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Anything Like This Every Happen to You?

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Went to the game vs Pittsburgh last week and had a very strange experience in the stands


Had a solo ticket and had a young couple on my left who were clearly Penguins fans


On my right were two big loud guys both wearing Canucks jerseys who seemed as excited as I was when the Canucks opened the scoring but their comments sort of had me laughing as I felt like maybe I was sitting next to two of our more negative forum members. They were constantly yelling out complaints about Canucks play, screaming SHOOT every time a Canuck had the puck, especially on the PP even when they were just trying to get set up, and just generally yelling and commenting things about our players, their play and the team in general that you might expect if we were at the bottom of the standings or behind by 5 goals in the game. Even when we were up 2-0, they were acting like the score was reversed.


Then, in the 2nd period, as more alcohol was consumed and  the game started to shift in Pittsburgh's favour, they were clearly pleased and began cheering for Pittsburgh while continuing to complain about the Canucks. Not to mention the couple next to me were also getting excited and drinking more so they were becoming loud and vocal in favour of the Penguins.


Needless to say, all 4 of them were quite thrilled by the end result. I managed to keep up my cheering for our boys and still had a blast despite the outcome but seriously felt like I'd been dropped into an episode of The Twilight Zone for a while there in the 3rd.


Strange experience


(As an aside, the 2 to my right were also racist A-holes as they were mocking Bains and fans wearing his jersey by imitating a Punjabi accent and were mocking one of the ice girls who was heavier set than most of her coworkers. Each intermission brought more booze and more BS behaviour which had me wondering if the Canucks have a family friendly section in Rogers where I might buy my tickets next season)

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20 minutes ago, Steamer4GM said:

Went to the game vs Pittsburgh last week and had a very strange experience in the stands


Had a solo ticket and had a young couple on my left who were clearly Penguins fans


On my right were two big loud guys both wearing Canucks jerseys who seemed as excited as I was when the Canucks opened the scoring but their comments sort of had me laughing as I felt like maybe I was sitting next to two of our more negative forum members. They were constantly yelling out complaints about Canucks play, screaming SHOOT every time a Canuck had the puck, especially on the PP even when they were just trying to get set up, and just generally yelling and commenting things about our players, their play and the team in general that you might expect if we were at the bottom of the standings or behind by 5 goals in the game. Even when we were up 2-0, they were acting like the score was reversed.


Then, in the 2nd period, as more alcohol was consumed and  the game started to shift in Pittsburgh's favour, they were clearly pleased and began cheering for Pittsburgh while continuing to complain about the Canucks. Not to mention the couple next to me were also getting excited and drinking more so they were becoming loud and vocal in favour of the Penguins.


Needless to say, all 4 of them were quite thrilled by the end result. I managed to keep up my cheering for our boys and still had a blast despite the outcome but seriously felt like I'd been dropped into an episode of The Twilight Zone for a while there in the 3rd.


Strange experience


(As an aside, the 2 to my right were also racist A-holes as they were mocking Bains and fans wearing his jersey by imitating a Punjabi accent and were mocking one of the ice girls who was heavier set than most of her coworkers. Each intermission brought more booze and more BS behaviour which had me wondering if the Canucks have a family friendly section in Rogers where I might buy my tickets next season)

Meh, Who cares as long as you had fun! Some people can't handle their alcohol and do dumb shit for attention.


As for the racist jerks, Bains is living his dream playing in the NHL and those 2 douche bags are sitting there looking like clowns.


Don't let shit like that deter you, Glad you had a good time, The world is filled with idiots.

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Definitely have encountered those types. The self loathing Canucks fan that are just waiting for the teams downfall.


They sound like big losers. Like why would you spend your time and money on a team you don’t even like. Clearly lacking brain cells.

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8 hours ago, Steamer4GM said:

Went to the game vs Pittsburgh last week and had a very strange experience in the stands


Had a solo ticket and had a young couple on my left who were clearly Penguins fans


On my right were two big loud guys both wearing Canucks jerseys who seemed as excited as I was when the Canucks opened the scoring but their comments sort of had me laughing as I felt like maybe I was sitting next to two of our more negative forum members. They were constantly yelling out complaints about Canucks play, screaming SHOOT every time a Canuck had the puck, especially on the PP even when they were just trying to get set up, and just generally yelling and commenting things about our players, their play and the team in general that you might expect if we were at the bottom of the standings or behind by 5 goals in the game. Even when we were up 2-0, they were acting like the score was reversed.


Then, in the 2nd period, as more alcohol was consumed and  the game started to shift in Pittsburgh's favour, they were clearly pleased and began cheering for Pittsburgh while continuing to complain about the Canucks. Not to mention the couple next to me were also getting excited and drinking more so they were becoming loud and vocal in favour of the Penguins.


Needless to say, all 4 of them were quite thrilled by the end result. I managed to keep up my cheering for our boys and still had a blast despite the outcome but seriously felt like I'd been dropped into an episode of The Twilight Zone for a while there in the 3rd.


Strange experience


(As an aside, the 2 to my right were also racist A-holes as they were mocking Bains and fans wearing his jersey by imitating a Punjabi accent and were mocking one of the ice girls who was heavier set than most of her coworkers. Each intermission brought more booze and more BS behaviour which had me wondering if the Canucks have a family friendly section in Rogers where I might buy my tickets next season)

During the 2011-2012 season in the November that season, two fans behind me kept badmouthing Luongo…..the point where some of the comments became personal.  Finally, I had enough.  I turned around to the two teens and told them that if they badmouthed Luongo on a personal level like that ever again, I would beat the shit out of both of them and gladly go to jail for it.  Needless to say, they didn’t say anything after that.

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I figure my job as a fan when I attend games is to cheer my best for the Canucks and be respectful of others around me. That includes fans of the other team. I've been at games with Flames fans around me where all the blue jerseys will high five when we score, but don't get on them for doing the same when they do.


Some people just want to complain though, and actually even revel in their misery - so long as they can feel like they're pulling someone down with them. They have never taken the time to improve themselves. They'll take any opportunity to single someone out to make them feel a little better. Ignore those people, and they aren't the usual at games.

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While we've got a lot of well deserved pessimism in our fanbase it takes a special idiot to not cheer for the jersey on their back while at a game. I mean maybe they had stillman canucks jerseys and were tank enthusiasts but this isn't that season. 


Bains stuff is racist and stupid. Idiots.


You can respect opponents skill and fire, i commented as much to a sad devils fan after 2 periods telling her that they were doing pretty good without jack hughes that night but that's different. Maybe they were bandwagoners?

Edited by OldFaithfulcap
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The last game I went to, was either 2012 or 2013, but was such a negative experience I never went back to Roger's arena. It was the last pre season game, and the ONLY time I got to see Luongo play live. It was against the Oilers. I remember LaPierre getting into a fight and the whole crowd chanting his name for beating the other guys ass. 

But there was this drunk idiot sitting behind me, my stepdad was in the seat next to me. This guy was clearly hammered  before puck drop. Any way, he was yelling and swearing the whole time, and when the Canucks scored he spilled his full beer all over me. I told him to calm down and put a lid on his beers. Nope. Spilled a 2nd one on me and I was ready to kill him.

 I texted that number for security. Nothing was done. I even saw a security guy and asked to have him removed. He did nothing but walk away. At that point, I decided I'll never go to a game there again. And shortly after we started going to Giants games at the Coliseum. At least security will do their job there, or did.

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The only thing I agree with is the PP. Too much fancy passing on the outside and not enough pressure in front of the net or shots. 

As for the racist comments, those clowns are lucky they weren’t heard by some brown guys. Brown guys + alcohol + racist comments = ass whooping. 
In the last 5-8 years I’ve noticed an increase in hate towards brown people. But it doesn’t phase us cause our parents went through much worse in the 70s-90s. 

OP you asked if that’s something that’s happened to you? Experiencing Racism? Yeah plenty of times. Only difference is back in the day our parents struggled with English and nowadays the youth doesn’t so we’re able to speak up when it happens. I just assume maybe they ate a spicy samosa somewhere and had to vent it out. Caucasian food is pretty bland so that’s understandable.

Seems like some people think you only experience racism if you’re black. 

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2 hours ago, Bob Long said:


we got seats in the no booze section once, it was actually really good. Way fewer Morans. 


They want to get rid of these sections.  Most NHL teams don't have these sections as they don't sell.

Each year at season ticket relocation.  100% of the seats in the non-drinking sections are tagged available.  Even the row 9s

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3 hours ago, BCNeil said:


They want to get rid of these sections.  Most NHL teams don't have these sections as they don't sell.

Each year at season ticket relocation.  100% of the seats in the non-drinking sections are tagged available.  Even the row 9s


geez that would be a shame. Some people just won't go if they have to deal with the dumb dumbs. 

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I had a slightly different position.  Got 11 game packs with my 2 brothers and one of their wives back in the Messier era. Her name is Karen.  Always defensive, very thin skinned.  But she could dish it out.  Every damn Canuck PP she would  belt out, screaming at the top of her lungs "SHOOOOOOOT!....SHOOOOOOOT!....SHOOOOOOOT!...." the whole time they had the puck in the O zone.  No matter what was going on on the ice. 


The glares we were getting from all directions. She had the kind of voice that tore your ear drums out.  Nothing I could do but keep looking straight ahead. 


BTW, that 11 game pack?  2 preseason + 9 regular season.    I watched the Canucks lose every game but one in the preseason, and one in the regular. Pretty sure that season was partly screwed from the lack of PP goals because the players were on edge from a wailing shriek every time they touched the puck on the PP.  Thank gawd that was the last season we did that together.

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On 3/4/2024 at 1:56 PM, OldFaithfulcap said:


Aptar's old sig i think?

Yeah, I remember that.


Classic from the days of George Dubya Bush and the Tea Party protests, the precursor to the modern day MAGA movement.  Here's another gem from that clan



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4 hours ago, BCNeil said:


They want to get rid of these sections.  Most NHL teams don't have these sections as they don't sell.

Each year at season ticket relocation.  100% of the seats in the non-drinking sections are tagged available.  Even the row 9s

In all honesty, when we go to Giants games, my stepdad and I always get seats in the no drinking section mainly because he dosen't drink anymore and he dosen't want to put up with drunk idiots at the game. And I'm fine with that. If I want to have a beer at the game, I'll go crush one on the concourse and come back. The no drinking sections need to be kept.

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I sat beside guys like that. They had Canucks jerseys on as well. They spent more time chatting and looking at their phones. A few games later I sat in the same seats and their were two ladies there. I overheard her say that her boyfriend was a season ticket holder. Apparently he sells the more expensive seats and uses them for certain games. She pointed him out to her friend and she texted her boyfriend to wave so her friend could see where they were. They were in the TO jerseys. That explained a lot.



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Ottawa game this year. To the right friendly group,not season ticket holders. A few drank and chatted about where some of the Canucks were from? I gave them the answers as they knew l was a fan.


Now to our left! Season ticket assholes who thought they owned the isle. As my wife and l cheered our Canucks, they had the nerve to tell my wife to sit down.

Not a word to me. As she mentioned this to me,being lrish l could not hold back.

I stated calmly," do not talk to my wife about anything . " 

Amazingly they shut up. To my right they shook my hand. The couple behind stated "we were waiting for someone like you" They as well were season ticket holders.

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