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[PGT] Canucks vs Kings, Feb 29th 2024

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12 minutes ago, IBatch said:

 Biggest difference this year, teams are chasing us.    The ones below will all be high intensity.    Bruce bump, teams did start taking us seriously.   Beating COL...their fans that sneak in and end up playing us in the first round, rightly so.   Oh so close. 


Last year ... easy schedule, but you're right, we did play better, and with an AHL loaded defense. 


Can't break up Miller and Brock.   Adding EP to their line to spice things up, that's fine once Joshua is back.   Create a second line with Lindholm, Mikheyev maybe, we'll just call it our third line.  


That said, if you're going to blender, this could be an experiment worth trying.     The blender is on full right now, messing with Brock and Miller isn't something i'd like to see. 


In that case, I'd just re-unite the Lotto line.  Put PDG with Bluegar/Garland for the physical presence, and make Mikheyev-Lindholm-Suter a super shut down line.  

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3 minutes ago, Sativika said:

Our performance in this 2024 leap year month of February is concerning. Not a good month for us and it's not easy to pinpoint exactly why. Though it is evident that some fatigue issues seem to be present. Both physically and mentally. 


Huggy didn't seem to be too present last night. His facial expressions during the game and in the post game interview showed such. He seemingly wasn't skating at his usual Huggy self and made some noticeable mistakes. Mind you, he wasn't the only one. On the whole the team looks bagged. 


I know. They're professionals and are required to look like the elite athletes they're payed to be. Well......Not to be trite......But they are only human. An 82 game season is hard on every team. Every team slumps. Some more than others for whatever reasons. 


- Glass half full? We've so far had a great season and this is a minor stumbling block. We'll be fine.

- Glass half empty. Boy we look tired. Guys gotta pick it up or were gonna be in a world of hurt when the world of sh*t comes upon us in round 1! Swept 4 straight. Nooo!!!!!



Go Canucks Go!!!!!



If this is contained only in February then yes. If it spills over the last 2 months I am not so sure.

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Can't hate on my team. They're slumping, happens.


I'm glad to hear Lafferty was good...I was so hyped on him at first. Every single player needs to elevate their game at this point, no passengers. We are all JT Millers. Speaking of JT, sounds like he had another beast of a game with 7 hits, 6 shots.


Never thought we'd miss Joshua so much, but we do.


What happened to Myers at the end there? I'm actually back on board with him lately, he's been pretty good. Not sure about this game as I only saw the 3rd.

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7 hours ago, hockeyfan-observer said:

I don't buy the reason for their recent sub-standard results because of the All Star game events - a lot of the other stars present at the ASG don't seem to have any problems.  Personally, I think they are having some recent problems with the bigger, more physical opponents who cut down their space + time.  You look at this years results and its been the Wild / Vegas / Jets / Flyers / Blues and now the Kings that have given them the most problems - JR + company will need to decide before the TDL - if they want to go with some additional size in the 3-4th lines or add more skill to offset the heavier checking which will get even more prevalent in the playoffs.  They really need to have a balance lineup though that can play any style - I'm leaning towards some muscle in the bottom lines - no need for a big name - just someone who can grind it out and possibly give some space to their other players.  Will be glad when Joshua returns as without him, opposing teams seem to have had their way with the team.



Just Win.jpg

Yes! We need a nasty forecheck, like Martinook or who ever. That type of hitting up front changes the pace of the game. Case in point the Juulsen hit last night. We need that from our 4th line. Bye bye Mikheyev.  Mik is only riding Suter's and Blueger's coat tails. HEY MIK! WE ALREADY HAVE ENOUGH DEFENSIVE FORWARDS. 

We tried Petie as net front 2 games ago and he almost got his head handed to him.  Time to try Zad there on PP2. Let defenseman try and intimidate Big Z.

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I've lost complete hope in this team, they show no signs of bouncing back whatsoever. Going to be a loooong end to the season, and an early playoff exit. 


Better dust off the broom. 

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9 hours ago, iinatcc said:


3 years 12 million ... We're doomed 😅

Man I hope not. Guy doesn’t deserve 12M/year. Some people will be quick to say “well he’s going to be a 100pt player in consecutive years” or “he’s top 10 in points in the league”. Blah blah blah.


Petey does not play like a winner. Guy makes way too many boneheaded plays. Can’t count how many goals have now resulted directly from his giveaways. 

I’d offer him 10.5M or pack your bags.

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9 hours ago, Joshrips said:

Well, you're right that they're going to resign him for too much.

If we sign Petey for 12M mark my words we will never win the cup while he’s here. He’s not a “winner”. Doesn’t have that mentality. Not the type of player you win with in the playoffs. After every boneheaded play which is usually a giveaway he just puts his head up in disbelief and doesn’t even try joining the play again.

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16 minutes ago, Mikeyman109 said:

Why he isnt going to move the needle?

Locker room guys make a big difference.


Ask Vegas what Kessel meant to them last season even when he wasn’t playing. They all say he was an important guy in the room.


This team is too serious right now. You gotta have fun along the way otherwise it leads to gripping the stick too tight.



Edited by DeNiro
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Lindholm was a bad trade IMO, he's barely noticeable every game.


Bains is a good story, but messes up plays.


Demko needs to be better


Until they figure out that horrible PP and PK, my expectations of this team in the playoffs is low. 

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this contract status is definitely weighing on Petey's mind... he's playing distracted.

Last year I'd be all over a $12 million contract, HOWEVER, this year I'd be hard pressed to offer more that $10 . He may not like it, but he's not driving the play like he used to. 


Joshua should be resigned.

Hronek should be resigned, but not for more than $5.5 

Lindholm could be resigned, but not for more than $5.5

Zadorov $4.5

Friedman resigned for a minor raise.

Cole could be signed, but not for more than the $3 he's getting now.

Meyers --not for more than $2.5 

DeSmith -- minor raise as he's been playing pretty good for the most part. 

I know.... I sound like a cheap bugger, but I'm just sayin' it like I see it.   

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