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[Trade] WE DID A THING - Vancouver Trades LW Tanner Pearson, 2025 3rd to Montreal for G Casey DeSmith

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5 minutes ago, Rekker said:

Mmmm, you sound hot when your mad. 

im not mad for one, im just confused why you need to defend yourself... am i supposed to just idly stand by when i think things are inappropriate? let me tell you people often point out things they dont like on this site... and second off you are being at total a**hat right now. openly mocking me like a arrogant little turd in highschool

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9 minutes ago, Dankmemes187 said:

im not mad for one, im just confused why you need to defend yourself... am i supposed to just idly stand by when i think things are inappropriate? let me tell you people often point out things they dont like on this site... and second off you are being at total a**hat right now. openly mocking me like a arrogant little turd in highschool

Look...  You may or may not have a valid point.  But this thread is about the trade and the press conference.  You are more than welcome to make your point to the other poster directly, so that the rest of us can continue focussing the trade or other canuck related stuff here okay?  


So what I wanna know is, is Ruthford in the wrong by stating his personal views?  I don't think he was out of line.  Yah he's getting long in the tooth so to speak but, I don't mind his frankness, even if he's a little off.

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Talk about yummy, that juicy steak of a rumour of how soon those two contracts JR doesn't like will be on the move, he said next year we'll be out of some we don't "want" and that's there was 1 or 2 they still would like to move to be where they want to be, and be able to make the moves they wanted to, also that they want to be better ready to withstand injuries throughout the season as at this point they're a playoff team if everything goes right. Kinda what I always thought and posted on the old site, it's 50/50 playoffs right now. If Boeser does better, Petey/Miller/Kuz/Hughes repeat. If a couple young guys chip in and the new defense performs, and last Demko stays healthy and starts hotter.. were in but if 2 or 3 of those things don't happen it's just as easily us looking in again, close maybe but still might not cut it. I see what he said today he wants to shed more $$ to make a big move. 







Edited by Rick_theRyper
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28 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Totally agree that some of things we post here, like telling a women we see is yummy, is weird and creepy. But it’s not like we are actually talking to that person here, right? So the unwritten rules of proper behaviour are different here. It’s not the “real world”.

Bridget Bardot is (was) beyond yummy. Would we say that if we met her? Of course not. Would we write that comment here, on an Internet forum, yes. There are different standards in the real world. Now go look at Bridget Bardot and tell me she’s not yummy. 


That "wat" is a good "wat" .. lol cheers alfy

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57 minutes ago, Dankmemes187 said:

im not mad for one, im just confused why you need to defend yourself... am i supposed to just idly stand by when i think things are inappropriate? let me tell you people often point out things they dont like on this site... and second off you are being at total a**hat right now. openly mocking me like a arrogant little turd in highschool

Were you not in any of the GDTs when Caroline Cameron was on the air?

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Why would you want to let Silovs sit for 6 or 7 games between starts. And play mostly the back to back games?

The guy needs ice time to keep improving. He will almost certainly get the starting gig in Abby now.

He will get lots of minutes. Get lots of good coaching advice from the Goalie Whisperer Clark.

I'm pretty sure Clark was consulted on DeSmith. So I'm sure he will be even better with his direction.

The best part is if Demko gets hurt (Please, Hockey Gods, please no), we have someone to handle it a bit better than throwing Silovs to the wolves.


The last thing you want to do is push Silovs into the NHL level before he's ready, and destroy his confidence and abilities.

So it was pretty much a no-brainer trade.

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1 minute ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

Why would you want to let Silovs sit for 6 or 7 games between starts. And play mostly the back to back games?

The guy needs ice time to keep improving. He will almost certainly get the starting gig in Abby now.

He will get lots of minutes. Get lots of good coaching advice from the Goalie Whisperer Clark.

I'm pretty sure Clark was consulted on DeSmith. So I'm sure he will be even better with his direction.

The best part is if Demko gets hurt (Please, Hockey Gods, please no), we have someone to handle it a bit better than throwing Silovs to the wolves.


The last thing you want to do is push Silovs into the NHL level before he's ready, and destroy his confidence and abilities.

So it was pretty much a no-brainer trade.

Yeah man getting Silvs to take over the #1 if things happened so soon would be a disaster situation. I remember when Demko was just simply not quite ready and that wasn't that long ago. Goalies need to simmer. 100% agree

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I for one am just gob smacked that this thread got derailed…like that never happens! 

I was actually hoping to see Pearson return. But it sure sounds like that the relationship between him and the team was not very repairable. Best to move on in for both parties involved. I think this is a solid hockey trade. Both teams got what they needed at fairly minimal cost. 

I was always rooting for Martin but he makes me nervous in net. He gets rattled way too much. I also hated that we played him over Silovs in the AHL playoffs last year in our elimination game…of course we lost. If we have Silovs in net I swear our baby nucks would have beat the Wranglers and moved on…I’m not so keen on Matin returning to the AHL either. And I think he could be ECHL bound. I’d far rather develop Topilov and Silovs on the farm. Martin is a good solid 3rd goalie option that can float around where needed.

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2 minutes ago, Attila Umbrus said:

Was hoping to see Pearson return


I was always rooting for Martin but he makes me nervous in net.


Me too on both.


I had Pearson lined up for 2nd line. Consistent, good wall guy, veteran presence. The kinda guy I thought Tocc would love to have and rely on. But I'm with you. For the best really.


And Poor Martin last year couldn't stop a god damn beach ball. Sure the dmen often left him (and Delia) out to dry (no thanks to Boudreaus defense stategy[what strategy?] but even on easier 'routine' type shots they almost always went in on Martin. The team didn't stand a chance.


Fingers crossed we can get more out of DeSmith.

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24 minutes ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

Why would you want to let Silovs sit for 6 or 7 games between starts. And play mostly the back to back games?

The guy needs ice time to keep improving. He will almost certainly get the starting gig in Abby now.

He will get lots of minutes. Get lots of good coaching advice from the Goalie Whisperer Clark.

I'm pretty sure Clark was consulted on DeSmith. So I'm sure he will be even better with his direction.

The best part is if Demko gets hurt (Please, Hockey Gods, please no), we have someone to handle it a bit better than throwing Silovs to the wolves.


The last thing you want to do is push Silovs into the NHL level before he's ready, and destroy his confidence and abilities.

So it was pretty much a no-brainer trade.

Silovs looks like he's going to be fantastic, but let's not force him, like you say. I agree completely. 


The only thing is, if he forces his way onto the team. But then again, that re-creates a Luongo/Schneider scenario. 

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