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7 hours ago, VegasCanuck said:

So, this post isn't directly hockey related, just wanted to say that I appreciate you guys.


I was sitting last night, watching the game with my dad as his life wound down. I was watching, doing my best to give him play by play and hoping he was still hearing it at least.


Even when we disagree, I still appreciate everyone here and the fun distraction this board provides. Thank you again to @Ribs and the rest of the moderator team for keeping the board going and giving it new life.


Anyway, just wanted to say thanks and that you're all appreciated, even when you disagree with me, at least we're talking hockey and unwinding.


He passed away about an hour after the game last night, but at least they won for him!


One thing I'll suggest.


Don't be ashamed or hesitant to seek a grief counsellor.     


They are trained professionals and can help you expedite the process of feeling better.  


Keep open lines with as many close friends and family members as well.  This will also greatly assist you during this time. 

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Really sorry to hear about the passing of your father brother.


I was talking about the loss of my parents in another thread.


They never truly leave us, they live on in our hearts. 


When I go visit my parents grave and see the words on their headstone, Devoted Husband- Wife, loving parents, beloved Nana and grandad.


That gives me so much comfort.

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My condolences for your loss. My mother has cancer, it started in her colon, then liver now to her lungs. She’s upbeat trying to find ways to keep healthy. It’s tough to witness, all we can do is pray n have faith that our loved ones don’t suffer too much while going thru this cancer bullshit. Much love n respect to all.


Bring home that Stanley Cup this year boys!!


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10 hours ago, -AJ- said:

It's times like these that make me realize the value in online communities like what we have here. Some people scoff at online communites and relationships but although they're no replacement for in-person relationships, they can and do hold very significant value in our lives. All the best @VegasCanuck and glad you were able to be there for your dad down the stretch.

These boards are one of the few online communities I’ve experienced where humanity still shines.


@VegasCanuck, that won’t be the last W at your father’s side - his spirit will be with you forever. Make sure you savour the moment with him from time to time, especially when they finally hoist Lord Stanley’s cup. 

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I’m so sorry for your loss…

My dad passed away about 21 years ago due to leukaemia in his bone marrow, and I was at the end of my Junior year of high school when it happened. I do think about him often and miss him dearly. 

I just found out my younger cousin is now officially diagnosed with serious glioblastoma cancer in her brain. She is going for a radiation treatment for it in about 6 weeks, and damn she’s only 27 years old… It really hitting us close in my family big time… 💔


I hope your dad will find his peace soon, and here’s a big hug from me, a fellow Canucks fan from Vegas. 

All I can say F*ck Cancers, such a horrible disease should never existed on any human beings and animals! 

Side note: Are you planning to attend to the games when Canucks are in town?

Edited by Crimson JH
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On 3/6/2024 at 2:16 PM, VegasCanuck said:

So, this post isn't directly hockey related, just wanted to say that I appreciate you guys.


I was sitting last night, watching the game with my dad as his life wound down. I was watching, doing my best to give him play by play and hoping he was still hearing it at least.


Even when we disagree, I still appreciate everyone here and the fun distraction this board provides. Thank you again to @Ribs and the rest of the moderator team for keeping the board going and giving it new life.


Anyway, just wanted to say thanks and that you're all appreciated, even when you disagree with me, at least we're talking hockey and unwinding.


He passed away about an hour after the game last night, but at least they won for him!

Hey I work in healthcare and many studies show that even when incapacitated, many individuals still have the ability to hear and comprehend despite looking as if they can't.


So what you did was give your father a gift before his passing by continuing to talk with him up until his final moments. I hope that helps you feel a bit better that you did that for him. 


Condolences to you and your family. 

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On 3/6/2024 at 1:16 PM, VegasCanuck said:

So, this post isn't directly hockey related, just wanted to say that I appreciate you guys.


I was sitting last night, watching the game with my dad as his life wound down. I was watching, doing my best to give him play by play and hoping he was still hearing it at least.


Even when we disagree, I still appreciate everyone here and the fun distraction this board provides. Thank you again to @Ribs and the rest of the moderator team for keeping the board going and giving it new life.


Anyway, just wanted to say thanks and that you're all appreciated, even when you disagree with me, at least we're talking hockey and unwinding.


He passed away about an hour after the game last night, but at least they won for him!

My thoughts and prayers are with you as you grieve the loss of your father… Sending you much love and peace right now…

Although I’ve never met you in person - my heart goes out to you in your time of grief loss and mourning 

i’m gonna leave you with a scripture verse that means a lot to me - I hope it gives you comfort 

“the Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit”

God bless you…

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Seems like your father put a pretty good man into the World Vegas ..

When a father is proud of his son,  it’s the glass half full,.    I’m sure you’re proud of your Father for being who he was for you.

         Your pride of him will fill your glass Vegas,.    There is never a loss with such memories.

        Kind Regards.


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On 3/6/2024 at 1:16 PM, VegasCanuck said:

So, this post isn't directly hockey related, just wanted to say that I appreciate you guys.


I was sitting last night, watching the game with my dad as his life wound down. I was watching, doing my best to give him play by play and hoping he was still hearing it at least.


Even when we disagree, I still appreciate everyone here and the fun distraction this board provides. Thank you again to @Ribs and the rest of the moderator team for keeping the board going and giving it new life.


Anyway, just wanted to say thanks and that you're all appreciated, even when you disagree with me, at least we're talking hockey and unwinding.


He passed away about an hour after the game last night, but at least they won for him!

Glad you had time with him in his final moments.


Hope you have someone to talk to even if it is us.

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On 3/6/2024 at 1:16 PM, VegasCanuck said:

So, this post isn't directly hockey related, just wanted to say that I appreciate you guys.


I was sitting last night, watching the game with my dad as his life wound down. I was watching, doing my best to give him play by play and hoping he was still hearing it at least.


Even when we disagree, I still appreciate everyone here and the fun distraction this board provides. Thank you again to @Ribs and the rest of the moderator team for keeping the board going and giving it new life.


Anyway, just wanted to say thanks and that you're all appreciated, even when you disagree with me, at least we're talking hockey and unwinding.


He passed away about an hour after the game last night, but at least they won for him!

  I was really avoiding trying to reply because the memories come rushing back.


I feel your pain to the max @VegasCanuck, I am so sorry to hear about your loss.


 I wish I could go back and invest more time with my dad, We get so caught up in life that we forget to take a break and cherish moments with our loved ones..only to realize how much we missed out when they're no longer here.


Back in 2010 my dad had a stroke, I was 26 and I remember it was right around the Olympics..My friends and I had a booth at some bar DT for the Gold medal game but because the game was early in the morning I kinda slept in and when I woke up I was like fuck it , I'm just gonna watch it at home with my Dad, bro and mom.. Who would have thought that would be the only championship in Vancouver I would celebrate with my dad because shortly a couple months later he had a blood clot and passed away..


I'm so grateful to have that moment with him..it was hard as heck for the longest time and I remember in 2011 how much that cup run meant to my family, It brought us all together, We'd have my cousins and friends over..it distracted me for awhile..We were consumed! Even tho a game short, I had the time of my life.


Love yours, We really are on borrowed time and i like to give you a hug @VegasCanuckbro, We have your back.








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Having lost both parents, I was glad to have been back on the island near them for their final years. I am glad you got to be with your old man sharing something you have shared together for so long. 

The loss is tough, so sorry.

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