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Appreciate all of you

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39 minutes ago, VegasCanuck said:

So, this post isn't directly hockey related, just wanted to say that I appreciate you guys.


I was sitting last night, watching the game with my dad as his life wound down. I was watching, doing my best to give him play by play and hoping he was still hearing it at least.


Even when we disagree, I still appreciate everyone here and the fun distraction this board provides. Thank you again to @Ribs and the rest of the moderator team for keeping the board going and giving it new life.


Anyway, just wanted to say thanks and that you're all appreciated, even when you disagree with me, at least we're talking hockey and unwinding.


He passed away about an hour after the game last night, but at least they won for him!

So sorry to hear this. But I get where you're coming from. Everyone on here was there for me when my grandma passed. I'm more than happy to return that favor.

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6 minutes ago, Dom said:

Sorry for your loss. Prayers to you.


We are all human and are going through our own things, nobody should be attacked here, regardless of their views or statements.


My grandmother was diagnosed with cancer in early October, and had surgery that successfully removed it. It is now March, and the cancer has returned. I do not believe she will be around much longer. My grandfather left us early last summer as well. 



It sucks, but life is a terminal condition. You just never know how long you've got before that cancer or virus or old age or bus is going to hit you.


We just try and have as much fun as possible in the time we're here and try and make a positive difference in people's lives.

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Just now, VegasCanuck said:

It sucks, but life is a terminal condition. You just never know how long you've got before that cancer or virus or old age or bus is going to hit you.


We just try and have as much fun as possible in the time we're here and try and make a positive difference in people's lives.

Very very true my friend. Hold your head high and know they are now watching over you! 

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Sorry for your loss Vegas. I lost my mom on the eve of game 7 against Chicago in 2011 to brain cancer. Even though I never posted much it was always nice to come on here and read what others had to say was comforting in a way to keep my mind off of things, which why I'm so happy CDC lives on thanks to many peoples efforts. At least you were able to be with him in his final moments, it's tough but it does get better

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sorry to hear.
im glad you had that time together.
one of my fondest memories is watching the world series with my Dad before he passed away from cancer.  Great to have shared those moments together even though im not a huge baseball fan.

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1 hour ago, VegasCanuck said:

So, this post isn't directly hockey related, just wanted to say that I appreciate you guys.


I was sitting last night, watching the game with my dad as his life wound down. I was watching, doing my best to give him play by play and hoping he was still hearing it at least.


Even when we disagree, I still appreciate everyone here and the fun distraction this board provides. Thank you again to @Ribs and the rest of the moderator team for keeping the board going and giving it new life.


Anyway, just wanted to say thanks and that you're all appreciated, even when you disagree with me, at least we're talking hockey and unwinding.


He passed away about an hour after the game last night, but at least they won for him!

Sorry for your loss.  I'm glad you and your dad got to share a great game together before he passed.

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2 hours ago, VegasCanuck said:

So, this post isn't directly hockey related, just wanted to say that I appreciate you guys.


I was sitting last night, watching the game with my dad as his life wound down. I was watching, doing my best to give him play by play and hoping he was still hearing it at least.


Even when we disagree, I still appreciate everyone here and the fun distraction this board provides. Thank you again to @Ribs and the rest of the moderator team for keeping the board going and giving it new life.


Anyway, just wanted to say thanks and that you're all appreciated, even when you disagree with me, at least we're talking hockey and unwinding.


He passed away about an hour after the game last night, but at least they won for him!

Thank you buddy.


Onwards and upwards.


Youre going to be in a massive amount of pain obviously but you will progressively get better week to week month to month.


You’ll see him again one day. 

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3 hours ago, VegasCanuck said:

So, this post isn't directly hockey related, just wanted to say that I appreciate you guys.


I was sitting last night, watching the game with my dad as his life wound down. I was watching, doing my best to give him play by play and hoping he was still hearing it at least.


Even when we disagree, I still appreciate everyone here and the fun distraction this board provides. Thank you again to @Ribs and the rest of the moderator team for keeping the board going and giving it new life.


Anyway, just wanted to say thanks and that you're all appreciated, even when you disagree with me, at least we're talking hockey and unwinding.


He passed away about an hour after the game last night, but at least they won for him!


My deepest condolences, brother.

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6 hours ago, VegasCanuck said:

So, this post isn't directly hockey related, just wanted to say that I appreciate you guys.


I was sitting last night, watching the game with my dad as his life wound down. I was watching, doing my best to give him play by play and hoping he was still hearing it at least.


Even when we disagree, I still appreciate everyone here and the fun distraction this board provides. Thank you again to @Ribs and the rest of the moderator team for keeping the board going and giving it new life.


Anyway, just wanted to say thanks and that you're all appreciated, even when you disagree with me, at least we're talking hockey and unwinding.


He passed away about an hour after the game last night, but at least they won for him!

So sorry for your loss. We are all Canucks and brothers and sisters. Peace love and light be with you and yours. 

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