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[Speculation] 3 way trade possibility between VAN, PIT, BOS

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10 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Pettersson’s situation needed to be resolved prior to season’s end. JR has won 3 cups. He’s in the hall of fame for a reason. He’s not going to let a kid like Petey dictate terms. And he didn’t want a Tkachuk situation where they are forced to trade Petey in the summer. 

So, no they wouldn’t have had another year to figure it out.  In regard to Lindholm, if Petey is traded then they would certainly have the cap space to re-sign Lindholm. He would have been our 2C. 

You can rag on JR/PA all you want. But they’ve won multiple cups together and have the Canucks in a great place right now to try to win a cup. That’s a much better situation than before they arrived. 

Took him 14 years in CAR and was handed the keys to the ferrari in PIT. His true impact on those 2 cups in PIT was nothing special considering it was all drafted and developed by previous management. Not hard to throw shit at a wall and see what sticks when you have a core around Crosby Malkin Letang Fleury.


The whole point is we have until NEXT summer to deal with Pettersson if he wanted put. To go out and pay a shit load for a replacement C and not guarantee he is willing to re-sign is dumb as fuck and what makes it even dumber is why the fuck would you replace prime Pettersson with limpdick Lindholm through purely declining years.

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26 minutes ago, AnthonyG said:

Took him 14 years in CAR and was handed the keys to the ferrari in PIT. His true impact on those 2 cups in PIT was nothing special considering it was all drafted and developed by previous management. Not hard to throw shit at a wall and see what sticks when you have a core around Crosby Malkin Letang Fleury.


The whole point is we have until NEXT summer to deal with Pettersson if he wanted put. To go out and pay a shit load for a replacement C and not guarantee he is willing to re-sign is dumb as fuck and what makes it even dumber is why the fuck would you replace prime Pettersson with limpdick Lindholm through purely declining years.


Please tell us how you really feel 🙂 

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1 hour ago, Sell.the.team said:


Really hard for you to admit that PA/JR may have made a miscalculation on Lindholm, hey? 


I don't think he made a miscalculation, I think it was, really, a no lose situation, especially at that price. 


First of all, they picked up the best two way C available.......if he fits in, that's fantastic and im sure that's priority #1


Second, if he doesn't work out, then they have the best two way C available to deal.  And now that Henrique is off the market, EL is that much more valuable 


Third, by trading for EL, they kept him out of the West and id be surprised if they deal him, that deal him to anyone in the west 

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3 minutes ago, RomanPer said:


Please tell us how you really feel 🙂 

Do you care to win a cup? 
So its okay to have several fuck ups during a window of contention, but its not okay to overpay a guy during rebuilding years where we are nowhere near a cup. K got it.

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Just now, AnthonyG said:

Do you care to win a cup? 
So its okay to have several fuck ups during a window of contention, but its not okay to overpay a guy during rebuilding years where we are nowhere near a cup. K got it.


Somehow I trust guys who already did this over a random hate-spewing fan on the internet forum. Feel free to submit your resume for the next open GM position in NHL. I'm sure you will be one of the leading candidates, seeing how you have the magic crystal ball that already decided that Lindholm is a complete failure. I actually have a much shorter version of a response to your nonsense, but that one will most likely get me banned.

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35 minutes ago, AnthonyG said:

Took him 14 years in CAR and was handed the keys to the ferrari in PIT. His true impact on those 2 cups in PIT was nothing special considering it was all drafted and developed by previous management. Not hard to throw shit at a wall and see what sticks when you have a core around Crosby Malkin Letang Fleury.


The whole point is we have until NEXT summer to deal with Pettersson if he wanted put. To go out and pay a shit load for a replacement C and not guarantee he is willing to re-sign is dumb as fuck and what makes it even dumber is why the fuck would you replace prime Pettersson with limpdick Lindholm through purely declining years.


People are going to blindly defend JR/PA to their last dying breath.  The fact is, every GM makes mistakes and takes losses.  It's OK. The reason I roll my eyes at so many posters lately is that they seemingly spin JR/PA L's into W's.  I agree with you about JR in general.  I also think much of the elite pieces of this core were drafted and signed by Benning.  Did JB have to go?  Of course.  He made way too many mistakes to stay.  Did JR/PA do a terrific job with the retool (Joshua, Cole, Soucy, Blueger, Suter, Hronek...etc)... of course!  But let's not kid ourselves here.  They have also made some big mistakes.  Mikheyev is looking like a serious dud.  I think buying out OEL was also a mistake. The Kuz situation was a fiasco at best.  They could have traded Kuz for a massive haul this time last year and chose to sign him to a 2 year extension which quickly turned into negative value.  Instead of fans just saying "mistakes happen",  they justify the bad moves by any means necessary.


We all knew when we acquired EL it was likely as a rental for the playoffs.  He commands way too much as a UFA to resign (unless it was way below market).  The fact that they are willing to flip him now means one thing: they have buyers remorse on their rental purchase and are trying to cut their losses.  And thats OK!!! But admit it was a loss and move on.  People can talk about "EP insurance policies / motivational tool", "keep him out of the West"...etc as excuses, but they are just drinking the Kool Aid. 

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1 hour ago, AnthonyG said:

why the fuck would you replace prime Pettersson with limpdick Lindholm through purely declining years.

Yeah, it would've definitely been a downgrade going from Petey to Lindholm. But trying to get someone of Petey's caliber would've been nearly impossible. You have to draft those guys, because they're almost never available in a trade. And if they were, the asking price would be so enormous that it wouldn't be worth making a deal for a player like that without gutting your team in the process. 


All this to say, I'm glad that Petey's here for another 9 years (this year including). 


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34 minutes ago, RomanPer said:


Somehow I trust guys who already did this over a random hate-spewing fan on the internet forum. Feel free to submit your resume for the next open GM position in NHL. I'm sure you will be one of the leading candidates, seeing how you have the magic crystal ball that already decided that Lindholm is a complete failure. I actually have a much shorter version of a response to your nonsense, but that one will most likely get me banned.

Cool story bro. Care level: low.

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11 minutes ago, N4ZZY said:

Yeah, it would've definitely been a downgrade going from Petey to Lindholm. But trying to get someone of Petey's caliber would've been nearly impossible. You have to draft those guys, because they're almost never available in a trade. And if they were, the asking price would be so enormous that it wouldn't be worth making a deal for a player like that without gutting your team in the process. 


All this to say, I'm glad that Petey's here for another 9 years (this year including). 


I woulda went straight over to MIN and taken Eriksson Ek and made sure the deal ended up with us getting someone else in their system with high caliber talent. Min would definitely need to add to get Petey and I’m sure they would be more than willing to.

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1 minute ago, AnthonyG said:

I woulda went straight over to MIN and taken Eriksson Ek and made sure the deal ended up with us getting someone else in their system with high caliber talent. Min would definitely need to add to get Petey and I’m sure they would be more than willing to.


Why would minny trade JEE?

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Just now, tas said:

why are you like this? does it make you happy?

Lmao how about the constant negativity over spilt milk the last 3 years??? Im pretty choked if they just went and fucked up our window to win. I want a cup and I want to see all 8 years of Petterssons contract as a window. Not 3 fucking seasons and start falling a part because or piss poor choices such as throwing 4mil in cap space down the drain. Sellng at rock bottom on Kuzmenko, trading a 2C to get dman only to need to get a 2C, pay a boat load and not do their due diligence and secure that 2C long term to now be down to the fuckin wire to deal with the potential loss of Lindholm and alllll those fucking assets and the wasted value of Kuzmenko or head into playoffs without a true 2C and having to split up best fucking line.

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1 hour ago, AnthonyG said:

Took him 14 years in CAR and was handed the keys to the ferrari in PIT. His true impact on those 2 cups in PIT was nothing special considering it was all drafted and developed by previous management. Not hard to throw shit at a wall and see what sticks when you have a core around Crosby Malkin Letang Fleury.


The whole point is we have until NEXT summer to deal with Pettersson if he wanted put. To go out and pay a shit load for a replacement C and not guarantee he is willing to re-sign is dumb as fuck and what makes it even dumber is why the fuck would you replace prime Pettersson with limpdick Lindholm through purely declining years.

Jeeze.... you've obviously had a rough week

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2 minutes ago, AnthonyG said:

Lmao how about the constant negativity over spilt milk the last 3 years??? Im pretty choked if they just went and fucked up our window to win. I want a cup and I want to see all 8 years of Petterssons contract as a window. Not 3 fucking seasons and start falling a part because or piss poor choices such as throwing 4mil in cap space down the drain. Sellng at rock bottom on Kuzmenko, trading a 2C to get dman only to need to get a 2C, pay a boat load and not do their due diligence and secure that 2C long term to now be down to the fuckin wire to deal with the potential loss of Lindholm and alllll those fucking assets and the wasted value of Kuzmenko or head into playoffs without a true 2C and having to split up best fucking line.

you don't know better than them. period. full stop. 


they are smarter than you. they have more experience than you. they have all of the information, you have the 2% of the crumbs that becomes public knowledge. 


The Rock Shut Up GIF by WWE

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Just now, erkayloomeh said:

If the Canucks are in discussions about trading lindholm and it doesn't happen then does this squash any chance of resigning EL?


I don't think was ever realistic unless they couldn't get Petey done

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