether they beat Bruins in a regular season game or not means Jack, when play offs comes around. 

Finally, I have zero problem with folks opinion one way or another, but there is a tendency amongst some to be really worried about a few loses... or at leaat, that is how it reads. Doesn't make less of a fan, don't think, I've said that about anyone, but there are, I think a few boys, not you, on these pages, that seem to have a field day, rubbing folks noses in it, when the team loses... 

Anyway, I for one will sit back and take the good with the bad, as this season in particular has been a revelation.... and done wonders for me feeling good about Canucks hockey. 

Either way, there is zip, I can do about it. 

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This is a team that's lost its footing, anchors, and what stabilized it before the All Star Game.


A good example is Hronek - who is usually a stabilizing force for Hughes, has a more measured, multi-dimensional game this season - but is now trying to do too much and who is now being tried on the first power play as well (which I'm in favor of - he's a helluva player. Key to our success).


But we've seen this before. Guys start to get out of position, we see more holes, grip sticks tighter, and this all adds to the travel fatigue and frustration.


The entire team is weaker in chemistry, scrambling to cover the injuries, and off its footing. 


Need to get it together and dig deep. Another measuring game tomorrow. 

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9 hours ago, hockeyfan-observer said:


Yes, they may get steam rolled if they make the same errors as seen this past week - especially in the special teams / defensive coverage areas.  Opposing teams have been driving to their net with purpose all week - the box outs  and zone coverage in front has to improve - or yes, this game may not be very close.   I can't see how teams are able to drive with so much consistency recently - its not that the Canucks D is small either.


In terms of offense, I think they need to get back to the greasy goals (like to see PDG and Lafferty drive to the net like they did the in past) - like the goal Lafferty scored tonight..  If the PP continues to falter, really need to try something different (including a bigger net presence up front - maybe Big Z)


Hope the players get the rest tonight as they look "totally spent" - and refocus against the Bruins - interesting  to see both LA and Vegas lose at home tonight so not as much damage with the loss. 


Just Win.jpg

Great post! Only correction is Lafferty didn’t actually score on his own. Someone from the Canucks (can’t remember who now) shot the puck, it hit a Seattle player then hit Lafferty then went in. To think we really only scored 1 goal yesterday is scary. The Lafferty goal was just a fluke.

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1 minute ago, Dr. Crossbar said:

This is a team that's lost its footing, anchors, and what stabilized it before the All Star Game.


A good example is Hronek - who is usually a stabilizing force for Hughes, has a more measured, multi-dimensional game this season - but is now trying to do too much and who is now being tried on the first power play as well (which I'm in favor of - he's a helluva player. Key to our success).


But we've seen this before. Guys start to get out of position, we see more holes, grip sticks tighter, and this all adds to the travel fatigue and frustration.


The entire team is weaker in chemistry, scrambling to cover the injuries, and off its footing. 


Need to get it together and dig deep. Another measuring game tomorrow. 

The chemistry has definitely taken a huge hit. 

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2 minutes ago, Dr. Crossbar said:


What we're seeing now, we've seen before. 

Having only 4 top 6 forwards doesn’t help but this is where contending teams have organizational depth to fill those roles. We haven’t really had a  second wave of forwards after Petey, Boeser, and Miller

come in. The next forwards should be Podz and Lekkerimaki. When you think about it that’s a lot of time between Petey and the next wave. Crazy we have had so little success drafting in the later rounds to find a hidden gem.

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6 minutes ago, CanuckMan said:

Something that really grinds my gears is the powerplay. How much fancy passing do you guys need to do!!!!!

Shoot the damn luck and crash the net you fools.

Only player that would be willing to crash the net is Miller. We don’t really have those type of forwards who have skill as well as tenacity with this group. A very passive forward group when it comes to Petey, Boeser, and Lindholm. I am a bit confused as to why management seems to target players who don’t seem to play with an edge?

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2 minutes ago, CanuckMan said:

Something that really grinds my gears is the powerplay. How much fancy passing do you guys need to do!!!!!

Shoot the damn luck and crash the net you fools.


It's painful to watch, probably not good for my health. All of the talk about being tired, bad schedule, the reffing, missing Joshua, etc - this team has no excuses for their inept PP. Until they figure that out, I can't expect them to have any success in the playoffs.

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I think the personnel on the top PP should be re-jigged. Get Zadorov as the net front presence. And promote Garland to 1 PP. Drop Petersson and Hronek to 2nd unit with Suter, Myers, and Lindholm.

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5 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

I think they have to look at Miller's line as the one to get going, as they've at least been scoring at a semi-consistent basis. They are the top line. 


It should be the easiest to get going since Miller's motor is running and already there. It was a good move to put Bains on that line despite his inexperience. 

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2 minutes ago, Nucker67 said:


It's painful to watch, probably not good for my health. All of the talk about being tired, bad schedule, the reffing, missing Joshua, etc - this team has no excuses for their inept PP. Until they figure that out, I can't expect them to have any success in the playoffs.

It’s when they were catching their breath because they are so exhausted. A 2 min break! if they score it’s over and they have to play hard again 5 on 5. They don’t want to score or else their break is over. I am kidding of course.

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Just now, Dr. Crossbar said:


It should be the easiest to get going since Miller's motor is running and already there. It was a good move to put Bains on that line despite his inexperience. 

It was good for Bains to have the experience, but his lack of NHL experience makes him a stopgap and not a real solution. 

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4 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

It was good for Bains to have the experience, but his lack of NHL experience makes him a stopgap and not a real solution. 

To quote Dirty Harry: "How's a man supposed to get experience if no one will give it to them?"

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9 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

I think the personnel on the top PP should be re-jigged. Get Zadorov as the net front presence. And promote Garland to 1 PP. Drop Petersson and Hronek to 2nd unit with Suter, Myers, and Lindholm.

A better balance of 2 power plays- where the 2nd unit gets more than 20 seconds of play time, would likely help.

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