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[RUMOR] Crosby considering 3 teams

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Dubas would permanently etch his name in the history books if he moved Crosby like this.


I mean, I’m all for it. I would easily move Lekkerimaki and 2025 1st to bring Sid here.

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Just now, Pears said:

Has Friedman or Dhaliwal mentioned anything about this?

Not that I am aware of




Wound up a little tight today are we?


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4 minutes ago, Pears said:

Has Friedman or Dhaliwal mentioned anything about this?


No, dunno why Friedman is being thrown in with Eklund either, he's broken quite a bit of news the last day and a bit

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As much as I don't think Crosby will get moved, it would actually probably be the right decision for Pittsburgh. They are too old a team to have a real shot at another cup and the more of their future they spend trying to get one more run the worse their rebuild will be.


There's a very real chance they end up like the Benning era Canucks just trying to tread water for a decade. However trading Crosby would kickstart a rebuild and then they can probably trade Malkin at the draft. They can replenish their prospect pool and recoup all the draft pick they traded away.

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2 hours ago, rmok said:

Thats WAY too much. 

Thats essentially 4 1sts, a roster player, a decent prospect C, a good prospect goalie for a guy that is 36 years old and would realistically only be the 3rd best forward on the team even if it is crosby. 


If we are trading away that many assets  i'd rather go all in and offer Chicago 5 1st round picks and some other prospects for Bedard. 


Crosby is still good and would love to have him.. and would give a nice package to get him.. but that is too much for a guy that is 27 this summer and wouldn't be the best player on the team. 

Ignore his age, he would still be the best player on the team. Might not put up the eye popping points anymore but plays the game the right way to win, players still view him as a top guy, and he brings the winning pedigree the team lacks. 


Lets compare my offer to that of the Lindholm trade:


Mik = Kuz


Lekkermaki+ Silovs + Raty the increase value over Hunter, Jurmo and the 4th to equal out Crosby's better than Lindholm. 


Pod and 1st for them to retain 50% on Crosby this year and next (I forgot to specify that in the proposal but would be required to fit him under the cap this year) + the intangible extra pay to get them to actually move a potential top 5 player of all time.



Sure maybe its an overpay, but it would make the Canucks heavy favorites for the next 2 seasons while also having the front running ability to sign Crosby to smaller contracts the rest of his career. Doesn't move our cap higher as we attempt to re-sign as many pieces as possible this offseason. Keeps Willander and  D Petey who are integral pieces to our farm coming in as cheap contracts on the back end over the next couple years and keeps Hoglander who is the key roster player playing way above his salary and lots of potential. If anything I wanted to make a proposal that I would be willing to do and would be VERY hard for Dubas to reject rather than something that might be actual = value but Dubas would not do. To get Crosby you lose in the value exchange in order to entice the GM to actually take the risk.

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