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6 dead including 4 children in Ottawa mass killing

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6 hours ago, Jeremy Hronek said:


I'm all for immigration but I agree with you, and it's one of the biggest reasons why both Canada and America (and anywhere for that matter) need to tighten up its borders and tighten up it's immigration policies.  We should always welcome people to migrate here but we really need to make sure that the people coming in share our values.  We also need to dish out stricter punishment.  This type of shit happens more frequently in both Canada and America because no one respect our Police anymore.   

I would posit that the bolded is what got you your warning to tread carefully from Sharpshooter. It is borderline xenophobic and smacks of a typical right-wing talking point referring to the "right kind of" immigrant (ie White Europeans).


6 hours ago, Jeremy Hronek said:


What did I say that was so objectionably offensive?     


Being born and raised in Canada, and having spent my collegiate years in the United States, and now residing in an Asian country, it disgusts me that we see mass shooting on a semi-regular basis in North America.  We never see any of that over here in Asia, be it South Korea, China, Japan (and if it does, it happens far less frequently than in the West).  Whether it's a Democratic country like South Korea or a something more authoritative like China, people here greatly respect the Police and the consequences for breaking the Law.  In my opinion, people in North America have far less respect for the Police since the laws and associated punishments aren't as severe.  This isn't just an opinion.  It's a fact.


And I do concede that my segue into Immigration policies were a bit careless. My point in bringing it up wasn't to discourage immigration (I actually clearly stated otherwise), but rather, to point out that tightening up our immigration policies (i.e. welcoming immigration but being more thorough) would further lead to less violence and mass shootings.  That's not to say that "all immigrants are responsible for these crimes"......that would be a ridiculous comment. Many homegrown citizens have engaged in similar behavior as well (whether it's more, less, an equal amount, etc., is not for me to say).


All I'm saying is that the West needs to smarten up.  This type of shit shouldn't be happening and it almost never happens in countries like China, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore.  


@King Heffy @Alflives @Bob Long @StrayDog @Cerridwen - I hope this does clarify my stance. I'm not "anti-immigration."

People in North America have less respect for police because the police have a history of doing things that are undeserving of respect, especially when it comes to dealing with non-whites. 


5 hours ago, Jeremy Hronek said:


FWIW, I'm an independent.  


What research do you want to see exactly?   That mass gun shootings in Asia are significantly less than that of Western countries?   That laws and subsequent punishment in Asian countries tend to be far more severe and less forgiving than that of North American countries? (which ultimately has lead to people respecting the Police far more in Asian countries?).  Is this a matter of "doing more research?" or is it a matter of basic observation and basic common sense?

It has nothing to do with research. You were warned to be careful with your wording (I assume so that you did not stray into language that would have warranted something stronger than a warning), and immediately responded with "Freedom of speech!" which is a typical right-wing response when called out about used language. My response was pointing out that "I do my own research" is possibly the only phrase less used than "Freedom of speech!" as a right-wing response when called out on their behavior.


5 hours ago, Jeremy Hronek said:


My hypothesis (did I have one?) has absolutely nothing to do with immigrants causing more crime/gun shootings in Canada/America than born-and-raised citizens, and I'm sorry if you felt I was saying otherwise.  


My basic stance is that Western Countries need to smarten up.  Tighten up gun laws (would a "right winger" say this?), increase the police budget, make laws and punishment more strict, and tighten up immigration policies (while still encouraging immigration) so that the very best and morally responsible immigrants are coming to Canada.  Everyone in the West needs to step up their games to prevent senseless crimes. Asian countries, by comparison, are light years ahead of us in this regard. That's my stance.  

Right-wingers have wanted tougher gun laws, depending who on it is that has the guns (nothing scares a right-winger more than a black man with a gun).

Your "very best and morally responsible immigrants" comments only circles back around to what I bolded earlier. How do you decide that? Dangerous criminals are already not allowed to migrate into the US or Canada, so what morality test are you proposing? It's not blatant racism, but it is right up against it.

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1 hour ago, StrayDog said:








[quote]I would posit that the bolded is what got you your warning to tread carefully from Sharpshooter. It is borderline xenophobic and smacks of a typical right-wing talking point referring to the "right kind of" immigrant (ie White Europeans). [/quote]

I understand where you’re coming from but that’s not what I meant at all.  Assholes come in all forms regardless of what their skin color or religious beliefs (or non-beliefs) are.  Doesn’t matter if they’re White Europeans or whoever.


[quote] People in North America have less respect for police because the police have a history of doing things that are undeserving of respect, especially when it comes to dealing with non-whites. [/quote]

Agreed that systematic racism towards browns and blacks exists in both Canada and America and that this needs to be addressed. Having said that, I am of the belief that both countries need to significantly increase its police budget.  The amount of crime (ie gun shootings) and drug use has become completely unacceptable.  

[quote]It has nothing to do with research. You were warned to be careful with your wording (I assume so that you did not stray into language that would have warranted something stronger than a warning), and immediately responded with "Freedom of speech!" which is a typical right-wing response when called out about used language. My response was pointing out that "I do my own research" is possibly the only phrase less used than "Freedom of speech!" as a right-wing response when called out on their behavior. [/quote]

What I meant by that quote (“freedom of speech”) is that I didn’t think I said anything so objectionably offensive that it warranted me to “watch what I say” (although I do concede that I was a bit careless with my immigration comment).  I feel like I expressed a perfectly valid opinion that North Americans need to step up as far as senseless crimes and gun shootings were concerned.  


Right-wingers have wanted tougher gun laws, depending who on it is that has the guns (nothing scares a right-winger more than a black man with a gun).

Your "very best and morally responsible immigrants" comments only circles back around to what I bolded earlier. How do you decide that? Dangerous criminals are already not allowed to migrate into the US or Canada, so what morality test are you proposing? It's not blatant racism, but it is right up against it. [/quote]

I’m not a right winger. I’m of the belief that everyone has the right to gun ownership to protect themselves and their families, but that Governments, via technology, should have the ability to turn off your gun in order to prevent mass shootings (with today’s modern technology, I think something like this would be possible).  So right there - my belief would likely piss off both the left and right, lol.


As far as immigration goes, I’m of the belief that there should be a process and that severe corporal punishment should take place if anyone tries to sneak across the border. Yes it sounds inhumane but you have to discourage the practice.  Go through the formalized immigration process and do through background checks on all candidates.  Unless someone has come to retire, make sure that everyone coming in has a legit working visa of some kind and will be working and contributing towards society (unless they are a dependent and will be living with someone that is working).  

Anyone that sneaks into the border and engages in deliberate tax evasion deserves to have the living shit kicked out of them in my opinion (for having indirectly spat in your face and having spat on the flag).


Anyways, that’s my stance.  Some will like it some will not.

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43 minutes ago, Jeremy Hronek said:


As far as immigration goes, I’m of the belief that there should be a process and that severe corporal punishment should take place if anyone tries to sneak across the border. Yes it sounds inhumane but you have to discourage the practice.  Go through the formalized immigration process and do through background checks on all candidates.  Unless someone has come to retire, make sure that everyone coming in has a legit working visa of some kind and will be working and contributing towards society (unless they are a dependent and will be living with someone that is working).  

Anyone that sneaks into the border and engages in deliberate tax evasion deserves to have the living shit kicked out of them in my opinion (for having indirectly spat in your face and having spat on the flag).


Anyways, that’s my stance.  Some will like it some will not.

So you're all on board with the razor wire at the Texas border? And you're willing to allow scared mothers and their children to "have the living shit kicked out of them" for trying to escape oppressive or dangerous circumstances? Why stop at immigration? Why not use corporal punishment for any crime to discourage it?

I also would take it to assume you would be more than happy to have any citizen that doesn't pay taxes have the shit kicked out of them, since it really shouldn't matter if you're a citizen or not.

I was actually willing to accept the rest of your reply, but then I got to the above paragraphs. Is this your takeaway from living in an Asian country where people respect (or is it more fear?) the police?

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48 minutes ago, StrayDog said:





So you're all on board with the razor wire at the Texas border? 


Yes and if it was up to me, the wires would be electric at the highest voltage.  


And you're willing to allow scared mothers and their children to "have the living shit kicked out of them" for trying to escape oppressive or dangerous circumstances?


No. There's absolutely a place for those that seek asylum - in the correct manner.  Big difference between seeking asylum and attempting to sneak into a border like a little punk ass bitch.  For the situation that you described, I would absolutely give people like this a chance to state their case and consent to a background check. Upon gaining acceptance into the country, they would be given an opportunity to find work and find a babysitter, and contribute to our society.  A case study worker would see to it that these things happened.  


Why stop at immigration? Why not use corporal punishment for any crime to discourage it?


Trust me when I say that I'd be on board with this.  Remember those rioters from 2011 that disgraced the city of Vancouver?  If it was up to me, they'd be lined up against a wall and be shot via Police firing squad on grounds of treason (to both Canada and the city of Vancouver).


I also would take it to assume you would be more than happy to have any citizen that doesn't pay taxes have the shit kicked out of them, since it really shouldn't matter if you're a citizen or not.


Yes, if someone is deliberately and consciously engaging in Tax evasion, then I would absolutely support corporal punishment.  


I was actually willing to accept the rest of your reply, but then I got to the above paragraphs. Is this your takeaway from living in an Asian country where people respect (or is it more fear?) the police?


Yes, because it works.  Take a look at Singapore.  Democratic country + almost zero crime + almost zero drug problems. No tent cities and a viable solution to combat homelessness (their strategy could be better but it's a hell of a lot better than the shit show known as Vancouver, Canada, etc.).





Edited by Jeremy Hronek
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10 hours ago, Jeremy Hronek said:

And I do concede that my segue into Immigration policies were a bit careless. My point in bringing it up wasn't to discourage immigration (I actually clearly stated otherwise), but rather, to point out that tightening up our immigration policies (i.e. welcoming immigration but being more thorough) would further lead to less violence and mass shootings.  That's not to say that "all immigrants are responsible for these crimes"......that would be a ridiculous comment. Many homegrown citizens have engaged in similar behavior as well (whether it's more, less, an equal amount, etc., is not for me to say).


Just out of curiosity Jeremy, what do you actually know about Canada's Immigration process and policies.....and what are you just assuming?


For instance, you're still using the phrase "mass shootings", when it has already been pointed out that this incident wasn't one. In fact, the only mass shootings that I can think of off the top of my head was the guy who pretended to be a cop in Nova Scotia and the guy who murdered 14 women at Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal.....


Both Canadian citizens, IIRC.

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5 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


Just out of curiosity Jeremy, what do you actually know about Canada's Immigration process and policies.....and what are you just assuming?


For instance, you're still using the phrase "mass shootings", when it has already been pointed out that this incident wasn't one. In fact, the only mass shootings that I can think of off the top of my head was the guy who pretended to be a cop in Nova Scotia and the guy who murdered 14 women at Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal.....


Both Canadian citizens, IIRC.


1. I don't know much about Canada's Immigration process and policies.


2. Mass shootings or not, gun violence in North America (both Canada and the United States) is significantly higher than in places like Singapore, Japan, China, South Korea, etc.  

To me, that's a problem, and it's related to too much leniency, a relatively small police budget, and a lack of respect for the Police (related to too much leniency imo).  Crap philosophies such as #DefundThePolice should have never been entered into existence but alas, it did.  

And again, I'm not anti-immigration and completely agree that homegrown knuckleheads can be just as much of a problem (as you have proven with your two cited examples).  

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1 minute ago, Jeremy Hronek said:


1. I don't know much about Canada's Immigration process and policies.


2. Mass shootings or not, gun violence in North America (both Canada and the United States) is significantly higher than in places like Singapore, Japan, China, South Korea, etc.  

To me, that's a problem, and it's related to too much leniency, a relatively small police budget, and a lack of respect for the Police (related to too much leniency imo).  Crap philosophies such as #DefundThePolice should have never been entered into existence but alas, it did.  

And again, I'm not anti-immigration and completely agree that homegrown knuckleheads can be just as much of a problem (as you have proven with your two cited examples).  


Meh. I think it has more to do with those countries being more of a police state than we have here in Canada.


I'm not willing to trade my way of life for Xi's idea of what society should look like.


Thanks for saying you don't really know how Canadian Immigration works. If I were going to offer advice, I'd say it would be a good idea to actually find out how it works, before offering the sort of blanket criticisms you've been doing.


BTW: Defund the Police was an American idea and all it really meant is that police should not be the first responders to incidents where mental health is a factor, unless there is a threat of violence. It really had nothing to do with getting rid of police....Again, this is an area where it would have served you well to find out the facts, rather than the right-wing talking points....


Respect for answering honestly and keeping it civil, however. Others could definitely learn from your approach.

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1 minute ago, Jeremy Hronek said:


1. I don't know much about Canada's Immigration process and policies.


2. Mass shootings or not, gun violence in North America (both Canada and the United States) is significantly higher than in places like Singapore, Japan, China, South Korea, etc.  

To me, that's a problem, and it's related to too much leniency, a relatively small police budget, and a lack of respect for the Police (related to too much leniency imo).  Crap philosophies such as #DefundThePolice should have never been entered into existence but alas, it did.  

And again, I'm not anti-immigration and completely agree that homegrown knuckleheads can be just as much of a problem (as you have proven with your two cited examples).  

If I were you I'd stay were ever it is you are currently living.  You seem happy with the way things are going there regardless of how Amnesty International or Human Rights Watch may rate that country.

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22 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


Meh. I think it has more to do with those countries being more of a police state than we have here in Canada.


I'm not willing to trade my way of life for Xi's idea of what society should look like.


Thanks for saying you don't really know how Canadian Immigration works. If I were going to offer advice, I'd say it would be a good idea to actually find out how it works, before offering the sort of blanket criticisms you've been doing.


BTW: Defund the Police was an American idea and all it really meant is that police should not be the first responders to incidents where mental health is a factor, unless there is a threat of violence. It really had nothing to do with getting rid of police....Again, this is an area where it would have served you well to find out the facts, rather than the right-wing talking points....


Respect for answering honestly and keeping it civil, however. Others could definitely learn from your approach.


Fair enough.


FWIW - I'm not a 'right-wing' or a Conservative.  I'm an Independent.  


I'm a strong believer in Roe v. Wade, not a fan of 'bible thumpers' (or any 'religious zealots' that want to mix religion in governing decisions, for example "outlawing gay marriages because homosexuality is a sin), and only believe in the right to bear arms provided that the Government can turn off your gun (to prevent mass shootings). Also very open to the right idea of the wealthiest corporations in Canada and America being heavily incentivized to invest in the middle class (not a fan of 'trickle down' economics but am also cognizant of the fact that Corporations will pack up and head overseas if you try and create abusive tax laws against them and so there needs to be incentives here for realistic strategies).


My biggest areas of interest (and support) are having a strong police force, strong military, secure borders with tight immigration policies (but still encouraging immigration), and huge investment into science and technology, and "drill baby drill" as a way of combating inflation (that's the closest thing to a Donald Trump quote you'll hear me say by the way ;-)).  

Edited by Jeremy Hronek
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15 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

If I were you I'd stay were ever it is you are currently living.  You seem happy with the way things are going there regardless of how Amnesty International or Human Rights Watch may rate that country.


Fair enough.  


If you're happy going to Surrey Central skytrain station and seeing unsavoury characters smoking crack and shooting up as you enter the station, more power to you.  If you enjoy seeing random stabbings and shootings, more power to you.  If you enjoy seeing 'tent cities' springing up and dirt and filth downtown (by the way, head down the I-5 to Seattle if you really want to know what I'm talking about......and what Vancouver could realistically look like 3-5 years from now), more power to you.  The beautiful aroma of vape, poo, and urine permeating through the air.  Drug needles on the ground.  Prostitutes pulling tricks on street corners.  More power to you (I'm describing Seattle by the way....from what I saw in 2022 when I went down to watch Seahawks-Broncos season opener........but I kid you not, Vancouver might not be far off).  Paying $2200 a month for studio apartment sounds completely logical.  


If you want to see your team lose 4-0 in the Stanley Cup Finals and then see rioters burn down your city while an outmanned police force, despite their best efforts, are completely outnumbered, then more power to you.  Those rioters that rioted by the way, they can be forgiven......#MentalHealthIssues.  


So yes - while I deeply sympathize with Vancouver and truly hope that it turns things around and becomes the greatest city in the world, I am also happy where I'm currently living and will stay here for the forseeable future.  That much we can agree on.  

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10 minutes ago, Jeremy Hronek said:


Fair enough.  


If you're happy going to Surrey Central skytrain station and seeing unsavoury characters smoking crack and shooting up as you enter the station, more power to you.  If you enjoy seeing random stabbings and shootings, more power to you.  If you enjoy seeing 'tent cities' springing up and dirt and filth downtown (by the way, head down the I-5 to Seattle if you really want to know what I'm talking about......and what Vancouver could realistically look like 3-5 years from now), more power to you.  The beautiful aroma of vape, poo, and urine permeating through the air.  Drug needles on the ground.  Prostitutes pulling tricks on street corners.  More power to you (I'm describing Seattle by the way....from what I saw in 2022 when I went down to watch Seahawks-Broncos season opener........but I kid you not, Vancouver might not be far off).  Paying $2200 a month for studio apartment sounds completely logical.  


If you want to see your team lose 4-0 in the Stanley Cup Finals and then see rioters burn down your city while an outmanned police force, despite their best efforts, are completely outnumbered, then more power to you.  Those rioters that rioted by the way, they can be forgiven......#MentalHealthIssues.  


So yes - while I deeply sympathize with Vancouver and truly hope that it turns things around and becomes the greatest city in the world, I am also happy where I'm currently living and will stay here for the forseeable future.  That much we can agree on.  

You keep making the same points over and over.  Almost everyone disagrees over and over.


Will this go on much longer?  

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3 hours ago, Jeremy Hronek said:


So you're all on board with the razor wire at the Texas border? 


Yes and if it was up to me, the wires would be electric at the highest voltage.  


And you're willing to allow scared mothers and their children to "have the living shit kicked out of them" for trying to escape oppressive or dangerous circumstances?


No. There's absolutely a place for those that seek asylum - in the correct manner.  Big difference between seeking asylum and attempting to sneak into a border like a little punk ass bitch.  For the situation that you described, I would absolutely give people like this a chance to state their case and consent to a background check. Upon gaining acceptance into the country, they would be given an opportunity to find work and find a babysitter, and contribute to our society.  A case study worker would see to it that these things happened.  


Why stop at immigration? Why not use corporal punishment for any crime to discourage it?


Trust me when I say that I'd be on board with this.  Remember those rioters from 2011 that disgraced the city of Vancouver?  If it was up to me, they'd be lined up against a wall and be shot via Police firing squad on grounds of treason (to both Canada and the city of Vancouver).


I also would take it to assume you would be more than happy to have any citizen that doesn't pay taxes have the shit kicked out of them, since it really shouldn't matter if you're a citizen or not.


Yes, if someone is deliberately and consciously engaging in Tax evasion, then I would absolutely support corporal punishment.  


I was actually willing to accept the rest of your reply, but then I got to the above paragraphs. Is this your takeaway from living in an Asian country where people respect (or is it more fear?) the police?


Yes, because it works.  Take a look at Singapore.  Democratic country + almost zero crime + almost zero drug problems. No tent cities and a viable solution to combat homelessness (their strategy could be better but it's a hell of a lot better than the shit show known as Vancouver, Canada, etc.).





Cool. Good to know that you think caning or death is a suitable way to keep the population in line. That's not respecting the police - that's fear of them. And after a while fear gives way to resentment and horrible bloody violence. But hey, at least I've now learned that chewing gum can get you a beating in Singapore, and parents can buy canes just for beating their children. Sounds like an idyllic place......... 

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23 minutes ago, Jeremy Hronek said:


You didn’t engage in ‘hate speech’. I can confirm that. 

My earlier post was to educate you about ‘Freedom of Speech’ as it relates to Private platforms, such as this Site. 

(ii) Location of expression

Section 2(b) protection does not extend to all places. Private property, for example, will fall outside the protected sphere of section 2(b) absent state-imposed limits on expression, since state action is necessary to implicate the Charter. Certain lower court cases have suggested that freedom of expression does not encompass the infringement of copyright. This finding is justified on the basis that freedom of expression does not encompass the freedom to use someone else’s private property (e.g., his or her copyrighted material) for the purposes of expression (see Compagnie générale des établissements Michelin v. C.A.W. Canada, [1997] 2 F.C. 306 (T.D.))


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24 minutes ago, Jeremy Hronek said:


I assure you that this Site has all the legal protections to Moderate as a Private site against any and all speech that the Site Owner deems to be as an infringement of the Site Owner’s rules/regulations. 


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