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Vaccine thread


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Alright, this has been fun (I think?) but I also feel this starting to be a waste of my time debating with people who probably needed an extra hug or 2 during Covid...

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4 minutes ago, The Lock said:


Again, doesn't say it's going to stop the disease. Is shows PERCENTAGES (meaning not fully halting) of the effectiveness of the vaccine at that time. Slowing, not halting.

Wow..you are really holding out hope that your right..here is the CEO of PFizer unable to answer that simple question to a reporter.This is how people get caught in their own echo chambers even when the info is right in front of them and why you will line up in a second for a bird flu shot which they are telling you is coming.I don't even want to get into the bogus PCR testing that basically would have found dog shit in the air if it was turned up like it was and gave a ridiculous amount of false positives driving this scamdemic.



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9 minutes ago, UncleBen said:

Wow..you are really holding out hope that your right..here is the CEO of PFizer unable to answer that simple question to a reporter.This is how people get caught in their own echo chambers even when the info is right in front of them and why you will line up in a second for a bird flu shot which they are telling you is coming.I don't even want to get into the bogus PCR testing that basically would have found dog shit in the air if it was turned up like it was and gave a ridiculous amount of false positives driving this scamdemic.




The question specifically asked was "How long did you know the vaccines didn't stop the transmission?" Clearly, the reporter was someone of your ilk with a bone to prove. The CEO not responding just means the CEO didn't respond. It does not mean anything else beyond that.


I'm not holding out hope that I'm right because I'm not looking at things beyond what's actually being shown and said. I can't be wrong if I'm not trying to put my own opinion on facts.


Anyway, this is becoming useless as clearly you're unwilling to look at things how they actually are. I gave you many chances to convince me. You probably won't ever think I looked at everything with an open mind but I did. If a source actually said "halt" I would have acknowledged it. They didn't so you didn't convince.


Good luck in your crusade to nowhere.

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2 hours ago, UncleBen said:

That is quite misleading.  The Judge is indeed going to let that argument continue but we will have to wait until the case is over to see what ruling there will be.

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55 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

A war of semantics to somehow justify their position that vax bad. 






That crowd seems to struggle with basic English, Science, and Math.  The one thing I'm convinced is that we need to invest more into schools so that the children of these idiots get properly educated.

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25 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

That crowd seems to struggle with basic English, Science, and Math.  The one thing I'm convinced is that we need to invest more into schools so that the children of these idiots get properly educated.


It definately gets tiring debating with these people who wish to view the world with enough narrowmindedness to not even understand what a basic sentence means.


I literally feel like I tried to explain the alphabet with someone responding with "you're just hoping that's the alphabet"...

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2 hours ago, UncleBen said:

Wow..you are really holding out hope that your right..here is the CEO of PFizer unable to answer that simple question to a reporter.This is how people get caught in their own echo chambers even when the info is right in front of them and why you will line up in a second for a bird flu shot which they are telling you is coming.I don't even want to get into the bogus PCR testing that basically would have found dog shit in the air if it was turned up like it was and gave a ridiculous amount of false positives driving this scamdemic.



Lol asking the CEO of a company about the efficacy or science behind a vaccine is like asking the useless GM of a chain restaurant what the current seasonal specials are.


It's not their job to know, it's their job to grow


Also.  That's uh...some kinda star powered ambushing there Ezra.  Couldn't make bank on ethical oil so back to this stuff?



Screenshot 2024-06-09 at 11.06.50 PM.png

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3 hours ago, UncleBen said:

17.44 mark .Surgeon General states it clearly..how many dozens more you want ?



Look at the title and ONLY watch this part of the entire video because it possibly sort of but not really but appears to if you don't look to deeply or watch the rest of it; support my position.



3 hours ago, UncleBen said:

For those that claim the jab was a " vaccine " the 9th court ruled it was not.






The plaintiffs also asserted that the mRNA COVID shots are not “traditional” vaccines, in part because the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) changed its definition of a “vaccine” in September 2021, from a product that “produce[s] immunity” to a “preparation” which “stimulate[s] the body’s immune response.”


“Their complaint’s crux is that the COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ is not a vaccine,” Nelson explained. “’Traditional’ vaccines, Plaintiffs claim, should prevent transmission or provide immunity to those who get them. But the COVID-19 vaccine does neither.”



For the poster who claimed this drug went through all the right FDA testing requirements for approval ..dead wrong and it's why pharma wanted data hidden for 70 years.Everything was done at " warp speed".I don't know about some people but I sure as hell don't want to take any product that is rushed to market without fully being tested.They pulled the swine flu vax after 10 months because of deaths and injuries yet here we are with mountains of new data about deaths and injuries and not a peep except in the case of Astrazenica which was pulled.


"As LifeSiteNews has previously reported, Pfizer’s president of international developed markets, Janine Small, affirmed during a European Union (EU) hearing that the pharma giant did not test the ability of its mRNA COVID-19 jabs to stop transmission of the virus, but pushed them through anyway to keep up with “the speed of science.”


Swine flu info I'm referring to.






"More than 500 people are thought to have developed Guillain-Barre syndrome after receiving the vaccine; 25 died. No one completely understands the causes of Guillain-Barre, but the condition can develop after a bout with infection or following surgery or vaccination. The federal government paid millions in damages to people or their families.:


Not much after this big pharma were given indemnity by the US gov


"Under the PREP Act, companies like Pfizer and Moderna have total immunity from liability if something unintentionally goes wrong with their vaccines."


When they roll out the bird flu vax I hope everyone reviews the past instead of repeating it. 















It doesn't suit the "definition" of a vaccine based on a "dictionary definition" so therefore it can't be.  Sir, your honour; the boy isn't white.  He's caucasian.  The dictionary defines white as something this boy obviously is not as this boy is a caucasian so you must rule in my favour.



3 hours ago, UncleBen said:

One of many ..how many do you want me to post?


"Our data from the CDC today suggests that vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick, and that it’s not just in the clinical trials but it’s also in real-world data,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky told Rachel Maddow on Monday, March 29. Walensky was describing the results of a new CDC study of vaccinated Americans, which found that they not only had very high resistance to COVID-19, but also to asymptomatic infections of the SARS-CoV-2 virus – and, by extension, are very unlikely to spread it to other people."





Our data SUGGESTS this with the original sars/covid 19 virus.  But has been shown to have lesser effects against the more virulent and deadly mutations.  A study that shows people after the jab are more resistant to infection or reinfection of the original strain of sars/covid 19


Go ahead, show to study they did on the following 2 strains of seriousness and don't forget to put in all of the actual data from that study.  not just a paragraph of a very cliff note form of the study at a glance; but like really put it out there.


You're regurgitating the same old tired tropes over the same old ground and it's so fucking nauseatingly tedious pointing out that literally nothing you are saying is true.  Everything you post only suggests or indicates; never verifies.  Everything you post is from a study that suggests or is only a certain series of paragraphs that appear to lend your statements credibility.


Like the fucking utter gall of constantly rehashing this same old fucking bullshit in the face of such overwhelming evidence and sheer numbers is astounding.




14 BILLION injections worldwide.


633,000 moderate to severe VAERs reactions.


Do the fucking math on that and tell me what the actual numbers are on your statistical odds of being harmed by a covid vaccine.


Then, do this math


707 million total recorded Covid cases.  7 million dead.  675 million recovered.  Leaving how many severely affected by covid, long term covid or covid related health issues.  Hint...it's in the tens of millions.


So tell me just by looking at that basic math; like the most simplistic form of comparison you can get as an adult.  tell me, which one is more potentially harmful to you by just those plain inarguable numbers.  Which one will kill and or harm you more?  


You know the answer.  Don't be that guy.


Since you know this is unassailable I know you'll turn around and look and say "look what they said"  "They said do X, Y or Z and you won't get covid"  Yes well they were kind of right in almost all cases.  Because the prevailing statement was avoiding people to avoid transmission.   They said wear a mask.  Yes; because ti helps.  They said don't take ivermectin it doesn't work and now they're saying it does.  No; they're saying don't take a full strength horse dewormer as a human; people are poisoning themselves we don't have enough data to say in any dose it is good or bad for a person to use in this fashion.  Without even mentioning how fucking amazing ti is that people like you lean on that statement to suggest scientists are wrong; but then to also use to shit on the covid vaccine for the EXACT same reasons because it's "untested"


Look, afterwords you'll circle around to the government and there's honestly two other threads for that topic.


It's old mate.  You're not smarter than a world full of medical experts.  Your links don't say what you suggest.  The long term data is not saying what you insinuate.  The totality of the basic numbers of dead/damaged via covid vs infection rates, to the numbers of people dead/damaged via injection vs total numbers of injected is so overwhelmingly inarguable that to start shows what type of person they must be.


Let's just drop it ok.  Once and for all.  It's over.  You're wrong.  Your opinion isn't a fact and your opinion doesn't change the truth.


Have a gooder bud.

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14 minutes ago, Warhippy said:



14 BILLION injections worldwide.


633,000 moderate to severe VAERs reactions.


Do the fucking math on that and tell me what the actual numbers are on your statistical odds of being harmed by a covid vaccine.


Then, do this math


know the answer.  Don't be that guy.

I'm here to do the math and that works out to one moderate to severe reported adverse reaction per 22,116 doses.


If a person gets 2 doses and a booster, they have a 1 in 7,372 chance of having a moderate or severe reaction to the shot. If you kept up with boosters and have a total of 6 shots, you'd be at a 1 in 3,686 risk of a moderate or severe reaction.


That's an insanely high adverse reaction rate if you ask me. And this was pushed onto young healthy people who were at a vanishingly small risk from the virus. I think, based on these numbers, you could make a very strong case that for certain age groups, the vaccine posed more danger than the virus.

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35 minutes ago, Xanlet said:

I'm here to do the math and that works out to one moderate to severe reported adverse reaction per 22,116 doses.


If a person gets 2 doses and a booster, they have a 1 in 7,372 chance of having a moderate or severe reaction to the shot. If you kept up with boosters and have a total of 6 shots, you'd be at a 1 in 3,686 risk of a moderate or severe reaction.


That's an insanely high adverse reaction rate if you ask me. And this was pushed onto young healthy people who were at a vanishingly small risk from the virus. I think, based on these numbers, you could make a very strong case that for certain age groups, the vaccine posed more danger than the virus.

It's almost sad how predictable it is you didn't do the math on the volume of COVID/long COVID damaged individuals there were to infections 


You totally didn't just prove my point at all.  

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10 hours ago, Xanlet said:


I don't like being told "the government didn't force you to do anything, it was private businesses turning you away" when, in fact, it was governments forcing businesses to turn me away. They are private spaces open to the public, but the decision was taken out of the hands of the business and out of the hands of the public.


Again, I think the evidence is overwhelming that the vaccines do not halt the spread, so that begs the question: why bar the unvaccinated from public spaces? The vaccine is meant to help the person who got it, and as far as clogging up hospital beds, it was never young, fit people doing that.  In summary, there is literally zero reason why a young, healthy, unvaccinated person was barred from patronizing restaurants and sporting events. It was unequivocally a misuse of government authority.


From every conceivable angle, the vaccine passports were totally unjustified and a complete fiasco.

Thanks for the links to the studies. From them:


Two recent studies document that vaccinated individuals can transmit infection to vaccinated or unvaccinated persons even though they may show faster decay of viral loads and remain infectious for shorter periods of time than unvaccinated individuals [5, 12]. These viral dynamics may explain epidemiologic studies showing reduced transmission from vaccinated individuals [11, 13].


An important limitation of our study is that we analyzed only single specimens from each infected individual, so our data cannot determine whether vaccinated individuals control virus replication in the upper respiratory tract more quickly than unvaccinated persons, as other studies have suggested [42]


What this means is the vaccines reduce the possibility of spreading the disease which is what we were discussing (well, actually we were discussing actions taken by government during the pandemic using available information; all of the studies were after the fact, so it's a little disingenuous to use post event information to support a during event argument)

I'm going to say again you had every right to not take the vaccine. In doing so, you gave up your rights to go into crowded spaces, where you were more likely to spread the disease than a vaccinated person.

Thanks for your time.

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15 hours ago, Xanlet said:

the evidence is overwhelming that the vaccines do not halt the spread

Then why have you not been able to prove it to anyone's satisfaction but your own?  (Although none of us here say 'halt'.  We say slow or impede.)

What did stop the spread if not vaccines? I think we can both agree that if not stopped it has certainly greatly diminished.  Why was that?

Why have you never commented on this post? 

The vaccine reduced the severity of disease, the number of hospitalizations and deaths, and helped increase herd immunity in the general population.   All of which helped prevent the spread in the end.

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3 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

Then why have you not been able to prove it to anyone's satisfaction but your own?  (Although none of us here say 'halt'.  We say slow or impede.)

What did stop the spread if not vaccines? I think we can both agree that if not stopped it has certainly greatly diminished.  Why was that?

Why have you never commented on this post? 

The vaccine reduced the severity of disease, the number of hospitalizations and deaths, and helped increase herd immunity in the general population.   All of which helped prevent the spread in the end.


He decided to dodge it by providing me with links that had nothing to do with my comment. Reading some of the comments here, I'm assuming he's one of those who didn't get vaccinated and now needs to self-justify it. Which is kind of curious in a way, because this level of needing to self-justify only shows he probably feels guilty about it deep down.



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Just now, The Lock said:


He decided to dodge it by providing me with links that had nothing to do with my comment. Reading some of the comments here, I'm assuming he's one of those who didn't get vaccinated and now needs to self-justify it. Which is kind of curious in a way, because this level of needing to self-justify only shows he probably feels guilty about it deep down.




Conspiracy theories begin by believing the conspiracy. Everything after that is "evidence".



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3 minutes ago, The Lock said:


He decided to dodge it by providing me with links that had nothing to do with my comment. Reading some of the comments here, I'm assuming he's one of those who didn't get vaccinated and now needs to self-justify it. Which is kind of curious in a way, because this level of needing to self-justify only shows he probably feels guilty about it deep down.



One of those people that will point to his argument years later and go


See?  SEE!!!!  Everything we told you would happen did, we were right.


But will also ignore that everything they said would happen actually didn't.  No lost rights.  No government over reach.  No loss of freedoms.  No ongoing issues.  The virus did in fact dissipate and has been to most reports deemed manageable due to herd immunity or blunting.


I still have a sizeable group of idiots in Penticton that still get together with their trucks with "mandate freedom' signs all over them who get together to promote and support the local Bc Conservative Candidate


it's genuinely sad

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Just now, Bob Long said:


Conspiracy theories begin by believing the conspiracy. Everything after that is "evidence".



True, basically treating a hypothesis as the "conclusion" and then panicking when the evidence doesn't support it.


Followed by them wondering why people on a forum don't see their "factual evidence" as valid and thinking we're a bunch of shills for not "reading between the lines."

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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

One of those people that will point to his argument years later and go


See?  SEE!!!!  Everything we told you would happen did, we were right.


But will also ignore that everything they said would happen actually didn't.  No lost rights.  No government over reach.  No loss of freedoms.  No ongoing issues.  The virus did in fact dissipate and has been to most reports deemed manageable due to herd immunity or blunting.


I still have a sizeable group of idiots in Penticton that still get together with their trucks with "mandate freedom' signs all over them who get together to promote and support the local Bc Conservative Candidate


it's genuinely sad


Yeah, I have to generally keep my mouth shut whenever I go to karaoke because of some of the people's views there.... but I'm also in Prince George which is even more "rural" than Penticton. lol

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22 minutes ago, The Lock said:


True, basically treating a hypothesis as the "conclusion" and then panicking when the evidence doesn't support it.


Followed by them wondering why people on a forum don't see their "factual evidence" as valid and thinking we're a bunch of shills for not "reading between the lines."


Yea it's odd. I don't know if they are true believers or just full of shit. Either way, doesn't matter.

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22 minutes ago, The Lock said:


Yeah, I have to generally keep my mouth shut whenever I go to karaoke because of some of the people's views there.... but I'm also in Prince George which is even more "rural" than Penticton. lol

I was stopping in at London Drugs to drop off a lens for recalibration 2 months ago, and a very visible local individual who has been incredibly loud and vocal at rallies about and against vaccines, trudeau, lockdowns, anti sogi and even this weekend against the LGBTQ community at a local pride event tried to give me a BC conservative handout and asked me point blank if they could expect my support.


I looked her in the eye and said I'd rather shit in my hands and clap and kept moving.


My daughter thought I was badass, my wife thinks I was an asshole and I think I don't have time to allow someone like that vocal and visible individual in to my life 

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2 minutes ago, bolt said:



Another reason to vaccinate or stay away from cv-19 vaccines?

There is a fairly consistent number of people who get diagnosed with cancer.  During Covid, there were serious issues diagnosing people during the pandemic.  So, we are getting the normal group plus a group that wasn't diagnosed normally.  These folks missed the boat of earlier diagnosis and are showing up with later stage cancers.  


In order to determine if Covid is to blame, this group has to be considered as well.  As far as vaccines, they are far, far down the list of reasons.  

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9 minutes ago, bolt said:



Another reason to vaccinate or stay away from cv-19 vaccines?


Well, if you're worried, then you also shouldn't be on a forum or watch TV...


"One study found that a 1-hour increase in daily TV viewing time was associated with higher risks of oropharyngeal, oesophago-gastric, and colon cancer."

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5 minutes ago, bolt said:



Another reason to vaccinate or stay away from cv-19 vaccines?

It's a funny coincidence but the idea of cancer, covid, and you crossed my mind just the the other day when I remembered how your guns blazed on the subject for a short while and then strangely went quiet.


The article is paywalled but before it disappeared I saw nothing conclusive.


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